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File: 85 KB, 736x1103, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10142906 No.10142906 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you had a nose job yet and when will you get one?
>pic related, very effay nose

>> No.10142913

Want to get one, but price is lookign at $7000-10000 and i don't have that kind of dosh

>> No.10142919


His nose is his least attractive feature imo

>> No.10142921

go to korea fam it'll cost like 2-4k

>> No.10142922

It can take a year for the swelling of a rhinoplasty to go down.

>> No.10142928

Yeah no thanks, don't want gook silicone eroding itself from my face 10 years down the line. Probably going to donald yoo in bev hills.

>> No.10142934

cuz im saving for a genioplasty bruh

>> No.10142947

Sell every fit you got then get a nose job

>> No.10142953

I would like one of these as well but I think a beautiful nose is better

>> No.10142957

get rid of one source of insecurity and you'll just start obsessing over something else

attack that shit @ the root, anon

>> No.10142991

sis, they're the ones that perfected using diced cartilage and basically invented "rib rhinos".

>> No.10142995

koreans do it better and not all surgeons use silicone u idiot

>> No.10143013

Wasn't born with shit genetics.

>> No.10143016

slippery slope BS

>> No.10143021

>koreans do it better
koreans do it better because theyre used to operating on the same kinds of people, a black person going to korea for a rhinoplasty isn't the smartest thing. (Skin thickness, structure etc that surgeons arent familiar with, but theyll lie and say its fine)

>> No.10143030

you have a straight up nigger nose (like super fat and wide and short nose bridge) or is it just a big wide septum and wide nose bridge, like mine. I personally think ethnic rhinoplasty is a waste since its never done right and the results always look synthetic. for me korean rhinoplasty is perfect and my nose bridge for a black person is already really high.

>> No.10143072
File: 211 KB, 1734x566, 1437532400599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A foreign person going to Korea definitely needs to not skimp on research

I had pictures of this other black girl that went to Korea but lost them. it's really obvious she had work done, but it's a vast improvement imo. When I went to the ATL last summer I saw quite a few girls sporting the same type of nose.

Attached picture is actually someone from here that went to Korea. Don't know his ethnicity though...but clearly not Korean.

>> No.10143847

I WANT A NEW NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10143865

dat makeup lol

>> No.10143876


Because I wasn't born with a shit nose and have 9/10 facial aesthetics

>> No.10145064

this thread interests me.

in the mirror my nose sometimes looks fine
but on camera.....awful.

the profile view of it is nice.
but my nostrils are way too big.

and it gets ugly and wide when i smile. :(

where's a good place for rhinoplasty for blacks?

>> No.10145237

Because I was told to wait until I was fully grown (18+)

Getting one at the end of the year, really excited for it. The asymmetry of my nose septum isn't easily noticeable but it's obvious to me in photos. Not to mention it can be hard to breathe.

>> No.10145247

I wasn't born with a shit nose. I broke it as a kid. One of the many possible happenings of having a non-sheltered childhood.

>> No.10145259

Korean plastic surgeons (Get alar base and nose reduction and also septum reduction)
underaged b&
well i almost broke my nose from falling off of the bed face first but my big lips saved me, but it came with a cost and i was drinking a pool of blood until it completely healed like a weak or so later. Now I have big jay z lips.

true story

>> No.10145272

Same here, think my septum is deviated. Gonna hopefully get into a doctor to evaluate it soon.

>> No.10145280

Noses give a face more personality. Especially a prominent Roman nose.

>> No.10145287
File: 17 KB, 640x426, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roman nose

>> No.10145300 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 736x1103, 1437532400599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he looks a lot better like this

>> No.10145304

can u use common sense, yes a giant-ass nose will look great on some people due to their other features. will a giant beak look good on everyone? NO

>> No.10145309
File: 82 KB, 736x1103, 1437532400599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10145350

I have jewish hooked nose (looks really big from side, okay en face). I am grill btw
Should I go for surgery?

Guys can look good with big noses but I haven't seen a single girl who would look better with bigger nose than small one.

people always say that but you don't see many stars and models with distinctive noses.

>> No.10145357
File: 79 KB, 760x500, tumblr_n6y4oszvkY1rmspdfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10145361

Distinctive nose is a masculine trait (as is having face with "character"). Not all men look good with it but some can pull it off.

>> No.10145405

it's not like he would get laid less with that nose

>> No.10145454

im showing how attractive it looks on him

>> No.10145475

not anon you were responding to but he looks worse.
Still 9/10 but worse

>> No.10145542

bump for answers

>> No.10145571

in modelling it's about 50% roman noses 50% straight noses, so it really depends on the individual. A straight nose isn't automatically better (even though it's better than a full-on jew beak etc.) - in half of the cases the roman nose is able to give more character. With that said, plebs like straight noses more.

>> No.10145576

Okay, we get it. You hate your nose.

>> No.10145602
File: 162 KB, 640x448, snapshot (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would range for people between a 4 to a 9 because of my roman nose ig
I look legit handsome from side-angles but from the front I just look fucked up sometimes

>> No.10145644

>even though it's better than a full-on jew beak etc.)
...are there any cases when jew beak looks okay?
please let there be some

>> No.10145651
File: 153 KB, 1200x1600, 52469575-f651-4d66-80c5-149f5b065087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm content with my nose. Pic related.

>> No.10145653

david gandy has a slight one which looks good

the "full-on" beak I mentioned looks exaggerated and is often found on jews, personally don't know a model with one

>> No.10145655

you can use past tense, thanks dr kim <333

>> No.10145661

and after looking twice it's still more in the roman nose area because the tip doesn't show downwards

s-sorry anon

>> No.10145669

so there is not even small chance it might look good on fairer sex, right?

it is okay anon, you weren't picking noses for chosen folk

>> No.10145677

a bigger nose is seen as a masculine feature

with that said, men have really varying tastes in women, I think it can be cute in some cases when the rest fits

>> No.10145737


>men have really varying tastes in women
you know this isn't really true outside few fetishists, just look at any waifu/ qt thread here or on other boards

>> No.10145906

do you know what he got done?

>> No.10146208
File: 98 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is mine Roman or Jew tier?
Pls rate

>> No.10146220

what a cute shekel-shifter

your haircut is the weakest part of your look, tbh

>> No.10146225


>> No.10146446

Got one like four weeks ago.

>> No.10146500

post a pic

>> No.10146510

Its indian/arab core, therefore its jew core.

>> No.10146511

I'm gonna grow my meme cut out and then get my hair cut by Stuart Phillips in London in Septemeber
>£115 haircut come at me

>> No.10146626
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Was crooked before. They also do a cartilage transplant to smooth it out, which you can kinda see in the pic. Worth the money for sure, but to be honest I did it to fix my breathing.

>> No.10146635


Shitskin tier

Give up

>> No.10146636


>> No.10146640


Still ugly lmao

>> No.10147966 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 960x549, londonphonejt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All spec shit aside, what is the most /fa/ phone?

>> No.10148188


most people could use a nose job

I very rarely see noses as good as my natural nose

>> No.10148193


Shame about the rest of your face.

>> No.10148928

Thats a nice lookin nose, congrats

>> No.10148946
File: 315 KB, 491x373, 1433004170621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Retards who don't realize it literally takes almost a full year to see results. The tip of your nose stays swollen for 9 to 10 months after surgery.

>> No.10148947

>that's a normal lookin nose

fixed, quite generic and boring, atleast not offensive

>> No.10148950

too expensive and also afriad they will fuck up

>> No.10149248

why did you shut down goodbye friends i am go that was my fave page

>> No.10149302

>literally spending time comparing it to a statue
>literally posting it on the internet in hopes of an ego boost

>> No.10149335
File: 14 KB, 276x400, 1a1a1a1shitty profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw broke my nose when i was 3
>tfw makes me look even uglier than i am
>tfw ruined profile because of it

(note, lifting my face up slightly, when im not doing that my brow/lips/chin line up perfectly straight. i have way too long of a face)

>> No.10149346
File: 75 KB, 306x534, romanose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, about that...

i'm fucked brehs

>> No.10149370

that's not roman, it's jewish

>> No.10149386

because i love my nose. no way in hell i'd get plastic surgery

>> No.10150802

Do you think a different nose would suit me? I'm not unhappy with it enough to get a nosejob, but still

>> No.10150849

are you a girl? jesus christ you guys are faggots

>> No.10150878

can't afford it + it's probably painful
i doubt it's worth it just to look a bit better

>> No.10150905

what forum do u think ur on, faggot?

>> No.10150927

I don't have the money otherwise I would have years ago.

>> No.10150949
File: 100 KB, 1080x1920, 1437691214987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this roman?

>> No.10151038


Because I feel comfortable in my own skin, I'm no model, probably only a 6/10 but I'll continue to do just fine without mutilating my face.

>> No.10151157


>> No.10151192

it is though
you have your guys who like petite lolis and guys who like titty-monsters
guys who go mental for gingers and guys who like blondes (sorry brunettes)
likewise, there must be at least some guys who'll do anything to get fucked by a big-nosed Russian domme giantess

>> No.10151396


you're a cuck, bro

>> No.10151909
File: 78 KB, 624x302, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go murdoc-core

>> No.10152132
File: 386 KB, 1118x1015, f381bb25-c2a3-4598-bbbe-fb7ef7a4d02c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /weak chin and large nose/ here
I'd have to get a chin implant before a nose job

>> No.10152247

mmmmm weak chins and large noses are my fetish

>> No.10152270

ur nose aint big and ur jaw aint weak nigga , stop being so insecure

>> No.10153272

Oh god I just took a profile shot of my face and I look awful, my fore head is flat near my hair but as it gets closer to my eyebrows its like a giant lump. I don't think I'm ugly from the front though, need cut about 20 more lbs though so I'm not chubby fat

>> No.10153314
File: 186 KB, 976x736, 20141103_141306_HDRfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose has an Ok profile but a shitty front
Probably gonna get surgery for it since its a pretty easy one if i just wanna make my nostrils small.
My nose looks like i broke it like 4 times

>> No.10153376
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, Snapshot_20150724_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all I want in life is an effay nose, maybe some jaw stuff too

>> No.10153406

why the fuck would you change anything about your nose?

>> No.10153407

those fucking right angles

>> No.10153421


>> No.10153458

I'm confused? Is my nose not ugly or something?

>> No.10153462

No, you're jsu extremely insecure. You're also wya too old to use the term fa and follow that status IN EVERY FUCKING CONTEXT

>> No.10153526

And then for the rest of your life you have your desired nose

>> No.10153528

It's called a Caesar

>> No.10153654

How much does it cost?
I'm gonna do it sooner or later

>> No.10153658
File: 377 KB, 602x451, Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 11.39.08 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is me by the way

>> No.10153676

>Why haven't you had a nose job yet and when will you get one?
Because my whole fuckin' face is ugly and getting one would be like throwing a chrome spoiler on a fucking Altima.

Depends on the surgeon, but you always want to go for the more expensive one.

>> No.10153688

its fine you autist

>> No.10153700
File: 143 KB, 325x484, Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 11.59.22 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man its pretty horrific in most photos of me

>> No.10153713

would be the biggest waste of money ever, doesn't look bad at all

>> No.10153720

lmao idiot

>> No.10153769

Gotta give priority to orthognatics.

>> No.10153851

Shitskin/arab tier , I think get it done if you can also try to get rid of your yellow skin

>> No.10153876

the left wall of my nose is pronounced because the muscle under it is over developed. don't know whether to get surgery or find some method to manipulate nose muscles into desirable form

>> No.10153969
File: 862 KB, 722x624, Nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew? Roman?

>> No.10154305
File: 15 KB, 178x326, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retrousse nose

great on qt girls, not so much on men.