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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 136 KB, 634x850, 1438280639875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10181120 No.10181120 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10181123

lol at the kid from /fa/ behind him

>> No.10181126

You're not Shia so no

>> No.10181133


>> No.10181371
File: 45 KB, 125x119, b29d37bb5468044335f66b722e26c108[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10181967
File: 116 KB, 834x769, 1416376479743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't buy those boots in aus and shipping from overseas costs too much

>> No.10181988

Why you trying to cosplay as shia

>> No.10182007

This is the ugliest most retarded faggot I've ever seen. He's a manlet wearing the gayest tightest girl pants he can find. The boots look fucking retarded. I pray to god, nightly, that this shia garbage is bait. You seriously cannot be so autistic you want to dress like this, I can't fathom that.

>> No.10182019

10/10 fit tbh imo

>> No.10182024

I want the black ones

>> No.10182029
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>> No.10182041
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>> No.10182043

Nice meme

>> No.10182048

This is going to become a relatively popular thing I hope.

>> No.10182071
File: 494 KB, 245x136, 1412398866805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10182078

not great but has a ton of potential
I like it

>> No.10182089

This fit is Donald Glover and Shia Labeouf combined tbh.

>> No.10182090


>> No.10182094


>> No.10182098

finally some decent shia-core

>> No.10182104

w2c pants and boots

>> No.10182113
File: 36 KB, 411x411, young_hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's faking to any existent other than he's fake because he believes himself to be an artist, and so his mind is set to constantly trigger his crazy mechanism, so he lashes out like a child, and he really means it and doesn't know how to behave like a grown up.

I think he's confused with certainty, and needs to be put on lithium. He's got bipolar, possibly schizophrenia. One day he will either kill himself or someone else.

And because of him, we can all see, once and for all, that "art" is just an excuse. Societal psychology should be regulated, and the State should control mass media to condition people into being productive, helpful neighbors, as was done in 1930s Germany.

>> No.10182142
File: 144 KB, 415x912, Comin for ya bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10182154
File: 63 KB, 634x381, article-1164780-04166824000005DC-177_634x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler believed himself to be an artist

>> No.10182163

Hitler was a designer, an architect and a painter. He produced actual work; like cars, building, and paintings.

Shia just screams and makes "art films" that make no sense for the un-insane.

>> No.10182172

Is that to say that insane people, or at least people who find the movies to make sense, are on the same page? The same level of sanity?

>> No.10182207

His legs, especially below the knee with the non existent calves and thin ankles look extremely disproportional..

His style is well balanced though but those tiny legs make me uneasy

>> No.10182217

are you kidding me

>> No.10182226

I don't think it's his legs it's just the way everything fits.

>> No.10182231

What's with the eyebrows
What's the point with all those supplements if you don't even lift
Also: keep them in the kitchen

>> No.10182242

go back to /pol/

>> No.10182248

Is this a troll?
Hitler failed at getting into art school multiple times and later had talented but simple minded artists flocking around him for obvious reasons. He was not a genius.

>> No.10182292

he IS an artist you dumbass lol
how is he not?

>> No.10182428

I'd think he'd do with some longer shirts all the ones i've seen Shia wear are sit just above his waist or a half inch below.

>> No.10182436

granted they're beat to shit, I don't understand why he's included fucking Nike boots in his aesthetic. How bout some actual work/combat boots?

>> No.10182437

does anyone have inspo on the 6 inch nike sfb the 8 inch seem alittle too shiawannabe and inpractical

>> No.10182446
File: 1.70 MB, 400x303, 1408314900852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from /r/mfa you fuccbois..

>> No.10182448


>> No.10182450

they look comfy as fuck and look nicer than "real boots"

>> No.10182452

>small feet

m-medium dick?

>> No.10182466

It all makes sense now.

>> No.10182481
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 61s-NPslWDL._UY500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee these Danner's are of better quality and won't be found in Hype Beast and they look just as good. I'm not saying he shouldn't be wearing them because they are Nike, just that if he aesthetic is "I really don't give a fuck core" Nike just doesn't make much sense.

>> No.10182483

Nah that's your rick aesthetics talking. Longer shirts would make his breadstick legs even more apparent.

He just has a boxy torso and no legs. I'm not even from /fit/ but this bothers me

>> No.10182486

The nikes are cheaper

>> No.10182490

yeah, he doesn't squat, but it's also due to his shirt size, just not the length. They are all Goodwill special Gildan's. See how far off the shoulder the seams are? If the shirts fit his torso he'd look a lot more proportionate I think

>> No.10182494

>they aren't

>> No.10182495

You can find Danner's in the same price range, or somewhat cheaper.

>> No.10182497

I honestly think the Nikes are so cool and are preffered by Shia just because they're nike. It's just kind of cool considering how they're known for being the most popular sneaker brand in the world and they make combat boots too.

>> No.10182505

If I was in the military I'd fo sho be kickin Nike's. Boombox on my shoulder blasting Wale - Nike Boots just mowing down ragheads.

>> No.10182510

True, good points.

>> No.10182513

the boots just dont sit right

>> No.10182518
File: 315 KB, 705x614, LBAxNPt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less tbh

>> No.10182526

who cares where its from. its a picture of a person dressed a way. it was probably posted elsewhere too.

>> No.10182531

I disagree, I think below the waist is great and the torso is weird

>> No.10182538

Pretty sure it was orginally posted to kanyetothe. It doesn't even matter though tbh. Most people who post on teenmfa post here as well and anywhere else.
We're all into fashion. Isn't that what matters most? :^)

>> No.10182541
File: 247 KB, 897x627, 1437331892632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10182544
File: 95 KB, 800x1066, 81E481B1-DAAD-4A21-9FC7-639CDD9D4825_zpsr9eu53t5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah it was posted on Kanyetothe originally

>> No.10182547

damn this is pretty good too, any more?

>> No.10182552
File: 93 KB, 800x1066, 274040D6-BB4E-4A87-B95A-D8A5EEF0534C_zpsr2fusvj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he posted those three in a wywt thread

>> No.10182561

thanks anon, that 2nd pic is my favorite
they're not amazing but shiacore is never really done well

>> No.10182586

would a boot like this be good during the winter months?

>> No.10182588

w2c boots?

>> No.10182605

I've never seen them in person but my guess is no. They are mostly made to be lightweight and breathable for comfort in the field

>> No.10182614

maybe if you wore 3 pairs of socks

>> No.10182625

Different tastes, because objectively shiacore is good. Post a good fit in your eyes?

>> No.10182633

I'm sure they'd be just as protective against cold and snow as a nike free run. But I hear they last a very long time and are really great for hiking and rough terrain.

>> No.10182637

You haven't nailed shia core but by jove you look fresh

>> No.10182643

Heard of wool socks?

>> No.10182645

I'm Canadian brother, I fucking live in wool socks

>> No.10182647

Not so good, hasn't got the right head for the hoody lmao

>> No.10182650

Clean your fucking room, that shit is gross.

>> No.10182651
File: 99 KB, 540x528, tumblr_nkc5v00uJ11rqu47yo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think that shia core is super innovative and attractive. Nike boots, jeans, and a t shirt. Super basic but at the same time different from contemporary styles. It's just off enough to look good. Anybody can pull it off (unless you're like super obese or something) and you can do whatever you want with it to make it your own. Ya feel?

>> No.10182661

just because he's wearing the boots doesn't mean it's shiacore
this isn't even close

>> No.10182668

>unless you're like super obese or something
I'm pretty chubby, working on fixing that though, should I start dressing shiacore or wait?
I'm not concerned about my clothes being too small as I plan on getting /fit/

>> No.10182669

>this isn't even close
Ok. It's pretty fucking close, man.

>> No.10182676

it's close if you completely remove everything above the waist

>> No.10182680

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.10182685

I was hoping for this response, I love you

>> No.10182746
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1389316489241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art schools were shit when he wanted in. He accomplished far more than he would as a traditional artist. The guy put together pretty clever galleries to further his political views. (ie. common man shit). He knew how people work. You can call him a shitlord, but his water colors were pretty good. Art schools didn't so much refuse him, as direct him to an architecture school. They told him to fuck off because he couldn't into perspective. To be fair, there aren't as many resources available for amateur artists. Especially ones that specialize in schooling as civil servants.

>> No.10182756


fyi if you buy these and you dont serve youre a fuck

or if you wear them in civvies youre a fuck

>> No.10182852

why did you post that?

>> No.10182923

>red river
>blood of the jews
>little hitler watching it run bellow him

>> No.10182942
File: 48 KB, 458x390, 1435331180232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weimar germany 'art' schools
>failure to get in is an indictment


>> No.10182964

is the i don't give a fuck look but i actually give a fuck deep down, shot probably costs like 400-600 for shoes, pants 300-400 and tee 100 something

>> No.10182981

cry harder welfare faggot

armyfags are all leeches

>> No.10183001

Absolutely false. Shoes cost like 140 jeans are levis and shirt is just some random tee.

>> No.10183076
File: 84 KB, 480x586, F03244F4-26D4-4DF9-A943-36B401202E28_zps5thu4lhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10183085

what a strange form of butthurt

"i can't attack his objective above-average looks so i'll just say his clothes were expensive"

>> No.10183092

this looks fucking awful are you guys joking
he is way too fat try to pull off shiastyle

>> No.10183105
File: 35 KB, 580x388, FB_IMG_1434681774894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday you said tomorrow

So just do it.


>> No.10183327

Why does he always wear so much military apparel? Seems like tryhard while trying to deliberately seem not tryhard, which is the tryhardest of all.

>> No.10183756

What's the name of these type of boots?

>> No.10184611

you've just proven to be a moron.
hitler was austrian. he tried to get in to art school in vienna. not weimar.
when that didn't work he went to munich and got into politics.

>> No.10184639

He's making a movie where he plays a veteran, iirc

>> No.10184656

the guy on the left? yea

>> No.10184712

dude looks fat as fuck in this photo

>> No.10185075

Someone post more shiacore inspo

>> No.10185082


>> No.10185093

really like this

>> No.10185115

Dat nobelt and shit watch bother me.

Otherwise good, but his legs are a bit small to be wearing tighter pants so he looks a bit top heavy.

>> No.10185124

Those socks look way comfy, would cop.

>> No.10185924


Can anyone link to similar boots (UK)?

>> No.10187498

He's a method actor

>> No.10188101


Quite a few alternative options here boys. Including wellcos t130 (kanye boots)

>> No.10188543
File: 57 KB, 600x750, Emo_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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