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/fa/ - Fashion

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10074524 No.10074524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do into a /fa/ body?
Im doing intermittent fasting and an EC stack but I really wanna drop to like 12% by September. Is that possible?

>> No.10074533

I'm 5ft 9, 175cm and 70kg

>> No.10074536

shave all that gross ass hair boiiii

>> No.10074541

I'm so conflicted
on one hand you need to lose some weight and tone your body (around six months sticking to a strict regimen) to be the right size for certain fits

on the other hand my carnal instincts make me drool for this body type, I love your hairiness as well as your thickness, you're perfect

so... yeah... do whatever you want.

>> No.10074546

go fuck yourself m8, hairy guys are super hot
shaving isn't what gets the girls

>> No.10074551

Agreed. You have a cute body OP but I would work out your chest a little bit because you look a little gyno-core right now. But your hair is nice and right now you look fine. Please dont go skelly it looks bad on almost everyone

>> No.10074555

>intermittent fasting
Ramadan, huh?

>> No.10074560

But I kinda want to get into slp :(
And yeah I need to work on my chest desperately

>> No.10074653


There are so many other styles that are better suited to your build and will look infitintely better than that twink-tier garbage. If you like that style though there are many ways to replicate it without a skelly body and SLP clothing.

>> No.10074667

>But I kinda want to get into slp
Next time you should inform us of your shit taste before you seek help, there's no hope

>> No.10074867
File: 31 KB, 512x315, Bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow it on your chest, or keep your stomach shaved. The disparity is far too great. Also, not to be disgusting- cut down the jungle, bruh.

Other than that, your arm hair fits nicely with your chest/stomach. It's the thing some women go for.

Hit the gym dude. Seriously, while your arms look pretty decent you've got man tits and a pseudo gut. Tone, and build pectorals and you could be pretty good. Also, I'd work on your glutes- your ass is weak, which while being not a huge point for men to watch out for, generally having a good ass will earn you some points with the ladies.

Do what you want. Also, do you seriously shave your pits, or is it just hidden in the pic?

>> No.10075050

Okay not exactly slp
But I like wearing Chelsea's with black skinnies, and grey/white tees layered with open flannels
I trim my pits in the summer because otherwise I swear like a pig.
Starting July I've started going gym again, I'm doing Reg Parks beginner routine but only with front squats

>> No.10075872

Hairy guys are only attractive if they're muscular.

>> No.10076071
File: 494 KB, 416x312, rix2nGH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mmmm you're fucking hot post more nudes

>> No.10076099

working out is essential for keeping building muscle but it doesnt burn that much calories

IF is fine since it allows greater cal deficits

>> No.10076105

this is a SFW board

also, see >>>/fit/

>> No.10076114
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>working out is essential for keeping building muscle but it doesnt burn that much calories
depends entirely on how hard you make that body do shit while you're at gym, if you train hard enough you'll body will be using energy throughout the next few days to fix the damage done but i guess that's not the fav thing to do on /fa/