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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 588 KB, 1944x2916, qFFD8v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10072458 No.10072458 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about MFA's top 100 fits out of an ENTIRE YEAR's worth of fits? Pic related was the best kek IMO.


>> No.10072470

Honestly not as bad as I was expecting, except for some completely terrible fits.

>> No.10072482

omg that made me cringe so much haha

how embarassing for him

what kind of nigger faggot thinks that the best fit LAMOAQ

stans smitsh too LMAOOAQ

>> No.10072498

w8 till he says it was b8 m8

>> No.10072540

you cannot pull that kind of suit off if you aren't model-tier attractive. also, why the fuck did he cuff the pants. he must've been trolling, yeah? poe's law, y'know

>> No.10072550

Shit can be used as a camo suit inside English country homes.

>> No.10072556

If the guy was at least kinda handsome it would have worked. His potato face ruined it.

>> No.10072565

Most of it looks fine except maybe 10 of the fits. (I only scrolled to about 50 so I'm actually just guessing)

eat shit we don't need this thread again in 2015

>> No.10072589
File: 87 KB, 400x994, PfiH56z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and there's one with just a regular polo and shorts. how is that even top100 material?

>> No.10072593
File: 711 KB, 547x800, qwE50yi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you gaze long enough in tumblr, tumblr will gaze back at you

>> No.10072598

comfy as fuck 9/10 fit 0/10 hipster facial hair

>> No.10072602
File: 535 KB, 1628x1751, 9DdSh7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad dad

>> No.10072604

i think we should do something like this
/fa/ has to step up and prove that they are actually better than mfa, otherwhise it's just useless shitposting

>> No.10072607

>mustard scarf
>bright orange coat
>burgundy and other colours jumper
>brown boots
>ginger beard

Are you blind ? How is that a 9/10 fit ?

>> No.10072614

You stopped posting in WAYWTs, so that's a start...

>> No.10072616

its a solid nice looking fit. Everything doesnt have to be Raf Owens and Rick Simmons to be a 9/10 fit buddy

>> No.10072620

and they have become the worse for it

>> No.10072621

opinions tomatoes potaotes

>> No.10072628

You missed the point and also projecting at full speed. Are you having a stroke at the moment ? Fashion is about colours and how to mix them to create a harmonious look. Basic colour scheme is easy to learn so give it a go. Also if you're wearing something very colourful, let's say a bright yellow scarf, you may want to balance it with a grey or dark top, not a fucking orange coat.

His fit is basically agressive for the eye. Ever wondered why construction workers wear bright colour so we can notice them ? If you don't see anything wrong with this fit you got a problem. Enjoy dressing like a clown.

>> No.10072633

>if you gaze long enough in tumblr, tumblr will gaze back at you

hate this guy with a passion, /r/punchablefaces

>> No.10072635
File: 141 KB, 400x970, MUAe2Da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ell oh fucking ell

>gothninjas will defend this

>> No.10072638

>mixing red with orange
>solid nice looking fit

top kek

>> No.10072643

that fuckin hat
i seriously don't get how he out it on and thought "i look dope AF"

>> No.10072644

What exactly is bad about that fit faggot? Get this clown a better face, beard, glasses, hair cut and the fit is pretty damn stellar. I really dont like the boots though.

Plenty of great fits in that list. The guy with the hat is the highlight. His all black fits are really damn good (if you ignore hit fucking hats).

>> No.10072649

>What exactly is bad about that fit faggot?

See >>10072628 and >>10072638
What's the point in arguing if you're not even reading ?

>> No.10072672

It looks cool but in the everyday environment it's ten kinds of overkill.
Like I can't imagine this guy going ANYWHERE and fitting in.
>going to a store to buy milk
looks retarded
>going to a concert
looks retarded
>going to a formal event
looks retarded

this outfit is good for nothing but posing; it defeats the whole purpose of 'looking good' if that's the only way you can look good.

>> No.10072678

Django is that you? did they bleach your skin?

>> No.10072681

fucking lmao

>> No.10072685

looks kinda overkill but would work in like Helsinki I suppose. If he lost the faggot moustache it'd look cool.
look up 'colour theory' and 'not looking like a faggot' if you don't want to embarrass yourself next time.
Eh. I don't see what's cringe about this. It's... okay. I guess. Kinda off, but exactly what you would see on your average guy on the street.

>> No.10072691

>look up 'colour theory' and 'not looking like a faggot' if you don't want to embarrass yourself next time.

How is what I said going against Colour theory ?

>> No.10072698

By their logic no warm color could ever work because its aggressive. Any shade of red, orange etc apart from maybe burgundy. Which makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.10072703

if he stood up straight, moved his legs a little closer, and smiled with confidence, he'd look much better

>> No.10072706

None of the colours clash, he's not mixing cool with warm. As a matter of fact, he's mixing up different textures, patterns and colours well, too. Literally the only thing that kills it is piling random shit onto himself that makes him look like a cockwhore instead of 'interesting' (which is presumably what he was going for)

>> No.10072708
File: 464 KB, 2053x1994, colour_wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colour Theory

"It's not advised to use more than 2 or 3 different colors in your outfit unless you want to look like you just came from Tumblr."

"Complementary colors are the most basic of pairings. Pick any color on the wheel and look at the color that is directly opposite."

That's not true. You're just grasping at straws. You can wear a bit of very bright colour if you can balance it with neutral colours and weaker hue of a complementary colour.

>> No.10072714

Did you seriously just quote some random ass sentence from the /fa/ wiki? The best part is that 2-3 colors rules out 90% of all checked blazers in existence. Which means neither of them would work :^)

Not even gonna start on multi colored sweaters. You dont even know what analogous color scheme are, do you?

>> No.10072716

>None of the colours clash
>he's not mixing cool with warm

I don't think you read the Colour Theory tbh. Fuck I'm truely amazed at your stupidity. Mixing warm & cold is precisely what you should do. And ffs ask any fucking ginger he'll tell you they can't wear a red jumper for a reason. If you don't think red and orange clash you're just hopeless.

>> No.10072733

honestly diggin some fits in there a whole lot, other ones... why

>> No.10072735
File: 34 KB, 640x427, 1434643267078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did, since he refered to colour theory. Analogous scheme is also discussed in the wiki. I suggest you read it before dismissing it.

>checked blazers

>> No.10072745

It's only overkill if he acts like he's uncomfortable.

If he can command an aura of austerity to match his fit then he can fit in anywhere, in the sense that he changes the environment by his presence.

>> No.10072748

Where the hell are you getting that those are bright colors? Did you accidentally set your monitor's color to "cartoon"?

>> No.10072762

That's a fucked up color wheel

>> No.10072765
File: 28 KB, 250x250, WarmCoolBlue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mixing warm & cold is precisely what you should do
No, I don't think you understand.
I meant warm TONES with cool TONES. You can mix blue with yellow, but there are cool blues and warm blues and you should not mix warm blues with cool yellows and vice versa.

>> No.10072775

Again, you're just proving your ignorance. Regardless of colour, there's such a thing as undertones and when they clash it looks terrible. The clothes he is wearing complement each other.

Also, /fa/ is a terrible place to learn about fashion from.

>> No.10072778

Article 17 : Defense Through Subtle Distinction

That's the same everywhere so get used to it I guess

Well then I don't think you understand since he is mixing red with orange, precisely an example of warm and cool tones mixed together nay ?

>> No.10072781

>since he is mixing red with orange, precisely an example of warm and cool tones
Post of the year

>> No.10072786

So what, you're saying that everybody else's color rendering is fucked up and yours is perfect? Did you calibrate it? Shit, the white balance on the photo is even wrong, the colors should be more muted than they are.

>> No.10072788

>Again, you're just proving your ignorance.


>Also, /fa/ is a terrible place to learn about fashion from.


>> No.10072793

Is wearing a scarf acceptable?

>> No.10072796

Show another colour wheel that doesn't convey the same ideas then

>> No.10072798
File: 26 KB, 238x291, ladies-warm-colors-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me dumb it down for you:
regardless of which colour you pick, there's gonna be a shade of that colour with WARM undertones and a shade of the same colour with COOL undertones.

There are cool Reds, and warm Reds. There are cool Oranges, and warm Oranges.

These do not work:
>cool red x warm orange
>cool orange x warm red

These do work:
>cool red x cool orange
>warm red x warm orange


Pic related, mixing these together in one outfit would look terrible despite all of them being yellow.

Also, he's not wearing bright orange, he's wearing muted/dirty warm orange. If he were wearing neon orange it would indeed look terrible on him, but this does not.

>> No.10072801

lolwut? I'm talking about the colors on your monitor, since you're seeing eye-searing color when everybody else is seeing muted tones.

>> No.10072805

*tips fedora*

>> No.10072807

oh my god this thread is a fucking trainwreck

>> No.10072812

Are you retarded?
>red and orange
>warm and cool

>> No.10072821

You really pretending not to understand that orange yellow and red are really close on a colour scheme ? just enjoy looking like grated carot with tomatoes m8

>> No.10072830
File: 371 KB, 547x800, stillshittho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really?

>> No.10073012

apparently this dude makes black metal or something

>> No.10073027
File: 323 KB, 1280x1920, 47BGEWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have got to admit, some of the fits are on point.

>> No.10073036

yellow fever out
if a white guy wore it you'd be screaming 'cringe'

>> No.10073108
File: 10 KB, 300x250, L8ncFpzxOC-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing devil's advocate here.

These are the MOST UPVOTED POSTS, they weren't picked by how good they were, they were picked by how much votes they had, and a lot of times that doesn't necesarily mean they're the fits that people like the most or the best fits in the WAYWT threads.

A lot of times they get upvotes for being Weird/Ugly/Sensational, because of sob stories or context, etc... I gotta go shove a desert boots up my ass now.

>> No.10073125


I don't see how this is the case. Cover the face and I still see an interesting blazer, a tee with texture and drape, and an interesting waistband with simple casual boots. Nothing that makes me fall over myself in love, but perfectly reasonable and with an obvious sense of style.

>> No.10073134

tbh most of these fits are better than half of the shit that's posted in WAYWT threads.

there's a few duds but also some pretty great fits.

>> No.10073138

>autist's understanding of color
Your desperate clinging to "color theory" shoes you have a shallow understanding of it.

>> No.10073160
File: 757 KB, 1106x1500, awZ9HA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Case in point, if you open the post with that pic you see that that's first fit the guy posted on MFA, and the actual fit he posted is pic related.

Also he also gets upovtes because of the story not the fit alone.

>> No.10073172


I should get myself some LL Beans

>> No.10073174

The guy with polo and shorts got the top post on that thread because he posted a positive pregnancy test and people upvoted him.

>> No.10073208

nice fit, m9

>> No.10073216

The shoes killed it.
Also: face

>> No.10073246

Crow Zero 4 ?

>> No.10073260
File: 1.03 MB, 2329x2507, 92QJ6BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is alright, fuck y'all

>> No.10073280


Popped collar bothers me, but I applaud any guy who happily embraces a zany pattern.

>> No.10073287

>popped collar
>shit bracelet
>shit stain on the knees

There are all right fits, but this one is not part of them

>> No.10073289

>different races have different aesthetics

no shit, nigger

>> No.10073291

Those jeans...

>> No.10073303

he has the sombrero-for-shoes issue

>> No.10073307

Leave. This. Board.

>> No.10073617
File: 392 KB, 2502x3203, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the capacity to make a beard to make that outfit work and I'm kind of upset

>> No.10075274

Actually like that. W2C pants?

>> No.10076175

This board seriously needs to take a look at itself.

>> No.10076181

That guy just posts everywhere but he's straight up on point in everything he posts.

>> No.10076182

congratulations this is the most autistic thing I have read all week

>> No.10076186

That's actually a really nicely coloured and balanced all over print, sure the rest of the outfit doesn't really live up but it's worth appreciating on a fabric level.

>> No.10076194

/fa/scist, you're a bit more measured in your thinking than most people here.

>> No.10076197

Are fine.

>> No.10076201

ugly pasty white boy cosplaying my grandmas curtains

>> No.10076615

get rid of the facial hair and the glasses and this is a pretty cool fit, v comfy

>> No.10076618

love the textures

>> No.10076643

w2c bag

>> No.10076662


I hate this guy too

>> No.10077145

w2c shirt

>> No.10077175

I-I-I like it

Its bold but whats wrong with that

>> No.10077182
File: 234 KB, 768x1024, SqDiBtm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck even picks these top fits, the majority looks great but then they throw in retarded stuff that seem more like a "you tried" award than being admired for looking good

>> No.10077185
File: 85 KB, 400x888, F6NQqFJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Neo was an orthodox Jew

>> No.10077243


this is one of the best in there, are you fucking blind

>> No.10077250

xd xd

>> No.10077259

wait only 3 of my fits wtf

>> No.10077260

Can we be real here? As basic as MFA can be, these fits make /fa/ look like complete garbage. The waywt threads here are a total train wreck and nothing to be proud of.

>> No.10077284

Not too bad, some are fucking retarded but so are some of /fa/'s

They all look like a shit ton of work and ton of money

>> No.10077361

w2c sunglasses

>> No.10077945

not too bad if you cover the face

>> No.10077950


See >>10073108

They're the most upvoted posts of each WAYWT thread. Sometimes they get upvoted for any reason other than their fits, like the guy with a polo, shorts and sandals, the fit is beyond mediocre but he got top post because he got his wife pregnant.


That's why this top fits posts are so terrible.

>> No.10077958
File: 67 KB, 600x672, capdke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy in OP's pic got top post because people were mocking him, not because MFA liked the fit,

pic related.

>> No.10078012

hmmmm looks like you didn't get upvotedenough in that thread, eh?

>> No.10078143

lmao this changes completely after you sub in the face, looks a million times better

>> No.10078157

see >>10073036

>> No.10078167

it's good if you live in paris and go to stylezeitgeist events regularly lmao

>> No.10078328

this has more to do with the original guy having one of the most punchable looking faces in existence

>> No.10078329

/fa/ in a nutshell: Poor teenagers mad at 20 somethings with money.

>> No.10079496

>It looks cool

Maybe in some edgy medieval witch hunting video game

Lmao fuk off kid

>> No.10079792

is this that trashypile or something like that? i like it

>> No.10079813

I'm a 20 something but I don't have a lot of money

>> No.10080103

Therefore according to anon you have no right to exerce critic on /rfma's outfits. No money no talking.

>> No.10080122

/fa/ in a nutshell: calling everyone who dislikes what you like poor.

>> No.10080128

Toss the hat and it's fine.

I live in Manhattan, so I could see this guy walking around no problem. You know, in SoHo, or something.

>> No.10080131

Yeah this looks really nice.
It can be better, but still.

>> No.10080151

for some reason this guy gives me a character vibe. He could star in a series or something, with this outfit.

>> No.10080229

>better than half of the shit that's posted in WAYWT threads.
Yeah but that's supposed to be the top of what was done in a whole year, it is not supposed to be compared to the content of a daily WAYWT thread.

>> No.10080250


people dont put a lot of effort into WAYWT on 4chan because it's not a semi-weekly thread. with reddit you get to post the best out of several days.

also mfa is still objectively better than fa
we're 4chan for chrissakes

>> No.10080266

so many trendbeards. i wonder how much personality these people actually have

>> No.10080273

This guy looks like he would be a good serial killer in a movie, i like it excluding the pants

>> No.10080343

It got top because it got a lot of upvotes, that's how it works.

>> No.10080360

Dude, the coat is burnt orange and you said yourself that the scarf is mustard, not "bright" yellow. The whole fit is earth tones, it looks good for the same reason this autumn forest looks good. Also you wouldn't want to wear a bright yellow scarf with a grey top, just think how dumb that would look.

Either you have no eye for colour combinations and are basing this entirely off misconceptions or your eyes are fucked. If this was reddit I'd tag you to remind myself to disregard any advice you give.

>> No.10080368

>"Complementary colors are the most basic of pairings. Pick any color on the wheel and look at the color that is directly opposite."

Yeah sure bro, I bet you go out all the time wearing purple and yellow lmao.

Trying to make some mathematical rules surrounding colour is a really dumb and limiting way to go about it. You'll get much better at it by just developing an eye for it.

>> No.10080418

>also mfa is still objectively better than fa
>mfa is still objectively better
>still objectively better
Topkek, MFA only learned about the existence of designer clothing like last year.

>> No.10080427

Lmao, no, sorry.

>> No.10080436

It's true, accept it. They were Preppy Boat Shoe Club.

>> No.10080518
File: 88 KB, 560x495, 2747685_look009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some hot opinions you got there m8

>> No.10080520

still better than a year of /fa/ fits tbh

>> No.10080625

Yeah that's mustard, not bright yellow, ya dingus. It's like a leaf in autumn so it's going to fit well with muted colours like grey. Bright yellow is like a lemon.

>> No.10080650

>all that anger just because I mentionned the specific word 'bright'

sorry buddy, english is not my native language, all I meant was a strong yellow. but even a very bright yellow would look good with a clear grey jumper, no matter what says you even if you're a self-proclaimed good-taste-arbiter

>> No.10080678

No, sorry.

>> No.10080703

V-necks and/or popped collars are fine if used well

>> No.10080707

Because your fits are mediocre if anything.

>> No.10080715

>these fits will later be posted on /fa/'s general inspo
yet you niggers insist that mfa sucks

>> No.10080853


>> No.10080857

For real, Sperrys everywhere.

>> No.10080907

Most are ok if really inoffensive. Some are really good and some look like complete shit.

Pretty much what I expected.

>> No.10082244

holy shit w2c this

>> No.10083390

can anyone id the derbies?

>> No.10083490

shirt is nice

>> No.10083506
File: 82 KB, 480x640, tHzVyyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsarnaev got released?

>> No.10083507
File: 346 KB, 1000x1500, QXAliah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed my ass off pretty hard at some of these
but i actually liked this one quite a bit

>> No.10083526

lol @ the black guy who wears a supreme piece and jordans in every pic

>> No.10083547

jesus christ all these hipsters

> shitty facial hair
> peacoat
> shitty patterned sweater
> cuffed jeans
> red wing boots

>> No.10083694


engineered garments you n00b

>> No.10083697


at least they can afford it, unlike most of /fa/

>> No.10083719

its theo, ofc its gonna be good.
thats a dope ass jacket

>> No.10083721

looks like strawtengu or some other person who posts on /fa/ sometimes

>> No.10083727


good job on posting theo

he also posts here

>> No.10083728

do you remember his tumblr?
want some dif non-shooped pix of that hair.

>> No.10084016


Why are you so keen to project yourself ? Is everything all right at your subreddit ?

>> No.10084281

I think it's mallnutrition

>> No.10084288

so hows your first week on /fa/ been?

>> No.10084320

Actually this changed my mind completely, I thought it would be a good fit if someone else wore it but it defs isn't

Swap out the jacket for something else and it's 9/10

Shirt is pretty cool but the rest of it is completely average and deserves no recognition. Even the shirt is being made plebby cos of the entire outfit.

You know, from the knees up this is actually ok

>> No.10084389

Most of outfits are very good. Its really disappointed, because most of fa waywt outfits are super bad, sometimes just unbelievably - so it means most of shitposters here are kinda autistic.

>> No.10084697

These are mostly much better than /fa/'s WAYWT threads tbh.

>> No.10084712


that fit doesn't look too bad tbh. He looks kinda like a Cossack soldier.

>> No.10084720


more like "rabbininja"

he probably packs Star of David shurikens in his coat.

>> No.10084728

>how can dress today that'll make me people wanna kick my ass w/o using hate symbols

punchable face

I swear it's almost instinct. And yet $5 says the faggot hates hipsters himself.

>> No.10084750

better than anything dick owens or any other memeninja has ever worn tbh

>inb4 muh edgy monochrome shit

>> No.10086090

This is really awesome tbh