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File: 80 KB, 1000x667, 11705403_924402884267406_8895926618641525750_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10119492 No.10119492 [Reply] [Original]

I know that chinky in the back posts here.

>> No.10119503

Front guy is total Chad. He's gonna fuck that booty so hard later that night.

>> No.10119512

lol the fucking guts on those two girls

>> No.10119527

Front guy looks like the sort of person who speaks in a fake Jamaican accent.

>> No.10119573

>not liking high test

>> No.10119597

What's the matter, anon? Can't handle a REAL woman?

>> No.10119650

Being fat around this age means they'll be landwhales once they hit 20.

>> No.10120067

this tbh

>> No.10120080


Jesus Christ, the fucking guts on those slags.

>no food for me today, thank you.

>> No.10120083

The leftmost girl in white is like 95% of girls at parties.

"I'm so glad we're here! Time to stare at my phone."

>> No.10120090


>> No.10120102

Why do club photos like this always manage to make everyone look like massive dicks?

>> No.10120116
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>doctors convince fat bitches their lifestyle is healthy
>triple their revenue
>LOL all the way to the back

>> No.10120187

What else would you do in a party? I-I don't know anyone...

>> No.10120191


>> No.10120491
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>> No.10120559
File: 16 KB, 600x600, B_bS-HeVAAA0AlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg Whites

>> No.10121380

This is what I love about being an Ausfag, the girls don't actually dress any better as they grow up... but the dudes will be fly as fuck in 10 years...

I'm talking about the Asian kid, the wog is destined to whatever the next Ed Hardy is.

>> No.10121733

What does this mean?

>> No.10122050

Its like they all shop at fucking GLUE.

actually, Ill put money down, that they all do.

>> No.10122056

poor posture if anything tbh

>> No.10122062

high test (testosterone) men like thick bitches, like the ones in the OP

>> No.10122063
File: 32 KB, 330x275, ss+(2015-07-17+at+08.31.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna throw up

>> No.10122074

those bitches are pregnant and still trolling for strange dick

>> No.10122407

>implying anyone on this virgin board wouldn't if given the chance.

>> No.10122412

yes, well, 4chan actually has a somewhat varied userbase.

it's a very big website.

I think it's actually a minority who are virgins on 4chan. people mentioning the virginity thing seems to be mostly projecting.

just because you're not getting laid, it doesn't mean that no one else is.

>> No.10122430

>My feet hurt

>> No.10122437

It's a meme you dip

>> No.10122456

aussies are fucking fat lol
fattest country in the world now iirc, take that usa!

>> No.10122502

How come noone has even mentioned the dude in the short shorts on the left? Is homosexual cool in aus?

>> No.10122585
File: 68 KB, 1000x670, 11224394_924377114269983_7370324348269669732_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: Degeneracy is not effay.

>> No.10122590

i dont see any australians in these pics
i see semites
shitskins if you will

>> No.10122599
File: 239 KB, 2048x1365, 1421048_10205962087677808_6558062188111270648_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i saw these pictures in my facebook newsfeed. its a under 18's birthday party in nsw.
i am connect to these people. someone send help.

>> No.10122615
File: 86 KB, 670x430, woodberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl in the middle

>> No.10122633

>Small pushed up tits
>massive man hands

>> No.10122638


>> No.10122646

I need to get out of this shit city....

>> No.10122651

Out of curiosity, what city do you think is better in Aus?

>> No.10122653


>> No.10122655


>> No.10122685

not him but less chinks