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/fa/ - Fashion

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10171241 No.10171241 [Reply] [Original]

I know this isn't /fit/ but I want to know how to gain weight. I need food and im very hungry, pls help

im 5'10 and 105 lbs

>> No.10171250

damn, 105? I'm 6 foot and 130 and I thought I was bad. Honestly dude go to /fit/ or post an actual outfit, no one here is gonna care

>> No.10171254

this made me choke on cereal i laughed so hard

>> No.10171258

horry shet I'm 5'11.5 and 130 lbs and that's not even very healthy

Unless you know Hedi personally and come this Heroin chic SLP poser boy I'd go to fit

>> No.10171266

thank fuck ree left
i hope he never comes back

>> No.10171318

patrick was ree newfag. Chuck isn't relevant to this.

Pic in OP is not patrick.

>> No.10171321
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>> No.10171323
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>> No.10171327
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>> No.10171330


>> No.10171345


stronglifts 5x5 routine 3 days a week


>> No.10171353

You can turn off hunger with a number of really light stimulants, so try that.

>> No.10171372


>> No.10171388

Jealous of your body, keep it up

>> No.10171396

How are you even alive

I bet an 13 year old is stronger than you

>> No.10171402
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Kill yourselves.

>> No.10171405

Dont start lifting yet. Eat high ammounts of carbs and protein for a month then start lifting. Eat at least 100 grams of carbs a day and 100 grams of protein a day. If you dont increase in weight in a month of doing that shit every day theres something wrong with you nigga.

>> No.10171406

/fa/ is a pro ana board anyway
go to /fit/ if u want to get fat

>> No.10171408

what stims lad?

>> No.10171409

What is your major malfunction? Is your scooter broken again?

>> No.10171411

fuck off /fit/ the human body was made to be malnourished

>> No.10171413

Caffeine in pill form is top notch, but you can stack it with the herb gotu kola. Gotu kola will help you to feel much more focused and less jittery than caffeine. I also recommend looking into taking green tea in capsule form, since brewing is hard to do the right way. I've tried to brew green tea, but even at 170-170 degrees you can still manage to fuck it up. I'm not Asian, so I still drink my mangled tea.

>> No.10171415

I meant 175 instead of 170-170. I have no idea why I did that, except being a slightly lazy fucker.

Proper nourishment is in small amounts and not anywhere near 2,000 calories.

>> No.10171436
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how useful do you think you'll be in the coming rave war if you stay at this weight?

>> No.10171478

I can't kill, so I don't care.

>> No.10172275

you are so perfect!! don't gain weight if skelly is your natural body type
also face aesthetics on point

>> No.10172283

your body is fucking awesome

>> No.10172460


>> No.10172483

Eat nigga

>> No.10172493

Fuck u

>> No.10172504
File: 378 KB, 730x737, 1421317040010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat potatoes.
lots of them.
all kinds of ways
french fried, baked, salad...

>> No.10172514

look just like you body wise. constantly get shit about being so skinny but i like it.

>> No.10172533

4 eggs every morning

put glass full of oats with milk, and eat it every morning mixed with cereal

eat meat, a lot of it. don't spend more than 3 hours without eating something. Cut juice and drink milk instead

>> No.10172549

Drink Boost Very High Calorie in between or with meals.

It's designed for cancer patients and the terminally I'll who can't keep food down. Its expensive but well worth it, tastes good too.

>> No.10172572


>> No.10172582

what do you eat usually?

>> No.10172758


thats what i eat....nothing

>> No.10174388

do you have a girlfriend?
if so, eat pussy
it's a good carbohydrate

>> No.10174428
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>there are woman who don't squat

>> No.10174925
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>> No.10175058

chuck your so ugly you will never model for slp just give up already.

>> No.10175090

Kek, you asked for my advice

>> No.10175115

adding OP pic to personal inspo

>> No.10175119

being a negative cunt is no longer /fa/, sorry

>> No.10175475

but slp models are ugly.

>> No.10175507

Milk, beans, chicken, green veg.

>> No.10176320

isnt this reee?

>> No.10176340

no u fking gullible newfag its chuck, patrick is ree.