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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 210 KB, 480x720, styleheroes-flipbook-0319-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10155801 No.10155801 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10155806

>buying nice clothes before you get thin

Waste of money

>> No.10155821

being fa is not about being fat or thin or attractive.
dude's just clever in many ways

>> No.10155828

he's not living in his mothers basement, so that shouldn't be a problem

>> No.10155830

>this is what fatties believe

>> No.10155841

>implying i'm fatty at 130 ponds
stop projecting, son

>> No.10155862

keep telling yourself that, lardass

>> No.10155875
File: 30 KB, 355x451, iveseensomefits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being fa is not about being fat or thin or attractive.

>> No.10155950
File: 73 KB, 620x372, 83d3c879-bb11-4153-a0e0-cdf59a35abb6-620x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bob dylan is ugly, but he is fa as fuck

>> No.10155955

look how pleased he is with himself

classic jonah "two sub" hill

>> No.10155957

"ugly" is completely subjective once you forget what the media portrays as good looking

>> No.10155958


1) not fat
2) not fat

>> No.10155962

If he was thin he would be out of work lmao

>> No.10155967

>projecting too hard

>> No.10155969

>listens to death grips once (while eating 2 footlongs with the complimentary diet coke)

>> No.10155972

lmao good one

>> No.10155977

why so stupid?
who the hell cares about someones appearance?
dylan is awesome dude, jonah is as well
that makes them effay

>> No.10155988

>being this much of a fat fuck
jonah pls

>> No.10156006

Holy shit, I'm sorry,but if he was skinny then he'd be effay af.

>Wearing supreme in a non-skater fashion
>Thinking fat people will ever be effay

I feel sorry for him.

>> No.10156023


>> No.10156035

This fit isn't good and he's lost more weight since this was taken. Not a good example of his fashion sense. He's an inspiration to other fat guys who like to be /fa/, I'll say that.

>> No.10156039

agree, but /fa/ is the definition of what media portrays as good looking
every pic is some faggot with caricature-like cheeckbones, giant jaw and concentration camp body
but at the same time they're fapping to someone like shia labeouf, david bowie or kanye who are not attractive at all by "fa standards".
Fucking pussies

>> No.10156071

>being so narrow-minded

>> No.10156075

stfu or i'll tell Channing to fuck you up

>> No.10156078

fatties= mad

>> No.10156086

>being this much of a new faggot

Lurk much?

>> No.10156113

lurk much about what? cucks and their stereotypes? Or something like
>how to become skelly fast as possible
You stupid fucks post shit like that every fucking day
So don't tell me to lurk more cause you're dumb as a rock

>> No.10156134
File: 89 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you tell this to yourself till you fall asleep at night, so you aren't overcome by how ugly you are.

>> No.10156180

>Triggered cuck

What part of "fat people will never be effay" did you not understand?
This is not a stereotype. This is a given fact.
>"B-but f-fat people are peoples too!"
>"These threads about bein skinny iz soo stoopid!!"
Holy shit.
Clearly I can tell you are new if those threads actually bother you. It's been going since this board has been created.
This board is about how you look.
This is fashion.

You don't like it?
Fuck off and keep lurking.

>> No.10156264

>clearly i can tell
oh, stop it, sherlock
>This is a given fact
given by who? kids anonymous imageboard? wow
>This board is about how you look.
Right, and not about "how to become skelly fast as possible"
Do you like to starve yourself because of muh fashun? Well that's cool, baby girl, do ya thang

>> No.10156324

>goes to dover street market once

>> No.10156596

I agree with you, anon

>> No.10156627

He's rich AF and got fat for a movie

>> No.10157763

>who the hell cares about someones appearance?
I think your browsing the wrong board

>> No.10158086

whos got the pic of him with like a shit ton of subway footlongs (shopped versions preferred)

>> No.10158135
File: 536 KB, 1024x759, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10158153

lol tyty

>> No.10158172

>Fatty detected

>> No.10158174

>taken out of context
try harder

>> No.10158179

projecting again, samefag :)

>> No.10158337

You keep getting more retarded on every post you make.

I can't argue with this.

>> No.10158342

>not being narrow

stay fat

>> No.10159217

stay stupid. again, my weight is 130 pounds, dunno how it's fat and how it makes me related to jonah hill's weight
lack of arguments? :(

>> No.10159548

>not fat

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.10159553

maybe. then talk about it, anon