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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 732 KB, 1944x2916, cockjock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10138568 No.10138568 [Reply] [Original]

why is he so dreamy /fa/?

>> No.10138579

hes adorable tbh

>> No.10138591
File: 54 KB, 896x349, 1427799724434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally looks like some weird creature that unearthed from a swamp

>> No.10138693

your not fooling anyone, fuck off

>> No.10138722

yes im birthday
nah watch him post him with trip and have poster count go up

>> No.10139619

>Weak jawbone
>Weak cheeckbones
>Round face

>Being dreamy


I do like his hair though.

>> No.10139628

is birthday part nigger?

he has a fatish nose and fullish lips

>> No.10139769 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1252x606, birthdayboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birthday's brother is a douchebag

>> No.10140153


>that's a weak jaw
what the fuck?
also most girls would go for him to be honest

>> No.10140302

Look at how round it is

>> No.10140307

I don't like his face, makes me want to vom. Would not date/10

>> No.10140381
File: 784 KB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal perfection


>> No.10141506

who is this anal angel?

>> No.10141527

the word you were looking for is angular not weak

strong/weak is in reference to (a) how wide it is and/or (b) how prominent/recessed it is in profile

meanwhile angular is in reference to how angular or round it is

>> No.10141531

That doesn't mean weak jaw idiot

Post your jaw please and we'll see who's weak >:^(

>> No.10141780

birthday is so cute, where do I find a bf like jonathon? Please help

>> No.10141795


does any1 know where he's going to college?

>> No.10141800

I know that but like, liiiike bday not that actual thing :)

hasn't said but I know he's studying marketing I think :)))

>> No.10141806

>used to post face on /fa/
>used to look like birthday
>went to university, stressed out
>look old as fuck


>> No.10141810

who is this boi?

>> No.10141832
File: 203 KB, 800x1100, birthday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no homo but that body type is super moe

>> No.10141875

is wrong that i'm straight but get hard looking at this photo and imagining what i might do to his little boy?

>> No.10141878

before someone asks, that isn't a pre-existant drawing i had that happened to remind me of this fashion person. i made the conscious decision to draw "birthday" with "ironic" feline traits in what appears to be on the surface level an "attempt" at internet "humor" but is probably the product of some kind of repressed psychological trauma

>> No.10141887

who is this boy toy?

>> No.10141893

the chest and legs and arms look ok, but he face is wrong. eyes too big

>> No.10141927

yeah, i noticed that just after posting : (
i'm trying to draw more stuff for anonymous imageboards because 1. i need to work on speed and efficiency 2. doing stuff that i don't plan to associate with my main "body of work" helps separate my ego from what i produce 3. the opportunity for unfiltered expression
but i end up rushing and making silly mistakes

>> No.10141930

well do more bday pics, try to draw him nude


>> No.10141959

ummm... okay maybe

you guys need to post more refs tho, i'm just working off the two pics posted in this thread so far

>> No.10141981

search birthday warosu on google images and there are plenty of pics of him

he's cut btw

>> No.10142020

thanks! my first impression of him was pretty off... this is why using multiple references is important

i don't know how you know that but thank you for that information as well

>> No.10142031

>try to draw him nude
do you have the nudes he posted on /hm/? i used to have them saved but my computer crashed and i'm dying to see them again

>> No.10142148

awww, he's got a belly full of jelly

>> No.10142278

bump for bday

>> No.10142329

Do you guys think his belly is full of jelly?

>> No.10142338


He doesn't have a belly
He has a qt taut twink stomach ok

>> No.10142352
File: 202 KB, 1235x956, uguuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little jelly belly boy

>> No.10142367
File: 649 KB, 742x561, belly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his fat brother probably has a belly tho

>> No.10142393
File: 234 KB, 800x1000, birthday2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the delay, guys. was busy eating dinner with my family. the resemblance isn't perfect yet, but i think it's improving; what do you think?

you might notice that something important is missing. that's because, despite having desensitized myself to sexual deviancy to the point where i can admire a portrayal of a lizard-woman's gaping anus for it's well-executed rendering without feeling weird, i still couldn't bring myself to draw a speculative dong on some /fa/ celeb. my hand just wouldn't do the motions. i'm sorry.

>> No.10142406

Wtf I've never seen this pic :o
When was this posted
Face is kinda off tbh

Appreciate effort tho, keep trying for /bdaygeneral/ :)

>> No.10142418

yeah, it's looking a little too angular, isn't it? maybe the nose is overdefined. i might give it another go tomorrow, if anyone's interested?

also, #teamjellybelly. the dude must be like, baby seal-teir soft.

>> No.10142435

I mean it is quite good and I could guess that it's him but it could do with work.
Please do though :)

Idk about that tho I prefer the old mirror selfie he looks much twinkier and qter in that, idk why >>10140381 is posted so much. You should base drawings on the old mirror selfie tbh

>> No.10142445

where to find in archive? or post it

>> No.10142464

haha, no problem! drawing things for people is one of the only things that makes me feel alive anymore.

is this the selfie you were talking about? i'm partial to the skinnyfat look, but it's always nice to try new things.

>> No.10142465
File: 197 KB, 1024x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qt belly not full of jelly..

>> No.10142472

whoops that's the image i meant to attach. ty

>> No.10142475
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.10142486

No worries friend :)

Bday is love bday is life

>> No.10142493

Ok yeah Gotta say he's pretty cute

>> No.10142498
File: 284 KB, 286x433, bigbang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you draw him in this outfit please
i will love you for an inappropriate amount of time
tbh birthday is my favorite kpop twink

>> No.10142539

sure thing. i think my ex-girlfriend really liked this guy. more than she liked me, even. but she's my ex now, so i guess he's her current boyfriend's problem.
anyway, i won't be posting any drawings until after work tomorrow. that should give me some time to consider how to improve facial resemblance in my renditions.

>> No.10142588

Ty based anon

The cat boy bday is great btw

>> No.10142605

heh. he's cute, so maybe she had good taste?
i'm looking forward to it, thanks for getting past any reservations you might have had

>> No.10142778

Who is this qt

>> No.10143357

not bad, eyes too big, lips need to be a little bigger. pretty good overall though. nice details with the little happy trail

>> No.10143362

who is this immaculate ejaculate?

>> No.10143373

these threads are the fucking worst

>> No.10143385



>> No.10143784

don't forget to post your pics

>> No.10143787

>boyish happy trail
>sagging his undies
>ripped body
>dat V definition
why is he so perfect, /fa/?

>> No.10144154

And yet I'll never have him ;_;

>> No.10144183

> OP posts pic of himself

mate youre like a 7/10 AT BEST

move on, not that attractive

>> No.10144187

you aint straight kiddo

>> No.10144197

Nigga weighs like 140 wet I bet

>> No.10144198

it's a rare birthday video, you'll never find it

>> No.10144203

how old is he?

>> No.10144210

that's a textbook example of a belly full of jelly if I've ever seen one

>> No.10144213

probably 18, maybe 19

>> No.10144412

Just like the j/o video :'(

>> No.10144711

who is this butt slut?

>> No.10144716

he just graduated high school

>> No.10145402

saved :)

>> No.10145641

y'all are creepy

>> No.10146150

hi birthday :)

it's on motherless somewhere

>> No.10146205
File: 525 KB, 1000x1800, birthday3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from work

>> No.10146229

>it's on motherless somewhere
yeah, where?

>> No.10146231

Birthday is absolutely out of his mind and needs serious help

>> No.10146234

draw more :)

>> No.10146280

Wow the face is actually really really good here :) you captured the qtness

>> No.10146287

school shooter faggot for sure

>> No.10146299

Is he even 20? He's got pretty wretched wrinkles at the corners of his mouth (overbite and poor facial posture) and steep nasiolabial wrinkles

All on top of being a babydick manlet and actual homosexual. Stop lying to yourself birthday, and stop samefsgging threads. You all fooling no one

No one is going to save hi-resolution images of you at 1944 x 2916 you fucking idiot

>> No.10146310

ten out of ten

net fo tou net

>> No.10146357

>All on top of being a babydick manlet
he is a manlet, but he is hung. and hopefully has a few more years of growing left in both those departments :D

>> No.10146986

Stfu! Meanie