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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.11 MB, 2448x3264, typical dumb bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10073348 No.10073348 [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/, i've come to the conclusion that the more fashionable you become, the more harder it becomes to get a gf
(girls become intimidated by a guy dressing better and being more fashionable than them)
Has anyone else experienced this?
>pic related, this fat fuck autismo gets a qt girl wearing walmart ss09 and i cant get a gf with my rick owens, raf simons $1k outfits

>> No.10073353

this is a seriously dumb post, op

>> No.10073358

excuses are not attractive

>> No.10073359

maybe hes a good guy and not a deluded insecure prick

>> No.10073368

how? do you own designer clothes yourself? if you did then you would probably notice how differently women behave around you
honestly i catch girls mirin when i walk by but they just seem completely intimidated. It probably has to do with the fashion scene in the area as well, like everyone dresses like shit here p much.

>> No.10073370

>dressing for girls

Go to /fit/ you thirsty turbovirgin

>> No.10073376

>typical dumb bitch.jpg
dude get over yourself
ugly personalities makes people really fucking ugly
like really. fuck. ugly.

>> No.10073381

Are you retarded OP? The guy looks like he lifts, look at this arm.

Also personality>dressing like a ninja

>> No.10073382

>actually calling a stranger a dumb bitch because she has a bf and you don't have a gf

You've hit rock bottom and you'll never be effay.

>> No.10073384

im fairly average, im def not ugly
im a good guy too and not deluded enough to realize how dressing better than 90% of the population makes you intimidating.>>10073370
and i dont dress for girls either, its just an unwanted side effect that i noticed.

>> No.10073385

don't tell me you waste thousands of dollars on rick just to get girls?

you're the one who's autistic tbh

>> No.10073387

its true op, but i dont want to date your "average dumb bitch". im aiming for excellence. if i meet a girl and shes not at the top of her fashion game, she's immediately dropped. if she wears converse, dropped. if she wears any mall tier clothes, dropped. if her jeans cost less than $100, dropped. if her hair is dyed, dropped. basically, if shes dressed like a basic bitch and wears t shirts, leggings, nike shoes, hoodies, and other basic bitch shit, then she crumbles before me. we cant lower our standards, guys. I wont sacrifice my standards just to get a gf.

>> No.10073388

>the guy looks like he lifts, look at his arm

are you a retarded SS-shit or what? Been lifting for 5 years, I can guarantee you that this is just fatceps and nothing that could be classified as "muscular". It's a fat dude with a gf

>> No.10073389

>those fucking shoes
I'd honestly rather be alone forever than dress like that

>> No.10073398

>im a good guy too and not deluded enough to realize how dressing better than 90% of the population makes you intimidating

that is something a deluded person would say, spliting the world with a visual sense of morality.

doing that doesn't make you a
>good guy

>> No.10073403

This is phenomenally dumb. To the extent that you're running around in Rick with a shaved head going for that goffninja nonsense, sure, you're not going to get much attention because you look like an overstyled 'tard. On the other hand, dressing well in and of itself is not a pussy repellent.

>> No.10073405

When did I say muscular? I said he lifts. Maybe all the steroids has made your brain small.

>> No.10073406

1. You're autistic
2. You spend too much money on clothes
3. People think your gay because you dress tucking retarded.

>> No.10073416
File: 399 KB, 865x375, RICKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, the main problem with girls that cant into fashion is because theyre just stupid. I noticed that womens clothes go on sale or are reselled for wayyy cheaper than mens stuff. Its so easy to be a girl and wear full rick for instance because theres much less competition for womens designer stuff.

>> No.10073427
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dressing for women = simply a way of trying to hide your insecurities (but everyone can see right through it anyways), still an awkward loser with no gf

dressing for yourself = better confidence, more comfortable with yourself which in return makes you less socially retarded and more approachable.

>> No.10073436

>men drop money on your favorite meme designer
>women don't drop money on your favorite meme designer
If anything, this is a sign of women being smart and men being dumb.

>> No.10073438

being deep into any hobby is a reflection of how much time you spend idle and alone

>> No.10073439

American girls are ridiculously easy to get anyway. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.10073443

Only weak shit girls get intimidated. You don't want those anyways.

>> No.10073446

Go back to r9k my supreme gentlemam

>> No.10073450

these two sum it up pretty nicely

Also, you sound shallow af OP and it apperantly it's not paying off. So change your game maybe.

>> No.10073457
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>> No.10073467

girls not being attracted to you is effay

>> No.10073489

>why are guys that aren't scared of talking to girls getting girls while I'm standing here doing nothing and nothing happens?

I swear, you retards.

>> No.10073493
File: 666 KB, 176x216, Naw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some Elliot Rodgers shit.

Instead of being a decent person, you just see someone with a girlfriend and think "I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN HIM, WHY DON'T I HAVE THAT?"

Not only are you autismo as shit OP, you're probably a cunt.

>> No.10073504
File: 64 KB, 312x469, phpThumb_generated_thumbnail..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these hating replies are hillarious because the people making them obviously dont even own designer stuff or else they would know what OP is describing.
Anyways, its true, girls will feel inferior and even threatened by a man that dresses better than her because the typical thing is for the girl to dress good (like a pleb, pic related) and for her bf to dress like shit so she can slap a polo and some boat shoes on him and make him "classy".

>> No.10073510

>Anyways, its true, girls will feel inferior and even threatened by a man
This is not a bad thing.

Just pin her in a corner and play with her fear.

>> No.10073512

When did you realize /fa/ was a bunch of socially defunct teen dweebs who compensate for their lack of interpersonal skills with siqq cops bought with their rich parents' money?

I think for me it was when I saw this same exact thread topic like 2 years ago.

>> No.10073516

>hating replies

Only reason why you call them that, is because it's the truth, and the truth to you, a beta, stings.

No shit a girl is intimidated by a well dressed man, it conveys power and confidence in a primal level. Guess what women love! Power and confidence.

The problem is the retards that think that just because you dress well you'll have women approaching you.

>> No.10073519

Yeah, literally every women dreams of this... Now take your aspie gender theories to >>>/r9k/.

>> No.10073526
File: 12 KB, 495x282, avatar_1427503882325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intimidated intimidated by your fashion and u like her or w/e you need to approach her and let her know that you're friendly. bumbling about is just gonna make you seem aloof.

>> No.10073537

*if a girl is intimidated
lmao you are beyond hideous so you NEED women to be afraid of u so u can feel dominant

you are trash

>> No.10073538

Women, like most people, probably aren't even thinking about you. they've got a whole day's worth of work, class, whatever shit to think about besides how you look

why would anyone but yourself take the time to consider the designer clothes?

>> No.10073545

Hahaha. BS

Nope. It has helped girls approach me. They tell me the like my glasses, my style, whatever.

>> No.10073548

ITT: Kids who think that dressing well makes you less approachable.

No, it's your shit personality that accompanies your style that makes you less approachable. If you dress in full designer attire but have a very outgoing and open personality, people will still talk to you.

Get over yourselves.

>> No.10073555

>lmao you are beyond hideous so you NEED women to be afraid of u so u can feel dominant
Sounds about accurate. I'm ugly as fuck, but it all works out.

>> No.10073559
File: 379 KB, 423x733, 1040053751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude thats actually kind of fucked up to play with a girls emotions like that. Like i said im a good guy but its just harder to approach women because theyre not used to a guy thats fashionable. On the other hand, the few girls that actually come up to you and initiate convo will obviously start it by complimenting your clothes and thats a red flag. It shows that she knows youre rich/have money and if she gets close to you then maybe you can buy her designer stuff as well.
Such is the life of a straight male in the fashion world i guess...

>> No.10073570

the uglier you are, the more fear people feel when you fuck them
it's primal lvl shit
>girlies all juicy for primal lvl

>> No.10073571
File: 149 KB, 464x352, 130181494516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's that word again lmfao
you are not intimidating, you are autistic and narcissistic and probably not even fashionable. (if you disagree then post a fit and we'll see how intimidating you look in your "designer clothes")
true elliot level shit right here /fa/, i'd expect nothing less :^)

>> No.10073574

No anon, not your clothes are are problem, you're the faggot.

>> No.10073577


You sound like the kind of guy that would assure the girl that he's different, and he doesn't care about sex stuff, he just wants to hold her hand and cuddle.

No wonder you're a virgin lol.

>this whole post

OMG. You really have no idea how humans interact.

Women LOVE emotional rollercoasters, that's what they do best.
They love to be dominated by a man, and love to have to earn that man's interest. Drives them crazy.

>girl compliments you
>red flag

I'm literally loling. You have no hope.

>> No.10073582

what's the most effay way to make love to your qt gf?

>> No.10073597

with a ralph lauren condom

>> No.10073601


With your Sperry boat shoes on.

>> No.10073603


Rape fantasy. Trust me, she'll love it.

>> No.10073616

>unwanted side effect

your life was an unwanted side effect

>> No.10073643


>> No.10073657


>> No.10073693
File: 347 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nkyif7pNa41qixxaxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073706

ITT: Op brazillian scum getting rekt

>> No.10073709

But do it right or don't do it at all.

>> No.10073722

isn't this pasta?

>> No.10073725


Yeah no

>> No.10073750

by proxy through a black man

>> No.10073754

you don't get girls cuz you're a faggot. has nothing to do with the clothing.

>> No.10073782

Stop making up excuses for why you can't have a gf while people you feel are inferior to you have one. Making excuses is for women and children.

>> No.10073786

rick owens and raf simons are fucking gay and thats why all the girls think you're gay. also the fact that you buy that shit means you're really insecure and that's unattractive as fuck

>> No.10073787

idk i can kinda see it. not the way op sees it though. if i dress different than all my friends girls definitely do look at me differently unless it's some dadcore shit but that was years ago. it's a setback but if it really curves a girl away from you entirely she wasn't worth shit in the first place

>> No.10073789
File: 621 KB, 845x474, 1427710971438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew /fa/ was narcissistic but this hurt to read.

>> No.10073801
File: 1.52 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think i dress like a faggot
>people think rick owens is fucking gay
fucking normie cunts gtfo

>> No.10073809

> the more fashionable you become, the more harder it becomes to get a gf
no dumbfuck, dressing like a nazgul and being skinnier than a girl wont get you a gf
stop bitching about how other people dress

>> No.10073817
File: 15 KB, 289x295, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I do litteraly nothing and still get qts

>> No.10073853

Pasta or not, just lol.


If you're really into fashion that much, why do you fall for basic bitch like OPic related anyway? It seems like you use fashion as an excuse for your lack of personality and it shows. The moment you see a cute girl that's barely fashionable with a guy that neither is fashionable, your ego gets deflated, because for some reason you think both you and the girl deserve better (= each other).

>> No.10073858

what happened to your legs m8

>> No.10073864

top kek

>> No.10073882

Come on man. Be realistic. You'd seriously judge a person that harshly by the way they dress? Sounds pretty douchey and insecure to me.

>> No.10073895

>"im a good guy too"
>calls a stranger dumb bitch because she is in a relationship
>judges someone just by the clothes he wears
>thinks he is absolutely superior to anyone dressing worse than him

>> No.10073901

With minor modifications, this is 4chan and the entire goddamn PUA community in a nutshell

>"im a good guy too"
>calls a stranger dumb bitch because she is in a relationship
>judges someone for arbitrary reasons
>thinks he is absolutely superior to anyone who fails for those arbitrary reasons

tl;dr "why aren't girls like slot machines where I put in fake niceness and they put out sex????"

>> No.10073913

i just want to discuss garments, why do you all have to be so insecure and negative.

>> No.10073921

Because fashion isn't a true hobbie, unless you're designing it.

This is a board based on making your outer appearance nicer so that you can hide the shitty person you really are.

>> No.10073933
File: 72 KB, 511x640, 1434128011833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you will fuck a random girl who is 9/10 if she is willing?

FYI the answer is NOT to but i'm not telling you why ;^)

>> No.10073935

this is such b8 and all you summerfags who keep replying should get the fuck out

>> No.10073938

she looks sad/drugged. fucked up

>> No.10073948
File: 219 KB, 1500x1334, Vkz1ir7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why instead of dressing fashionable you should just dress basic.

Throw on a light blue uniqlo OCBD that says "I'm mature enough to not wear graphic tees but not fashion smart enough to coordinate more complicated layers".

Some dark jeans that say "I'm beyond dad jeans and immature jeans but I'm afraid to experiment with high fashion distressing or formal pants"

Some CDBs that say "I'm mature and formal while being rugged and casual at the same time with these real leather, classic, and smart footwear", maybe some white sneakers to show you're more casual but don't like bright chunky stuff like skechers or NB shit.

Finish off with an undercut and a cheap minimalistic watch and maybe pack a calculator in your leather backpack to keep count of all the pussy you're getting.

>> No.10073955

Too real. To make it even worse, the only genuinely sensible, nice people get shunned.

>> No.10073956

>using that summerfag maymay outside of /b/

>> No.10073961

That is fashionable. Just not "runway" fashionable.

>> No.10073963

Remember to wear uniqlo beige socks that say "I'm more mature than those who wear tube socks, but i'm not experienced enough to make tube socks look fashionable.

>> No.10073972

There's some real truth to this.

If you want to be attractive to the biggest swaths of the opposite sex, simply keeping things basic and well-fitted will always be superior to fooling around with designer clothing and unique fits.

That doesn't mean that keeping things basic is fashionable, it just is more of a numbers game.

>> No.10073975

>just dress basic
I can just imagine your life goals and your fucking conversations
Just agreeing and disagreeing and barely having a strong opinion about anything.
Just fitting in and trying hard to become the same colour as the wallpaper
I'm not saying go be a tumblr queer but have more taste

>> No.10073978
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I agreed up until the undercut.

>> No.10073982
File: 146 KB, 946x632, fucking dropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw shes a nigger lover

>> No.10073992
File: 510 KB, 573x658, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 6.08.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This BBC meme is getting out of hand

>> No.10074007
File: 585 KB, 592x698, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 6.10.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better PURE Instagram pretend girlfriend coming through


>> No.10074015

You're just as autistic and insecure if you feel you have to dress this way to talk to/get girls.

This summer alone I have had at least 5 girls approach me out of nowhere and start a convo with me while I'm reading in the park. Girls at my work are constantly interested and talking to me about my clothes. Clothing is a very small contributor in why a girl or anyone will date you, and if its not and they are that superficial, are they honestly worth dating?

OP look at yourself. Are you attractive? Do you have a good personality? Can you hold a conversation? Also where are you meeting girls? Because you seemed to not have any actual experiences of talking to girls and now your just expecting them to appear out of nowhere, which is never going to happen especially if you are this>>10073801
NEET piece of shit

>> No.10074016

is that the high test qt from the AA ads?

>> No.10074022

wow so alpha
Like 5 girls? Wow
look at this guy

>> No.10074031

omg! girls talk to you at work, girls talk to me at work too, i meet like 100 chicks a day because they ask for me to measure their feet, get shoes for them to try on or ring them up at the cash register...

>> No.10074036

OK cool guy how many girls are approaching you regularly about how attractive you are? I wasn't trying to flex or anything, I just don't go out to much besides for work so the few times it has happened it was surprising.

>> No.10074049


bro every white girl sucked on a black cocky in her life mate

>> No.10074050
File: 2.95 MB, 678x382, 2dads1son.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most girls don't because they are too scared to approach such a handsome guy
I'm like ray from true detectives except my wife wasn't raped and I don't have a wife
We did it /fa/ we finally became true detectives

>> No.10074078

just like every white guy has fucked a black pussy in his life

>> No.10074079

It's more of self consciousness due to feeling under dressed or outside of the guy's social class, thus fear of being seen as trashy or sub par. That's not necessarily intimidation though


Not tripping so this doesn't follow me around but I'll admit I have a slight rape fantasy, but true rape would likely end badly and the guy would probably be ugly, and if it's played out in normal sex then it's not rape it's just pretend

>> No.10074092

>the old "girls like rape and choking" meme
Ya I just beat up my gf while almost killing her with a noose
Shit was so cash

>> No.10074099

>tl;dr "why aren't girls like slot machines where I put in fake niceness and they put out sex????"

>Implying they aren't exactly that
you what m8?

>> No.10074147

>the old "girls like rape and choking" meme
Yeah I just literally clobbered my girlf then stabbed her in the leg
You should try it man all girls like it

>> No.10074151

>I'll admit I have a slight rape fantasy

You'd be shocked how many women have a rape fantasy. They are wired to like it, man.
Funny enough, most of the ones that have it, are the radical feminazi type.

>tfw most people here won't experience calling a rad feminazi a worthless hole to fuck savagedly to her ear while covering her mouth and basically make her orgasm

Just remember your safe words my friend.

>> No.10074214

just be attractive

>> No.10075407

>spending thousands to look like that
>you're insecure and gay

>> No.10075416

Just imagine this fat guy with gyno in a 600$ see-through tank top taking an image of a normal couple on a subway

>> No.10075436

what movie is this?

>> No.10075463

umad whiteboi? back to /pol/

>> No.10075491
File: 610 KB, 523x446, 1430150862565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I purchased special snowflake clothing that has given me a false sense of superiority. I am better than him simply for buying material items to validate my self worth in society. If you do not recognize these items, you are beneath me.

holy shit what a colossal faggot

>> No.10075527

Preppy bitches cant handle most of my fits, and i just walk around the mall when im bored.

>> No.10075552

Wow fucking spoilers. Good job

>> No.10075559

Haha and skinny fag slp isnt? Gtfo

>> No.10075567

This post makes me feel like killing myself

>> No.10075578

> What shitty Australian kids think is fashionable
> What really is fashionable
Pick one.
Bitches know what's up.

>> No.10075594
File: 36 KB, 1869x290, 1434423054616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post i made in the last thread like this attached, it's in the archive before you all make bitchy remarks about it that have already been made


this dude's autistic about it i mean

>if her jeans cost less than $100, dropped

is just retarded but the point is kinda there

some girls aren't going to care about how a guy dresses or even looks

a girl you'd want to date should be a girl who actually does care, and you have to go looking for that


please define "better"

you might just seem fucking weird and not extremely attractive

hell i'm just attractive and i'll get comments made to me from hot chicks and fat ones too, girls have confidence as well as men but i doubt you do from the sound of it

>> No.10075611

>Aiming for excellence.
When you fuck you and your girl are both naked.
That's when it really matters.
The winners are the ones that slide that shit in and out while the rest of the autists have their dicks in their hand.
Wankers are not /fa/

>> No.10075620

i define "better" as in actually giving a shit about my apperence and choosing clothes based on an advanced sense of style and appreciation for everything that goes into making the clothes, from the labor to the fabrics.
everyone else are basic bitches. men wear shits with cringey graphic logos like "dr.pepper", paired with cargo shorts and flip flops. basic women wear forever 21 etc... my knowledge of fashion and dressing far surpasses the majority of people and its safe to say that i dress infinitely better.

>> No.10075622

>posting on 4chan

>> No.10075627

Is narcissism fa?

>> No.10075634

Don't know, but getting pussy sure is.

>> No.10075635
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>> No.10075642
File: 25 KB, 680x288, 75b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you get plenty.

>> No.10075649

Ad hominem

>> No.10075654

bitch must have some mad tongue game, chris chan bout to drop all his books

>> No.10075658

what kind of shit is this?

nothing matches fam

>> No.10075659


when was the last time you actually approached a girl then

i don't understand what you're complaining about - that some girls have lower standards than others? you don't have to associate with them

>> No.10075660
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Wrong usage but okay hombre

>> No.10075667

Go to school son.

>> No.10075670

Don't worry. They don't teach critical thinking to Australians.

>> No.10075671

Honestly, there might be some truth to this.

The other day when I was on the bus, I, as I always do, looked magnificent. I was wearing this cologne that would have surely drawn any woman close to me.

Then it happened, this beautiful blonde girl comes walking onto the bus. This was it, my chance to impress, destiny has reserved this joyous moment for me. That's what I thought.

That blonde bitch sat next to this fat, beastly looking man instead of myself. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? She didn't even so much as glance at me.

When I got back to my apartment, I cried at my desk for hours and drank a bottle of red wine.

>> No.10075672

Nice post dude

I'm not too autistic to think that how a person wear reflects his goodness, i think the topic it's bigger.
Most of people aim to be accepted by the others, but as always, the average of humanity it's pretty bad. Here (but not only on /fa/) people aim to accept themselves. I (as many others i think) have a constant feeling of dissatisfaction about myself, not because i suck (hell, i'm really better than a lot of people) but because i know i could do more to improve myself, it's like opening the vase of pandora and being unable to look back, return to be an average person.

>> No.10075683

post fit faggot

>> No.10075689


>I purchased special snowflake clothing that has given me a false sense of superiority. I am better than him simply for buying material items to validate my self worth in society. If you do not recognize these items, you are beneath me.

That's literally how women think and they get away with it, what's wrong with a little equality?

>> No.10075690

That was my first post in the thread and totally fashion unrelated my boy

>> No.10075701

If you think equality is lowering yourself to that mindset, then by all means, go ahead and become a terrible person.

>> No.10075703

the funny thing is that even when women wear designer shit, they cant even dress or coordinate as well as a man. its basically like how all men can do everything a woman can do and better.
if you dont believe me or i triggered any female reading this , theres proof of these claims. Every single designer is a male, men dress female models.

>> No.10075763

the fact is he may be an autismo but at least he isnt insecure.

>> No.10075777
File: 8 KB, 196x257, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bold opinion but a subtly wrong one

>> No.10075854


>> No.10075869

You sound like Elliot Rodgers

>> No.10075874

Maybe she likes how big he is, maybe she likes his personality and character, maybe he's really sweet.

Fashion can get you attention, but it isn't going to get you the girl OP, you have to actually have something of substance there, and taking pics of dudes who are ugly with their qt girlfriends isn't going to help you at all.

>> No.10075878

tfw all the cancer trips left and there's no1 to shit on these insecure faggots that are clogging up the board

>> No.10075891

>I was on the bus
Expecting to pull bitches.

>> No.10075910

you do realise the whole rick owens thing is a board joke except a few autists missed the memo and actually bought his pieces and parade around like idiots while everyone else laughs and mockingly tells them they look super /fa/

>sure is summer in here

>> No.10075914

RO has some good pieces IMO. I've yet to cop any. Was thinking about the ramones. Saying his stuff is a joke is the joke all together

>> No.10075919

haha oh you poor dumb fool

>actually letting memes influence your life

>> No.10075923
File: 52 KB, 780x688, 1434266691854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Just maybe

>> No.10075925

Rick Owens whole aesthetic is pretty juvenile, and wearing full Rick will make you look like an angsty emo teen like OP, somebody who threw random clothes together and has no fashion sense at all or like an enormous, trend hopping hype beast.
Some of the stuff is wearable. None of the shoes are.
Also, Rick Owens is not an exception to every rule ever, so don't wear a full outfit of only one brand, you will look like a tryhard.

But have fun spending a fortune on clownsized converse knockoffs

>> No.10075931

Dressing like an emo could get you pussy in 2008, now people will just think you're weird/creepy and cut yourself

>> No.10075946
File: 165 KB, 940x664, tumblr_n2w8jh2gxe1qaz0iho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao im sorry but how is 600 dollars a fortune? It's not like they're some tomford sor botegga sneakers. And there's nothing wrong with going full rick. Unless you're doing something wrong.

>> No.10075960

different anon here
$600 isn't a fortune but you just paid $600 to look worse than you did before
like a literal dirty hobo or a former fat person with clothes that were permanently stretched especially in the context of that photo

>> No.10075970

maybe he isn't a dick about what he wears and he makes her feel good about herself.. wait this isn't tumblr.. she likes goodwill cock.

>> No.10075972

haha wtf that file name.

>> No.10075978


>> No.10075981

you're so insecure it's not even funny

>> No.10075984

nice b8 m8

>> No.10075988

I'm just self aware, sorry

>> No.10076325

girls are not as shallow as guys when it comes to looks. you're probably picky af when it comes to girls and a narcissist like the rest of /fa/ which is why you're single.

it's not your looks it's your shit personality.

>> No.10076350

Actually it's the opposite, in OPs picture it's the fat neckbeard with the girl

>> No.10076357
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>> No.10076364

1) This only works if youre handsome
2) The amount of 'pussy you get' is fucking irrelevant to
2a) anyone with standards
2b) anyone who isnt a virgin and has more than a dozen braincells

If you want to wear a basic outfit that appeal to people wear a well tailored suit and be done with it. Chinos plus a white shirt? Are you for real? Unless youre a 10/10 model this will never look good.

>> No.10076376

white bitches love this shit style

>> No.10076385

black guys don't care though
cuz no one actually wants them kek

>> No.10076396

the fat kid obviously learned pickup, you should learn it too as it's not hard at all and anyone can do it. getting girls has very little to do with how good or attractive a person you are, but instead how socially intelligent and charismatic you are.

>> No.10076401

the delusion in this post

>> No.10076436
File: 221 KB, 630x421, 1435456315039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt : straight guys problems

>> No.10076461

hahahah wow man, yeah, it's definitely your cloths and not your arrogance that makes you unapproachable.

>> No.10076467

>why aren't people interracting with me when I'm in my nazgûl costume

>> No.10076469


you are the definition of a faggot. if you're style doesn't take into consideration your environment, you're no better than autismo over there.

plus, what girl wants to fuck some anime-board-posting faggot that just walks around in circles at the mall all day? do us all a favor and just kill yourself OP

>> No.10076491

Later that night:
>tfw no gf because they are intimidated


>> No.10076584
File: 176 KB, 1250x706, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm attracted to disgusting 3D pigs

>> No.10076592


>> No.10076600

tfw you say nope to all that anti criteria but expect the same of dudes and none exist who approach you

>we prob in the same room and just strut past one another all night


>> No.10076620

So what, you just dress as nicely as you can and wait for girls to approach you. Who are you, Elliot Rodgers?

>> No.10076638
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>> No.10076641

I hope these kind of threads are b8

>> No.10076739

A turd wrapped in expensive clothing is still a turd, Elliot.

>> No.10076760

No, the more fashionable you become, the more you realize that you can use your money to acquire your Dick Ovens Geobastards instead of a week's worth of movies, fancy dinner, and gas money, all for emotional support and a half-assed orgasm the first few minutes in.

CP Achilles Low or sex, I know what I chose.

>> No.10076769


>> No.10076807

Not samefag, but i get 2 "smile-looks talk to me and fuck me" per day, and even i dont think is a big deal

>> No.10076982

Its pretty clear you're a shitty guy so there's your answer

>> No.10078125

saved :')

>> No.10078409

Hey Louis

>> No.10078427

I think i know where's the place in op's picture.

Sans Pena subway station, Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

>> No.10078644

The combat boots are wearable as well as sock ramones. The majority of the sneakers, not so much.

>> No.10078654


sock ramones.


you have to be retarded

>> No.10078683

It's actually
>tfw no girlfriend because too high standards
I'm currently fuckbuddies with this one girl and occasionally pick up some girls at parties, but not so much anymore because I hate this kind of lifestyle.
But it really is as easy as this.
"Listen" to them, act interested in their life, one two compliments and the panties are dropping.
Literally machines that exchange fake niceness for sex.

>> No.10079234

>I'm retarded: the post

>> No.10079559

They're a pretty standard sneaker if you put the pant hem over them.

>> No.10079746

even if this thread is bait, you're pathetic op

>> No.10079752

lights off missionary while holding hands with leglock fully clothed

>> No.10079753
File: 48 KB, 343x424, you were saying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more harder

>> No.10079773

Yeah those shoes are pretty bad

>> No.10079787

Not at all. See what happens is theres two ways to be fashionable, one is intimidating and the other is nice to look at. If you're wearing all black with $300 skinny jeans, dick oven geobastards, and like 3 scarves ontop of an over sized t-shirts then yeah you're going to look like either a model, an autist, and a pretentious asshole and no one wants anything to do with that.

Instead you should dress within social norms and most importantly dress your age. If you're a 25 year old who works as an intern you don't need to impress anyone except your superiors and if you try to pick up chicks dressed like that they're going to think you're a douche. For the weekends just buy something inoffensive that makes you approachable.

>> No.10079847


>> No.10079852

>I'm a cuck: your post

>> No.10079860

youre some slimey indian/arab fuckboy amirite?

>> No.10079861

girls who are intimidated by attractive guys aren't worth an attractive guy's time anyways. they clearly aren't fit for a healthy relationship. they want to feel like they can control their boyfriend for their own personal gain.

>> No.10080073
File: 64 KB, 640x416, bTfMpB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiot. This is what happened. Take a step back and actually see it:

>You saw two people kissing so you took a fucking photo of them then ran to 4chans "fashion" board where you posted the photo in the hopes that your secret club buddies would make fun of the guy because he isn't wearing rick.

Read that again and let it sink in.

>> No.10080086
File: 15 KB, 281x350, 1421969537857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the cucks itt
holy shit

>> No.10080175

sick fit
w2c jacket/hoodie whatever it is?

>> No.10080191

/r9k/ is making fun of us again


>> No.10080196

/mu/ please

>> No.10080208


>> No.10080212

i call that getting tricked by a business

>> No.10080215
File: 1.29 MB, 2040x1566, 1434645935073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the middle one is good and the left one kinda but the one on the right doesn't match at all. this is a similar picture but has better fits.
that post has the right idea, though. unless you're trying to meet other people who are deep into fashion, you don't need to dress super avant garde gothninja-y. some basics put together nicely to show that you give some of a shit but not too much is enough for most normies.

>> No.10080225

w2c that bomber? been looking for one that is not too gaudy or over the top, which is all i seem to find
any chance there's one really similar but without the pocket on the sleeve?

>> No.10080404

>w-why am i not getting laid
>probably nothing to do with me looking like fat autistic ninja virgin
>must be because the girls are intimidated by my emo clothes!

Kill yourself.

>> No.10080467

cumming inside unprotected with intact penis foreskin rolled back

>> No.10080474

>having a gf
pick one normies gtfo

>> No.10080489

It's probably because you're a pretentious faggot, with little social skill and personality. You probably use nice clothes as a way to defer attention away from your hollow personality. Pretty much, Fuck You.

>> No.10080503

Screencapping for future cringe threads

>> No.10080507
File: 88 KB, 633x757, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I used to dress for girls. Now I don't even know why I do it, I couldn't care less if I get a girl or not, I catch some girls miring my sick fits from time to time though.

>> No.10080842

Have more pics of them, OP? Their faces.

>> No.10080847

calm down Elliot

>> No.10082465
File: 671 KB, 156x190, 1436164588381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supreme gentleman

>> No.10082522

I have OP, current gf has asked me several times to stop dressing so well and to "dumb it down" so she can feel superior