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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 218 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 05-08-2015 at 21.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10209957 No.10209957 [Reply] [Original]

other than being an obese motherfucker, please help me find out what shape my face is. see below for background. sorry for the appaulign OP but im half way through a botttle of rum

At the moment I have my hair cut in the usual "hitler youth", and have done for the last couple of years- been progressively going much shorter on the sides faded into a medium-length top, with a parting that's shaved in, standard £50 haircut etc

I'm looking to do something different but that's a totally different thread, the reason behind this thread is that I've been growing my beard for about 5 months now and I told myself when I started that I'd not touch it for 6 months and then get it styled professionally and make a decision on whether a beard is good for me or not. I dunno but it just feels right to grow a beard at least once as a man. in any case, I've fucked it up once already a couple of months into the growth by trying to adjust my neckline from how it naturally grows but in the last (at least) 6 months I've not touched my facial hair other than attempting to trim my moustache so it doesn't get in the way too much.

SO, all the guides online suggest to go by face shape to help decide how to style a beard rather than just leetting it grow how it grows (I respect this ethos to beard growing but my beard just grows in an unholy shape) - what shape is my face goddamn.


i think i have a "round" face but is that just cuz im fat lol. trying to be objective and maybe my face is rectangular? why is this shit so difficult.\

also, wat beard is gud? any mustache tips- let it all grow, or trim the bits that overhang lips and let the rest grow?

IS MY FACEROUND?? i think im more drunk than i thought

>> No.10209968

lol didn't read

>> No.10209973

You're disgusting

>> No.10209974

> but in the last (at least) 6 months I've not touched my facial hair other than attempting to trim my moustache so it doesn't get in the way too much.
I meant 3 months.

the main thing is I've got an appointment at a good barbers tomorrow just to do some beard work and I want to go in with an idea of what looks good, so that i dont look like a pleb and can tell whether theyre shit or not by knowing better what looks goood oh god what am i saying

>> No.10209982

never gonna read that much ugo
about to get flamed

>> No.10209986

cheer guys, i needed fap material :_)

i do realise i am heinous at the moment but unfortunately quitting smoking + new, more stressful, job has resulted in rather than continuing to diet successfully I have gone backwards in the last year

>> No.10209992

i realise even the tl'dr is too long

tl;dr wat shape is face????

>> No.10210014
File: 260 KB, 1080x720, HALP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha, choose foods.
goddamn 4chan you aint helping

>> No.10210016

ass-shaped. Like if you had a shitty hole on the middle of your face you will literally look line an ass

>> No.10210020

shave that thin piece of shit off

>> No.10210026

round probably, but how can we fully determine that when your beard is obscuring your bottom face?

anyway, as for the beard i'd go viking-core. you look like a neckbeard rn btw

>> No.10210029

you really think its thin, or are you trying to trollan?

my usual guy says its' one of the thicker beards he sees of his regular clientele? i know i pull at it way too much in places but i really didnt think it was that thin or patchy

>> No.10210039

How the fuck can we see your jaw line with your disgusting beard covering it? Seriously how fucking fashion clueless can you be

>> No.10210058
File: 245 KB, 1080x720, downssyndromeALERT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried to use a photo without beard to try and test face shape but it's hard because too much obscuring twists the skin into a V shaped jawline, and not enough just pulls the bottom to make it a real rounded jawline. clean shaven i have a very thin chin, but wider jawline, that's quite sharp more than it is soft and curved

viking to me = very long on the chin, but trimmed shorter on the cheeks

is that what you mean by viking?

>> No.10210078

quite, seeing as i hae such a narcisissitic personality disorder. i understand aesthetics on others, but when it comes to myself it's impossible

>> No.10210094

Dude it's mainly on your neck, no upper cheek density and the mustache is barely existing

>> No.10210125

Dude just go w the rick Ross/Philly beard or whatever. Definitely clean up the bottom.

>> No.10210129

hmm, what do you suggest then?

the mustache is more due to getting annoyed with hair in mouth and trimming the main of it and only letting the ends grow, i just can't get over the "awkward middle stage" where it just looks untidy

upper cheek density seems to just be a place where it doesn't grow for me, it's been this length for months- maybe a style with just length and less volume on the sides would suit better I guess?

>> No.10210139

damn that was what I ddin't want to hear :( that sounds like the opposite of /fa/

>> No.10210218
File: 741 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-05-17-30-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean aside from him being a fatass nig his beard is pretty clean. I'm sure there's a little variation you could incorporate to make it more you.

>> No.10210232

does he fuckin have florida tattoo'd on his forehead? looks like a peepee.

>> No.10210238

Just go to a barber and ask him to trim your beard, how hard is it?

>> No.10210244

urgh, you look like every other fat dude who grew a beard to hide the double chin and want to be 'stylish' at the same time.

>> No.10210272

goddamn, maybe im just too autistic to let this happen. i guess you're right though

>select all images with salad


>> No.10210282
File: 14 KB, 500x397, sadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man, if anything you have solidified in my mind that I'd rather just have stubble than his beard if that's the only one that will suit my face.

tfw no model beard:(

<---- why can't this just be meeeee

>> No.10210290

Fat face kill yourself

>> No.10210304

i fap to this shits, its beter than sph

>> No.10211281

lol didn't notice

I mean the shape of your beard is not terrible, just not a fan of the length

>> No.10211482
File: 19 KB, 448x456, 1350747797442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a hot bear

>> No.10212824
File: 301 KB, 500x500, Action-Bronson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10212857

maybe if you put as much effort into losing weight as you did writing this post you wouldn't have to grow a beard