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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 1077x672, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10116943 No.10116943 [Reply] [Original]

Very new to /fa/

What are you guys like? Are you hateful like every other board? What are good things? What are bad things? Educate me.

>> No.10116980

Lurk more really needs to be a thing again.

>> No.10117558
File: 99 KB, 1660x767, 6a1cf7782f63dbbf9ec9f889d1bc1c4d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is dis gud?

>> No.10117565

INTJ reporting for duty.

>> No.10117597

/fa/ is just as petty and childish as any other board. It also has roughly the same amount of good advice. In other words, any given thread is gonna be pretty evenly split three ways between good advice, bad advice, and trolling from 12 year olds.

As for Meyers-Briggs:
I fluctuate between ENTJ ("Commander") and ESTJ ("Executive"), at least according to my latest tests.

>> No.10117606

Which personality is the best.

>> No.10117619

Fun story about "best" personality types:

I was part of a leadership boot camp as a teen that took way too much of my goddamn time and life. As part of the boot camp, the leader (an ex Army Colonel of some kind who made our lives hell) made us take the Catholic personality test and put us into the categories based on them:


He then proceeded to kick out every single person who tested Phlegmatic and "promoted" everyone Choleric.

Weird shit.

>> No.10117620

>ENTX brother

Entp here bro

feels good

>> No.10117691

Link to this quiz??

>> No.10117696


I am introverted.

>> No.10117703
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this is so me

>> No.10117706
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shiiiit wrong one

>> No.10117711

INTJ-T here

>> No.10117716

INTP who has learned to be social here.

>> No.10117724

read the goddam sticky


>> No.10117731

melancholic-choleric master race

>> No.10117746
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>> No.10117750

Although /out/ seems like the most respectable board. I wouldn't know for sure though, only browsed a couple times

One or two years back I was infp. Took it again early this year and got enfp-t

>> No.10117757


welcome to /fa/

userboard is generally consisted of:

people with absolutely no (or an extremely basic grasp of) fashion knowledge nervously seeking assurance and approval from others over very basic, minute matters and issues (i.e. what color of $40 Casio watch to buy, or if their khaki's are slightly too tight to the point where their potential date will notice/ disapprove)

people who have gone off the deep end in the "fashion" realm, obsessing over obscure, cult Japanese or European designer labels that fetch absurd amounts of money for third hand items; many of these brands are difficult to procure (due to rarity or simply just their high retail prices) and produce relatively unique, polarizing items of clothing.

This leads to constant discussion of many of these brands, with a healthy balance of absolute adoration and glorification by the obsessive individuals who circlejerk each other, and complete disgust for, and mockery of, these "out-there" items of clothing (and their accompanying price tags) by the more basic individuals here. These particular brands, and the styles of dress that they are incorporated into, become known as the "memes" of /fa/ (fyi the term "meme" here is used to describe any item or brand that is discussed frequently and carries a very negative connotation)

Users that take the next step and actually purchase items from these brands are either met by bitter jealousy or sneering contempt (usually a mixture of both, most posts following containing a mixture of laughter and insulting comments)

There's also a decent amount of discussion of fake and replica clothing items on this board (led by yet another faction of /fa/,the less wealthy obsessives, who are simultaneously shit on by the people who actually own the authentic items, and the people who hate these brands altogether

>> No.10117763

The amount of bitterness and insecurity that /fa/ harbors creates a substantially elitist feeling, causing many newcomers to feel the need to be extra cautious upon entering and therefore asking advice on their outfits, clothing and footwear choices, and every fathomable detail of their person and lifestyle. This in turn makes the rest of the /fa/ userbase annoyed by these asinine, repetitive questions and many choose to shitpost in response instead of providing actual information. check out the most recent "fuccboi general" thread to get an idea of what I'm talking about

other things to note:

/fa/ is openly racist, mostly towards asians and blacks (Dylann Roof, the recent church mass shooter, is frequently praised for his style on this board)

/fa/ is potentially triggering to anyone actually suffering from an eating disorder or body image (many threads promote slimness in figure to look good in clothing as opposed to /fit/ which promotes muscle gain). There is a lot of discussion concerning "being skinny enough", "having a slimmer face", "how to starve yourself correctly", etc. if any of these sound uncomfortable to you, you may have a hard time here.

you will probably not learn anything relevant or useful concerning fashion during your stay on this board that you can apply to a normal, adjusted lifestyle (outfits and style are prioritized by how much money you spend, so more reserved, casual individuals actually concerned with dressing well (read: approachable in public) are ignored and overshadowed by discussion about $1250 monochrome high top sneakers

enjoy your stay!

>> No.10117764
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every time this comes up virtually everyone is some variation of introverted and intuitive, the popular exception being ENTJ


these are always described as rare but they are ubiquitous whenever meyer-briggs comes up. i think they need to adjust their data for millenials or something. i am usually the only one of this type in these threads

>> No.10117767

Chloeric ESTJ :^)
I guess I'm basically shit tier

>> No.10117776

Where is the link to pic related.

Inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.10117780





4. ?????


you wouldn't believe how many threads ive seen by ppl shit posting about a board because they got flammed as a retard

>> No.10117795


>> No.10117796


ISTP here, I don't think it's a generational thing it's just that those are the types that gravitate towards the anonymous internet culture. If you gave the test to 50 random hikers or 50 random people at bars you'd probably get skewed results the other way.

>> No.10117805

I'm on the toilet and I just yawned, drool got all over my uniqlo underwear
How do I make drool dry faster /fa/?
Also dubs Check em

>> No.10117834

A hair dryer on cool? Or hot if that's what you're into...

>> No.10117840


what we can learn from this:

/r/malefashionadvice is objectively better

I keep seeing idiots who associate OCBD, heritage, and menswear with mfa when mfa clearly has people who wear rick, yohji, and hedi.

mfa also has a collection of crossposters on here too.

mfa has actual designers and people from the industry, as well as models who post there and give advice

mfa is not just their waywt

>> No.10117891


And yet you still post here?

>> No.10117915
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/fa/ is experimental and impractical.

>> No.10117959
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besides racism; we also hate fat, ugly and short people.

we hate blacks because they used to be slaves

>> No.10117961
File: 308 KB, 974x573, Screen-Shot-2015-03-04-at-10.42.09-PM-e1425527634935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we also hate
our selves

>> No.10117978
File: 176 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-16-17-30-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these introverts

Why is it so hard to leave this place once you've gotten your life back on track?

>> No.10117981

This is the horoscope of the 21th Century

>> No.10117983

i dont even know why i go on here
i stopped buying clothes and stopped caring about designer fashion

all i do is shitpost

>> No.10117984

My ancestors were never slaves though.........

>> No.10117986

same, i havent been here for days but i got distracted again and lost track.. I better get back on the wheel :/

>> No.10117990

hey dont lump me up with you
you dont even intentionally shitpost your posts are just nonsensical shit

>> No.10117993

Maybe I should delete clover from my phone or something. Shitposting is such a good time waster

>> No.10117994

>shit black people tell themselves
Even if they weren't shipped over to the new world, your ancestors were most likely slaves at some point honey.

>> No.10117998
File: 107 KB, 1169x613, my results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here, but mbti is really just an oversimplified and outdated model of personality that isn't really backed up by much science. It can be interesting and even helpful at times, but it's not really that great.

>> No.10118012
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ENTJ, can i please have you bow down to me now?

>> No.10118039

I'm INTJ. I know a guy who is ENTJ. He and I used to hang out a lot, but recently he has become nothing but an egocentric dick.

He also dresses in an identical fashion. Enjoy your desk job.

>> No.10118056

riveting tale comrade

>> No.10118062
File: 126 KB, 745x1120, ENFP Personality “The Campaigner” 16Personalities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this one the last thread

>> No.10118066

Ty mr. prep :)

>> No.10118782
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>> No.10118822

ESTP too, it's odd people with our personality being here, fucking sucks I got injured and can't do the things I used to.

>> No.10118869
File: 76 KB, 1366x697, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay retook it after a month of doing getting those results. Things have changed?

>> No.10118883

INFJ special snowflake checking in

>> No.10118917

Non sure about that, but at least its something different

>> No.10118921
File: 228 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-16-14-00-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10118924

ENTP masterrace too

>> No.10118929

Holy fuck

They tried to take the French word Colérique, somehow transformed it to Choleric.
What is this linguistic non-sense
It just looks like Cholera

>> No.10118938

>Taking these seriously

If you were a true thinker you'd realise that youd realise these arent accurate, you only answer how you want to answer.

Personality tests never tell you horribly negative traits that you have, they know that no one will be honest with themselves and admit to thinking bad things.

Its all bullshit and you are all idiots who want to feel smarter than you actually are.

>> No.10118956

"The entrepeneur"

Funny how most of 4chan seems to have introverted personality types.

>> No.10119048

I took the test ant got INFP (literary characters: Frodo Baggins) and the girl I like took the test and got ISFJ (literary character: Samwise Gamgee) and we shared a moment together.

>> No.10119050
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I kind of wish I was an INTJ instead but whatever.
Mastermind sounds cooler than Architect, but oh well.

>> No.10119068

Don't all those personality types have Assertive<Turbulent as a common factor?

One part of being turbulent is being insecure, from what I can tell from the test.

>> No.10119070

The website says that 3% of people are INTP.

Funny how like 95% of 4chan is still INTP

>> No.10119082

Have you considererd that the format of the website mayattract certain personality traits?

>> No.10119139
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You desCribed it so perfectly but you forgot that they are also good threads, mostly the inspo threads, where you can observe what is a good fit and how to reach it, also thread about particulars items (shoes/shirts/etc.) which will help finding some good clothes

>> No.10119192
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>future president

>> No.10119398
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I've been intj, intp and now I'm a istp

>> No.10119422

melancholic here

>> No.10119449

Whenever I take these tests, I'm either INTJ or INTP. I guess the variation comes from the mood I'm in at the time.

In any case I am a special snowflake. I am literally one of a kind.

>> No.10119455

I think these tests have been disproven, though.

>> No.10119461

The same thing goes for you then

>> No.10119466


Phlegmatic INTJ


Weird to kick out the phlegmatics, they make
fairly good leaders

>> No.10119485
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apparently im rare af, first time doing these bullshit tests

>> No.10119541
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above all

because we wouldn't be here if we didn't, in some way no matter how minute.

and no matter how much we pretend that it isn't so, despite all the vitriol and ill-will we fling towards eachother

>'You must be,' said the Cat, 'Or you wouldn't have come here'.

>> No.10119706

My Myers-Briggs personality type is Patrician (BTFO)

>> No.10119810
File: 79 KB, 1115x651, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those normies, hey, guys

>> No.10119860
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i dont even know what this means

>> No.10119896


nigga just believe your own bullshit or you are doing it wrong

>> No.10120329

You are a normie retard.

>> No.10120377
File: 204 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-16-17-10-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it means we're faggots anon

>> No.10120430

What website is this test on?

>> No.10120465

myers briggs is a shit test made by a mom/daughter pair looking to profit off of freudian bullshit. it's copyrighted and unfalsifiable

"you're personality X, the *rare good one*!"

also the idea of there being 16 personalities is bogus, as are the three letters that come after E/I. know why you can't intuit what the difference between "judging" and "prospecting" is? because it's absolute horseshit

sorry for being caremad, i'm a personality psychology student. if you're okay with not being a special snowflake, take this test instead (which is based on science):


>> No.10120642

Enjoyed this tbh. Got 5/9 for literally everything.

>> No.10120843
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does this mean im stoopid

>> No.10121859
File: 201 KB, 1242x2208, 4L_j3bpFDRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys

>> No.10121918


>> No.10122004
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Tells me fuck all aside from that I'm slightly more introverted than extroverted

>> No.10122028
File: 164 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-17-16-08-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFP aswell :^)

>> No.10122065


Judging and Perspective aren't actual functions in Myers Briggs, they just indicate which of your other functions is extraverted.

>> No.10122084

ENTP here. We have so much potential, just gotta be careful with the laziness.

>> No.10122092
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i hope thats a legit one

>> No.10122129
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Huh. That was... fun?

>> No.10122130

My personality type is GOAT

>> No.10122131
File: 39 KB, 698x365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost same as me, but I got 4/9 for integrity and 6/9 for openness
Maybe, I got 12 and I thought I did poorly. Weird to learn I'm pretty unremarkable all around, it's hurting my special snowflake Syndrome. At least I'm above avg cognitive

>> No.10122138
File: 35 KB, 1455x287, 16personalitiestest2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also included

>> No.10122158

Somewhere between phlegmatic and sanguine, but def more boogers than blood u feel me

>> No.10122161
File: 142 KB, 1233x919, idoballet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a ballet dancer. so that make sense.

I'm in a Corps de Ballet

>> No.10122168
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>> No.10122181
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>> No.10122184


Well, I wasted about a minute typing something up when you just summed up why even though /fa/ might be a little more exciting when it comes to fashion, it's absolutely abhorrent to many potential members that they lose.

It kills the fun when posts are openly racist. I don't care if it's ironic or not. It's not fun after a while. I came here to look at nice pictures and talk about fashion but instead I get

>nigger /pol/ kike chink gook

>> No.10122198
File: 36 KB, 759x488, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I just a boring person?

>> No.10122207
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A year ago I got ENTP.
Funny how much I've changed.

>> No.10122268
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Am I /fa/ yet?

>> No.10122300
File: 101 KB, 1175x670, GETINLINEPEASANTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line peasants

>> No.10122770


What site anon

>> No.10122889

I got campaigner too

>> No.10123523

AYYY Who /campaigner/ here

>> No.10123563
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1 of 2

>> No.10123566
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>> No.10123673
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All me