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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 868 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132139 No.10132139 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10132147

middle standing dude looks like pakastani pharrell williams

>> No.10132150

holy lord how can this

>> No.10132190

Ginger in the crocs looks the best out of all of them.

>> No.10132194

nice try ginger kid

>> No.10132201

>being surprised that teenagers dress like shit

>> No.10132204

Pakistani Pharrell Williams isn't even that badly dressed

>> No.10132206

The sand nigga looks shill as f

>> No.10132209

yeah, if a model was wearing that exact outfit, /fa/ would go apeshit

>> No.10132221

is /fa/ supposed to be any better you dumb fagtron

>> No.10132226

the pakistani pharrell isn't that far from having a solid fit

>> No.10132228

>Implying Redditors dress well

>> No.10132229

Better than most fits on here, sadly.

>> No.10132231

Ginger is on point

>> No.10132243

Pharrell and Manuel Neuer bringing the heat.

>> No.10132245

that kid has a really long neck

>> No.10132248

what is that ginger doing

>> No.10132259

That black kid has style

>> No.10132261

They don't look bad at all? And they are teens who cares? Oh and they have a squad to roll with so better then most people.

>> No.10132263

Pharrell's fit is pure fire

>> No.10132265

Which one are you talking about?

>> No.10132278
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>> No.10132297

I see worse consistently in our WAYWT

>> No.10132298

>implyin /fa/ dresses better than teenmfa

>> No.10132316


>> No.10132321


It's hit or miss for both forums, at least MFA is aware of fucking up.

>> No.10132331

>implying /fa/ and TMFA don't have the same userbase

>> No.10132332

Damn if youre under 15 have a go but if not cringe

>> No.10132334

Implying that tmfa isn't?

>> No.10132337
File: 1.33 MB, 400x224, 1429960920406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that guy wants to be blade so bad

>> No.10132338

the guy in the back...

>> No.10132349



>> No.10132350


>that guy
>picture of many guys

>> No.10132351
File: 96 KB, 271x801, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my feet hurt
>I wish I was at home posting on reddit

>> No.10132354
File: 193 KB, 1080x1080, rate my squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the problem here?

>> No.10132355

how can you be this fucking stupid

>> No.10132362

Can someone photoshop this guy into the op to prove a point

>> No.10132363
File: 2.68 MB, 2048x1536, sneakinforthatpusse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pharrells fit is pretty solid

>> No.10132367


which one looks like him you mongrol

>> No.10132377

but who took the picture

>> No.10132381
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 1422810521467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt know kids visited reddit. I thought it was just 20-somethings posting le funny pop culture references

>> No.10132382
File: 2.19 MB, 1944x2592, 1437338898187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.10132390

Ok so they're teenagers and male but they must've forgot about the whole fashion part.

>> No.10132394

the fat redhead, the red converse, the besiktas jersey and that lil nig in the background

>> No.10132396

Dem hips

>> No.10132401

pharrell alpha af

>> No.10132406

How can you be this fucking vague

>> No.10132410

He's the only person that doesn't look akward as fuck in the picture.

>> No.10132417

right 3 are ok

left 3 are pretty awful (except maybe the one with the board but his hair is shit)

>> No.10132435



>> No.10132440

Kids being kids, so what. They aren't hurting anything.

>> No.10132449
File: 465 KB, 2160x3840, 35aizVW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from "shitty teenmfa"s latest waywt

niggas draped in og lang


>> No.10132452
File: 112 KB, 580x900, 5Y9Ep02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also a good fit


>> No.10132460

they're teenagers
they always look cringey no matter what clothes you put on them

>> No.10132464

w2c pharrell's fit

>> No.10132494

these are the worst jeans

>> No.10132499

and fake supreme

>> No.10132502

bianca chandon i see u

>> No.10132512

clean. but a) he's probably a rich cunt and b) anyone who takes a pic balancing on a sink or toilet is a fucking scrub
>what is interior design

>> No.10132518

lol it's such a shit piece too. Who would bother faking that jersey

>> No.10132527

ITT: making fun of kids to feel better about ourselves

>> No.10132534

Found the redditor

>> No.10132539

>implying browsing /fa/ more than any other website is actually /fa/

>> No.10132540

underrated comment

>> No.10132542

tbh 70% of people itt are like you while the others are like >>10132534

>> No.10132546

He's black

>> No.10132570


>> No.10132575


/fa/ crossposter on the right.

>> No.10132577

pharrell even moves like he's in a music video
fucking based

>> No.10132582

>that tall guy trying to see shorter

>> No.10132587

guy with long neck?

>> No.10132610

sorry that you're so fat you can't even stand on a toilet without falling over

>> No.10132618

middle guy's fit is chill. anyone know the jeans or shirt?

>> No.10132650

after browsing their waywt thread, i can conclude they are all going in the wrong direction

>> No.10132677

Our legacy shirt, patrick ervell jeans

>> No.10132705


>> No.10132715

wait I thought this place was teenMFA

>> No.10132720

Their waywt is 1000x better than ours

>> No.10132722

black dude and the guy next to him look pretty good

>> No.10132738
File: 51 KB, 585x511, 1437128811608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board's insecurity is projecting so bad right now
yes face the reality that these boys can dress better and enjoy it too unlike you hostile fags whom are nothing more than balding fashion victims
pls go

>> No.10132771

It's not fake faggot. No one makes fakes of that.

>> No.10132784

uhh.. ok mate. I'm honestly so sorry you can't tell how dumb you sound.
>having to stand on something to be seen in the mirror
>no full-length mirrors
I'm sorry but standing on top of the place where you defecate to photograph what looks to be a couple of thousand $ worth of designer clothing. to me this just seems like a total contrary thing to do and is just sad and laughable.

>> No.10132786


>> No.10132794

it wasn't me, but is it really that difficult to tell which one looks like pharrell, and which one looks like the blonde hair, pale skinned goalkeeper?

>> No.10132808


Subreddit dedicated to fashion..


Are you guys retarded?

>> No.10132816

they're fucking teenagers

would you rather a thread where everyone rips into them and jerks each other off?

>> No.10132825

pretty sure the pharrell guy posts or lurks on here

>> No.10132830


You are not understanding what I said. I'm saying that the people here that are surprised that these guys are dressing well are retarded..

>> No.10133470

>87 posts
>51 posters
Sounds like some people are really hating on these kids.

>> No.10133483

two dudes on the right look good, stop hating

>> No.10133491

dope besiktas jersey lol

>> No.10133492

idk if i saw them on the street i wouldn't like recoil in horror or anything, wouldn't give them a second look tho

>> No.10133510
File: 203 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pharrell kid is in my inspo album kek

>> No.10133518

yeah ok it's an incredibly boring basic fit, congratulations. Jesus christ

>> No.10133524

She rock slow, she dip slow, she wanna dance to reggae and calypso

>> No.10133533

clean af

>> No.10133548

I think at the very least, /fa/ has consistently better pants, even if our fits are more bland.

>> No.10133552

Can someone post the fa meet up with dylan woof

>> No.10133556

where to cop same or similar peacoat?

>> No.10133559

Fuck off with that cancerous faggot.

>> No.10133568

true tbh I follow his ig his style is actually pretty solid. he's fairly young also.

>> No.10133586


>that shirt

other then that, yep, looks nice.

>> No.10133599
File: 84 KB, 186x224, new meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133724

so just the shittiest cheapest piece supreme makes?

>> No.10133733

Is your name Mike?

>> No.10133734


>> No.10133738

i don't like him u fuck but the resemblance is there

>> No.10133740

Getting what he wants

>> No.10133743

pharell kid owns bones

>> No.10133746

its a good fit man. probably better than what you have on.

>> No.10133752

So did Pharrell Kid actually achieve somewhat of /fa/ approval despite being from Reddit? Wow. I'm in awe.

>> No.10133788

alright its pretty obvious redhead was fucking around. it almost looks like hes mocking the other kids tbh

>> No.10133789
File: 102 KB, 604x1051, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends with the ginger kid said most of the people were fags

>> No.10133795

congrats on being friends with a fat ugly manlet ginger

>> No.10133805
File: 2.73 MB, 262x275, isjU8998Nb63m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no surprises here

>> No.10133815

I'm more concerned that he actually owns crocs

>> No.10133962
File: 1.69 MB, 1163x2142, Screenshot_2015-07-19-22-40-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two guys aren't that bad honestly.

>> No.10133992

It is a pretty good palewave fit. Wouldn't be surprised if he lurks here

>> No.10134081

I back this

>> No.10134087

Except for the awkward autismo stance

>> No.10134103

>pretty good palewave fit

it's a white shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers

>> No.10134133

shirt is patterned if you look

>> No.10134298

I'm pretty sure the ginger kid is obviously just dicking around

>> No.10134358

He's not even the worst dressed. The kid in the back....

>> No.10134676

thts what it sounds like on tmfa, honestly I think it could be turned into a decent fit with a few changes though

>> No.10134683

The white kid to the right of the black kid needs some different shoes and the fit would be inspo. worthy - too bad he looks like a dumbfuck. Hope puberty is good to you, fashion-traveler

>> No.10134716

the /fa/ waywt threads are always shit, without fail

>> No.10134718

the guy with the phone in this photo just looks like he has life figured out. I don't know what it is about him, but the way he is looking at me makes it feel like he's doing better than me at everything.

>> No.10134724

it's not that bad, only in this outfit. And judging by other things from them, it would only cost around $100.
Looks like you're a bit butthurt about not owning anything from them because mom won't let you use her card again since you maxed out on clash of clans.

>> No.10134726
File: 757 KB, 1936x2592, lmaomfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10134731


>> No.10134736

i guess its funny to mock teenagers enjoying themselves and having fun experimenting with their clothes

>> No.10134742
File: 1.67 MB, 1936x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy, same sexy fits

>> No.10134749


post more

>> No.10134753

pakistani and second from right are dressed well, problem is they're ugly and fashion will never help them.
People who aren't attractive/have no unique aesthetic (ie, rick owens--objectively bad looking, but very aesthetic) should express themselves some other way.

>> No.10134756

Asian's fit is pretty good tbh

>> No.10134772

bit rich coming from your mate, he had the worst fit there

>> No.10134832 [DELETED] 

The fuck is this gif from?

>> No.10134903

>Pakistani Pharrell

>> No.10134910
File: 1.34 MB, 1936x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats his friend or something...his only friend I assume

>> No.10134918
File: 1012 KB, 2048x1536, Schoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10134985


>> No.10135011

You should talk to more people in real life.

>> No.10135035

>norwooding at age 13

jesus christ

>> No.10135042


>> No.10135043

that's not how you use the word aesthetic you fucking mongrel

>> No.10135059

I refuse to believe that's a real human. If you described him to me I'd say bullshit

>> No.10135705

Which one?

>> No.10136283


Your mate's outfit was really bad, even for a teenager trying to be ironic.

>> No.10136333

The white fag in the right looks good to me, wish I had blonde hair like him.

>> No.10136354

He looks like he could be an awkward hedi model. Still awkward af

>> No.10136375

I wish i had friends

>> No.10136377

this is me. the mirror is the most accessible full length mirror in my house. I guess I am more well off than most people, but I bought some of the stuff (the shoes, etc) with money I saved from tutoring and such

>> No.10136382

what's his ig?

>> No.10136388

these threads are by far the most pathetic thing that gets posted on this board. why are people surprised that high schoolers look like.. high schoolers? everyone was a dork in high school and the lack of self awareness and huge ego combined with a medium to low clothing budget means all high schoolers dress like shit

why do you care so much to go that far with it? i own a bunch of supreme shit and people like you drove me away from the brand

>> No.10136415

Except they browse a fashion board. They're trying to dress well and failing

>> No.10136501

asian with the board looks like he's losing hair at 13

>> No.10136511

And were did the rest of the money come from, your parents?

>> No.10136515

You do know you can get og lang for cheap on rak and teenagers can work jobs right?

>> No.10136532

I know. I just found it funny that he bought "some of the stuff".

>> No.10136565

This is nice.
On op pic ok is blonde guy and pharell williams jr. I may say they dress better then all fa.

>> No.10136568

these. all you guy shitting on teens are pathetic. you probably dressed like shit in high school yourself, and its not like these guys have had years and years of refining their taste and wardrobe.

fwiw i dress like shit myself. basic at best.

>> No.10136582

They're better than most honestly.

fa just litteraly has a teenage girl complex because you're all surprised when people in real life don't look like models ina photoshoot

>> No.10136585

Pharrel the Paki pls leave

>> No.10136595
File: 18 KB, 609x383, tumblr_nm8r4kc7KX1rmerh9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginger is probably just wearing all that stuff as a joke obviously, after all he browses a fashion board so he knows what it frowned upon and decided to wear exactly that.
Paki Pharell is basic but nice, the fit of the jeans is a little off tho.
Autist with the sunglasses obviously doesn't know shit about how to dress, worst fit.
Both asians have pretty average fits (basically shit, since they should know better as ppl interested in fashion)
Dylan Roof's fit is ruined by the cheap looking shoes and the mismatching of blacks of the pants and shoes.

>> No.10136619

is this on 110th street?

>> No.10136625

Black chelseas would improve that fit

>> No.10136633


>> No.10136641

this is the cringiest

>> No.10136647

ok here is my personal break down of these outfits.

the guy with the penny board crouching is definitly not bad and looks pretty okay. this is a super average fit but it looks nice.

the ginger is OBVIOUSLY joking with his fit and if you say otherwise you probably live under a rock and don't understand how crocs are seen by society today.

The guy with the jordan's looks like any other person who likes supreme a lot. the fit is, in all honesty, not that bad. the glasses look good. as a teenager he looks fine.

pharrel's fit is clean as fuck. its a really nice up-to-date pale wave fit.

the blonde guy looks fine. as well the jacket, shirt and pants go together pretty well but I would personally change the shoes.

the asian guy on the far right also looks okay. pretty much the same thing as the blond guy but much better imo based on fit and color coordination.

they look fine. stop being so fucking dramatic.

>> No.10136666

I want the dude in the j's top but without the all the badges

>> No.10136671

lmao. that supreme fit is the opposite of "not bad"

>> No.10136680

well I did say it was my fucking opinion but it's okay I understand. Twats will be fucking twats.
Maybe if you understood how Jordans are to be rocked you wouldn't say that.

>> No.10136691

he looks like a middle school hypebeast who buys fake supreme to be like tyler the creator

>> No.10136692

>buy for low price cuz not super heat piece
>use stitching removers

>> No.10136698

Okay I'll get to the point. I'm not the person you're responding to but I'm the person you're talking about. It's real supreme and I got it because I like it. I dislike Tyler the creator, but he doesn't wear supreme anymore so your argument is moot.

>> No.10136707

Tfw ordered the floral our legacy shirt that paki Pharrell is wearing right before seeing this thread, but then seeing everyone praise his fit

Weird sort of feel

>> No.10136711

underage get out

>> No.10136825

ahahah that was me who said that

>> No.10136826

get new jeans. your fit is cringey

>> No.10136849

there are plenty of college posters on tmfa u cuck

>> No.10136850

Kek, not recognizing the far right as shitskin Asian and has no chances of being a doctor.

>> No.10136861

good thing i'm not a crossposting reddit nigger and wouldn't know that

>> No.10136868

>not posting on reddit

lol you wont make it bro

>> No.10136902

the blonde is going to be handsome af when he grows up tbh

>> No.10136906


homeboy on the left looks like hes ready for a day of fishing

>> No.10136908

hey blond guy

>> No.10136933

Why shouldn't they be surprised? MFA is generally dog shit. Just like here.

>> No.10136965

he just looks like my husbando who will never want to be with me let me alone ;__;

>> No.10136975


>> No.10137014

kek, found the tmfa poster

>> No.10137022

How do awkward teenagers even afford nicer clothes than me

>> No.10137044

Dude, most of /fa/ is 13-15. Teen MFA is probably older on average.

>> No.10137048
File: 81 KB, 720x720, 1523106_809791709070390_9159891886178606116_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10137056

found the 15 year old

>> No.10137078

The one good thing about MFA and TeenMFA is how easy it is to convince them something is making a comeback since most are beginners or just want to be told what to do. I'll have all of reddit in 11 inch jean shorts by the end of next summer :^)

>> No.10137102

3 on the right dress better than fa's last waywt. That's not saying much though

>> No.10137128

wtf is this? are those undone overalls?

>> No.10137133

kinda like this one actually

>> No.10137135

Can this be the new meetup pic?

>> No.10137137

But gingy over here had the worst fit.

>> No.10137147

worst dressed making fun of best dressed. k

>> No.10137160

>crushed blacks
Why do people do this

>> No.10137195

Our Legacy ss15

>> No.10137222

wow he's a twat then

>> No.10137231

Devin is such a fucking faggot

>> No.10137692

Found the james

>> No.10137909

The black kid looks like a younger version of the black guy from Six Feet Under tbh

>> No.10137914

it's funny how hard he tried to backtrack and do damage control once he got btfo on reddit when the snapchat was posted

>> No.10137938

>denim loincloth

fucking monkeys

>> No.10137947

The ginger's face is incredibly punchable. Looks like he just pissed his pants

>> No.10137978
File: 1.03 MB, 3110x2073, fa meetup meme picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brisbane meet-up is getting more crowded every day!

>> No.10137994

I'm working on it. Getting my paycheck Friday

>> No.10138007

Now that half the meetup is in this thread, how much of a fucking faggot was the ginger?

>> No.10138009

Lol he's chill. I like him a lot.

>> No.10138015

Huge faggot. Kept commenting on pharrell's eytys

>> No.10138019

Like, a lot a lot?

>> No.10138021

Ginger safari here, my fit isn't a joke. It's a fashion meetup, of course I'm going to put my nicest pieces on display, you guys just have no taste.

>> No.10138035

No homo but he's a homie

>> No.10138040

I'll change the shoes for this fit next time and try to realize my potential as Manuel Neuer/awkward Hedi model.
I wanna apologize for being a pleb
-the blond dude

>> No.10138051

Ginger safari was a total bro, his fit was fire

>> No.10138052

>reddit nigger
Wow that's fucking edgy. I can't believe you are making fun of teenagers

>> No.10138058

tmfa has better fits and community than /fa/ lol.

>> No.10138059


>> No.10138088

honest question

doesn't it ruin the purpose of advice that people can downvote and thereby hide controversial opinions? you can't have a real debate on reddit

>> No.10138095

Circlejerking/downvoting makes it really hard to discuss controversial things. Just look at the Ann Coulter AMA. It does suck, even though I'm a redditor

>> No.10138203

I feel like you aren't one of the people at the meetup

>> No.10138212


the reason that reddit is better is because they have names. with this advice is going to be from some random fuckwit with no taste at all.

I still hate reddit though

>> No.10138308

Is that Our Legacy Reverse Fireflowers shirt?

>> No.10138310
File: 176 KB, 1663x1247, 1435462652103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a redditor

>> No.10138324
File: 821 KB, 3110x2073, 1429618446726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10138333

that doesnt really happen at all. especially on smaller subs like tmfa and even mfa. people dont downvote arguments much, at least not past -2, so everyone still sees it. the only problem would be if it was downvoted past -5, but that never happens for genuine advice because theres both hella normies lurking and hella experienced people too to balance it out

>> No.10138340

also, on a small sub like tmfa most active people read every comment cause there arent that many comments

>> No.10138383

Holy shit that giraffe neck

>> No.10138395

it's shopped kek

>> No.10138409

left to right:
ftm transexual
ron weasley
nigger unaware of his skin color
wannabe badass
birth defects

>> No.10138511

Yup. I'm the Pharrell guy

>> No.10138623


>> No.10138689

where'd you get your vans

>> No.10138714

Shut up devin

>> No.10138735
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, mordecai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not devin i'm mordecai
pic related it's me mordecai

>> No.10138851


>> No.10138872

honestly if you block out his face and his posture was fixed these would be passable.

facial aesthetic can have a huge impact on overall "first impressions". just look at that brismeet thing. when the first pics came out with faces blurred out, people didnt really care and some threads even had compliments, but when the faces came out and you could see all the strained facial expressions and w/e other imperfections, then the whole thing blew up.

>> No.10139112

on his way to The Little Rascals reboot auditions

>> No.10139122

>brismeet thing
what is this referring to? sounds interesting

>> No.10139645



>> No.10139656

Everyone sleeping on the heroin chic bitch boy.

>> No.10139661

Paki pharrel is a new meme lol

>> No.10140108


Oh god what's wrong with his eyes?
So much pain and fatigue from years of bullying and neglect. In a last ditch effort he turned to the autists on Teen MFA to make him at least look cool and he come out looking more pathetic than ever.

>> No.10140111
File: 4 KB, 251x241, 1370146429581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first day on /fa/ :^)

>> No.10140197

Why are they wearing jackets? They must be sweating a lot

>> No.10140313

Probably "stunting" their jackets. The Pharrell kid is the only one who actually looks comfortable

>> No.10140395

Ironically purchased just for the tmfa meetup perhaps lol

>> No.10140419

The orange jacket doesn't seem very stunt-worthy, maybe it was cold?

>> No.10140426

It wasn't. It was in the 80s in SF

>> No.10140435
File: 221 KB, 161x739, roof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't spoof the roof

>> No.10140439

Commitment to being effay?

>> No.10140495
File: 19 KB, 516x475, marcel-duchamp-fountain-1406916113_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But tf he were standing next to this?

>> No.10140531

samefag detected

>> No.10140629

You are incredibly delusional.

>> No.10140642

kid in fake supreme's fit better be a joke too

>> No.10140718

w2c jacket

>> No.10140834

It's not fake. Just because people can afford more than you doesn't mean it's fake

>> No.10140912

Maybe I'm wrong >>10138021

>> No.10140936
File: 33 KB, 678x196, Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 7.27.21 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.10140937


>> No.10140942

jordans are fine
supreme is fine
jeans aren't nice, sorry. Skinnier fit is more fashionable.

no disrespect to you though

>> No.10140974

haha holy shit I didn't even notice shoofed roof

>> No.10140980

We sixth grade now

>> No.10140983

>not remaining anonymous
You know you done fucked up right? You know you done fucked up?

>> No.10141016

pharrell's fit would look good on a white person, clashes to much with his skin colour
w2c his jeans?

>> No.10141024
File: 91 KB, 414x590, IMG0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>umm should I cut my hair? People think I look girly with long hair

jesus christ

>> No.10141027

SHIT she a cutie

>> No.10141028


>> No.10141058

Holy fuck tripfags are really the worst!

>> No.10141061

>implying theres more to palewave than this

>> No.10141079
File: 54 KB, 1029x720, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not how a boys legs should look

>> No.10141083

>My parents never bought me anything as a kid

>> No.10141144

yeah he is

>> No.10141186


>> No.10141353

Black people can only wear dark colors? Lmao. They're Patrik Ervell btw

>> No.10141407

>afford more than you
Literally the shittiest piece Supreme has made. Someone probably paid him to take it off their hands

>> No.10141469

Where to cop insecure faggot that looks like a girl?

>> No.10141478


>> No.10141881

chav in the white superstars is unintentionally fresh as fuck

>> No.10142189

guy on the right has good jewelwave pants

>> No.10142197

i think pale is a retard and cancerous and all but you're a dumbass, he isn't using a tripcode.

>> No.10142231

don't worry baby, i'm only half trolling ;)