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10123900 No.10123900 [Reply] [Original]

How are you supposed to approach a girl that you dont know without it coming off as you just trying to come onto her?

>> No.10123904

Excuse me, what board is this?

>> No.10123906

Just give up on women and find other interests

>> No.10123909

Its not very effay to not have a gf, is it?

>> No.10123910


Don't come on the her lol. Be genuinely interested in getting to know her more ask her for her number and bring up the idea of getting coffee or lunch with her one day.

>> No.10123913

Walk up to her and say

You got me lifted, shifted higher than the ceiling
And ohh wee it’s the ultimate feelin
You got me lifted feelin so gifted
Suga, how’d you get so fly?

>> No.10123916

Alright. How do I do that without being awkward as fuck?

>> No.10123921


>> No.10123975

This is a fashion board, fuck off.

>> No.10123976


Just say hi complement her on something you noticed about her(not having to do with physical beauty) and go from there. That worked for me, but I probably talk to a lot more people than you do.

"Hey I don't do this very often but I just wanted to say hi because I really like that book you're reading. I'm trying to meet new people, what's your name?". Talk about bullshit and segway it into asking for a date."OK(insert name here) would you be interested in getting lunch with me?" If she says no, doesn't matter, you were strong enough to approach a random person you had something in common with.

Eventually, you'll be able to just say hi, get a number and go.

>> No.10123977

>implying people don't want dress well to impress the opposite sex

Come on son.

>> No.10123981

>Hey I don't do this very often but I just wanted to say hi because

yea don't say that part. Don't qualify what you're about to say. Also if shes a reading a book, its pretty rude to interrupt her.

>> No.10123983

The one important thing I realised, is that you actually have to show that you are just trying to come onto her, because this is what attractes them.
If you approach with no interest to fugg her, then friendzone (despite browsing this board which leads to 80% of females thinking you are gay).

>> No.10123990

>dressing for other people
Anyways, this thread is off topic. Fuck off to /b/

>> No.10123992

I hear what youre saying, but anytime i try stuff like this, the girl will usually say stuff like "okay?" with that upward inflection that lets you know that theyre wondering why youre even talking to them. Or they just straight up act like bitches

>> No.10123999

What if youre ugly?

>> No.10124000


He's nervous. I say own that shit, no point in pretending otherwise. But to each his own. I like to be pretty straightforward with my intentions

>> No.10124014


Are you ugly.

Post selfie

>> No.10124046

Im not gonna post but yeah at least i kind of think i am. I think some girls find me attractive, but most just dont think much of me. The dealbreaker is my awkwardness

>> No.10124065


If you think you're ugly. It's a good chance you're projecting that feeling outwards. Work on your self image, and the girls will come. One way to improve self image is to eat decently well, drink lots of water, dress cleanly(not necessarily /fa/ level) exercise at least 2 times a week and wash yourself. Talking to girls will help build confidence but most of that confidence comes from within.

>> No.10124167

I used to have the same problem with girls but now it's way more easy to talk to them. First of all you need to stop putting women on a fucking pedal stool. Once you realize they're just people like anybody else, nothing special, you'll find it more easy to talk about random and trivial stuff. Imagine the girl you want to talk to is a friend or a random clerk in a store, this will help you minimize awkwardness. Just act normal. You said something and she didn't laugh? It's not the end of the world. Try to play it cool always but don't try too hard or she'll see through your façade.

Just stop giving a fuck about what girls say or think and you'll see how much better your life will become, and, ironically, you will start having more luck with women -hopefully-

>> No.10124173
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>Pedal stool

>> No.10124180
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see but what if you do get rejected and she tells her friends and everyone in school knows. I mean I would normally not care about shit like that but still....

>> No.10124192

Well here's the thing. Nobody gives a fuck "if you don't do this often". No one cares and it adds unessesary shit to your introduction. Usually it doesn't matter, but when you're initiating a conversation with someody you don't know, it's best not to give them your life story. If you can get the same point across with less words, that's generally better. Down the line it won't matter as much, but we're making a first impression.
Also excluding that part doesn't make this any less straightforward.

>> No.10124200

But what >>10124167 said was true. No pedal stools m8.

>> No.10124222

mirin samefag

It's pedestal you fucking scrub

>> No.10124230


To be honest, it's not how I approach the opposite sex and I've never really had to use that line. I'm just trying to view it from his perspective and say something I would say if I never talked to a whole lot of girls. With that being said, I know plenty of girls would respect him being honest and upfront about intentions and actually hear him out. On the other hand, people can be rude and blow him off. I just think he has a better chance by saying that upfront to get it off his chest and potentially make the girl he's talking to, put up with his stammering and antsyness.

>> No.10124232

It's a reference and a joke, you retarded humongous mongoloid

>> No.10124236


This advice is counter productive to someone who lacks confidence in the first place though. He has to build himself up before he can feel natural talking to the opposite sex.

>> No.10124266

You're right

Please don't take this advice before building confidence. Women love confident guys, although I would say everybody likes to see a confident person, It will not only help you girls but in work and like in general.

>> No.10124271

be genuine you dumb faggot
if you want to get to know someone just because they look nice then say 'hi you look nice/sweet, im x, wanna get to know each other'

why the fuck am i giving this basic advice when i dont want a gf on a zimbabwaen pottery irc

>> No.10124276


Ay baby wanna fug??

>> No.10124296

why do 16 year olds post such vapid bullshit

nobody cares retard, >>>b

>> No.10124315

>did you hear? Anon asked Anonne out. Oh.

>> No.10124319

>zimbabwaen pottery irc

>> No.10124379

Underrated post

>> No.10124405

Whenever I see this I just assume you're samefagging and have a distorted/inflated view of your first post.

>> No.10124421
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Y'know I did that once in highschool and I talked to one of her friends afterwards. Apparently more people knew that I liked her than I thought, but not a single person brought it up to my face. Just stop being a bitch.

>> No.10124446

>>10124296 >>10124315 >>10124421

but then I will look desperate to all her friends..

>> No.10124452

casually flirting with someone doesn't look desperate

if you say something cute to her and she says something cute back then you're essentially flirting

stalking her isn't flirting, don't do that

honestly though, girls can detect insecurity like sharks smell blood... you need to relax for real and be nonchalant about it

>> No.10124457

If she's attractive it doesn't matter what you do. You will always seem like you're coming onto her.

>> No.10124477

Asking a girl out isn't desperate. It's NORMAL. You have any idea how many times a day a pretty & nice girl gets hit on? It would barely register as a blip on her radar dude. I take comfort in that fact.

>> No.10124491

>How are you supposed to approach a girl that you dont know without it coming off as you just trying to come onto her?
Why would you hide it? Like >>10124457 says, it's gonna be honest, and you shouldn't try to hide it anyway. Just be open about it and come onto her. If she doesn't want it, so be it.

Don't pussyfoot around, you shouldn't have the time for that anyway.

>> No.10124497

I was friends with most of her friends, I never went after them or anything though. The point is you can't worry about what everyone else thinks. You like her friend then go for it, doesn't work out then move on. In the end the thing you'll regret the most isn't being rejected, but not trying at all.

>> No.10124506
File: 39 KB, 640x640, JUST DO IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the end the thing you'll regret the most isn't being rejected, but not trying at all.

>> No.10124552
File: 131 KB, 331x459, My Nigga kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the end the thing you'll regret the most isn't being rejected, but not trying at all.

>> No.10124565
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x2560, 2014-01-23 15.50.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make

>> No.10124637

Literally no I just like that song

>> No.10124687


this was really good advice. thanks man

>> No.10125164

you must be over 18 to browse this website

>> No.10125208

31 year old man here, with maybe 14-16 women under my belt.

I remember how weird it felt to try and chat up girls when I was younger. You know that they realise what youre trying to do. Youre trying to do dirty things to them. But you know what? They dont care, they want that too. But unlike men they are obliged to hide that fact so as to not appear slutty.

The best thing to do, op, is talk to women as if they were just other MEN, and then change your routine from there. Keep more eye contact with the girls you like, and stay close to them as much as possible. At some point in conversation you will trip over a sentence that makes it clear you like her. It comes out naturally sometimes, its less embarassing that way. Tell her you hope to see her again soon, and that you had a good time. Let your eyes stay on her a second. All little things that make it clear you like her.