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File: 29 KB, 288x216, UPJ00940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10199636 No.10199636 [Reply] [Original]

Is xanax effay?

>> No.10199640

sure but benzodiazepine addiction sure isnt

>> No.10199655

what's more /fa/, mdma or ketamine?

>> No.10199664

neither are /fa/ but ket is grimy af and not nearly as fun
drugs are fun but not /fa/ because they make u look like a disgusiting goblin

>> No.10199672

dying is effay

>> No.10199680

But what if you're prescribed it?

>> No.10199688

what are drugs that will make me proana.

>> No.10199707

amphetamines are fa

>> No.10199716

so methamphetamine is /fa/?

>> No.10199719

no they arent and they are shit too

>> No.10199743

adderall is fa

>> No.10199781

benzos are so bleak
do real drugs like opiates or psychedelics

>> No.10199783

vyvanse is better than adderall

>> No.10199785


Where can I get adderall shipped to UK?

>> No.10199786


>> No.10199801

Cocaine is effay, but not if you're a poorfag

>> No.10199871
File: 38 KB, 620x320, 7530r7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroin is effay af

>> No.10199893
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/fa/ drugs:
Heroin, Codeine and other opiates, Xanax and other Benzos, Ambien/Zopiclone, Adderall, Vyvanse, RC Stims, DPH, Cigarettes, Hooch, Jenkem.
/reddit/ meme drugs:
Weed (srsly if u still smoke weed in 2015 just go back to reddit and stay there), Ket, MDMA, Coke, LSD and other psychadelics

>> No.10199896
File: 93 KB, 861x1170, iTQZ1eW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any drug can be effay. It matters who's doing it, how they're doing it, where they're doing it and why.

>> No.10199899

Mescaline and peyote are effay as fuck.

>> No.10199902

you cant, its not 'scribed on NHS and its hella expensive on deepweb. Just get modafinil from one of those shady Hong Kong or Indian pharmacies, lad.

>> No.10199907

The active ingredient of peyote is mescaline.

>> No.10199915

only one that comes to mind

>> No.10199941

I'm on yohimbine and albuterol atm

My resting heart rate is 160

>> No.10199958

Friends giving me a bottle of 30mg vyvanse, she has a script but doesn't use them. How do you all like vyvanse? Last time I was using it for getting a shit ton of work done and suppressing appetite, less fun adderall imo

>> No.10199961

>have bad anxiety
>always get prescribed fucking antidepressants

How do I get xanax bros?

>> No.10199963

I'm in the same boat as you
Fucking remeron man

>> No.10199966

not as /FA/ as krokodyl

>> No.10199971

Describe the symptoms of a panic attack to your doctor, say that it seems to happen randomly and once it starts you can't stop it. Happens especially in social situations. Do not bring up specific drug names or drugs in general. Just tell them your symptoms.

>> No.10199974

if u dont inject windex get the fuck out my face

>> No.10199975

sounds pretty much accurate. it's a less fun adderall with all the productivity.. though I don't enjoy adderall much anymore

had a script during college, but it made me crazy and depressed. i continued getting the script afterwards because it was very cheap to fill and I figured they weren't a bad thing to have "in stock." the way it's handled in the US makes me sick. My doctor is a total hack. There was no effort required at all to get him to write me a script for no less than 270 adderall IR, renewable every three months. I shudder to think how many people are addicted to this man's prescriptions

>> No.10199985

Oh and if you get prescribed low dose Ativan just come back later saying it made you feel sleepy and weird and lasted too long, which was bad for trying to be social without panicking.

>> No.10199998
File: 52 KB, 960x540, ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking from experience.. take like 0.5 -1 mg of xanax (even .25 if low bodyweight)...drink less than 5 beers or less than 2-3 shots...


wake up the next morning and hear legendary hilarious stories where you're the main character XD

dont rape anyone tho, no chill

>> No.10200001

prescribed amounts dont have you out here barred and sloppy
so being able to function and not be an autist, with a prescription, IS effay

>> No.10200010

Mixing alcohol or any other CNS depressant with benzodiazepines is very dangerous and often fatal. Please don't recommend this combination, especially to new users without tolerance to either drug.

>> No.10200019 [DELETED] 

I took 2mg of shady Indian Alprazolam once with 6 beers at 7pm. I only remember very faint moments of that night. I woke up in a different city at 2pm in some park. I still have no idea what the fuck happened that night.

>> No.10200021

literally subhuman

>> No.10200028

this, kids, its possibly the stupidest fucking combo you can ever do.

>> No.10200040


>> No.10200041

i like taking small amounts of Xanax (up to 1mg) every once in awhile when I drink.. I can drink like 1/5 the amount I do usually and be just as social, shit is so nice

you will likely still develop some tolerance/dependence but nowhere near the level of someone who abuses it


>> No.10200051

I prefer ketamine because mdma leaves me suicidal the next day

>ket is grimy af
most ketamine (100% of ketamine i have seen) is made from diverted vet supplies and is extremely pure. don't confuse the drug with its low self control users.. ketamine has huge potential for depression treatment

>> No.10200078

I took way too much yohimbe once and my legs started getting really shaky/wobbly, my eyes red af, and i started vomiting compulsively

>> No.10200097
File: 141 KB, 500x538, psyche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm take propranolol 10mg every now and then. it's a beta blocker which slows your heart rate so it makes me ace every interview/presentation.

enjoy your fatal arrhythmia

>> No.10200118

>most ketamine (100% of ketamine i have seen) is made from
oh sorry i lit just meant i find the effects grimy and not fun

>> No.10200123
File: 909 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat--1866916681567980482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke weed everyday
But real fa drugs are
>smoking or some kind of nicotine is needed
Pic related oxy lines from a couple of days ago
Shameless plug for my drug/fa tumblr joshispale.tumblr.com

>> No.10200161

Adderall, vyvanse, coke are all tools that allowed me to lose a good amount of weight, it's honestly dangerously easy to restrict/fast on these drugs

>> No.10200253

ayy i follow you
favorite drugs: ketamine, adderall, any opiate, coke, mdma, weed

>> No.10200258

oo how could i forget xanax, loove me some benzos

>> No.10200274

Is xanax dangerous if you're not prescribed to take it?

>> No.10200296
File: 450 KB, 1200x1800, Tom-Van-der-Borght-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just know your dose, hide that shit so you dont take more
the real danger is blacking out and doing stupid shit ie: driving
imo xan is def not worth it that shit has sucked my soul out, save a few more bucks and pick up an opi addiction it actually feels good

>> No.10200301

pretty sure it does the same thing for a person who is prescribed to it. those people just need it more. same with adderall.

>> No.10200456

Is it possible to buy oxycodone online, shipped to the UK?

>> No.10200556


>> No.10200578

actually they usually use a structurally similar drug called tiletamine for horses

>> No.10200584

its part of a jump step or some genre of music.

>> No.10200596


>> No.10200626

Ayyyyyyy pls b d.styles remix

>> No.10200633

Ayyyy lmao >>10200596

>> No.10200636

Fuck didn't even see that. Someone else actually likes ukhc here wow

>> No.10200641

who hardstyle here

>> No.10200654

Me. Blademasterz track is best of this year, calling it. Also hype for dqAU

>> No.10200668

Here you go.

Hell yeah.

It's one of my favorite electronic genres.

>> No.10200680

>RC Stims

Yes because taking 25i and developing an anoxal brain injury is soo effay

>> No.10200692

Do you really? Did u find me cuz of that oxy pic bcuz it's the only one that got a decent amount of notes

>> No.10200696


Ignore the fact its a shitty rip because it isnt released yet but best track 2015.

>> No.10200709

P. good.

>> No.10200722

Nah, normally post in the fa tumblr threads and you followed me so I checked out your blog and followed back

>> No.10200745


>get prescribed adderall ez pz
>take it for a few weeks
>job that i absolutely loathed became ez pz
>got creative stuff done too
>go to actual doctor/psychiatrist a few weeks later
>get prescribed wellbutrin
>cant combine the two or else seizures

o well. i actually "need" the wellbutrin. plus i can still take modafinil if i need to get some work done.

>> No.10201062

Decent tumblr m8

>> No.10201074

>makes job i loathe ez pz
Bro im like so close to getting feels over that because i just lost a job due to being late and not giving a fuck because i hated it but if shit wasnt meant to be then whatever. I do need more motivation though so i might get it for that

>> No.10201082

Thx m8 I'm new to it tbh

>> No.10201089

I've been on it since early 2011, you'll get the hang of it.

>> No.10202260

ery day

>> No.10202279


say the antidepressants don't noticeably lower your anxiety in situations that make you anxious and you have panic attacks (even if you don't)

if they ask you to describe the panic attacks make sure to google symptoms beforehand assuming you've never had one (fast heart rate, numb tingling in fingers that spreads across hands, etc.)

if you want xanax in particular mention your panic attacks are sudden and throughout the day randomly, because xanax compared to other benzos, is more for quick acting temporary relief rather than long term anxiety reducing

if you have bad anxiety all day you might wanna try klonopin

>> No.10202282

Xanax is bullshit.
Washed down a bar with some beer and it didn't do a god damned thing for me.
Even worse it totally prevented any decent high from all the coke I snorted over the next couple of days.
Benzos are for pussies.

>> No.10202299

All my mates around here take x bars to sleep and even out copious methamphetamine use

Using xanax will get you arrested becaue you just on't give a fuck and you're sloppy as hell
Xanax is addictive as well

Watching someone come off xanax was fucking hectic, dude been on it for like 2 years and was so broken plus with a copious meth habit it was just gnarly to watch

Also there are heaps of fake xanax around here now (aus) so be advised

if you got a bottle hold onto it because tey're gonna get so expensive

HEROIN IS SERIOUSLY THE LEAST COOL THING ON THE PLANET jenks of any kind are lower than shit to me

>> No.10202329

ket defs
classic banger 4 you tbh lad

>> No.10202405
File: 462 KB, 1616x2473, Poppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is growing Opium /fa/? I work hard growing them. End result is worth it

>> No.10202420

Do you smoke the tar or do a water extraction or use acid to make a crude form of heroin? I've always thought P. somniferum was a beautiful plant. I've only grown Psilocybe species mushrooms and Trichocereus genus cacti

>> No.10202437

25i (or any n-benyl phenethylamine) isn't a stimulant. It's a classical psychedelic in the same class as mescaline and derivatives of the 2c-x series of chemicals like 2c-i, 2c-b, et al

>> No.10202442
File: 107 KB, 540x800, yarkhun_hashish-5442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pod extract for now, I do pharms most of the time like. Pods are more of a hobby. I'm gonna get supplies together and extract morphine by acid/base.
I'm in an area of the world where poppies are pretty damn common and so is Heroin.
Mushrooms are interesting as fuck, Stamets lists only one species growing native here though by the name of Psilocybe Kashmirensis that grows in the mountainous regions. Cannabis also grows wild here, landrace Indica species vary in phenotype as you get higher in altitude and as the geography changes.
Pic related

>> No.10202447



Anyone who seriously gets fucked up on codeine is a pussy. Anyone who actually does rx opiates does oc or stronger.

>> No.10202451

I've been wanting some poppy tea but it seems like it used to be easier to get the pods online. Paul Stamets is great. I discovered him through his book Psilocybin mushrooms of the world after Hamilton Morris recommended it to me in an email. Mycelium Running has been on my Amazon wishlist for a while

>> No.10202452

its aight if you cant get anything else though

>> No.10202456


sounds like you got fake bars and coke mate
shame youre a sucker

>> No.10202475

>Psilocybe Mushrooms of the World
My nigga, yeah Hamilton is a sound lad, I keep in touch with him now and again.
The Kashmiriensis species is listed in the book, leaf to the back index and you'll find it. >>10202447
Codeine is decent if you don't have a habit/low tolerance. Not everyone is an oxyhead
Sipping lean is not effay though, it's a waste, do the codeine dose in one shot and it lasts longer and is stronger. First pass metabolism is the major reason codeine gets you high since it metabolizes to Morphine by the aid of liver enzymes. Codeine also inhibits its own metabolism, if you do the dose as one you shot you bypass that.

>> No.10202496

Don't just diss coke like that you fucking idiot.

>> No.10202508

The xanax was from a pharmacy.
The coke was def real.
Almost had a heart attack when the bars completely wore off.

>> No.10202511

except ketamine is better than all of those

>> No.10202513

he can't even spell psychedelics right

>> No.10202517

drugs are for high school kids and degenerates
there's nothing wrong with blazing some weed or blowing a couple of rails every once in a while
but if you're doing it more than a few times a year, you're a loser

>> No.10202542


go get u a script then m8

i went in with a whole backstory prepared incase the doc asked me any probing questions. told him i was having trouble concentrating at work and on personal projects he had me fill out this survey thing to see if i showed any signs of add (stupid easy to work it in your favor). i finished the survey he came back in to talk to me and asked if i had been prescribed anything in the past, told him i took adderall in high school (i didnt) and immediately he was all 'oh you shouldve just said that i didnt need to have you do all that then' and then whammy 30 pills right thur.

insurance didnt cover it tho. shit was mad pricey

>> No.10202579

never ever

>> No.10202722

all my friends said that i should go to my doctor and get antidepressants because all of them say i am probably clincally depressed

i said no

should i go to my doctor and get antidepressants?

>> No.10202728

buy mimosa hostilis root bark powder and shredded banisteriopsis caapi vine on ebay, don't do drugs for a few weeks, put them both in a pot with water and let them simmer for a few hours, strain the water and drink it

>> No.10202735
File: 31 KB, 392x395, 1429839522291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tripped on some 25i today and feel very refreshed

Cute girl at the pool complimented my shoes, another girl told me I smelled good when I held the door open for her.

Feels /fa/ man

>> No.10202773

Idk man I got put on fluoxetine and I just felt... weird. I'd suggest getting on some MDMA and talking about whats really bugging you with a friend whos also on MDMA.

>> No.10203057

best drugs is a definite split between heroin & crack also the two drugs you should never do

benzos are fun if you're dipping your feet in the water but benzo addiction is just like teleporting from place to place for months on end not feeling like a human being

>> No.10203077
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HAHAHAHAAHA, a real alpha wouldn't brag about, you're weak man. I bet you're like elliot rodgers hungry for pussy.

And living in wogland in the outback im pretty sure smelling nice isnt very common. Fuck u emu loving kangaroo pee drinking cuck

>> No.10203097


faggot detected

do you enjoy lean from your sippy cup? lmao

>> No.10203104

Guys, I just fucked up real bad. It's extremely hilarious but so heartbreaking.

Will share if interested.

>> No.10203120

Just fucking post instead of being a reply baiting faggot. Here's your (you) cunt hurry up

>> No.10203149

bruh do you live in afghanistan

>> No.10203156

>tfw dont even really know what xanax is like cause i always black out

i remember like half an hour after taking them then i feel chilled out and then i forget

>> No.10203187

I don't wanna type the whole thing out if no one actually gives a shit.

>cop an 8 ball and some bars today
>get home and start chopping lines
>few hours pass (about 12pm at this point)
>decided I need to stop so I popped a bar to ease the comedown and fall asleep
>the urge to fuck with that female grew too strong so I kept going
>xanax starts to kick in
>feelin good as fuck
>pick up bag of coke, thinking it was sealed shut
>start flipping it in the air while blankly staring off and drop the bag
>look down and
>it's all over my pants
>laughter insues (my me, I'm alone ;~;)
>startedsnorting it off my pants even though it was a shit ton
>got most if it

>> No.10203188

is this thread for real?

>> No.10203194


>> No.10203196

mdma isn't /fa/ at all

>> No.10203199

I've used codeine, xanax and some other prescription drugs, but mdma was without a doubt my best experience. Also weed is pretty allright when you just want to relax and enjoy music or w/e

>> No.10203204
File: 5 KB, 220x221, 220px-Poppers_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are poppers /fa/?

>> No.10203209

I wasn't even trying to get Xanax. I just showed up at my docter and told him the absolute truth. First thing he said was "let's get you on Xanas, see how that works".

It's a lot easier if you've had anxiety symtoms our whole life (which I have) because they keep that shit one record like a mother fuck.

>> No.10203215

You liking something doesn't make it effay

Weed is awful

>> No.10203218

I've never implied such thing

>> No.10203222


>> No.10203228


literal faggots use them

>> No.10203232

any female enthusiasts here? wanna hear your routines and remedies and shit.

>> No.10203249

This might be the last time I fuck with Xanax.

>> No.10203264

All in all the most fun I've had has probably been doing shrooms followed by mdma
I'd say alcohol is still the number one purely because of the social aspects and all the times I've had mad fucking fun with friends, but as a drug alcohol isn't that amazing really.

>> No.10203266 [DELETED] 

Any white girl enthusiasts here? What's are y'all's comedown routine/ritual? Curious to see what other people do.

>> No.10203273

just dont be a fuck head with it and youll be ok

>> No.10203289

What's the most fucked up you've ever been, /fa/?

>half of an MD 20/20
>followed by a xanax bar
>finish the MD, completely black out
>made the brilliant decision to smoke weed (i had only smoked maybe 2 times before this)
>went inside and did 2 grams of blow by myself

Shit like that you just don't think about when you're barred. "Oh is my baggy closed before I start playing with it?" Literally nothing else bad or retarded has happened to me on Xanax. I just hate wasting coke.

>> No.10203324


jesus christ man, dont drink and take benzos. You will die and some poor sap will have to clean up your stiff cold and vomit covered excuse for a body

>> No.10203343

Nah. despite the fact that I did it once and kinda just felt like I was huffing fumes like some redneck piece of shit, I didn't really think the people around me were doing it for anything besides the sake of getting fucked up.

>> No.10203358


>10 mg of etiz taken throughout the day
>speedball in the evening

was my first time using heroin, i couldn't walk or talk i just remember stumbling around trying to get bread to eat before melting into my couch for the rest of the night. woke up in my bed drenched in sweat that smelt like piss. it was awful.

>> No.10203375

Nah, you're close though.

>> No.10203970

>Coke overdose is a medical indication for benzodiazepines
You're full of shit.
I've done coke while on bars, they almost completely cancel each other out.
this thread is basically a bunch of high school kids lying to seem cool.

>> No.10204488

What would be the best way to get ahold of Adderrall?

>> No.10204493


>meme drugs


>> No.10204498

this is a really sad post man

>> No.10204596

>>Coke overdose is a medical indication for benzodiazepines
I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Ask anyone who has ever abused stimulants; benzos completely get rid of the comedown. There is absolutely nothing life threatening about taking both at once. My mistake was continuing to do more coke after the benzo.

>I've done coke while on bars, they almost completely cancel each other out.
You're absolutely right on that account, and I knew that beforehand too. Didn't stop me though.

>this thread is basically a bunch of high school kids lying to seem cool.
High school kids are terrified of everything but weed.

>> No.10204611

option 1: look up symptoms of ADHD and whinge to your doctor accordingly
option 2: go to bars your local university students frequent and ask if they or anyone they know are selling adderall
option 3: order from deep web

cant really think of any other options tbh

>> No.10204658

What are effay festival drugs?
Thinking coke in the evenings, 420 ebin in the mornings. Really tempted to hop on some pingers

>> No.10204673

if it's prescribed, it's not capable of being effay

>> No.10204679

Festivals are not effay at all, they attract the dumbest fucking people

>> No.10204794

Tbh doing whatever the fuck you like is effay. Which includes festivals.

>> No.10204800
File: 87 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nshxu9XU9q1qc0fq2o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prescription drugs are never cool
addictions are never cool
weed is normie, so it is not cool
everything else is cool if ur having fun

>> No.10204807

actually quick correction. psychedelics aren't really "cool," especially once you start tarding out being all hippiedippy zeitgeist-core. however RCs are cool, which sometimes includes psychedelics.

>> No.10204916

Everything was at one point a prescription drug
LSD = Delysid
Psilocybin = Indocybin

Every research chemical or psychoactive alkaloid was marketed as a pharmaceutical - even things like PCP were created by the pharmaceutical company Parks Davis

>> No.10204923

There is nothing that differentiates a "research chemical" from any other chemical. It does nothing for classification. You could say LSD was an early "research chemical", but was actually researched scientifically unlike a lot of so called modern day research chemicals (designer drugs/gray market drugs are better titles)

>> No.10204966

i was speaking in terms of being effay. new and weird and obscure has cool factor. it's edgy. a lot of RCs suck though, but they still have the sort of appeal of harder drugs that psychedelics don't have because of the tie-dye associations the traditional ones have.


the point is that if you are prescribed something you aren't taking it in any way that really lends itself to "cool" factor, which is kind of the point of this discussion. it's not "Effay" to be taking your daily prescribed dose of whatever. also heroin was once OTC, but that's just frankly not that point.

>> No.10205002

Damn, OP. These are the exact same ones I have right now. Supposedly these aren't from an actual pharmacy. Some random fucker is making and pressing them. Still have 2mg of Alprazolam in them so idgaf.

>> No.10205271

Not really. You might be having fun, but that has exactly nothing to do with fashion or being fashionable. Listening to shitty EDM with a bunch of drugged out normies and basic bitches is not effay, sorry

>> No.10205279


>> No.10205293
File: 70 KB, 792x527, lori_wagner_and_anneka_di_lorenzo_in_caligula_1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to take a lot of LSD before I started taking antidepressants. When tripping, I often had visions of "future self", which I used as fashion inspo. Based on that, I'd say LSD is pretty fa.

>> No.10205310

Being negative about something that doesn't affect you is not effay. If someone likes festivals and attends them its neither effay nor uneffay, if someones a dick about "normies and basic bitches" it is most definitely uneffay.

>> No.10205316

Yeah, except that I'm just talking shit on the internet and it doesn't actually matter

festi goers are losers irl tho

>> No.10205326

lol whatever you say, buddy. You're so cool and fashionable.

>> No.10205337

dude, Skrillex rawks!!

molly lmao xD

>> No.10205367

Skrillex and pop edm is definitely the only kind of festival there is. I agree, teach me how to be cool and sit at home all day like you, friend.

>> No.10205400


>> No.10205644

well nothing except for a large body of laboratory research into ADMET properties, mechanisms of action, and years of unofficial human safety trials.
Taking research chemicals is among the dumbest shit you can do (professional opinion as a pharma researcher).
I'd recommend blasting IV heroin before taking RCs. At least you know what you're getting yourself.
Much smarter to sit back and let the idiots be the lab rats.

>> No.10207016


oh fuck off. I am in med school and ket is used while operating kids/very old ppl due to it's low overdose potential. It's a safe drug.

there was a paper out of Yale on it's viability as a antidepressant, but who trusts yale medicine these days???

>> No.10207081
File: 1.19 MB, 2460x3280, download_20150803_160152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot

Pic related is, just came in.....waklert

>> No.10207090


Fuck, I love this shit. 150-200mg makes me so relaxed

>> No.10207141

Ketamine. MDMA is a blast, but it's hard to be effay while sweating and talking about your feelings and shit.

>> No.10207217

It was literally one bar and one Maddog. Why aren't you morcerned about the 2g of coke?

>> No.10207445 [DELETED] 

You might want to read the thread more thoroughly before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

My comment >>10200596 was referencing the song in >>10200556

>> No.10207491

What the hell was going through my head?

more concerned*

>> No.10207509

You might want to read the thread more thoroughly before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

My comment >>10200556 was referencing the song in >>10200596

>> No.10207890

take DXM gel caps ironically and smoke cigs and drink gas station wine when it kicks in

also opium

>> No.10207935

Being /dis/sed is effay as fuck, /dis/ bros ww@

>> No.10207936

That's actual homeless tier.

Coke. I liked adderall too but coke is the probably the most versatile and fun drug there is.

>> No.10207940

>That's actual homeless tier.
>implying thats not /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10207971


oh please, coke is so overrated

>> No.10208496

underrated post bae

>> No.10208806


I was at the library so no youtube for me.

>> No.10208808

I'm on a 75mg cap of Vyvanse right now.
Can confirm.

>> No.10209741

fuck off dick weed. i take this shit to function like a fucking normal human being and not spazz out in the middle of class or a meeting. Im sick of people taking it for fun so everyone thinks i abuse it eat shit

>> No.10209747

Why do you say this?

>> No.10209751

You should also get some medicine for the anal hemorrhaging you're clearly having.

Might also want to make sure it's not rectal cancer, you're not as /fa/ as Claude Debussy.

>> No.10209754

antidepressants help treat anxiety you stupid idiot. xanax is for people with panic disorder. as in random fucking adrenaline flight or fight responses out of nowhere.

as for the retards its not physically addictive. more so mentally due to hoe its prescribed. still dont push your luck >>10203209

>> No.10209766

ADHD is really hard to diagnose because it relies on self reporting. Amphet salts are pretty harmless but it makes me angry thay this happens too

>> No.10209859

Weed is /fa/ if you dont fucking tell everybody that you smoke weed, and dont dress like you somke weed.

>> No.10209947


You asked your physician doctor for vyvanse and he prescribed it to you?

I just had an annual check up last week, but I might ask him. Would it be weird? Will he just refer me to a psychiatrist?

>> No.10210716

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are the same thing

>> No.10210722

and don't smell like you smoke weed

>> No.10210864

/fa/ is either young or stupid as all fuck. Cocaine is the nastiest habit of all time, I used 2-4 grams weekly for a month and a half and beyond making me stupidly aggressive, impulsive, depressed, and reckless, it affected my self-image permanently and I couldn't enjoy drinking for almost a year afterwards. Serious narcotics are on another frequency and will inevitably either cause much anxiety if you manage to quit, or ruin your life. I didn't even use cocaine recreationally, I did it for the romance of it and to manage a very heavy course load. Also, the salt very quickly loses its savor and the drug becomes an expensive and shitty habit.

>> No.10210906

Modafinil, armodafinil, waklert, provigil

Effay as fuck. This shit is the tits, pussy, and ass of pills

>> No.10211099

I was a study participant for a columbia study of ket's effects on Bi-polar disorder.

Felt amazing the next day, the actual effects were meh, not as fun as acid. Got a hook-up already but I'm considering getting bi-yearly infusions with professionals

>> No.10211525

i'm on 300mg pramiracetam, 200mg noopept and 900mg choline

am i /fa/ yet

>> No.10211529

lazy brown psych gives me 1mg/day script of clonazepam every 3 months, after I talk to him for like 5 minutes im dismissed from his office pretty much.

used to take modafinil everyday too.

is there klonopin culture, fashion, art, music?

>> No.10211851

if i take a line or 2 of speed tommorow at like 11 or 12 at what time will i be able to get to sleep

>> No.10211868

by speed do you mean methamphetamine?

>> No.10211873

nah just amphetamine dude

>> No.10211886

LOLLLL youre so fucking mad

>> No.10211890

except it makes your bodily fluids smell rank as fuck...

>> No.10211899

If you're going turn autistic make sure to take off your trip

>> No.10212211

coke is only fa drug

>> No.10212261

benzodiazepenes as a class are extremely addictive.

>> No.10212783

Ket > MDMA > K-Hole

>> No.10212787

>meme drug
At low, club suitable doses, perhaps.
K-Holing is Opiate-tier as far as /fa/ goes.

Weed can be /fa/, but it's hard to pull off.

Codeine is literally a kiddie drug.

Mescaline is definitely not /fa/, unless you go for that outsider aesthetic.

>> No.10212789

Ket is for kids.
It's literally a kiddie anesthetic.

>> No.10213106


/fa/ drugs: drugs that will fuck you up
/reddit/ drugs: every fun and safe drug

yeah sure

>> No.10213446

Is smoking hookah /fa/?
I mean proper tobacco hookah over the course of an entire afternoon in a dusty, smoked-out room.

>> No.10213462

can't imagine it would be anywhere in the west. It also attracts the shittiest people in the west

>> No.10213466

maybe if it was in like turkey or china or Afghanistan and had some proper opium going

>> No.10213563


>> No.10213568

no. people on antidepressants are not good people. just be depressed. way more effay

>> No.10213569

Why do you say that? What makes them bad?

>> No.10213590

I don't get how people get addicted to xanax.
Was on it from 16-19 and only ever went above dose when needed sleep bad or got >tfw no gf (not very often)
Stopped cold turkey pretty much because my psych retired
used to slang em for food money too kek

>> No.10213602
File: 13 KB, 333x500, G1-333x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> G obviously most effay party drug
> hard to handle
>scares dumbfuck kiddies
>liquid via pipette whats more /fa

>> No.10213613

lol, benzos are bleak so do opiates? I have a feeling you've done none of the substances you're listing

>> No.10213617

very much fa as an alternative to mdma or fucking coke but not if u pass out

>> No.10213670

how do I get off xanax guys,
I take about 4-5mg a day and tense up at the end of the day without it. I've tried tapering but it sucks

>> No.10213692

As a vyvanse user I am jealous

>> No.10213699


>> No.10213705
File: 44 KB, 540x536, tumblr_nsntso97q81un49hro1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay

>> No.10213712
File: 51 KB, 736x537, 0c09854323239312200c956fba524a2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coke is a joke
i honestly cant decide if this is pants on head retarded or actually weirdly cool. the new heroin-chic is cyberghetto vaporfuck DXM-n-forty-swilling effay foochie boochie

>> No.10213738

>ctrl + f
>no milk of amnesia

Really, /fa/?

>> No.10213759

>the new heroin-chic is cyberghetto vaporfuck DXM-n-forty-swilling effay foochie boochie
c-can the new heroin chic just be the old heroin chic instead?

>> No.10213768

no one on /fa/ is an anesthesiologist and this is just the type of "Read-it-on-a-board-once" kind of coolfactor that makes esoteric drug-experience collectors hard. stop being such a tryhard.

>> No.10213815

Hard to get your hands on if you're not working a hospital and the IV shit makes it kinda annoying to use.

If you're in and in the right department, you can easily steal the shit by the bottle, though.

>> No.10213867

get with the times grandpa
also the potential for overdose is ridiculous so no thanks.
no one means meth when they say "speed" unless if they dont do drugs or are from DARE.
lmao chill out and pop another
and it wasn't all some twirly art deco style junk? which is pretty and fun and all, but not really.. effay.
lmao fucking pedantry
except in 2015 cocaine is a shitty meme. it has been since the early 90s. also the shittiest part of the meme is all the blood that's been shed in process of creating it and bringing it to you from south america. cocaine suxxx
aren't fags effay?
i hope you had fun dude
case in point that xannies are shit
can't bust big nut

>> No.10213870

>also the potential for overdose is ridiculous so no thanks.
Don't forget the way it acts almost immediately

>> No.10213969

go to 420 /benz/ and stay there lol

>> No.10214095

sup niggers where do i get adderall

>> No.10214220

Maybe you should get a hobby or something pal, getting angry at strangers on the internet isn't effay.

>> No.10215013


>> No.10215879


>> No.10215882

it's more tumblrcore.

>> No.10215987
File: 42 KB, 271x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a shit
why dont you just live your life and do shit on your own instead of asking strangers if its cool enough? goddamn you remind me of that kid who bought coke and made a thread about it like "hey guys i'm /fa/ now right?" fuck. i want highschoolers to leave

>> No.10216003
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 137593505136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people saying H
anyone whos actually seen the effects of opiate addiction would cringe at you naive faggots. junkies are absolute trash human beings

>> No.10216019

Vaguely remember eating ten Ativans and taking two shots of Aberlour.

Blacked out for six days and "came to" as I was walking onto the porch of my house to go insidr. Apparently I had taken another 45 tabs of Ativan after blacking out from the whiskey.

It scares me to think that I was walking around and "functioning" for almost a week and remember absolutely nothing that happened during that time.

Suffice it to say, did a stint at rehab. People said that should have killed me.

Don't fuck up a good thing.

>> No.10216692

My friends are smoking weed without me right now and I'm not even cut. Literally the most un-/fa/ drug.

>> No.10216719

I miss H :'(

>> No.10217284


>> No.10217767

The Ritalin that I took an hour ago literally just hit me
It's so effective that I'm paralyzed in a chill/wired mode rn

>> No.10217971


Whats the dose?

>> No.10217975

10 but for some reason it hit me really hard
Coming off right now

>> No.10218451

Not being tryhard, I just REALLY enjoy the feeling. I didn't say anything like "lol, u can't get ur hands on it so ur a loser" I was just surprised nobody mentioned it since it's a somewhat popular drug abused by people with access to a corrupt doctor (and that's pretty /fa/ by heroin chic standards, imho).

True dat. But I've always found IV'd stuff to be much safer and tamer than dirty third world country drugs, as long as you're careful and extremely methodic. Of course it's hard to obtain, but just knowing you're doing something made in a sterile lab makes me feel better about being a (pathetic) user.

Regarding the potential for overdose: yas. Aware of that. But as I said, as long and you set up everything BEFORE getting high and retarded, the risks are greatly reduced.

>> No.10218457

Sorry, but this stuff is way too dangerous to do unmonitored.

>> No.10218500

And I completely agree with you on that. Even with a doctor, MJ sorta died because of it.
I'm just a stupid rich junkie kid who gave his two cents, I don't want anyone to use Propofol.

>> No.10218508


>> No.10218574

Nothing /fa/ about H
All the 14 year olds spouting the same shit and thinking they'll look like SLP models.
Spending your "allowance" on H is not gonna make you effay, you'll just be some normie in thrift clothes who spent is last dollars to be normal again

>> No.10218583


>> No.10218613

I'm gonna start investigating the legal Mexican options since I live right by the border and can bring back a the month supply as long as it's not a controlled substance
Bought the following
Oxytocin (appetite suppressant)
Flexeril (muscle relaxant that apparently kicks ass)
Clonidine (blood pressure medicine that makes you mellow as fuck)
Lidocaine (you know....just because)

>> No.10218624

Oh and lasix, since you lose water weight by taking it

>> No.10218628

ew all those suck

>> No.10218964

no they arent moron. Panic attacks are a physical faulty response of adrenal glands. anxiety is almost entirely mental

>> No.10218983

I've seen anxiety attacks
The anxiety is so physically debilitating that the people can't move
Actually I had a patient code after an anxiety attack; she stopped breathing lol