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/fa/ - Fashion

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10074274 No.10074274 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ names thread.

I've always been a Jim. Would it be weird to start introducing myself as "James" in a new city? Would it even stick?

>> No.10074332

Is Noah /fa/?

>> No.10074378

Can't see why it wouldnt stick. James is a nice name anyway, better than Jim imo

>> No.10074390

Biblical names are always cool as long as your name isn't Jesus.

>> No.10074395

Whats a good last name for Andrew

>> No.10074398

weird af op
My name's James and I was considering going as Jim when I move city for uni, should I?

>> No.10074407

Armand / Arman

>> No.10074421
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yes but unfortunately it's the number one baby name from the last 7 years so get ready for an influx of Noahs in the coming years

>> No.10074467

bump for interest

>> No.10074471

Is Kwasi /fa/

People say its cool, but I'm pretty sure they mean its exotic

>> No.10074494


Jim is a bit more 'pedestrian' and approachable

it all depends on how you present yourself. If you're heading more up the lumberjack core alley Jim would be better, if you're going for something more 'metro' go for James

>> No.10074500

>tfw when your name is #8
not sure if this is a good thing or not

>> No.10074501

Well, I'm doing it out of reserve. I think nicknames should be more private.
In your case, maybe you want to be more friendly or sociable. If that's what you're going for, I don't see a problem.

>> No.10074503

>tfw my name is Keisha

>> No.10074506


>> No.10074520

How /fa/ is Oliver?

I know one named Abel, /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10074522

it means your parents were ahead of the curve

you'll distinguish yourself from the basic Alexanders by virtue of your age

>> No.10074614

lol my aunt and one of my friends just named their newborns Noah

it's odd how an entire generation thinks the same, do names just sound better at certain times?

>> No.10074893

I think names are /fa/ if you look the part, names suit some people much more than others

>> No.10074937


>> No.10074974

Is sterling /fa/?

>> No.10074986
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My actual first name is Zach, and it was supposed to be Calvin.

Be right back, going to go an hero quickly

>> No.10075987

Gabe or Gabriel
Also, Cain or Abel?

>> No.10075994

Is Albert /fa/?

>> No.10075998

Cain is pretty hot, Abel feels like a nickname however

>> No.10076005

>mfw I have sandnigger name

>> No.10076007

go to bed Jamal

>> No.10076010

kwasi = quasimodo

>> No.10076014

It's a cycle, and most people are just plain unimaginative and will think they came up with a cool name while in fact they've heard it everywhere and their brains chose it so the name wouldn't make waves

>> No.10076015

actually it is a social status thing. The upper class or class of people with power name their children then the lower class or class that looks up to them names their children after them. So on and so forth until you loop back again. It's been studied.

>> No.10076017


/fa/ as fuck

>> No.10076019

femanon, Bob

>> No.10076020

I dunno who studied it but that's not true in my country (France). The upper class's names were never appropriated by the lower class.

>> No.10076021

My name is Kit (male).

Is it /fa/?

>> No.10076023

I should have said in some countries and societies, not all.

>> No.10076026

I agree. Martin is a pretty alpha name, though kind of basic

>> No.10076041
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>> No.10076050



>> No.10076096


>> No.10076288

>never go full jim

James is a good name, stick with it

>> No.10076294

I'm Yves-Christian, it's pronounced as "If" and I usually introduce myself as only Yves. Girls tell me I should start using both of my names. Opinions?

>> No.10076295

Its been suggested that I change my name because I have a stalker who changed his name to match mine.

Is it /fa/ to change my surname to that of my waifu?

>> No.10076306

You can introduce yourself with both. Then let them choose a nickname or you choose one so they feel special. When you tell people to pronounce Yves as "if" they're just gonna think of your name as lame and short and like barely one syllable. Do you have an accent french boi? My name is Santé but the shit ain't even french

>> No.10076322

I always introduce myself as Florian or Stefan if go to Starbucks (doesn't happen very often though, starbucks a shit). I think those names are cool for some reason. That and your typical barista can't spell my real name (Stanislav).

>> No.10076331


Simple, sleek, pronounced differently in every fucking country on this planet. Lots of names that originate from latin/old italy are great. And everything that originated from fucking ireland is trash by default.

>> No.10076333


>> No.10076342

hey fuck u man

>> No.10076372

I just say "J."

>> No.10076407

sexy name

is Lucas /fa/ tho?

>> No.10076418

Nathan or Nathaniel?

>> No.10076434

imagine a busy london street - find the most generic man in the most generic suit with the most deadpan expression and the most unremarkable general aura. his name is probably paul.

>> No.10076435

My name is Henri. Ya'll faggots.

>> No.10076479

Who Adam here?

>> No.10076493

Olof here. /fa/ enough?

>> No.10076496

Moses is /fa/ af

>> No.10076669

Is Arden effay?

>> No.10076704

My name is Kirsten, I'm a grill
Is it a nice name? I've never been too fond of it but at least it's not a really common name

>> No.10076796

tfw im oliver

>> No.10076816

tfw Tom

>> No.10077082


>> No.10077098

My name is Elise
For girls I like Andromeda, Leda, Juliet, Elaine, Sylvie, Catherine

>> No.10077110

It's meh, just looks like kristen which is common, has kind of a gross errr sound

Ya it would be on an adult, but it's gonna be common for baby names in the next few years

>> No.10077111

I would assume that you're a pretty passive guy. You're a fucking Tom after all.

>> No.10077115

slavs arent fa you shitbrain

>> No.10077119

Nothing wrong with that
Neither but nathan
Shaun is shit, sounds like a skeevy skateboarder
William sounds wimpy
Warwick a shit
Your girls names are nice but becoming common

>> No.10077132

No. Common
Anika's nice, mollys overdone and cutesy

>> No.10077133

My name's Jacques, it's the french version of '' James. ''
Anyway, for a man, I would say William, or Achille, and for a woman Lorelei or Amelia

>> No.10077134

Tfw Chris

>> No.10077137

What about Max?

>> No.10077141


Only because that's my name.

>> No.10077149


People always think I'm a Jew

>> No.10077162


>> No.10077163


>> No.10077168

Please don't name your child "Andromeda" they will get picked on.

>> No.10077190
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>> No.10077729

no, i'm bulgarian from Albanian descend. I can't pronounce the hard bulgarian "r" sound, which makes me "sound" french, although their nasal r is different.
Thanks, the choose one so the feel special bit is tricky, didn't thought of it.
I don't tell them to pronounce it as "if", I'm just trying to make sense of the stupid way french people write stuff.

Lucas is /fa/, don't worry.

>> No.10077734


>> No.10077815

p tryhard
It is the only way to do that name, al and bert suck
p tight
>being named after a league of legends champ
10/10 would bang

>> No.10077820

nice try, Warwick

>> No.10077855

yes they are, you poopoohead

>> No.10077879

james is even more fucking boring

>> No.10077970

Ryne (pronounced like "Wine" with an R), is it /fa/?

>> No.10077998

Names Joseph but I prefer Joe
I have a manly aesthetic
Not bad ey?

>> No.10078043

Jim Tim Rob
shortened names remind of informal basic bitches drinking brewskies with a cap on backwards. I'd say go with James.

change your first name instead

do you like watermelon and chicken wangs?

Cain. Gabe/Gabriel sounds like a fag
Abel sounds like some nice girl from iowa with freckles

honestly sounds like a hipster faggot
i would dismiss you for a cunt if you introduced yourself by saying: "I'm Ryne, with an R. Its spelt R-Y-N-E." You would be a cunt.

>> No.10078083

Please tell me you come back in the next season

>> No.10078090

Usually interactions go like this
"Hi, I'm Ryne"
"Oh hi Ryan!"

>> No.10078114


>> No.10078131

I'm Davey and I guess my name gives the impression of a casual bro.

>> No.10078459

do you wear a dead raccoon on your head?

>> No.10078478

Dylann Storm Roof tier.

>> No.10078485

Is Yasmin /fa/?
>mfw I already know the answer
Name suggestions?

>> No.10078492

...But you could always change it to Rhine, and say, "Rhine like the river."
That would be fractionally more /fa/.

>> No.10078529

I share my dad's name, Jamie. But at a local open mic poetry place I introduce myself as Jay.

>> No.10078535

Is Dwight /fa/?

>> No.10078536

Is Johan effay?

>> No.10078543

I used to know a Wuallefh, I've never heard of anyone else having this name, so I guess that is somewhat /fa/?

>> No.10079006

Is Hugo an effay name?

>> No.10079116

idk if my name is /fa/ nobody has it and it has no origin.

my entire name is odd.. its like my dad hated me when he named me or something ;-;

>> No.10080840

oliver is kind of waspy which is unhip atm but is probably coming back with more economic stability, at least in the US

Abel's cool, especially if you're white.

>> No.10080864

bubbles isnt that rare of a name

>> No.10080888
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>tfw Griffin

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.10080922


>> No.10080924

bubbles is not my name. Not to mention bubbles has a background, my actual name doesn't.

>tfw you'll never be able to guess it

>> No.10080926

my name is rare and foreign like.

>> No.10080929


>> No.10080932

donkey kong aint that foreign tbh

>> No.10080934


>> No.10080950

that is not a singular name, it has to be a name not a first and a last name/full name.

>> No.10080954
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My first name is super common so everyone outside of my family calls me by my last name. I share my last name with this guy, but I don't pronounce the K. It's short, distinctive (there is never any confusion over it) and gets the job done. However it's probably not very effay, but I've managed to build a certain style around it and it works for me.

>> No.10080985

how /fa/ is tabitha

>> No.10081000

A fellow Asher. Everyone tries to call me Archer...

>> No.10081661

My name is Martynas. It's the equivalent of Martin.


>> No.10081691

tfw brandon

>> No.10081706

is kira an /fa/ name

>> No.10082229

i became a dad three months ago and i named him ulrich
thoughts on the name?

>> No.10082231

>name is pronounced martin-ass
>is it /fa/?

>> No.10082237


>> No.10082255

There's a really cute trap called ulrich

>> No.10082257

my child is transgender?

>> No.10082266
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I like the name Saskia, if I had a daughter I'd name her that

>> No.10082270

my name happens to be tyrion , what do you guys think?

>> No.10082335

You have no idea how many people I've met who don't know that river exists

>> No.10082344


>> No.10082599

Is Darius /fa/? (not a black guy)

>> No.10082738

Is Craig a coo guy name. I'm a coo guy.

>> No.10082861

I don't think Grant is very /fa/

G's I don't think are /fa/ in general.

>> No.10082878

holy shit this is so gay

>> No.10082900

Is Leonardo /fa/ ?

>> No.10082901

Can't decide on how I feel about the name Emily

>> No.10082908

shit name

>> No.10082922

Rate my name. Was supposed to be Erik, but plans changed due to my hair color.

>> No.10082935

is chloe /fa/

>> No.10083162

I hate it when Americans butcher perfectly good names

>> No.10083172

I have a basic bitch name, Erica

>> No.10083220

Is Rafael (Spannish pronunciation rah-fah-ell) effay enough of a name, always hate when people pronounce it as ra-fe-ell.

>> No.10083372

rocking Cameron
/fa/ enough?

>> No.10083443

How's Luca?

>> No.10083452

Chloe is pretty /fa/

>> No.10083480

If people call you 'rafa' as in rah-fah you're fukd, otherwise yeah it is effay.

>> No.10083498
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>tfw named Anthony

>> No.10083500

Jonathan here. I always go by my full name, sounds formal and has a sort of distance to it, I don't like people being chummy giving nicknames.

Last name sucks, trying to find something that sounds good to change to.

>> No.10083525

Name's Amir... fuck do I do?

>> No.10083530

Amir's pretty good dude!

>> No.10083541

why are jewish names so /fa/

>> No.10083623

is Aidan /fa/?

>> No.10083892

My name's Lewis. Am I cursed with a shit name?

>> No.10083895

>changing your last name
legacy is /fa/, don't do that shit unless you hate your family or something

>> No.10083900

jewish names are associated with old money

>> No.10083908

Which is more effay, Aidan or Aiden?

>> No.10083919

What do you think about nordic names like Fin, Lars or Rasmus?

>> No.10083957

neither, they are both overused as fuck now

>> No.10083974

Hey, I'm Lewis too!

>> No.10083987

sup lewis

>> No.10084096

Christian is a p gud name imo

>> No.10084108

my name is better :)

>> No.10084112

Is Nick an acceptable name? Going by the full Nicholas sounds bad in most situations

>> No.10084192

Yes but only Aidan. Any other variations (e.g Aiden, Ayden) are shit.

>> No.10084208

My name is Adrien. Is it /fa/?

>> No.10084212

Adrien is a poor man's Aidan

>> No.10084216

Not at all? It's the French version of a latin name.

>> No.10084221


>> No.10084301

Ma nigga

Literal goat name

>> No.10084310

Von Liechtenstein?

>> No.10084313

Nah, Adrien is better than Aidan

>> No.10084364


>> No.10084407


>> No.10084460
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shitty af

>> No.10084475

Like Jan-Jan Van Essche, it's pretty cool.

>> No.10084527

Scott, effay?

>> No.10084534

I'm a William what sounds more attractive


>> No.10084562

Your name is William so William. Keep your real name. Is it an American thing?

>> No.10084588

Dan. Especially when the chicks call you Danny

>> No.10084596
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>tfw Jason

>> No.10084617

jeyson effay?

>> No.10084621

Djony effay?

>> No.10084637

Aidan, the latter sounds too American and therefore inferior
Every twat I know is named Aidan for some reason

>> No.10084641

With a name like that you can be either a fashion diva or an old woman, there is no third option

>> No.10084648

Yes, a rich girl.

>> No.10084663

Pronounced as Djuhdesha

>> No.10084675

How /fa/ is Ted?

>> No.10084684

Coz the dash don't be silent?

>> No.10084717

I'm french and my name is Louis. Which means it supposed to be pronounced like your english Louie. But I noticed Americans said it like Luis, in Spanish.
Should I introduce myself in foreign countries (USA, england & Korea if you wanna know) using the first or the last pronunciation ? And by the way, do you like this name ?
I don't care much but since this thread is here...

>> No.10084726

Tu devrais dire Louis, pas Luis.

>> No.10084730

Donc comme on le prononce nous ?
Je trouve que ça sonne mieux aussi.

>> No.10084733

Louis is nice.

I don't understand why Americans would pronounce it Luis.

Pronounce it like the English "Louie."

>> No.10084737

Oui c'est ton prénom, Luis en est un autre.

>> No.10084761

Je suis passé par /fa/ pour la sur-esthétisation stupide, je suis déçus.
Bon je dis de la merde hein, t'as raison. Cimer.

Well everyone seems to agree, thanks.
(I don't get it either. I don't want to start burger-bashing but I guess it's an education thing.)

>> No.10084762

Is Bennett an effay name?

>> No.10084783

Maybe it's because of the large Hispanic population.

But really, I'd imagine the average American pronouncing it like Lewis

>> No.10084788


louis is shit because louis "gets cucked by gigantic black dongs" c.k

>> No.10084792


>> No.10084813


William is fine, if you want to be bill, you'll have to embrace your inner southern plantation owner.

>> No.10084814

I'm gonna have a daughter soon.
I was thinking Maria

>> No.10084817
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Lewis does sounds stupid, but I like it it for some irrational reason. I'm laughing at the idea right now, but I sincerely hope someone calls me Lewis some day.

Come on mate, Louis CK is a fucking model. I mean look at this picture. Look at it. Look at it.

>> No.10084821

*does sound

>> No.10084826


that dead stare

he's seen some shit

>> No.10084839

Rich old woman. There is no third option.

>> No.10084841

How do people feel about Sebastian? I've been considering that for a future son.

>> No.10084843

Too foppish

>> No.10084845

Bach was named Sebastian

>> No.10084854
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what do i name a future daughter /fa/

i'm thinking meryl or christine

>> No.10084860

Just Drew

>> No.10084866

I know several Warwicks and they are all cunts. Never would I bestow such a shit name on my future son

>> No.10084876

composer names are pretty sick- e.g. Johann, Franz, Gustav, Claude, Maurice, and others

Sebastian is nice.

>> No.10084906
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r8 me, Emmett

>> No.10084940
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>> No.10084966

My name is Amy. My favorite grill names are Maria, Sofía, Victoria, Juliette.

>> No.10084970


>> No.10084981

Diana, Annette, Saskia, Terra, Alice, Charlotte for girls

Robert, Justin, Lucas, Eric, for guys


>> No.10085127

>tfw my name is Roberto and people call me Robert

>> No.10085143

I have a normcore name


My dad almost named me Ole or Fred tho and if I was a girl it would've been Polly

>> No.10085165

i like my name, nicola, but since i live in the shitty no-proper-vowel-pronunciation american south i shorten it to nikki.

>> No.10085174



>> No.10085214


>> No.10085232

>jelly because my name is rare and unique

>> No.10085240

Actually continental Europe

>> No.10085254

Is Pierce /fa/?

>> No.10085258

Morten. Pretty effay

>> No.10085302

Pierce Brosnan is mai husbando

>> No.10085457

I've gone by my middle name, max, since birth but I want to switch to my first name, James, when I go to uni. Max just sounds more juvenile, ya know? Thoughts?

>> No.10085460

Depends if you have no friends. I've got a mate who's got a Muslim dad and gave him a sandnigger name and now he wants to change it and I can't adapt.

>> No.10085471

You're not the one with the sandnigger name, let the man be and call him 'you' for a while until you get used to it.
>tfw my surname literally means 'asshole'
>tfw people in my town think changing your surname is 'weird' unless you're a woman who just got married

>> No.10086276

holy shit you literal autist
post your name or shut the fuck up
you're the only one who cares

>> No.10086284

mine, Maxim
and I'm a girl

>> No.10086295

My name is Thomas

>> No.10086311

Ruggles? When is the next brick coming out? Please don't die on me.

>> No.10086357

Hows Santiago?