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/fa/ - Fashion

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10113152 No.10113152 [Reply] [Original]

What are some fashion red flags.

>she wears denim booty shorts
>she dyes her hair unnatural colors
>she has basic bitch tattoos (anchor, dream catcher, infinite love sign, etc)
>she wears neck chockers

post em /fa/gs

>> No.10113175

>bellybutton ring
>septum piercing
>blue/pink/red/rainbow highlights or dye job

>> No.10113182

None tbh these are all fine imo

>> No.10113186
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>> No.10113190

I bet you look fucking disgusting too with those low standards lmao

>> No.10113194

ur head

>> No.10113195
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>men with long hair
>white socks
>hat indoors
>cargo shorts
>undershirt visible under button down
>lists a knife as an accessory in carry threads

>> No.10113196

go back to /r9k/ or wherever you came from and stay there.

>> No.10113203

Anything that reminds me of stereotypical tumblr grime girls. Fucking nasty af.

>> No.10113207

>grr stop having fun, I hate fun

just thought we could have a fun thread to mess around for once. no need to be mad friend :^)

>> No.10113208

Nah not really, I just don't harp on small details

>> No.10113213
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you go tumblr

>> No.10113219

>having blue fucking hair
>not begging for attention
>small details

kill yourself my man

>> No.10113226

what if the person is just layering, not having an undershirt?

>> No.10113234
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i'm talking specifically about this atrocity (also when you do it with a tank top)

>> No.10113237

Blue hair is pretty extreme, I don't see that everyday. But if her hair was burgundy or something, yes it's a small detail and I wouldn't care.

>> No.10113247

ah got you m8

>> No.10113248
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uh uh buddy. unnatural shades of red and any shade of purple are the worst offenders in my experience

>> No.10113251

this look at >>10113213 pic

>> No.10113255


i'd like to stick my knife in this cunt's skull right when i'm about to cum

>> No.10113266

the devil is in the details..

>> No.10113273
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im not like 'pro' weird colored hair but im just saying some colors are commonly more trouble than others.

>> No.10113308


>> No.10113323

monroe piercing

>> No.10113369

muh dick

>> No.10113379
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>still has a hitler youth in 2015

>> No.10113382

I honestly don't see what the big deal is

>> No.10113389

Any girl who tries to be fashionable, but does so by blindly emulating the current mainstream trends for women (women's trends are usually shit).

I used to really like healthgoth qt's, but that has really gone downhill due to the recent influx of basics inheriting the look.

Any qt who dresses normie has my attention as of now

>> No.10113390

yea idk bout that long hair one

>> No.10113394

>implying chokers arent hot as fuck

>> No.10113403
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>anime themed apparel
>dresses exactly like a popular inspo or waywt pic on /fa/
>fjallraven kanken
>short people wearing boots, especially rick boots/ sneakers

>> No.10113477

Post more.

>> No.10113488

girls with chokers are into weird shit in bed

less of a red flag, more like a checkered one

>> No.10113496

What tinychat does slater hang out at now? Anomic and Effay died

>> No.10113500

denim booty shorts are a-okay w me. they can be in some decent fits on grills + they make my peepee diamond

>> No.10113518


unatral hair dye

part-time job or job that is not a career

tattoos of any kind anywhere

piercings outside of ear lobes

uggs, denim cutoffs, yoga pants (they know exactly what they'r doing)

overweight (usually a signal of an underlying personality/emotional issue)

parents divorced

time spent of social media astronomical

extremly liberal views on anything, default to liberalism/vanilla liberal views on all subjects shows lack of critical thinking skills or understanding of complex subjects

these are all fine fo 1 night stands but not someone you want to get hitched to

>> No.10113548

>part time job
>parents divorced
>liberal views
how are these fashion sieg

>> No.10113553
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ok bruh i found your dream grill

>>natural hair color
>>no tattoos
>>no piercings
>>no uggs, cutoffs, or leggings
>>not fat
>>christian parents will b 2gether 4ever
>>only uses instagram to post lunch pics
>>politically conservative

sounds boring as fuck to me, but what do i know?

>> No.10113562

This is honestly a big problem. I always wear undershirts, I feel uncomfortable without them but it can be difficult to find some nice casual shirts for the summer that aren't too thin that this happens.

>> No.10113565
File: 89 KB, 610x455, 28t6ws-l-610x610-shoes-black+leather+sandals-leather+shoes-leather+sandals-leather-black+platform+sandals-flatforms-black+sandals-ankle+strap-platform+ankle+strap-black+flatforms-platform+shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything you listed barring liberal views are me turn ons.

>tfw no neo-con hipster girlfriend

>> No.10113584

I miss slater.

>> No.10113595


grey undershirts don't show as much

>> No.10113596

The biggest ones I have, off the top of my head:
- Dresses/tops designed to hide stomach or hip size (lookin' at you, empire waists)
- Dyed blonde hair
- Tattoos of any kind
- Sorority shirts/bags
- Wearing sweatpants in public

>> No.10113612

It's a dude.

>> No.10114087

I fucking hate septum piercings

>> No.10114092

well look what's the alternative... young leo or bowlcut.. it's pretty limited and those both kinda suck...

>> No.10114095


Neck chokers can be a plus tbh

>> No.10114098

denim booty shorts usually mean you're guaranteed to get some suck

>> No.10114110

She's qt but boring.

>> No.10114117

god you're pathetic

>> No.10114126
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>> No.10114137
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neo-conservativism is easily the most /fa ideology

>> No.10114156

>corporations are good goy
>free trade above all else
>israel is our greatest ally
>bomb iran and fight for israel goy
>send your white sons to die in pointless proxy wars for israel goy
>immigration is good goyim, the free market must be sustained
>d-d-ddont call me backwards and out of touch p-please liberals, we're ok with gay marriage and all the hip things too!

neocons are spineless retards who sold out their ideology and constituents in the name of political correctness.

there is very little difference between the modern left and neo cons, the term neo-conservative is a derision in of itself, no neo-con considers themselves a 'neocon' - its an insult designed to point out their effete ineffectual policies and their transition from true conservative/traditional politics to wishy-washy spineless cucks.

two party mainstream politics goes in the bin anyway.

>> No.10114310

>overweight (usually a signal of an underlying personality/emotional issue)
>coming from you

>> No.10114381

Better marry a girl like this than a degenerate.

>> No.10114390
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how awful right? you fucking moron, better she'd have a history of sexual and drug abuse, had at least 20 dicks in her and had a train run on her by niggers; as well as a politically minded and hilariously trite and cliche SJW tumblr, a subscription to salon/huffpo and dyed blue hair.

right? as long as its not boring and functional and horrifyingly healthy, right? you fucking pissant.

>> No.10114410

you mean
>I don't like it anymore, it's too mainstream
therefore you're a hipster piece of shit and need to kill yourself for the good of mankind

>> No.10114433

>lists a knife as an accessory in carry threads
>one of the most common, useful and basic tools since the dawn of man is a bad thing

kek you must be one of those tards that think g-guns are b-bad

>> No.10114484

wtc that one?

>> No.10114489

nevermind she's qt in that pic but not in the others. dnc

>> No.10114496

Aren't gray undershirts less visible?

>> No.10114500
File: 54 KB, 580x435, v9iTbbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she dyes her hair unnatural colors
>she wears neck chockers

You can add these fucking glasses and piercings and you have yourself some basic general red flags

>> No.10114508

Sure, if you're ok with the girl being psychotic, bipolar and having daddy issues, go ahead, choke that bitch and slap her around in bed, because that's exactly what she's going to be into.

>> No.10114520
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I hate all of these on a fashion standpoint
but I'm insanely attracted to them sexually
wtf is wrong with me

>> No.10114575


>tfw my ex regularly dyed her hair green and red, wore chokers around her neck, had a septum and one of those big holes in her earlobe.
She was a living tumblr stereotype, at least she was petit and hot, but still, should have seen those red flags earlier...

>> No.10114626


>> No.10114636


brainwashed 4channer detected

>> No.10114637

Your undershirts are v-necks or scooped neck right?

>> No.10114650

That's not what he's saying. He doesn't dislike someone doing something mainstream, but when they do something solely because it's mainstream.

>> No.10114764


lol same, I've grown the hate the all american apparel everything with a choker look but I need to fuck someone that dresses like that

>> No.10114770


lol this, why is /fa/ so fucking boring, isn't this supposed to be a fashion forward (and therefore you'd think, open minded) board?

>> No.10114772
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so your ideal girl is a j crew wearing soccer mom in training? i hope you live in connecticut. have fun being a virgin forever.

>> No.10114777

Make a normal girl wear a choker. Problem solved. I've done exactly that.

>> No.10114779

name alternatives?
HY has been a staple fashiknable haircut for 100 years nigger

>> No.10114783

same tbh
It shows the bitch cant think for herself

>> No.10114784

She's qt but looks so generic she almost blends with the wall. Like the moment I finish tiping this post and look away I will forget what she looked like.

>> No.10114795

girls on /fa/ getting offended

if teal is in the hair, and ink is in the skin

remember she's only good for poking your dick at for a few hours

don't call her, don't message her, block her

incase the condom leaked or she found out yo have her HPV

>> No.10114801
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>> No.10114806

b-but my normcore

>> No.10114888
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>mfw when my gf is actually like this

>> No.10115022

you and your ideal girl are incredibly boring

>> No.10115248

For males.

>Scene/Goth/Emo anything.
>Shaved body hair: armpits, chest, etc.
>Bitch tattoos: stars, quotes, etc.
>Shorts mid-thigh length or shorter.
>Video game t-shirt.

>> No.10115261

I'm supposed to take off a hat every time I enter a building?

>> No.10115306

chokers are cute fuck off

>> No.10115325

So right. Every girl I've met with a septum piercing was gross.

>> No.10115339

whose this?

>> No.10115340

Yeah, that's basic social etiquette. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?

>> No.10115364

tfw i try to tell my brother to take off his hat when me and the fam go out to eat but my dad starts preaching to me about tolerance

i really should move out

>> No.10115373

>exposing your hat hair

complete and utter bullshit

>> No.10116388

>small butt

>> No.10116407

Everything besides
>Shaved bodyhair

>> No.10116432


>> No.10116439


>only wearing internet hairstyles

>> No.10116450

You. I like you.

>> No.10116469
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I actually dated a girl like this for a couple of months. Wouldn't have worked out at all.

>> No.10116493

>Shows any thread of fat logic
>Posts to social media more than twice a day
>Never apologizes for anything they do wrong
>Gets depressed when no one wants to hang out with them when you're sitting right there.
>If her name is Tiffany

>> No.10116517

not all of can have as interesting a life as you. I wish I had a need to cut or stab things regularly enough to have to carry a knife.

>> No.10116521

>I don't leave my mom's house

Cool, man.

>> No.10116525


the girl i'm fucking has all these but the pussy game ridiculous

>> No.10116583

i hate you all so much and the fact that you people are actually real makes me even angrier

>> No.10116605

Probably the most important

>poor hygiene in any way

>> No.10116612

lol who would fuck a fatty like you

>> No.10116640

>bad relationship with father
not fashion related necessarily, but a girl stands a 0% chance of being normal if she doesnt have a solid father figure

>> No.10116641

Solid Birds tattoo

>> No.10116664

>things I don't like are fashion red flags

>> No.10116702

chokers are hot
different hair colors are fine

>> No.10116712

sexually frustrated neckbeard red flags

>socially conservative
>says "degenerate"
>hates tattoos
>hates leggings
>post unironically about jews and racemixing
>hates social media

>> No.10116723

>>she wears neck chockers

insta-boner tbh

>> No.10116772

Did we offend you sweety?

>> No.10116781

For dudes:
>Shit ass sneakers or tennis shoes
>white socks most of the time
>Ill-fitted suit
>shorts that are stupidly long
>snake bites
>generic tattoos
>Dirty rat tails, mullets, and dreads
>Cheap looking watch or watch that doesn't go with outfit
>fucking wire wrapped stone necklaces
>Wrinkled clothes

>> No.10116786

I'm none of those things so this is making me feel pretty good :^)

>> No.10116790

>all these salty whores

pretty expected tbh

>> No.10116801

>shorts that are stupidly long

Do capris count? Send me to court, idgaf, comfy as hell at the beach

>> No.10116802

>snake bites

>> No.10116817

>thread is about fashion
>takes it on a political level

yeah, that right wing mindset and that dreamjob as a welder are soooo effay, amirite?

>> No.10116819

are there levels to this?
is 8/12 still pass?

>> No.10116859

Good job anon
Capris don't count as long as they fit well
Honestly these are basic no's for me, I can definitely be pickier than this.

>> No.10116868

>not being a conservative tradesman
>being a cubicle cuck

Mike Rowe would like to have a word with you.

>> No.10116879

Honestley, from my experience, girls that go after you are shit tier. Never had a decent relationship where the girl instigated conversation first. Never had good sex where the girl asked for it first. Generally the only girls worth while (unless you just want easy sex) are the ones you gotta chase after.

>> No.10117101

>posts on 4chan under name sieg heil

thats the biggest red flag of them all

>> No.10117264

hahahaha yep

>> No.10117293

i slap that bitch in public.
you just gotta train em, no big deal

>> No.10117299

>cheap looking watch
>implying the most /fa/ watch isn't the f91-w

>> No.10118016


>> No.10118030

last girl I fucked had a septum percing and I didn't really mind it, didn't look that bad on her. Maybe cause she was asian.
Usually it looks bad though.

>> No.10118041

>all these upset trash tier "women"

>> No.10118063
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would marry

>> No.10118104

>wide brim fedora/cowboy hat
>green parka
>dark denim jeans
>doc martins

basic bitch outfit

>> No.10118119

>he browses 4chan

>> No.10118335

My girl wears all black always, i just wish she'd wear a little colour now and then... also she wore socks and sandles outdoors once.

Also turtlenecks, fuck

>> No.10118349


Found the opposite to be true; the ones that are batshit insane are the ones whos dad has stuck around whereas the one whos father got arrested for being a paedophile when she was young, the one who abandoned her and got her brother addicted to heroine and the one who got caught fucking a 19 year old were all fine.

>> No.10118801

The best part of these threads is seeing the gangly sluts get upset and say meaningless Internet insults like "stay a virgin!" Or "good luck getting laid with a mindset like that".

>> No.10118806

>af1s, roshes, stan smiths
>flats, sandals, heels
>'boho chic'

>> No.10118812

Why it's true though... Wearing a hat inside is like wearing a winter parka at a nightclub

>> No.10120190

tfw i am all of these things

except i don't really hate social media

>> No.10120257
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>> No.10120323

Wording this tbh. This trip fag knows.

>> No.10120340

Wtf kind of family do you have? Lmao tolerance towards people who wear their hats indoors? Jesus Christ.

>> No.10120347
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>> No.10120353

>septum piercing
I bet her parents hate her.

>> No.10120614

>implying they aren't the comfiest shit you'll ever wear
>implying most people don't think they're cute
I agree with most of this thread but this is ridiculous

>> No.10120630

plugs for either gender are bad

>> No.10120932

Who is this fluid druid

>> No.10121966

you never have to cut some rope or paper or something? You NEVER have ANY need for a sharp object EVER?

You must live a charmed life, anon.

>> No.10121968

you can carry a knife, but if you think a knife is an accessory, you're retarded

>> No.10121969
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>> No.10121970

He said "bad relationship" not "absent from life"

>> No.10121983

any piercing around the mouth area is confirmed for lowest tier

>> No.10122290
