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File: 24 KB, 720x479, 1436903294522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10124964 No.10124964 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to get to this level of facial aesthetics or improve your current other than lowering your body fat, treating your skin well, putting on some muscle, and getting tanner?
Other than surgery.

Is there anything people take that can affect the way your face is shaped or develops? Or is it just a matter of genetics?

>> No.10124980

Genetics and taking care of you lazy homo.
It's literally impossible to be ugly if you lift and eat well.

>> No.10124981

>lowering your body fat, treating your skin well, putting on some muscle, and getting tanner

nigga just do this, you answered your own fucking question

>> No.10124994

What's the ideal body type / body fat %?

>> No.10125000

9 to 10 percent
Just read the fit sticky and count calories.

>> No.10125001
File: 113 KB, 1070x1500, 1403762592960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people love skellys, some people think you should be a musclehead, but pretty much the ideal balance that looks good in clothes and out of them is pic related

>> No.10125015

provably with a bit more upperbody muscle
this looks okay in pics but not really irl

>> No.10125043

its just genetics lol. you can still be a bit chubby and have just as cut of a jawline if you have good genes. lifting or tanning or even skin care don't do anything with the general facial structure. unless you are actually a good deal overweight you can still have good facial aesthetics provided good genetics; there isn't much fat at all in your face and the people who appear to have fat faces have shit genetics. body fat % or lifestyle changes can't fix that.

>> No.10125051

lol that posture. kid needs to be put into a brace

>> No.10125068

That's not his posture dumbass that's a pose.

>> No.10125111

You have to be pigfuck, Im the one who made all the pigfuck model threads and in order to look like that you either need to be thta model or pigfucks brother, which is basically the same thing

>> No.10126680

why would you pose like a polio survivor

>> No.10126688

to annoy you specifically

>> No.10126722

How the fuck does gaining muscle improve your face, Scheißekopf?