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File: 983 KB, 976x564, RNR_07_21_000000004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10156728 No.10156728 [Reply] [Original]

is being smart effay?????????

>> No.10156734

As long as you don't brag about it or make it your only "unique" point

>> No.10156735

>bragging about being in the most casual high-IQ society
classy, OP

>> No.10156742

being le jelly is not /effay/ heheh top kek :P

>> No.10156747

being smart isnt really /fa/, but being a fucking moron is way worse

Mensa is the opposite of /fa/ though

>> No.10156784

Eric Andre does a funny when he goes to a Mensa convention and they freak, y'all just autistic-y.

>> No.10156786
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>some broad with a bag of raisins in her purse

For some reason that image has haunted me.

>> No.10156792

What is the point of even being in Mensa?

>> No.10156811

Ex mensa member here. 133 IQ. I joined when I was a teenager and went to one meeting.

It's mostly people who haven't achieved anything in life whos define themselves by what they scored on an IQ test as a kid. It's pretty much just a huge circlejerk of underachievement. I did not meet one single person there who had achieved anything great.

>> No.10156839

To look down on others because you have more arbitrary smart-points than them.

>> No.10156865

>go to MENSA meeting
>fedoras everywhere
>brother got into some higher IQ society that's for top .1%'s (he's got autism)
>go with him, have to fly out
>sperglords and fucking weirdos everywhere, not a single person seems to be able to live on their own

>> No.10156871
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>> No.10156886
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who /smartbutdepressed/ or /smartbutlazy/ or /smartbutunmotivated/ here

>> No.10156893

131 IQ here, I quit Mensa since it's really little more than a circlejerk of faggotry and "intellectual" scientists. It's a fedora membership.

>> No.10156895

That's teenage shit man. You probably aren't even smart tbh

>> No.10156896

>132 iq
>he thinks he's smart

>> No.10156899

I always imagined a Mensa meeting being exactly like that. I've met a couple people that bragged about being members of Mensa and they were both totally worthless people.

>> No.10156900

Under 100 iq is effay as well as over 160. Over 160 is more effay though.

>> No.10156903

People who tout their IQ are usually losers.
It's usually a number thrown around in lieu of ones that actually matter like SAT, LSAT, MCAT, and GRE scores and GPA.

>> No.10156906


>is being smart effay

>is being in mensa smart

>> No.10156912

That was the joke bruv. At least we know for sure you're not intelligent.

>> No.10156916 [DELETED] 


Only someone with an <100 iq would say this

>> No.10156919

what the fuck i dont understand but this is somehow perfect in a way

>> No.10156921


Only someone with an <100 iq would say this

>> No.10156926

There are secrets to mensa btw, the Illuminati scouts u from there... U think that org would live so long from what it currently does. Lol, im an ex mensa member and my job os to know everything that happens in argentina

>> No.10156939

>There are secrets to mensa btw

Not anymore, ya big-mouthed genius.

>> No.10156943

You can barely fucking type I highly doubt anything you just said is even slightly true.

>> No.10156944
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For an American club that is based around IQ and knowledge, you would think that at least one of them would know that mensa means dummy or unintelligent in the feminine form in Spanish.

I mean, they are super smart people, right?
Some of the most intelligent people on the planet know multiple languages.

Spanish is one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet, let alone America.

Why would they name themselves MENSA?
Sure, you could argue that they don't care what a bunch of dumb spics think, but if they are so smart and join the club for prestige, couldn't they put their heads together and figure out a better acronym?

It would be super easy, they ARE smart, after all.

>> No.10157295

What's the point of this club or whatever you'll call it ?

>> No.10157315

Why would they care about wannabe italian when Latin is by definition the most patrician language

>> No.10157376


>> No.10157432

>Describing points premised on standardized criteria as arbitrary

>> No.10157441


Tell us more about your ground breaking discoveries and how you're advancing teh human race.
That's right. You basically did a high school maths test and got a card.

>> No.10157715

under 100 is actually retarded mate, how is that effay?

>> No.10157717

Only someone still in school would say that.

>> No.10157720
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>Not just another money grabbing machine

the worse thing is that they grab money from people who believe they are smart


>> No.10157724

Would would a mensa membership card expire?

Do they check if you're not smart anymore or something?

I don't really know how mensa works so maybe this is a dumb question.

>> No.10157734


it expires when they dont pay their jewbux membership fee

>> No.10157739

school grades mean very little
the majority of them can be done by metagaming the system; by simple rote memorization
schools are basically teaching students to be robots to run a bunch of processes, i really dont believe most of the students coming out of college have any idea how to handle real world stuff on their own. not to say that i do of course, i can barely go to the supermarket by myself

>> No.10157879

If you can't even tell smart and intelligent apart I sure wonder how the fuck you got into mensa.

>> No.10158073

ya because your autism and lack of making the most of school extends to every human right???

>> No.10158129

Not him, but if you can't see that going on with most people you've got bigger problems. How do you think borderline retarded sorority girls graduate university with such regularity?

>> No.10158223

>everything you need to know ...in a flashdrive
>implying it doesn't have self-replicating, undetectable firmware malware loaded on it

MENSA = botnet

>> No.10158238

I always figured they had smart guys with social anxiety do it for them. Either that or sleep with their professors

>> No.10158241

The only /fa/ black cards are Amex or Visa, bro

But congrats

>> No.10158242

In German Mensa is the word for a university cafeteria... So every student go to Mensa!

>> No.10158866


I don't know man. You pay a fee for something that has no practical benefits at all. It makes me question your intelligence.

>> No.10158895
File: 162 KB, 600x3031, LMlTKLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't join MENSA. It's not hard to get in at all, meaning it attracts those desperate to flex what they perceive to be their intelligence. People who need to feel "smart" are unbearably arrogant and weird.

>who /smartbutdepressed/ or /smartbutlazy/ or /smartbutunmotivated/ here
Don't you dare start this. There is no such thing. You can be reasonably clever, but if you don't use it, you waste it and you aren't intelligent, period. The "I'm smart I just can't work hard because ____" is the excuse used by basement dwelling losers on 4chan to justify all manner of horrible laziness that destroys their lives.

Keep in mind this exact excuse is used by losers to justify their lives to themselves. Case in point: a good buddy of mine swears up and down he's "smart but lazy" because he was too lazy to finish highschool but can figure his way around C++. He can pretend to be smart and "undiscovered" all he wants, that doesn't mean he doesn't still work at a gas station and can't apply his intelligence (however much of it there is) in any meaningful way.

If you want to truly be intelligent, nut up, get medication if you need it, and put yourself to the grindstone every day. Otherwise, it's like you're a block of shitty granite calling yourself a statue.

>> No.10158905
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Is being street smart /fa/?

>> No.10158925

I was a member in Mensa for a while and actually was shocked by how worthless the membership is. Hardly anyone attends meetings. The forum mods ban you as soon as you even think about using sarcasm.

The entire oganization is for people like you. People who are desperate to feel smart.

>> No.10158966

yeah, idiot

>> No.10158974

It's pretty fashion neutral. It can make you more interesting if you aren't autistic about it. Congrats on mensa dude

>> No.10159044

Could you please tell me the name of that anime? I swear I watched it many moons ago but cannot remember it for the life of me.

God bless,

>> No.10159071
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feel you

>> No.10159876

this is what I always pictured

>> No.10159888

As someone in school with also a high gpa I confirm this as well
if you want >3.5 you do have to take it sorta seriously though, but it's not hard

>> No.10159934

honestly mensa is pretty pathetic. the fact that someone would go out of their way to take a test to join some society that doesn't mean jack shit to the rest of the population...idk it reeks of insecurity. i'm happy doing well and being a normie at my top tier uni with a great job lined up

>> No.10160044

>being stupid enough to pay to enter a group that says you're smart
the people running that are the truly smart group of society

>> No.10160074

>go to mensa website
>group picture in the header is of the ugliest people

Nope. Sure isn't /fa/

>> No.10160084


>> No.10160116

False dichotomy and sick straw man.

The two qualities of laziness and "intelligence" are not mutually exclusive.

Now, fuck off imbecile.

>> No.10160120


Forgot to quote

>> No.10160122


>> No.10160186

If I put on my curriculum that im part of MENSA, will it help me to get a better job?

>> No.10160195

>The two qualities of laziness and "intelligence" are not mutually exclusive.
You're not understanding the point.

Sure, you can be intelligent and lazy, but that's like having a Ferrari that never leaves the garage. There are plenty of people who are intelligent in the world, but what matters is your ability to leverage the intelligence into something useful, not your general ability to be clever.

I know way too many guys who sit around fellating their own intelligence while doing fuck all because ~reasons~. They are destined to die poor, unfulfilled, and unhappy.

>> No.10160199
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why does the medal look like an M16 bolt face?

>> No.10160237



This guy was a member of MENSA

>> No.10161591

Thanks for the motivation man, really needed this...

>> No.10161650
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I thought you needed higher than that

>Be teenager
>Scoring 145+ on iq tests
>Think I'm smart
>Debate applying for Mensa
>Over my bros place, his dad and his step mum are both members
>They're one defining trait apart from bragging about being university lecturers is belonging to Mensa
>His dad sits me down and pulls out one of his art books
>It's full of naked women
>What do you think of this anon
>They're all transvestites anon
>Does that shock you anon
>Is your mind kerfuffled right now anon
>Expand your horizons anon
>Lose the urge to apply

I've met several members. They've all been dickheads.

>> No.10161688
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being subversively intelligent is /fa/
using your intelligence as a social crutch is not /fa/

>> No.10161738

>>His dad sits me down and pulls out one of his art books
>>It's full of naked women
>>What do you think of this anon
>>They're all transvestites anon


>> No.10163151
File: 30 KB, 720x405, 1414258465336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>His dad sits me down and pulls out one of his art books
>>It's full of naked women
>>What do you think of this anon
>>They're all transvestites anon
>>Does that shock you anon
>>Is your mind kerfuffled right now anon
>>Expand your horizons anon
i can't breathe

>> No.10163666

>not smart enough to use his own strengths for his benefit
>using his IQ to argue anonymously on a Mongolian locksmiths forum