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/fa/ - Fashion

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10173951 No.10173951 [Reply] [Original]

>no hobbies
>no gf
>no close friends
>keep myself distracted by copping new items that I hardly wear as I have no life

>> No.10173956

go out a bar or something

>> No.10173957
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>> No.10173973

>no hobbies.
You are into fashion.

>> No.10173979
File: 2.90 MB, 2112x2816, coolbutshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make fashion friends.

>> No.10173986

would be a dope fit with different shoes tbh

>> No.10174009

fashion is not a hobby, it's degeneracy. Thats like a faggot hanging out with other people who are faggots because thats the only thing they have in common

>> No.10174023

Okay OP I tell you my secret to friends. First before going to any social event get a nice buzz and caffeine high. A two beer and espresso rule has changed my life (just remember to swish some mouth wash). Then just go find a setting were your forced to interact with people. I suggest your towns local board game club. For some reason they always attract the funniest people. But any sort of rec club will do. And boom your no longer a friendless autist just a borderline alcoholic.

>> No.10174183


Feels.I keep copping stuff and i never go out.

>> No.10174193

Thats how it works??? Train enthusasts hang out with other train enthusiasts at respective clubs, then they form deeper relationships

>> No.10174393

I have hobbies, but I suck at them and never have time for them between school and work. No GF and no friends either, though.

I'd probably be better at fashion if I had no other hobbies, though. Seems like the people who cop designer shit have the dough to drop on it because clothes are their one hobby, rather than having to budget that in between other shit they're interested in. I can't do that, so it's mall-tier stuff for me.

>> No.10174514

>tfw u can relate

luckily i got a job. thats keeps me somewhat busy.
>spending every check on clothes and school bills

at least ill be fresh af when school starts.

>> No.10174899

It's really scary how much we all relate

G-good things are gonna happen to us someday, right?

>> No.10175111

>I suggest your towns local board game club.
>And boom your no longer a friendless autist
you may not be friendless anymore, but you will still be an autist

>> No.10175127


Go to local high-society events in your sick fits (unless you're into techwear/streetwear/ 90% of /fa/)

>> No.10175140

but where do you find them

>> No.10175151

I can be your f r i e n d OP

>> No.10175180


How many children are on this board, srsly

>> No.10175186

Hi dad.

>> No.10175196

Hi son. how's your algebra class going? i knew you were struggling with it last we talked.

>> No.10175237

shoes are the best part of this fit. you're both sad

>> No.10175252


the true "autists" are insecure imbeciles like you, my friend. Children born with autism b/c of the toxic shit their mothers are exposed daily which are unavoidable is tragic, not fucking joke material. If you call someone an autist unironically again i will find you and fucking kill you.

>> No.10175271

The girlfriend thing is inconsequential.

You need to get the fuck out of your safety zone and go do stuff. The lifestyle you describe - in my opinion - is typically a product of avoiding risk or being uncomfortable. You can't let that happen because nothing is gonna change and you're gonna end up 40 years old and alone with nothing to say for it.

Go to meetup.com and force yourself to go to three things a week. Enjoy hanging out with losers who rant about their startups - but at least get the experience. Go to okcupid.com and start dating girls - even ones you would normally turn down - just to begin to develop some dating skills. Go join a hobby you've always wanted to try and make a fool of yourself doing it.

Your goal should literally be to not have a "night in" the entire week, weekends included.