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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 600x843, hot-mini-skirt-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10075718 No.10075718 [Reply] [Original]

what is the male equivelant of dressing like this i.e "slutty"? I just want to clothes that will maximize my sex appeal.

>> No.10075734
File: 95 KB, 604x604, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the essentials

1. be /fit/
2. BE /fit/
3. tank tops everyday (make sure you're tan)
4. swimshorts or jeans
5. sandals or any plimsoll
6. sunglasses

>> No.10075748
File: 189 KB, 630x950, http40.media.tumblr.com2359f342e21d5ebe867946021835949atumblr_nq0ajkOKu31qhbol5o2_400.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10075759

A suit

>> No.10075842

If you're fit, tight but well fitting clothing works well. If you're in shape you're probably confident as well so that in of in itself warrants attention.

If you're average or slightly attractive/slight build dress like you aren't a bum. If you're slightly attractive money is a sex appeal tool. Clothing that puts on the persona of being expensive/tailored.

If you're fat it doesn't really matter what you wear you won't have any innate sex appeal til you lose weight. Sorry. You better have a good personality or be funny or some shit.

>> No.10075954

suits fancy clothing rich looking. wear a nice watch too.

>> No.10076337

Spiked up hair with dyed tips.
Shaved sides.
Fake tan.
Black tank top.
Roided up body. Swimmers need not apply.
Hermes belt.
Shoes with shiny studs.
Membership of lower class ethnicity.

>> No.10076347

>Pauly D

>> No.10076353
File: 41 KB, 361x407, unnamed (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10076397

Yes, but its still totally different from >>10075718

OP's look is cheap and 100% body
A suit is expensive and can - if done right - help quite a bit if your body aint perfect.

Also, a suit is not slutty, whereas, well …

And finally, even if we are using a man-slut look like >>10075734, >>10076337 or >>10076347, it will just work on a limited subset of girls, whereas >>10075718 will work on any heterosexual being with a penis, at least for one fuck.

>> No.10076429

short jeans shorts and a nice watch

>> No.10076446

Men can't be sluts because men can't do no wrong.

>> No.10076548

If you dress slutty as a guy people think you are gay, therefore
OP is a faggot

>> No.10076737
File: 8 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex appeal doesnt come from clothes if you dont have a good body

>> No.10076762

walk around with cash in hand

>> No.10076864
File: 81 KB, 500x750, tumblr_np6uu5wRbP1uoexcoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol being THAT fit is not sexy at all, is the oposite of nicky minaj body.

Mostly girls will find "sexy" a boy with tihs body (go for long runs everyday OP, and do middle lift)

>> No.10076956

middle lift?

>> No.10076997

>being THAT fit is not sexy at all

nice delusion m8

>> No.10077012

Zyzz had more girls pussies wet than this guy
ever gets jumping into a pool

>> No.10077013

That shit is disgusting, though. Guy in the picture looks 13. Even my gf who hates bodybuilders and likes ottermode would laugh at this guy.

>> No.10077016
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>> No.10077022
File: 90 KB, 541x811, mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peacocking works

>> No.10077023

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.10077034

>Mostly girls will find "sexy" a boy with tihs body

>> No.10077069

this boy isnt fit for shit though he doing less work than fatties smh cant even pick up food

>> No.10077084

Now that all that's cleared up, can we please find an answer. I'm quite curious.

>> No.10077099

Answer for what? Dressing like a piece of shit? There isn't one for men per se. It's a mix of tight, torn, worn out white jeans, a tight really open sleeveless shirt and attitude.

>> No.10077143


>> No.10077155

Deep, tight, henleys, scoops, and v necks
Tight pants
Stubble trimmed to a universal length
Lift weights

>> No.10077159

Girls don't want a 15 year old tennis player.

>> No.10077160
File: 3.42 MB, 3386x3627, sadik_5839_crop-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something closer to this.

>> No.10077171

What's wrong with his nose?

>> No.10077179

Owen wilson disorder.

>> No.10077230

wtf his abs are mismatched.

>> No.10077244

>being this much of a deluded femenist

>> No.10077275

Happens more often than not, newfriend.

>> No.10077304

Genetically rekt is what I like to call them.

>> No.10077367

Did someone tell him a funny joke because he seems to have lost his sides.
Seriously, where the fuck are his lats?

>> No.10077368

Think Daniel Craig coming out of the sea in Casino Royale - if your body looks like that you'd be hard pressed to find a woman who could resist.
Doesn't necessarily have to look like some retarded dude bro like >>10076337 says.

>> No.10077380

are you 12?

>> No.10077595

Most girls are into abs and arms, so anything that shows those, as long as they are both well defined.

>> No.10077761

Thats true. But from what I've heard Chest and Ass is important too, chest more so than abs.

>> No.10077802

men look so fucking obnoxious when they try to dress "sexy"
all i think when i see a guy in a tank top and swimshorts is think "oh shit. i didn't know i was on the jersey shore."
when a guy is fashionable and wears nice clothing i find him much more attractive than i would if he were wearing something meant to show off muscles.

>> No.10077898

why would his lats be prominent in that pose? stop showing how new you are to /fit/

>> No.10077935

Not only that, that's sadik hadzovic in the pic, the guy has a back the size of an aircraft carrier, the pose doesn't do him justice.

>> No.10078017

>thinking sadik is anything less than a genetic god

>> No.10078039

Be /fit/ and foreign and tall

men don't need to look sexy in the same ways as women. Women can just look good and have nothing else going for them and men will be attracted to them. Men need something that attracts women (money or being really tall and fit).

>> No.10078041

if you have no self respect and/or are a sociopath... which i suppose is good advice, since those are the people who comprise /fa/

>> No.10079806

what makes girls immediately attracted to a guy?

OP's pic works because guys like girls bodies and fucking, this shows off her body and implies that she's willing to fuck.

I bet girls are into guys who have confidence and something to back that confidence up, be it wealth, good looks, social status, whatever.

so if you're rich wear all designer everything that still looks good, give the appearance of a lifestyle that's wealthy. Honestly maybe designer prep

If you're fit wear tight clothes, stuff that evokes a fit lifestyle like workout clothes,tasteful tan, etc.

idk about the other stuff, just capitalize on whatever you've got going for you

>> No.10079881

lol. His sex appeal is primal. You have none since that body screams poor genetics due to no muscle and low t

>> No.10079896

who has the picture of the guy in the v-neck, roshe runs and joggers

>> No.10079914

You must be very lonely on your island.

>> No.10079986

one of the thousands of pics of this fit you mean

>> No.10080010
File: 306 KB, 977x360, 1316182879374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing

pic related

There's a lot of social politics and dynamics that you could argue surrounding this whole topic but this post more or less sums up modern dating culture to a reasonable degree.

>> No.10080044

This will mislead a lot of fags on here more than what they already think looks good ie their shitfits, ie try to live up to an unnatainable aesthetic.

>> No.10080045

>sex appeal
what are you on, man?

>> No.10080057
File: 122 KB, 548x754, 1343654908048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever heard the "woman and men are equal,; gender is a social construct" argument, consider the possibility that it is false. To make it easier, what exactly is it that makes a transwoman a "woman"?

One major difference is what turns us on. Men are very visual. Women are more contextual. A nicely fitted suit tells a lot about the person wearing it through subtle cues to the woman.

Women just have to show some leg or whatever for men to notice.

Notice that gay men like visual stimulation as well, whereas with lesbians there is way more going on.

>> No.10080158

what is the secret to talking to younger girls?

all the attractive ones find me boring

>> No.10080177

stop relying on gimmicks, focus on improving yourself, become focused and motivated, improve the quality of your life, and let women come to you as your status goes up.

>> No.10080247

you dont
you just sit there mysteriously and smoke

>> No.10080275

I agree with this. I don't want to because of the implications, but I do. A good fitting suit and an air of confidence will do you wonders.

Best example I can think of is James Spader's character Alan Shore from Boston Legal. Spader isn't exactly an attractive man, however I've seen multiple women confess that they'd actually sleep with Alan Shore. He's always well dressed, confident and has a sharp wit.

>> No.10080294

Be childish and playful, yet grown up and show her whos boss.
At least that's what I am doing with the girl whos 10 years younger than me that I am currently fucking.

(who am I kidding, its probably more the fact that I am good looking but shy, whereas she's bad looking, but not shy)

>> No.10080553

really not true

>> No.10080561

jesus, I hope people don't actually believe this

>> No.10080640

You're fucking ugly jail bait?


>> No.10080763

Fashion style isn't very important. You can get called "hunk" in ghetto style, with jeans and t-shirt (Which is actually extremely popular among women), streetwear etc.

The most important thing is grooming.

>> No.10080804
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, sadikwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys got some of the best lats in the IFBB physique category

>> No.10080891

>people falling for this r00z
Don't get me wrong, /fa/ has a hard on anorexiacore, but aren't this retarded

>> No.10080895

Well good looks certainly play too, but for the most part this is how it is.
Even in anti-mainstream circles and communities this still holds.

>> No.10080915
File: 199 KB, 960x1295, 1436012648423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10080921

But twinks don't wear that casually in public outside of a Pride parade

>> No.10080927

If youre fit you get more fucking compliments for gay dudes than from girls. Being completely ripped is really counter productive.

>> No.10080939

in nyc they do

>> No.10081416

wtc asian pussy

>> No.10081446

girls love it

>> No.10081455

Girls are also retarded fucks.

>> No.10081545

It's summer, I have a nice suit but I have no reason to wear it you autists.

>> No.10082181
File: 940 KB, 805x718, asdfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a straight dude...basically be fit as fuck and wear things that fit really well. nothing that's obviously too tight or reveals a lot of flesh.

e.g. LHS t shirt is obviously way too small, whereas RHS shirt shows off arms but fits properly and doesn't look stupid.
not the best example but u get the idea.

if you just wear heaps of tight revealing shit you look like you're gay and desperate.

>> No.10082258

Could not get more truthful than this, people.

>> No.10082958

from my experience girls also like bodies and fucking, but they're not so socially conditioned like guys are to addhere to an arbitrary beauty standard.

>> No.10083076

Fakin zeez brah

>> No.10084556

saved from page 10

>> No.10084658

that picture is such a shitty example of the point you're trying to make. they're both equally matched in fashion style and percieved social class. his clothes are tight fitting and show the countours of his body and she looks classy. that same guy wouldn't be walking around with the girl in op's pic.

>> No.10084674

Basically dressing like chad/bro or a rock star or a PUA.

>> No.10084676

This isn't attractive at all. I look for guys who are toned, and no, roid monsters aren't my favorite thing, but this guy just looks skinnyfat and tryhard.

>> No.10084678

none of that is true btw.

>> No.10084687
File: 4 KB, 139x200, moor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw zyzz was basically a fucking shit-skin

>> No.10084696
File: 249 KB, 500x505, 1435676526630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, why refuse to train?
why refuse to look muscular?
god i hate fa sometimes
you guys are lazy as fuck
> pic related looks 1000times better than you

>> No.10084700

>someone on 4chan sounded deep so it must be true

>> No.10084710

lol yes, if youre 14

>> No.10084713

>not socially conditioned to adhere to an arbitrary beauty standard

>> No.10084714

you didnt read the post at all. Men like visual stimuli, thats why they find skimpy cheap clothing to be sexy. women need context, such as a fit man in a well fitted suit which gives them the impression that hes not fucked in the head.

>> No.10084722 [DELETED] 

>such as a fit man
so... visual stimuli? they like visual stimuli too? ok check.
>in a well fitted suit which gives them the impression that hes not fucked in the head.
guys like this too but how the person is dressing isn't the sole thing that determines this

>> No.10084752

>such as a fit man
so... visual stimuli? they like visual stimuli too? ok check.

>in a well fitted suit which gives them the impression that hes not fucked in the head.
clothing isn't the sole thing that determines this though.

this applies to guys too. if a girl looks like she sleeps around there's going to be red flags about her possibly having std's or a drug habit or other things.

some people look past these things because they want to get laid or just don't care or that's the circle they run in.

idk why people on this site push the meme so much that girls don't like guys. maybe it makes them feel easier about itemizing them.

girls watch magic mike and get wet because of the guys bodys not because they're evaluating the guys social standing and all this other stuff. jesus.

>> No.10084835

dude after getting more fit I've gotten less girls and hit on by guys way more...fucking sucks. i think though that women might be a little intimidated though? not all of them are confident money grabbers, some are truly weak and scared of us.

>> No.10084924

Thanks for the post m8. The girls don't like guys meme has really fucked with my head. I think I should finally leave this place.

>> No.10085023
File: 1.95 MB, 300x225, fedodo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10085133

People saying suit are correct. A suit tuns on women as much as slutty outfits on women turn on men. This is a fact. Women are not turned on by tank tops board shorts or other teen garbage, they are interested in power, and a suit on a man represents this.

>> No.10085153

That just made my day, thanks anon, I was feeling sad.

>> No.10085185 [DELETED] 

>so anon nice suit why are you wearing it? it's 80 degrees out?
>well some nerds on an anime website said it represented power
>so you're just wearing it? do you have an office job?
>no I'm a college student, it's nice though right? gotta dress to impress!
>you're weird anon
thanks /fa/

>> No.10085216

>this is a fact
no this is /r9k/ bro psychology
even guys that have reasons to wear a suit don't pick up girls in suits
guess I should have specified that I'm a 20s college student that doesn't have an office job and will mostly be interacting with girls in casual places to avoid all the autism.

>> No.10085392

>have girlfriend
>random girls eye me up and message me or add me on insta or Facebook

>don't have girlfriend
>don't exist in the social world anymore

its true. another fucked up thing is when I am single, bitches in relationships come on to me and try to cheat

>> No.10085415

>You're fucking ugly jail bait?
nope. She's legal. I am just old
because a tight pussy is a tight pussy

>> No.10086369

>that fucken gif

>> No.10086407

>class is for men

>> No.10087449
File: 4 KB, 230x219, award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of you are wrong.
Most important aesthetics for males interested in getting girls' attention:
1. Have a good face
2. Have a good face
3. Have a good smile
4. Genetics
5. Don't be overweight

The rest is kinda preference/fetishes ie no two girls will be the same

>> No.10087467

sorry you can't form healthy relationships, but that must be why you're tripfagging

>> No.10087470


I find this objectively true

And not because I live at the jersey shore but because I live in southern california where it's basically just as bad

Don't forget the quintessential tattoos as well

>> No.10087477
File: 139 KB, 800x999, Handsome hunk if a male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most important thing for males is CHARISMA. And money. Also, power.

>> No.10087478

suits are sexy imo

>> No.10087479
File: 293 KB, 770x1037, 1231233123312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bot?

>> No.10089009

>men saying what they think women find attractive as fact
also, a guy in a good suit is the same as a girl in a good dress, you all are dumb. just wear tight fitting and as revealing as is socially acceptable clothes

>> No.10089037

>all these virgins theorising about something they've only heard of through films and porn
>all these generalisations and thinking every woman thinks, looks and acts the same
perhaps if you got laid you'd be less retarded

>> No.10090087
File: 691 KB, 1280x1920, Diego Barrueco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm decently fit and most girls i've slept with or been in a relationship with prefer me in slim fit black jeans, simple well fitted t-shirts that flatters my physique and nice shoes.
Point is that the clothes should flatter the body, not distract from it.
If you're out partying a nice shirt and blazer is great.
Fit and simplicity is everything.

>> No.10090273

>dressing for girls

i bet you lift for girls too

>> No.10090291

OPs question was literally how to dress to attract women. Provided you have a nice body the best way to attract women is to show it off.
I lift to look and feel good. Lifting accomplishes both. I'm healthy and have no problems getting laid or attracting women. Isn't that the whole concept?

>> No.10090309

OPs question was not specifically about attracting women, it was about maximizing sex appeal in general. OP did not specify what gender(s) that this sexiness should or would appeal to. and assuming it's for women is a stretch on a fashion board.

if you lift to look and feel good, then any social benefit is coincidental. i think it's good if you lift to feel good in your own body. if you lift to get laid, that's a bit more vapid. but hey it's your life, do what you want.

>> No.10090337


>> No.10090364

Yes that's the whole concept but some autists like to think they're 'above that'

>> No.10090373

haha i bet you actually have sex with girls....faggot

>> No.10090381

he wrote a thoughtful repsonse


put reddit when some faggot is being self righteous or political or pedantic. not just because someone puts an actual repsonse with thought.....thanks.

>> No.10090397

You leave too.

>> No.10090400

reddit pls

>> No.10090402

you gonna make me?

>> No.10090408

zipper abs is quite common.

>> No.10090411

>put reddit when some faggot is being self righteous or political or pedantic

Thats exactly what that person was doing though you fucking retard

He got assblasted because a post assumed OP was straight when the actual contents of the post could apply to both straight and gays and anything in between

Caring so much about the fact that a straight person, who lives in a 95% straight world, who likely doesn't even know a gay, would be thinking in terms of a straight response and trying to correct them on it is a direct example of a political agenda.

>> No.10090415

Don't expect nice replies - keep in mind there's a contingent on here that spend their time shitting on any effortposts.

More to the content:

It's fucking dumb to criticize doing things for the opposite sex anyway. Of fucking course people do stuff like get fit and fashionable for validation - whether or not it's for girls or just to get laid at all is more or less irrelevant. The whole "I do it for myself" thing is needless posturing.

>> No.10090426

Being a pedantic asshole is not helpful and putting effort into a reply doesn't make that reply helpful either.

>> No.10090437

I dress slightly feminine.

Girls like it.

When I wear slacks/trousers I get significantly less attention from girls than when I wear super tight/low rise/ripped jeans.

>> No.10090451

>beanie or great hair
>scoop neck or t shirt with breast pocket
>nice fitting slim jeans
>boots or simple sneakers.

small necklace
leather braclet
nice minimal watch

>> No.10091419


>> No.10091452

I get more attention when I wear shorts with about a 7-8-inch inseam and loafers.

It also helps the I am 6'1".

>> No.10091470

>because a tight pussy is a tight pussy

beta as fuck m8

>> No.10091490

have muscles
i can smell the dyel on you

>> No.10091519
File: 119 KB, 614x343, 1308347158242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10091537

this 18 year old chick out here uses the screen name "blah" on a local app

trying to fck her for that reason alone

>> No.10091576
File: 21 KB, 724x291, 11722045_10155809972430646_1833895512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it's 45 fucking degrees outside a guy is going to wear any kind of shorts, any variation of plimsolls/vans/sandals and a tank top/shirt, no?

so what part of that equation grinds your gears? the tank top part?

because if so you are a fucking idiot

>> No.10091599

Dressing like Cristiano Ronaldo.

>> No.10092033

>painting with the widest brush possible
you know what they say about assumptions anon

>> No.10093852

dammit this stupid fucking meme is so dumb
the first thing I notice about a guy is his face and bod
fuck charisma and all that deep shit, if I like you, I like you, and you don't have to be Mr Everything with money and "charisma" or fucking whatever just be a person damn

>> No.10093976

Lol thats bullshit, being classically handsome will get you shit loads of pussy, being short fat and ugly a/f will limit your chances significantly. Sure status and a good personality will help get women but the same can be said for women with good personalities being able to attract handsome men (albeit to a lesser extent). Don't be fooled by this ugly beta trying to make himself feel better about being a fugly cunt,

>> No.10094379

No, this is not how real life is. Girls have crushes, fall in love with cute guys and like cool boys, the the same way guys like cute girls, fall in love with the beautiful girl in class and crush on sexy girls.

The world isn't as cold an cynical as you rejects think it is. The problem is you, not the world around you.

>> No.10095104
File: 221 KB, 512x768, deathgrips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.10095163

Women notice attractive men, but it could be argued that they do that because attractive men are generally successful. Also, when you know you look good, you feel good, you are more confident, more sociable by nature because you don't feel vulnerable or judged negatively by others.

So it's associative more than anything. Women see an attractive man and, chances are, he has qualities attractive to them. They're judging a book by it's cover, so what? On the other side of the coin how many people have seen men with women that look "too hot for them"? We have all seen that. I have a fat, somewhat ugly friend (he's no looker, but he's not a slob with acne, either) that can get laid any day he wants because he exudes confidence and is incredibly sociable. When he approaches most women they are polite but clearly don't want to give him the time of day. After a few sentences their body language changes and they're engrossed.

Yes, it's all shallow, so what? So are most men; we like a pretty face, good body, nice ass and big tits. Personality? Whatever.

But neither sex ends up with a lasting and/or healthy relationship based on either of these viewpoints. It does always come down to who the person is, because that's what matters in the long run. Not that everyone ever breaks that habit; some end up in life-long marriages where one or both are miserable. Unfortunately, men or women, as people we act short-sighted by nature, something we have to overcome.

>> No.10097014

Just gonna put my 2c in, as a girl who is attracted to androgynous, slender boyish guys. This won't work for most of you, and most girls likely won't respond like I do...
tight black jeans, mesh top. that's slutty to me. he also has this frayed cropped hoodie that I find super sexy. bit abstract but it's sorta like lingerie, if he wears it when we have sex, when he raises his arms it pulls up and bares his cute little nipples for me to plays with. umph.

probably too abstract. gays would dig it though.

>> No.10097032

right in the feels

>> No.10098467

Those berries must be pretty sour right? I mean you can't taste them, they're out of your reach. But they must be sour.

>> No.10098695

>not having a basic understanding of human physiology

>> No.10099185
File: 70 KB, 300x451, j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take after Jules. Tight black shirt, leather belt, jeans. Seriously. If you've got even a remotely good physique, rock a tight shirt.

>> No.10099190

just saw that today tbh

>> No.10099472
File: 47 KB, 496x350, 1359393412152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this delusion
>thinking that how women behave when they're in their early to late teens is how they behave when they're in their 20's, 30's, 40's

Once a woman is no longer college age, you'd be stupid to think that the primary motivator behind their attraction is looks, especially as they get older.

I wont say looks don't help, but it's naive to think that men and women look for the same thing in a partner.

But keep clinging to your delusion that being handsome and fashionable alone is going to bring you women. Once they discover that you're just a one dimensional, boring ass drone with no real life accomplishments or worth outside your appearance they'll be right out the door.

The whole driving point behind that pic is clearly if you want to attract the largest amount of women, focus on being successful, well rounded and dynamic rather than getting hung up strictly on how you look.

The fact that you respond with such vitriol just shows that you don't have anything going for you other than what you look like and ya can't deal with it.

>> No.10099476



>> No.10099529


>hungry skeleton

I'm sure women love being humped by someone whose hips stab at them like spears

>> No.10101018
