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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 450x600, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10068119 No.10068119 [Reply] [Original]

My hair looks shitty and I don't think having it longer will help so fuck it. Anybody have a recommendation?

>> No.10068126

You look like a grey alien wearing a wig

>> No.10068129

u look like someone selected random when makin a character in skyrim lol

>> No.10068131

God wasn't nice to me.

>> No.10068137

r u wearing a mask

>> No.10068140


>> No.10068142

if this isn't photoshopped, then you most definitely have a modelling career ahead of you

why is that? because you have an unique appearance without looking unattractive.

[hypothetical congratulations]

>> No.10068157
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>> No.10068165

I opened the thread to post the grey part kek.
Well memed.

>> No.10068167
File: 41 KB, 450x337, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just need to get my ass back to 129 lbs and I'll be good to go. In all seriousness I know my hair looks like dog shit, and I know I'l look disgusting with a buzz.

>> No.10068171

fuck your skin's good

>> No.10068171,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cut your hair short with a machine from the sides only, and leave the top long then brush it to the sides, ie. Right or left...

>> No.10068174

ur not bad looking at all (especially because of good skin)

the first picture is one helluva bad pic OP

>> No.10068181

you need to train your make up-detecting eye

>> No.10068189
File: 15 KB, 244x316, s6jIJfZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my hair when it was shorter should I just bring this pick in and say gimme this one again?

>> No.10068194

You look like what would happen if Elliot Rogers and that Fillipino Superman guy fused together.

>> No.10068198

I've been told before I look like the guy who got made into the real life Ken Doll

>> No.10068203

1. take photos
2. send them to a modelling agency

I used to be in the business when I was younger

I can almost guarantee that you will get hired

>> No.10068204
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>> No.10068213

The resemblance is uncanny isn't it.

>> No.10068220

Hes probably 5'9 bruvva

>> No.10068222

Does it grow into a giant fro when it's longer? Maybe you can get it to a pony tail if you want it long.

>> No.10068223
File: 63 KB, 640x640, vxxonoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP a confirmed faggot and lizard person

>> No.10068224

I'm 6'0 actually might b e 6'1 haven't actually measured since I got out of high school.

>> No.10068258

exceptions are made occasionally

>> No.10068282

lmfao kill urself op ahahahahha what the fuck

silly hapa dweeb

>> No.10068283

It doesn't QUITE fro out but it can be pretty poofy. I just don't know if I wanna put up with the length anymore.

>> No.10068293

I figure I'll just wait it out and let God do it for me.

>> No.10068294

thats tall enough you should apply to be a model, where are you from. You can literally send the second photo you posted into the agency.

>> No.10068298

6'0 is not tall enough to be a model unless you're really standout. 6'2-6'3 for "standard" male modelling, which you'll be treated like shit if you aren't a top model, again.

>> No.10068300



>> No.10068301

also OP can't model. He's weird looking in all the wrong ways. When you get a weird look to your face, it has to lean toward a certain desirable aesthetic, which OPs leans toward the E.T aesthetic

>> No.10068308

jackson hale = 6'0
Ryan Schira = 5'11

He's not going to be the next O'Pry but he could get in.

Remember it's subjective

>> No.10068312

but op looks objectively worse than both of these guys

my point remanis

>> No.10068317

your point was that he would have to stand out, which he does and those guys don't really have any stand out traits other than being aesthetic.

OP apply to some agencies in L.A Wilhemia etc and prove this nigga wrong for me

>> No.10068328

what the actual fuck mate your face is 90% plastic

>> No.10068330

but none of those models are even big models
you do realize they probably work a dayjob, right?

>> No.10068332

being a model is more than having a model profile on models.com and an instagram my friend

those guys have like 1-2k instagram followers

>> No.10068338

I just wanted haircut advice :(

>> No.10068339

shut up you ugly fucking alien

>> No.10068340

this looks so close to model-worthy but the jaw looks kinda weird; try it out either way

>> No.10068347
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>unless you're really stand out

which OP absolutely does. no worries at all.

You clearly don't know shit about modelling.

>> No.10068350

except op is an ugly hapa dweeb and nobody hires hapas to model kek

>> No.10068351

welcome to /fa/

if you want actual advice, go to /r/MaleHairAdvice

Good subreddit, better than /fa/ will ever be when it comes to hair.

>> No.10068390

Are you a mannequin?

>> No.10068397

ay bruh dint i see u in cheydinhal the other day?

>> No.10068398

i cant even type right now
got me dyin fam its 3am please

>> No.10068399

elliott rogers returns

top kek

>> No.10068403

hey op move over to r/hapas where u belong

>> No.10068437

woof elf

>> No.10068496
File: 59 KB, 700x871, ccolton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot?

>> No.10068558

My potions are too strong for you traveller.

>> No.10068698

Omgatto pls become model and send regards too /fa when u supermodel k

>> No.10068704

my god

>> No.10068709

have u tried conditioner and getting it slicker and smoother?

>> No.10068721


>> No.10068809


>> No.10068828

how tall are you? you wanna model?
shave your head also

>> No.10068840

yeah this, I could imagine that the face shape works with a buzz

>> No.10068844
File: 214 KB, 398x381, black arse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My potions are too strong for you traveller.

>> No.10068850

yeah you look like you've had tons of plastic surgery like him

>> No.10069053

How to achieve proportions like this. Does he ever train legs?

>> No.10069112

who gave this wax figure a computer

>> No.10069148

This. Gratz I guess.

>> No.10069158


>> No.10069189

you look like a bad sex doll

>> No.10069204
File: 37 KB, 336x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this guy

>> No.10069217

Do you wear makeup or had plastic surgery? If not you should try and be an actor or something. You could be like a michael myers or american psycho type character easily. I'm actually very intrigued by your face. How were you treated throughout your school days?

>> No.10069646

ITT ugly manlets trynna make OP feel bad cause he has striking looks. OP, try out the modelling thing, ignore these acne ridden manlets and get a little cash for being you.

>> No.10069653

Try buzz. What's your skin routine?

>> No.10069668

lmao i'm 5'11 and book jobs but I can tell you nobody under 5'11 booked anything in paris this season

>> No.10069674

Are you the SLP guy?

>> No.10069675
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, Thoronir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10069677

You're so wrong you massive faggot

>> No.10069694

ayy lmao

>> No.10069711

op pls what is your ancestry? hispanic/asian/eastern europe hybrid???

>> No.10069735


>> No.10069742

What shows did you walk?

>> No.10069911

I don't have any recommendations, but I do have this Engraved Ring of Healing

>> No.10069931

do you need to be unique looking or 8/10+ facially to model at 5'11-6?

>> No.10069935



>> No.10069939



>> No.10069946

mother of god. is that your real face or are you wearing the face of one of your victims?

>> No.10069966

You look pretty weird tbh

>> No.10069980

for some reason i'm dying of laughter

>> No.10070204

okay, I've managed to keep it cool throughout the thread but this broke me


>> No.10070212

>God: What do you wanna look like?
>You: Just fuck me up

>> No.10070215

sorry op

>> No.10070222

Bosmer (or, more commonly, Wood Elves) are the elven people of Valenwood. They prefer a simple existence, living in harmony with the land and wild animals. They are known to be the best archers in all of Tamriel and are known for their ability to command wild creatures. They make great scouts or thieves, due to their natural stealth and light footing.

>> No.10070225

toppest kek

tbh we'll stop laughing when we see this nigga walking shows the next paris fashion week

>> No.10070229

fr tho. this guy could make it

>> No.10070232
File: 30 KB, 220x347, WoodElf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't take it too harsh OP btw; you have a slightly serialkiller-esque look mixed with male model features, which is pretty effay.

>> No.10070249

Is your name Ryan, by any chance?

>> No.10070254


>> No.10070296

your hair doesn't look as bad as you think it does

>> No.10070301
File: 21 KB, 640x360, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10070388
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>> No.10070562

OP here, thanks for the laughs (and tears). I never played any of the elder scrolls games so I had to look up half of the jokes you guys were posting but I can see the resemblance. Maybe I should go make crop circles and see if my real family comes to take me home.


No make up. As for plastic surgery I've considered it for a long time since I look like fucking bizarre but this is all God's work, I assure you.

I was personally treated fine in school but I was a real jerk to a lot of people and I've since tried to make amends with a lot of the people I wronged.

Don't know what that is.

Boring. Half generic american white guy. Half Chinese.


I knew to a certain extent what to expect when I posted here so I've been able to laugh a lot of it off.


>> No.10070572

srs what i was thinking

>> No.10070575

Will you send off some snaps to an agency?
One dude /fa/ recc'd became a big(ish) model and came back for an ask thread

>> No.10070576

maybe not unattractive, but definitely fucking creepy

>> No.10070578

N'wah is you serious?

>> No.10070591

is everyones ultimate goal on /fa/ to be a model LOL

what if he wants to be a bladdy scientist

>> No.10070607

If I was op I would be emailing moot and downloading irc to tell the mods to please delete my thread.

>> No.10070613

lol all he wanted was a hair recommendation

>> No.10070617
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinly veiled /fa/ vidya thread

Thanks OP. Replaying morrowind now

>> No.10070630

eh, maybe. I don't find myself very photogenic so IDK if I'm cut out for it.

But then I would be denying everybody a good laugh. If I can be the butt of a joke then as far as I'm considered something came out of this thread and I'm okay with it.

>> No.10070631

hapas are so fucken deluded O M G

>> No.10070703

what the fuck, i thought the pic was showing a mannequin

>> No.10070713

Send the photos nigger

>> No.10070730

You better contact a modelling agency right now faggot

>> No.10070738

Give me your skin and let me call a modelling agency for you bc if you don't do it you're a fuckin wasteman

>> No.10072020

Was thinking this as well. You look weird as fuck, but in a good/interesting way. Could easily see you on the runway if you're in the right kind of physical shape.

>> No.10072176

you have perfect facial aesthetics wtf

>> No.10072412

bitch, your face is hovering
nice photoshop skills
how to copy n paste mannequin face

>> No.10072422

guys he isn't ugly but lets be real he just has slanted brown eyes not really model material tbh

>> No.10072433

>hurr durr brown eyes meme
as if eye color was an automatic redeeming factor, only a pleb would think like this.

he has a mannequin elf face (see >>10068189), he's 100% model material even though he's a bit short (only 6'; 6'2" would be better but it's not impairing).

we told the tyler mcfarson guy to model 1-2 years ago and it worked well, this guy would do pretty good too.

>> No.10072439


here's what I mean, this guy posted his face 1-2 years ago on /fa/ asking if he could model.

>> No.10072449

>>hurr durr brown eyes meme
you're the only one pointing it out as a meme - im just saying that you can only see a big black circle it's not exactly very characterful lmao

and comparing this guy to tyler? what a baseless assumption and false equivalence to assume that because tyler "model incarnate" mcfearson can model any schmuck off /fa/ can too

the ratio of people told to model on /fa/ and the people that do is probably 2000:1

this guy isn't ugly but he isn't interesting in any area besides the shape of his eyes

>> No.10072467

what makes this ugly fuck a model that walks for burberry etc?

He more than likely wont become a top model but he could probably get into the industry.

>> No.10072478

but he is a literal skyrim woodelf

>> No.10072485

diversity quotas
bodily proportions
not being ugly (did you even look at all his pics?)

>> No.10072492

Here to give actual haircut advice. I'd go back to the shorter haircut you posted, and go for an undercut (shorter on top than the 2nd photo so you can style it more), or alternatively go for a man bun or ponytail (if you want). I'd definitely talk to a modelling agency though, if you've grown an inch or two since HS you'd have a great chance at getting a job or w/e

>> No.10072519

fuck off with your shitposting

OP are you a model yet?

>> No.10072546

>because tyler "model incarnate" mcfearson...
yeah guess what, back in that thread people were also split 50/50 on tyler's ability to model; just as in this thread (if anything, there were also harsh comments on his more unique features). The ratio of people told to model on /fa/ isn't that outrageous either, if anything we're more critical (and racist) than regular fashion communities.

>> No.10072549

You can't tie it back?

>> No.10072552

R u model?

>> No.10072947
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