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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 500x654, tumblr_nsk2m7WxTr1qgvdcto1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10217787 No.10217787 [Reply] [Original]

Daily remember that if you are male and under 5'10" and weigh more than 160lb, or female and under 5'6" and weigh more than 120lb, if you arent pale or full nigger, if you got acne or too much hair in body you should consider killing yourself

>> No.10217797

god what a jumble of crap. way to be clear op

you should kill yourself for writing this

>> No.10217829

You mad ugly boy?

>> No.10217838

Great thread, OP.

>> No.10217839
File: 120 KB, 182x270, absolutely fucking disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mad
What is this 2010?

>> No.10217859

Average female height everywhere but Scandinavian countries is less than 5'6.
5'4-5'5 in most western ones.
At least be realistic m8y.

>> No.10217872

tfw 5'11", 145lbs, pale and no acne

>> No.10217890


brb killing self

>> No.10217984

fuck your mother while dead in tomb

>> No.10218020

how u usually trying to commit suicide?

>> No.10218044

>normal amount of body hair
>no acne since high school

Feels pretty good. I am skinny fat though

>> No.10218083

Im not, 6'0 167lb and ottermode, pale, and no acne. Pretty happy with myself

start cardio and yoga m8

>> No.10218117

>155-ish lbs
>skinny fat

there is no escape from this evil

>> No.10218119

5'6 105-110 lbs
It's meh could be less

>> No.10218124
File: 216 KB, 385x380, 1438786257842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a alot of acne and acne scars. I am actually considering suicide tbh

>> No.10218141
File: 84 KB, 480x586, F03244F4-26D4-4DF9-A943-36B401202E28_zps5thu4lhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide does not remove the chances of things getting worse, it removes the chances of things getting better.

>> No.10218143

don't be idiot you can be succesfull, think n skrillex

>> No.10218147

but the average person isnt pretty

>> No.10218151

It removes the chances of both, idiot.

>> No.10218160

Kill yourself.

>> No.10218163

I've been going on 10 mile bike rides lately. It more has to do with my shitty diet and eating too much when I'm high

>> No.10218178

And it also removes the chances of things staying as bad as it is.

I'm not endorsing suicide, but obviously stupid shit like that doesn't help anyone smart enough to see through it.

>> No.10218183


I would if it weren't for the fact that my family would get fucking depressed.

>> No.10218208

5'11" 130 lbs with clear skin and relatively little body hair... except I'm brown. Fuck.

>> No.10218230
File: 97 KB, 888x499, 1438781814562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you arent pale or full nigger, you should consider killing yourself
>if you aren't full nigger, you should consider killing yourself
>if you aren't a full nigger

But why would I kill myself if I'm already not a nigger

>> No.10218412
File: 56 KB, 540x405, tumblr_n4z29lCJbK1soxwgpo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

185 cm
65 kg / 143 lbs
almost hairless body

acne in face and on back :^(

>> No.10218425

Have you ever heard of such thing as "muscle" Mr. Concentration Camp?

>> No.10218434

Ye, being more than ottermode or skinny is disgusting

>> No.10218448

clear skin
feels good

>> No.10218459
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>> No.10218578


>> No.10218603
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>> No.10218626
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>too much hair in body

>> No.10219393

yup, op fucked up and revealed hes a 3rd world who isnt fluent in english, he should probably kill himself

>> No.10219403

hey man we get it we're not perfect like you, shitposting on /fa/, in a summer friday

>> No.10219426


>> No.10219467
File: 83 KB, 907x1134, theo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ pale. Clothes look much better on tanned (white) people.

>> No.10219470

Okay so I see a lot of people say this. Wtf does ottermode mean?

>> No.10219473

How do I get jnto yoga, where's some like work outs. Should I get dvds or something

>> No.10219483

i'm 5'8, almost no body hair, white, no acne, boyish looks which I guess categorizes me as alright BUT i have a receding hairline

gg genetics off to buy a noose

>> No.10219501

>tfw 6'3 155lbs

lol, I've lost 10lbs over the last 2 months without consciously trying

I need to eat more fam

>> No.10219508

5'8, 162 lbs (man boobs and a belly), 17 years old, and mexican with hair everywhere. kill me pls :(

>> No.10219512

almost hairless body
acne in face :^(

>> No.10219533

>Hair on legs & pubic area

>razor bumps that won't go away

sh-should I do it, /fa/?

>> No.10219543

as someone who is pretty pale, I agree with you

>> No.10220046

well i've started with youtube videos, when i was too nervous i just relaxed in my room and stretched a lot, it became a routine, since i really enjoy it.

you should start using some lotion for acne, and exercising since 63kg to 188cm is not healty at all

>> No.10220057
File: 308 KB, 1600x1080, 1368389526688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10220064

there's something called creams and lotions my friend.

>> No.10220201
File: 115 KB, 1023x851, Female Body Types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10220218 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, whiute power trucke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other than advocating people be skinny beta weaklings, you also suggested niggers shouldnt kill themselves.

all niggers should kill themselves.

shit thread
i estimate op to be 19 years old

>> No.10220229
File: 82 KB, 231x221, 1434402663329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 people who claim ottermode are not ottermode and are instead dyel skellingtons.

>> No.10220257

8 is best

>> No.10220259

2, 3, 4 for sure.

>> No.10220385

>never let the sun touch my skin
>minimal blemishes
>hairless twink torso
alright then, guess I won't be killing myself after all
thanks OP

>> No.10220401


>> No.10221193

ur a waste of life m90

>> No.10221267

Silky smood skin

>> No.10221275
File: 24 KB, 563x497, 1438842046144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 5'11'', 127 lbs, full blue eyed pale,with an occasional pimple

>> No.10221283

>167 lbs
>claims ottermode

Op confirmed for chubster in denial. I'm 6'0, 155 lbs, and I'm ottermode. My six pack is 90% visible and I'm still losing weight. You're just chubby

>> No.10221302

that's what ottermode is you immense fucking retard I swear god everyone on this board should be shot at sight

>> No.10221306
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even know what he looks like you fuckjng mongrel just off yourself you milk drinker

>> No.10221551

You are luterally a skeleton with 0 muscle i weigh that because my muscles grow since im exercising a lot and eating a balanced diet

>> No.10221727


>> No.10222720

ottermode has a built up chest and protruding abs

skellingtons have no chest at all and their abs are only showing because they are so skinny

>> No.10222724
File: 71 KB, 750x951, 6CG5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10222730

I'm 5'8 but i'm /fit/ and have a 7.5/10 face

No thanks i'll give suicide a miss today

>> No.10222755
File: 13 KB, 546x156, jlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like manlet mode

>> No.10222785

>Be 5'7
>Girlfriend of 3+ Years is a 5'11" runway model
>Fuck yeah, gonna have some tall babies

>> No.10222796


>> No.10222929

Get on that Rogane and maybe see a doctor about the hairline

>> No.10222947


do *not* take Rogaine or Finasteride

>> No.10223002

>57 kg
>pale af

acne :(

>> No.10223208
File: 12 KB, 587x773, 1429527381035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god mode pale
>freckled af
such is life

>> No.10223313

oh no i have too much hair in me brb gonna a hero

>> No.10223318

freckles can be qt, I get complement about mine all the time

>> No.10223586

That sounds like something that Jaden Smith would tweet.

>> No.10224053
File: 187 KB, 600x800, 1424529461637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus i don't know what you retards says it is now a days but originally it was a skinny guy with muscles, kinda like a skinny swimmer (works muscles + cardio) hence the name OTTERmode. So not completely ripped,, but just skinny with muscles; pretty much what every girl wants

inb4 picture of phelps or something he eats like 10k calories a day

>> No.10224061

bro same but not supreme pale

>> No.10224088

>tfw 5"8, pale as snow, and 150lbs

>> No.10224089


>> No.10224099
File: 622 KB, 1268x406, Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 9.59.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bitch you stole that from me

>> No.10224109


>> No.10224254

A surprising number of girls are into guys that are a little on the chubby side. Better for cuddling with, and they feel less pressure to be thin, I suppose.

>> No.10224374

6'2 130lbs hungry skeleton here. Thanks for giving me a reason to keep on living!

>> No.10224520

>OP left out the illiterate from this list because he couldnt delivrar on himself

>> No.10224563
File: 10 KB, 500x347, pam beesly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I'm 5'5" and 130 lbs, and can comfortably fit into a size 6 dress.

Should I an hero?

>> No.10224579

you're adorable can you be my wife? At least i'll help you to eat less because I'm poor

>> No.10224587

that's pam

>> No.10224594

>white as milk
>hairy as fuck chest and stomach
and I'm definitely still better than you are, OP

>> No.10224603

>190 lbs.


>> No.10224605
File: 57 KB, 540x304, tumblr_nsquyhw8Kb1uyzueto1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10225678

>over 5'10''
>under 160lbs
hahahahahaha stay small fgt

>> No.10225682


>> No.10225705

fatties detected

i exercise daily and have tight control over my diet

if you are that fat still you obviously have no real discipline or routine. in addition to my exercise, i worked in the shipping department of a local factory from 16 until the end of college. i have plenty of muscle. you guys need to stop lying to yourselves. You're fat

>> No.10225710

stop reading buzzfeed bro no actual girls are attracted to your lumpy 'dadbod'

>> No.10225745

skeleton detected im 6'2 and 185 shredded get to the gym idiot

>> No.10225872

>get to the gym
point invalidated

you're fat dude you're never gonna get thinner if you keep lying to yourself

>> No.10225887

>or full nigger

Fuck off nigger lovig cuck. Opinion discarded

>> No.10225914

>random weebshit image
>tumblr file name
>"who cares about clothes?"
get off of /fa/

>> No.10226020

Go back to facebook or tumblr or some shit man

>> No.10226114

full nigga is ace man

on par with pale

>> No.10227063

I have the furthest thing from a "lumpy dadbod," I'm >>10220385
Just IME I've known girls to say that.

>> No.10227079

mfw all these comparing weights and heights with no body fat%

muscles weighs more then fat faggots

>> No.10227092

Anybody who watches anime deserves to be shot.

>> No.10227106


pls go

>> No.10227118

I dodged death once more.

>> No.10227122


>> No.10227153

>tfw exactly 5'10" and 160lbs

>> No.10227201

Im not gonna make you do anything

thatd be rude

>> No.10227835

5'7" here


>> No.10227854

Who is she, OP?

Tumblr source??

>> No.10227878

>past this point lay Bodybuilder and Powerlifter
>they are both characterized by extremely high levels of strength and fitness
>characterized by strength and fitness
Nice meme chart. If theres anything that bodybuilders do not focus on its these two things. Theres a reason why no one who attends actual strong man competitions looks like a fucking bodybuilder. V shape has literally nothing to do with strength, AND ESPECIALLY not fitness.

>> No.10227881

6'0 skelly-ottermode no acne
Blue eyes, black hair

Thanks god

>> No.10227934

>latina with naturally lots of body hair but paranoid about it so i wax/pluck like 3 times per week
>get tan easily so i use sunscreen to avoid getting brown
>acne scars

even if i lost the extra weight and the scars i will still have an ugly nose though.

>> No.10228057

pam would get it fuck the hatters

>> No.10228061

5'11 150 2 close 4 comfort

>> No.10228064

No. Absolutely not.

>> No.10228262

5'5'' male(drunk tall girl said im so short but so hot it doesnt matter, fcuked her i dont care)

i have acne(no one says anything to my face about it so i dont care, )

150 lbs, muscle (people be mirin' and compliment) i dont care , i know it just looks like alot of muscle because of my smaller frame.

hairy legs (multiple girls rub my legs , tell me how much they love it) i dont care

full head of hair, so im happy

im mexican but live in california so i dont care. anyways people think im white. or cant tell what i am

6 inch penis, some people say its big, but i know its only because my tiny frame makes it look big I dont care

but tbh i think if i was 6'2'' i would fcuk more tall girls, i only had sex with 4 taller girls in my life

im so short but i still feel better than everyone. i cant help it. dont get mad at me ):

>> No.10229108

Kek thank you fellas.

Are there days I would like to be skinnier...sure.
I was super skinny before...and sick all the time.
Plus that means not being able to wear all my cute 1950s dresses. And I would not be happy with that!

>> No.10229221

I am fucking 5'10 and 160lbs
it's the worst. I am gonna kill myself.

>> No.10229309

>93 pounds
Should I just kill myself

>> No.10229315

Become a professional jockey.

>> No.10229538

Goddam he's hot af take me now jesus