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10186959 No.10186959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey everybody just so you know, Avery !5M/El6dxGo is not actually that person. they're pretending to be my friend and it's really freaking her out.

it was a nice try though. i like how you pretended to be kaylen as well.

>> No.10186963

She kinda cute, do she got a booty?

>> No.10186964

ya avery, timestamp or gtfo

>> No.10186972

have u seen her turtle/turkey neck? hand she looks like she smells too.

>> No.10186983

post her insta so i can confirm

>> No.10186987

Wouldn't they pretend to be someone attractive if they were pretending? Like, if you're gonna fake it, swing for the fences.

>> No.10186990

she don't live in billings, and she don't type like that and she would be hard pressed to figure out how a trip code works

>> No.10187009

also look at that fucking hair
daddy issues ahoy

>> No.10187025
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fucking savage

>> No.10187037

Where u at Avery????

>> No.10187041

Damn bateman

>> No.10187051

>implying that girls with daddy issues are a bad thing

daddy issues are effay as fuck

>> No.10187294

holy shit could you please stop, you keep doing this

>> No.10187303


>> No.10188353


>> No.10188357

damn bateman you really went in
she's qt though i think

>> No.10188361


>> No.10188418

i think they just pretended to be her because they had access to a lot of her photos

>> No.10188425


>> No.10188430

overrated post

>> No.10188719

she looks cool

would chill with/10

>> No.10188725

damn this nigga came with the heater gaddam
really bad post would downvote multiple times

>> No.10188775

nice guidis tbh

>> No.10189242

Bateman god damn!

>> No.10189317
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>> No.10189768

top banter

>> No.10189909

oh yeah man I love high school angst

>> No.10189945

thanks op

will ridicule the tripfag whenever they post without guilt now


>> No.10189965

new meme

>> No.10190030

i doubt they will post anymore lol
haven't posted since this got posted even though they had been posting 15 mins prior.
being embarrassed isn't effay

>> No.10190161
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You savage.

>> No.10190319
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>> No.10190372

Legitimately DANK

>> No.10190377

sucks that someone she trusted took these pics and information from her personal blog and now a bunch of ppl on the internet have her pix saved to their computers
hope avery tripfag feels bad

>> No.10190394

change your trip to Savage

>> No.10190439

>and it's really freaking her out
lol why does she care

>> No.10190477

because the images are from her personal blog and the avery trip has been doing this for a while apparently since everyone on /fa/ recognizes them
even has been posting pics of her room and pictures from her facebook so yeah, i'd be freaked out too if it was me

>> No.10190486

link to blog?

>> No.10190502

it's personal
ask avery since whoever is tripping apparently doesn't give a shit about someone's privacy
she's rly nice irl and it'd be mean to give out links to her personal stuff

>> No.10190505

she's freaked out that someone has access to publicly available pictures that she herself posted on the internet? paranoid much?

>> No.10190511

the blog was private with a passcode for a long time so i think it's someone she trusts / is friends with over the internet

>> No.10190513

who gives a shit? how is this harmful?

get over it

>> No.10190520

oy you whiteknight faggot

You can tell your girlfriend that she's hot af and I wouldnt mind ODing with her, if that stops you from crying

>> No.10190533


so she doesnt hate niggers?

>> No.10190537

i'm not a whiteknight
i'm her female friend
fuck off asshole it is harmful

>> No.10190538

Wouldn't they pretend to be someone attractive if they were pretending? Like, if you're gonna fake it, swing for the fences.

>> No.10190546

Okay, I'm going to give you some advice:

If you post something on the internet, it's not "personal" anymore. I can't believe I have to explain this in 2015, but yeah, that shit is very much publicly accessible.

She posted the pictures on her blog, now they're posted on an image board (with no personal information even being alluded to, until you came along and made this thread actually,) so the issue is....?

>> No.10190557

>her female friend

I'd fuck you both qts

>> No.10190568

I can tell you're a girl because no man with half a brain would post the way you are right now. tell your friend to delete her blog and stop dressing like she hates her dad.

>> No.10190570

her blog is private?
her blog...
you are fucking retarded please go

>> No.10190578

>that pose
>that hair
>the unlit cig in the pic
>the nose ring
>crying about "personal" pictures uploaded on the internet being posted somehwere else on the internet

This is why women should just stay on tumblr, it's a perfect containment for them. Fucking crybaby lmao

>> No.10190586

on tumblr there is a feature where you can make a passcoded blog you goddamn idiot
the issue is don't pretend to be someone who trusts you / has mental issues on fucking 4chan

>> No.10190592

lmfao, cry some more.

seriously though, go outside or something. sounds like you've had enough internet for a while.

>> No.10190593

are you serious right now? go back to pinterest pls.

>> No.10190602

all right you fucking autist gg peace out

>> No.10190617

why tho? she doesn't know who it is that's impersonating her, so it's obviously not affecting any of her relationships. the person posting as avery isn't attempting to defame her or anything. nobody knew or cared about who this girl was until you trudged over from tumblr to tell us about her. so, it doesn't seem to be affecting her in any way.

you both sound like overly sensitive shits to me. posting here obviously isn't going to stop that person from impersonating her.

>> No.10190636

someone on the internet pretending to be her but posting racist and sexist remarks is the exact opposite of who she is irl

and ya a lot of people knew/cared who she was bc i searched avery in the archive and every time they got at least ten replies on every single one of their posts

and yeah it does actually seem to have stopped that person from impersonating her because they have not posted on this board since this topic was created
but ggwp ha ha i reported this post for being off topic

>> No.10190660

point is, dont pay attn to them because theyre pretending to be someone theyre not

>> No.10190691

Lupa, if you are reading this thread, please reply. For your own good.

>> No.10190707

she doesnt know how to use 4chan dude

>> No.10190744

this bitch is just doing damage control after she said how she moved to portland to get away from "niggers" (in her own words). someone obviously recognized her from real life here and now shes getting shit for it.

>> No.10190751

Bateman more like Basedman

>> No.10190759

nope, only me and one other person know about this. i only posted this to let you guys know that person is lying about who they are so it kind of invalidates any discussion you have with them.

>> No.10190762

wasn't actually her that said that
and it's funny because the place avery trip said they moved from (billings, MT) has like a 1% black population
if you're going to pretend to be someone on the internet, at least do some research

>> No.10190770

p much tbh

>> No.10190776
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>she doesnt know how to use 4chan dude
how to use mysterious 4 chain

>come back from a 1.5 year long hiatus and find /fa/ picking on another girl dumber than a rock
It's timber all over again, even a white knight is included, albeit not as sharp as poet.


>> No.10190787

Ugly as shit.

These type of girls fuck with a white cuck or a black nigger.

>> No.10190791

uhh your taste in women is just shit if thats what you actually believe
shes beautiful

>> No.10190794

>i reported this post for being off topic
>i reported

>> No.10190802

you're obviously her friend shilling for her
she's gross as fuck and a 4/10 at her very best

>> No.10190812


Stupid people attracted to stupid people. How dull is your mind that your hands actually typed out the sound of your final remaining brain cells rubbing together to form that idiotic comment you just made?

Fucking hilarious how dumb and tasteless you are.

>> No.10190815
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>> No.10190822

cool post you accomplished a lot

>> No.10190827

tbh you could never get a girl like this cause youre lame douchebags

>> No.10190832

i bet they dress like shit too

>> No.10190833

go back to tumblr

talk shit post fit

>> No.10190840

Please stop projecting your insecurities on other people. You are only making me laugh harder at you.

>> No.10190856

hahahaha oh wow you are funny

>> No.10190896

projecting lol

>> No.10190901

god you type with a southern accent

>> No.10190908


sounds like a man typing. Unless this ugly bitch is a stone cold dyke.

>> No.10190923

i hate when people make private twitters too, get a fucking diary, but then again you still want attention so it has to be a twitter.

>> No.10190925

Probably because it's a man pretending to be her lol