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File: 79 KB, 697x437, cc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10167157 No.10167157 [Reply] [Original]

Is your schnoz fucking up your facial aesthetics?
If so, are you considering doing something about it?

>> No.10167176

no, no money

>> No.10167182

sorta, it isnt great but isnt the worst
no, because i figure ill live with it and fix it if it ever gets broken

>> No.10167187

Yes too masculine
And I'll get to it eventually but I'm jobless atm

>> No.10167209


>> No.10167310


Rhinoplasty Practice Owner plz go

>> No.10167444

Yes one day when I have the expendable cash for it. Want to straighten my bridge and get my columella raised

>> No.10167455

how will you set yourself apart from the goyim after defacing yourself

>> No.10167464

My nose is big but not hooked etc
Plus the gf likes it so I'll keep it

>> No.10167527

That's the secret you dumb goy, I wanna be called white by the stupid goyim

>> No.10167615

nah, rock it like a frenchman

>> No.10167637

no because I can live with it

>> No.10168005

i would to clear my acne and id be really good looking

>> No.10168036

I have a big nose but it kinda fits. It's not shaped weird or anything. Just bigger than the average bear

>> No.10168045
File: 537 KB, 822x826, what?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, because i figure ill live with it and fix it if it ever gets broken

>> No.10168059

I have a Jewish nose and yeah, it's fucking ugly, not as ugly as the one in Op's picture though.

But the answer is probably "no", I mean girls still like me and I feel good about my self, but yeah I can't help but feel that I'd look really attractive with a normal nose (when face to face my nose does not look that big because I've a descent jaw and my head is not that tiny, it's when you see me from the sides that you see the horror lol), maybe in the future, who knows.

>> No.10168204

>Plus the gf likes it so I'll keep it
This is actual delusion. She doesn't like your fucked up nose, she likes you dipshit.

>> No.10168225

if he breaks his nose somehow, then he will get a better looking one is what he's saying

>> No.10169171

gonna go to Colombia for this in a few months, is it true that the nose is very delicate for months after the surgery?

>> No.10169407

postop looks so generic

>> No.10169465

Go to South Korea

>> No.10171197

I have a crooked nose from a punch I got when I was 16. It wasn't bad enough to give me a hard/rugged looking boxer nose but instead bent the cartilage in a way that if you're looking at me dead on, there's something off and asymmetrical about my face and you won't no why. Unless you're me, can see both sides of my profile and physically feel the curvature of it yourself.

Yes I'd get it fixed if I could.

>> No.10171583

I feel you anon

>> No.10171591

i feel you both bruhs

>> No.10171595

>tfw big nose + small chin combo

I'm starting to grow some half decent facial hair so I'm hoping in 2 years I'll be able to cover the shit chin with it.

>> No.10171662

No, but my sloped neandethal forehead with brow ridge.
At least my beard growth is getting stronger and stronger. I will engage caveman mode as soon as possible.

>> No.10171672

Not my nose, but I'm getting chin/jawline corrections next month. No regrets (hopefully) on spending that much money.

>> No.10172254
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he looks like a bird anyway a big nose doesnt matter if you have a tall chin with good wdith and saure shape, pointy chins make you look like a boy ex. Jon Hamm, george clooney. This man has the ideal chin, square shae with good width and length

>> No.10172298
File: 26 KB, 720x540, neck chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs forever a subhuman, david gandys nose is also not a big deal becuase of his large chin


>> No.10172406


>> No.10172790
File: 222 KB, 640x640, IMG_20150604_142246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look like the ultimate jew

the mix between the original jew with asian jew aesthetics (chinks)

>> No.10172793

wow i always thought he was the hottest man on earth but he's kinda ugly when he talks :s

>> No.10174339
File: 75 KB, 446x650, prime gandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah without photoshop and lightng he isnt 10/10, if he had normal teeth it would be better too

>> No.10174341

lol u look like a fucken rat hahahah

>> No.10174358
File: 385 KB, 750x500, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a rat face, he looks like a badger

>> No.10174363


>> No.10174577

Would going some where like South Korea be a good idea for a nose job?
i would save around 1-2k compared to US accounting for flight and stay and all that

>> No.10174629

lmao, your nose is tiny bro, you dont look like a shekel lord at all

>> No.10175108

>front profile is fine
>side profile is literally 2/10 (receding chin, terrible nose)

have considered surgery but i'm still young (18)... what do i do /fa/?

>> No.10175126

More concerned about my hairline, tbh. I'm 26 and it's almost as bad as the guy in the OP pic. I'm gonna wait to 30 to see how much worse it gets and then look into my options.

>> No.10175569

Not going to pretend like I know anything about this, but it seems like everybody is getting plastic surgery in SK, and I've never seen anything bad, so that might be why.

>> No.10176680

Yes, it is. If you are going to Colombia make sure you go to a renowned surgeon, it's really cheap but they can fuck you up if you are not careful.

>> No.10176686

nope but my septum is a bit wide, but the rest of my nose is good so i dont care.

>> No.10176694
File: 23 KB, 480x640, monkeying around.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nope but my septum is a bit wide, but the rest of my nose is good so i dont care.
>but the rest of my nose is good so i dont care.

>> No.10176753

i already got an alar reduction and tip-plasty. saving up to get minor bridge work done, realllly hope i don't have to mess with my tip/alars again.

yes but it's imperative that you do TONS of research. it took me like 6-7 months of research before i finally decided that i wanted to go there. and even tho my surgery was a success there was some little things i should have done to be more prepared.

>> No.10176757

Not looking into surgery myself, but sounds hella interesting.
Care to share the story?

>> No.10176766

Yeah it is,I'm sorry you were cursed with an ugly beak but it get's better anon :^)

>> No.10176772

I was making a facial expression too so it's shifted a bit

>> No.10176779
File: 133 KB, 352x264, Chin Touch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but that wide flat potato youve got on your ugly shit covered face isn't a nose

pic related, a nose

>> No.10176792
File: 1.09 MB, 320x240, Lick Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10176800
File: 719 KB, 638x514, 1437147544751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose bridge is pretty high and my nose isn't flat, My alar isn't far apart neither is it circular or horizontal. My septum just looks big and also my slightly wide nasal bone gives an illusion that it's bigger than it is but at a good angle it looks good to me.

And that's a picture of an ugly trap subhuman. No thanks. You're Trying too hard.

>> No.10176804

>My nose bridge is pretty high and my nose isn't flat
LOL look at yourself you fucken ape! ahahaha!

>> No.10176816

t-that's a cute nose, miss sudoku

>> No.10176819

>sql checked samefag
>ugly coons trying this hard to keep up their delusions

>> No.10176842

i tried to think of some sort of rebuttal for this, but i don't think it's possible to prove something to someone who's this dedicated to putting down some random chick on the internet for being too black.

anyway, all that matters is that sudoku knows that i'm whiteknighting her and is now at least 15% more inclined to sleep with me, hypothetically : D

>> No.10176873

Being too black? Idk what is wrong with you, it's probably because I put the word yo in my imgur title and I happend to have black meme shoes on (it was given to me by a friend because it no longer fits her?)
Anyway you guys are mentally unstable nd your memes never work on me because Im not compatible to it so you can spurt out your nonsense in the end of the day these are just the results of someone who doesn't seek psychological help for mental treatment.
I do and I don't resemble anything in the animal kingdom.

And I don't normally say this, if not at all but I strongly suggest all of you to kill yourselves if you're genuinely like this

>> No.10176893
File: 850 KB, 1920x1200, rashida-jones-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no nigger, you are the worst kind of black, a purebled fucking african. You cannot be attractive in anything other than an ironic or an "african" artistic sense. You will never be conventionally attractive. Notice how all the pretty black girls in hollywood are all mixed white or mixed spanish or something? And then there's you, little ol monkey-fucking you, and your stupid ugly primitive face. You are not attractive. You will never be attractive. Stop putting makey on pigs and go spend your time somewhere else. This is a playground for people with potential, and sista', you have none.

>> No.10176903

>no matter how much he posts, he cannot stop niggers from posting

it's like you're new to 4chins

>> No.10176905

damn that flogging was brutal

>> No.10176906

no, no, i meant as in; you're existing on the internet while being black, which makes you "too black" for angry stormfront-teir fashion boys. i don't personally think you're "too black" because that's not a quality that exists in the mind of any semi-rational person. please don't decide not to sleep with me over this, i'm a good guy

>> No.10176939
File: 80 KB, 800x500, 1438108204341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's like if you try harder you will actually be doing something just give up you are forcing memes and it's so obvious. I am not a purebled african, I may originate form there but my parents are not from there either. I believe I have very good features and I do see myself as an attractive person. You must hate yourself so much to even come up with this inclusion I hope you get better you sad, sad cuck :*

>> No.10176950
File: 131 KB, 968x1100, 1438102920304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know you and I can tell you right now I already have so much contempt for you, I wouldn't if bat in eye if were near you. I am not easy or that gullible either. Please anon kill yourself. You're a terrible person

>> No.10176953

I don't think black people are attactive, but I don't hate black people. It's just my personal prefference, as a spic i want to breed caucasians.

Carry on, don't feed this sad pussy ass guy.

>> No.10176997

well, if that's how you feel about me; you are the embodiment of everything wrong with tripfags. every post you make is about yourself or responding to someone's attacks on your character; it's boring. cancerous narcissism like this that make people hate trips. the beauty of anonymity is that everyone is given free reign to share their uncensored opinion with no fear of being overlooked or singled out, and anyone who would reject that in order to acquire a captive audience for their self-important crowing doesn't belong here in the first place.

serves me right for placing my desire to procreate over righteous fury at the abomination that is tripfags

>> No.10177007

replace the word tripfags with niggers and youve got yourself some quality banter

>> No.10177027


If you're too new to know why I trip and im not going to go over this. Just do what you do and make a conspiracy theory about me so your bed time could be more comforting.

This tripfag isn't even about self-appreciation it's just to troll honestly. Im trashing this thread because its shit and the best way to do that is tripfagging and pretending to be what >>10176997 said.

>> No.10177044

>i am just le troleing xD
was just scrolling down and saw this, don't know what the thread is about or what you fags are fighting about but you are cancerous, get fucked.

>> No.10177058

Dude what site do you think you're on? What is trip? What is global system of interconnected computer networks?

You're fucking cancerous redditfag

>> No.10177063

i'll try to summarize it
>never really wanted surgery growing up. just had the occasional fantasies of having certain things changed, like everyone else
>as i grew older i started to think about it more and decided it's something i really wanted to do, but $$$
>been a fan of japanese music for years so i was obviously aware of k-pop and had a small understanding of how things were down there in regards to PS. some friends jokingly suggested i go down there and one day i'm just like "hmmm"
>getting surgery plus having a nice vacation, and it would still be cheaper compared to doing it at home? YES
>near the beginning of my research i found a forum called "purse forum", which somehow attracted it's own popular sub-forum basically dedicated to oversea people going to korea for surgery. nearly all of my information was obtained from this forum, i literally read through hundreds of pages.
>quickly found out a lot of the huge clinics that target foreigners (mainly from other asian countries) are blacklisted by the members of purse forum due to operating like factories. smaller clinics are blacklisted too of course but i never would have thought the huge "popular" ones would have such a terrible reputation with foreigners.
>another thing that really threw me off was bargaining. i live in a largely chinese area in ontario so i'm well aware of asians and bargaining, but for something like surgery? i found that so sketchy. but it's just apart of their culture, and the competition in korea for surgery is so high. if you don't like clinic A step outside and there's literally dozens more down the street to choose from.
>parents were strongly against me going, mainly for safety reasons. i only told three of my friends about the surgery. everyone knew i was going to korea but to this day only those five people know i got work done

>> No.10177076

you're not "pretending" to be anything. anyone who would behave in that way is clearly self-absorbed and unhealthily attention-hungry, no matter how "ironic" they think they're being. the fact that you want to associate your "trolling" with a cohesive persona just shows that you want to get attention out of it and aren't just doing it to watch people get huffy

and even if you are just after ~butthurt~, you're doing it in a way that requires no wit or skill and provides no entertainment to anyone but you. trolling has its place on any healthy board, but this is just you decreasing overall quality for your own solipsistic pleasure

>> No.10177095

Nice man, opened a beer, don't leave me hanging.

>> No.10177101

I was literally mimicing that ree trip because it was the very worst era of this board and I tripped along to make it worse. I don't really trip for that reason now I actually do it for my own entertainment because the onanifags are literally obsessed and everyy time i trip this whole thing happens. You can clearly see it in every thread I post on. I can just type a period and I will get so many replies. It's mainly because of how funny it is and its pretty contradicting because ur falling for cheap bait and basically trolling yourself.

Exactly what you did. If you're trying to think of any reason why i trip just stop, its all irrational and nothing else but classic internet trolling

>> No.10177117

>im entertained by anonymous people on a fashion forum pointing out that i trip for no reason

literally you

>> No.10177139

no, you're not making a clear point here anon. They don't precisely say i am tripping for no reason dumb ass. Actually no one said that.
I just remembered something awesome, I have an old friend who has two fully black parents and she looks better then your pic and shes way lighter with blonde hair and green eyes. So race is irrelevant.

>> No.10177174

but this literally supports everything i just said. you do it for your own entertainment, not considering how much your bad posting kills the quality of any discussion you're in or how your existence without fail summons a bunch of equally terrible posts and grating posts. if you were making some people miserable in a way that was actually funny, i'd be all for it. but you're just getting reactions by displaying overwhelming mediocrity and self-centeredness, which is not and will never be entertaining for anyone but you

please consider adopting a solitary hobby which doesn't require you to bother other people

>> No.10177204

contineu then

>> No.10177224

>displaying overwhelming mediocrity and self-centeredness

If thats all you see in what i post you're knew, im only explaining peice by piece because i knwo you're new and im not going to respond to you because tis clear that you're fucking retarded.

You're so new you simply can hide, ignore, or filter my trip because you just love pandering to shills. Its the internet you numb skull how the fuck can anyone bother anyone, turn off your computer or use the fucking options on the website. You're more of a waste of a poster than I am and im a fucking tripfag.

Like is said before, you're just trolling yourself

>> No.10177254

>once i finally settled on 3 clinics to consult with i booked my flight + studio apartment (airbnb). landed in korea only to find out the airline forgot to pack my suitcase. so i had to go to my consultations the next day in my nasty travel clothes. taxi also took me to the wrong building so i had to find it myself using their subway for the first time.
>at this point i wanted to DIE but i had to pull it together and compose myself to talk to these people (i speak 0 korean btw, except for basic words)
>awkwardly walk up to the front desk and greet the receptionist, she then gets the english speaking consultant. most of the main surgeons actually have a pretty decent grasp of english, but it's obviously better to have someone there to clarify things, especially when it has to do with your face. my top choice gave me a great price so luckily i didn't have to bargain, i think they felt sorry for me since i told them about my suitcase and the taxi etc.
>day of the surgery i was actually really excited, not nervous at all. i woke up when they were about 80% finished, like i distinctly remember them stitching inside my mouth (chin implant) and it fucking hurt. i was given stuff to dull the pain but i wasn't put back to sleep again
>i was expecting to feel more groggy after surgery but i actually felt good. rested at the clinic for around 45 minutes then took the subway home. 2 days post-op i went shopping for 7 hours which was probably a bad idea in retrospect but, i survived nothing bad happened etc.
>healing process wasn't that difficult, a pain obviously but nothing too unbearable. getting stitches removed and not being able to blow my nose was the hardest part

that's basically it without getting into too much detail. kinda proud of myself for actually going through with it and being able to plan/handle everything, took some courage i didn't really know i had. hoping to go again next year in april or may

>> No.10177260

here's the thing; whether or not i individually choose to filter out your low-effort posts is irrelevant because they shouldn't be here in the first place. no one wants to see them at all, except for you. if bad posts come from an awkward newbie who's earnestly trying to contribute and does't have an obnoxious personality, that's forgivable even if it's irritating. but you take pride in being here for a long time and understanding how digital common action works, and still think that it's in any way desirable for you to make bad posts that zero percent of readers will actually want to see

>> No.10177263
File: 20 KB, 420x300, 1434141057850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have an adorable nose

>> No.10177304
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>> No.10177311

post it :3

>> No.10177325

>tfw girls tell me my nose is "perfect".

>> No.10177340


Did you learn something today newfag? >>10177260

>> No.10177350
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150725_154639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my jew nose and my trading skills

>> No.10177357


these two posts are basically the same, one being from a tripfag

i dont see the problem kiddo. but whatever floats your boat

>> No.10177376

Yea but if you see the point that guy was trying to make it was actually useless, if you didn't get the reference or what the argument was directed to I don't understand why you bothered to quote but ayway. There was no reason to target one trip when they are basically all the same yet try and justify your statement its just erratic..

>> No.10177384

no of course not, the only reason im going there actually is because my mom knows the surgeon.. Honestly i don't mind paying good money to get a good surgeon, thats really the whole point, you shouldn't be cheap here. also the funny thing about the us, we have really bad surgeons. I mean fuck if they fucked up people from hollywood then why would i go here?

>> No.10177393
File: 12 KB, 357x368, nosejew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I have a Roman nose
): why live

>> No.10177407

you quoted my post and directed it to a diferent quoted post, which i read and it seemed the basic idea was
>you can shitpost all you want as an anon, but putting a name on your shitposts makes my autism flare up

so i gave you an example of 2 shitposts, one with a name and one without. if one causes your autism to flare up then you may just be an autist regardless of the semantics of tripfagging

>> No.10177411

Yes, I have 6k saved up, either Imma buy a car or get a nose job, still haven't decided. I want to go at least get one of those digital imagine of how I would look with a new one.

>> No.10177430

No you basic bitch, I quoted to tripfags doing exactly what that guy described one other trip is doing individually and i just thought that was stupid because it's basically a cultural thing for what anyone with a trip does, its just less self-entitlement when someone Anonymously does it but it's the exact same thing and very contradicting and ingenious.

How was that so hard to get?

>> No.10177452

Probably because literally none of that was said in the quoted post

>> No.10177466

Read back where all the quotes are directed to so you can see where it originates from you lazy retard. You're typing w/o thinking

>> No.10177521

Where are you going to? I travelled with some friends and there is one city where almost every girl looked done, I think is Medelin or something like that.

>> No.10177550

yep, you got it, Medellin. The guy is not even columbian he's argentinian but he's a great surgeon and the only one i can trust at the moment.

>> No.10177591

Oh man, you are going to have a good laugh about fits over there. Have fun and be safe.

>> No.10177612

haha really? can't wait, thanks anon