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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 290x370, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10060878 No.10060878 [Reply] [Original]

so shit like this is acceptable, but converse and vans are not?

>> No.10060879

cool shoes

>> No.10060921
File: 297 KB, 820x1024, 1416114461897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vans are cheap shit and they look it. For every fit that's ever worn Vans, there's always a shoe out there that will look significantly better instead.

Converse work with some fits and in certain styles and there aren't many shoes that replace them in those fits, but they have a reputation because of the kind of people that wear them.

Chelsea boots are sick as fuck and while they can be worn by self-centered douches, but they have been worn almost only by fashionable people since their creation.

>> No.10060924


sorry but you shouldn't wear high school shoes your whole life.

>> No.10060934

nothing wrong with tranny boots tho lel

>> No.10061070

you can wear converse and vans in real life and everyone will be ok with it. only autists in this board will get mad.

>> No.10061090

he looks dead

>> No.10061110

Only people with style look down on people who wear vans because they're high school tier cheap shitty shoes.

>> No.10061136

>only people with severe autism look down on people who wear vans because they're high school tier cheap shitty shoes.

i own 2 converse shoes and i wear them 3-4 times a week, i can guarantee that i have more friends than you and i'm getting laid more often than you. if you think i'd do better in life without wearing them you should consider suicide as soon as possible.

>> No.10061140

>because of the kind of people that wear them.


>> No.10061142

w2c and how much


>> No.10061147

>having this much of a fit over converse shoes

but he's the autistic one? right....

>> No.10061151

Also, do you all walk super carefully when wearing nice shoes? My chelsea boots got scratched badly from street pavement, stairs and office tables with nasty concealed sharp leg edges.

Also what are good brands that sell them for a nice value?

>> No.10061153

who is jeans and tees?

>> No.10061163

vans old skool are sick af
and so are chelsea boots

>> No.10061243

You're on a fashion board, gtfo you clearly shouldn't be here if this is your mindset and how you feel

>> No.10061248
File: 45 KB, 504x753, 1401919522467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think "average converse wearer" I think of this guy.

I KNOW he is wearing Converse below where the picture cuts. I KNOW it. I Wish they were wearable, but whenever I see people wearing them I just know they bought them 6 years ago when they were 14 and they haven't thought to stop wearing them at any point in their lives.

Also in the group: scene, emo, euphorics, manchildren, hipsters who wear them because they found their parents' pair from the 80's.

It's unfortunate, they look nice, but I just find them so unwearable.

>> No.10061253
File: 322 KB, 800x3154, Chelseas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked mine scuffed up a little, takes away from the femininity of it for me.

Look at Loake and RM Williams (I don't have them, but that's what gets posted around here when your question is asked)

>> No.10061275

idk, but has a girl ever complimented one of your fits? I ask this because ever since I bought my SLP harness boots grills have been eyeing me and stuff, it first started with one grill asking me if she could touch them, but a few days ago this grill smiled at me, said hi and said she liked my boots, doing some research I've found out that Harry Styles wears them too so I assume the attention I'm getting it's because of that, so I'm don't wear them as much as I use to now because of that.

>> No.10061294

Thanks, I like them shiny and clean because that's what I'm into. Also looks more suited for parties and office environments I work at (also good for seeing clients).

I understand where you come from with how the boot is feminine, I don't mind too much though. Open shoes are what I personally identify as feminine.

>> No.10061303
File: 234 KB, 682x1024, vv..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.10061313

because fashion has anything to do with how many friends you have or how often you get laid, you're clearly missing the point of this board

>> No.10061322

lmao wtf ahahhhahah

>> No.10061323

fashion exist to look good. if you look good in a shit bag you should wear shitbag. if you look good you'll have more friends and get laid more often. if you think fashion is about some sacred shit, you are a fucking autist.

>> No.10061325

Those aren't converse...

>> No.10061327

>I just know they bought them 6 years ago when they were 14 and they haven't thought to stop wearing them at any point in their lives.
>implying converse would survive 6 years of everyday wearing, when I had my converse phase (started around 7th or 8th grade when everybody started wearing them) I had to buy a new pair ever 6 months, the quality of them is just so bad, and in retrospective I have to admit that I really don't like the design at all anymore.

>> No.10061330

they could be and it wouldn't matter. but they are.

>> No.10061401

They visibly say "all star"

>> No.10061411

fashion is a way to express yourself, it is less about getting laid and more about creating interesting, good looking outfits, kinda like a giant puzzle game with a lot of pieces to fit together to create interesting combinations.
You could say it is a form of art, which becomes more obvious in high fashion shows.
Expressing yourself through fashion doesn't equal getting pussy, it is a mistake that many of the people who come to this board make.
Take the church shooter kid for example, he was a loner and probably even a virgin, but you can not really deny that he had a good sense of fashion. He wore good fits and didn't drown in pussy, on the other hand there are the Chicago Bulls cap wearing swaggots that look absolutely ridiculous and score shiploads of pussy by not being fashionable at all. Do you want to know why? Because they are sociable!
That is what gets you pussy, sure, if you look good and dress well you might even be approached by girls, but if you're not sociable you're not going to fuck any of them and all you get out of it is a copy pasta on 4chan about how an underaged girl touched your SLP harness boots.
If you dress socially acceptable and are sociable, you can actually approach girls by yourself, and getting to that point is the key of getting pussy in the first place.

Fashion - the art of expressing yourself
Confidence - the trait needed to get pussy

>> No.10061429

Lmao I don't take care of any of my shoes

I climbed into a second story abandoned building wearing suede chelseas you don't have to baby them

>> No.10061554

So wearing chelsea boots with skinny jeans are mandatory?

>> No.10061558

No shit

>> No.10061572
File: 132 KB, 655x877, 1434422936418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally everyone on this board who has tried to wear chelsea boots have failed, looks really bad on most people

also fuccboi staple 2014-present

>> No.10061584

hey pedro

>> No.10061586
File: 381 KB, 1080x1776, 1435601534464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know dude, chelsea boots are getting a pretty negative rep these days

better hang your pair up for now

>> No.10061607

>attributing his sex life "success" to converse

>> No.10061611
File: 168 KB, 648x1000, kw1iauo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, minus the part about dylan being fashionable. If more newbies read this it might clean up some of the stupider posts on the board

>> No.10061620
File: 68 KB, 1250x1250, smpd-m058-sue-tm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those look really girly. Pic related are much better

>> No.10061637

underage pls go

>> No.10061638

Yours would probably look more girly if you saw them on foot in the same angle as >>10061586

Because of the pointy toe

In general though, Chelsea boots tend to have a touch of femininity to them anyway, so if that bothers you it might not be for you

>> No.10061699

if fashion is "expressing yourself" you have no right to tell that "omg lol loser wears converse" you lil' stupid autist.

>> No.10061705

chelsea boots are only now perceived as feminine because grown men started to wear them with fucking thousand dollar jeggings

now everybody hates them

thanks /fa/

>> No.10061738

that's not true at all. you can express yourself, and i can say that i don't like your expression. that's not inconsistent.

people who honestly try to create and express themselves readily admit that not all of their expressions are good or aesthetically pleasing.

"express yourself" =/= everything is praiseworthy or immune from aesthetic criticism. that's a very sophomoric manner of thinking that aims at trying to "win the debate" and does not aim at trying to gain an insightful understanding of what the other person is saying to you.

speak in good faith or don't even bother--go back to /pol/ or /r9k/ or wherever the fuck you come from

>> No.10061766

you are not saying "i don't like vans and converse", you are saying "using them is bad".

there is no good or bad in "expressing yourself" unless you are crossing someone's limits of freedom or generally hurting someone.

if fashion is expressing yourself, and you can say "this is bad in every case" i can say "van gogh was a fucking loser and he should've burnt all his work" and i'd be right too, in your point of view.

please grow up. i come from /fit/, i thought our board was the most autist one until i saw this board.

p.s. if you say you can't look good with converse with an aesthetic point of view, you should reconsider breathing ever again, since you are a brainwashed wannabe autist.

>> No.10061778

These ones are from ASOS

>> No.10061785

>I come from /fit/
No need to say more, not guy you're replying to but fuck off and don't come back

>> No.10061795

enjoy your gf's pussy dripping our cum loser faggots. with a random tee and jean i'll look 10 times better than you, no matter what you wear. its getting even better when i'm naked. how does it feel?

>> No.10061817

>you are saying "using them is bad"

no i'm not, >>10061738 is my first post in the thread. you're categorically incorrect.

i actually like converse sometimes.

but you come into this board and peek around and think you know something. you didn't come here with an open mind, you came here to reinforce your preconceived notions. so there's literally no point in trying to have a discussion with you, you're essentially shitposting.

intellectual honesty requires genuine effort and an attempt to give what someone is saying a generous reading.

lurk for a few months at least, read up on this shit before you shoot your mouth off indignantly. if you can't bother to do that, then honestly why would anyone bother to answer your questions.

you don't go to a conference of nuclear physicists and ask them to explain how to help you memorize the periodic table.

not that /fa/ is a bunch of nuclear physicists, but the point is that you're coming into a place where people talk about a specialized interest and demanding that someone explain to you why you don't instantly comprehend everything that is popular among that group.


/shitposting/ 101

>> No.10061824
File: 126 KB, 1024x412, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.10061831

Someone get this hothead outta here

>> No.10061832

ah yes, if it's in a screenshot of someone's opinion, it's definitely true my man.

thank you

>> No.10061842
File: 9 KB, 262x200, You what..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come from /fit/


>> No.10061844

Everyone who wears Vans, Converse or Nike Airmax is a fashion pleb

>> No.10061849

>calmly deconstructed my entire approach and ethos
>better call anon a hothead

/underage shitposting/

>> No.10061856
File: 85 KB, 640x480, tinytrip-5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder if you are /fit/ enough you can pull off every clothing and get pussy.

>> No.10061865

>posting a picture of the biggest manlet the world has ever witnessed
classic /fit/

>> No.10061869

dude literally nobody cares. is this board called "tips for getting pussy" ? nobody asked for your input, and nobody needs it. half of the board is gay to begin with

>> No.10061876

except tinytrip got /fit/ and was still insecure and frustrated with his life and hung himself cause he was a manlet monkey

>> No.10061880

Why are 90% of models thin? Bc the fashion designers who know way more than you think their clothes look better on those types of bodies. Fit bodies do not make clothes look good, they just don't. Really skinny or Ottermode are the only bodies that synergyze with clothes well. Fit is deluded

>> No.10061881

to come back to the puzzle analogy, some pieces only connect with a few others, but when they connect it, they connect really really good, while others just kinda connect with everything but are nothing spectacular, Converse are the latter, they can be worn with pretty much everything but always look kinda meh, while designer clothing like Rick Owens shoes are really hard to match with something in a balanced way, that's why most people dressed in Rick look like ridiculous tryhards, the few people that actually manage to get a balanced look wearing something like this have a high chance of looking unique in a good way, which brings us to the next part.
When you're expressing yourself via fashion, the more serious you take it the more you'll try to move away from the crowd, having individual designer or DIY pieces in your fits and whatnot, do you see why converse are a problem here?
Everyone and their mother owns a pair of converse, they are "beginner shoes" and almost nobody that is aiming high with his outfits would consider them based on this alone.
Lastly it is also always a question of personal preference, I personally don't find the design appealing at all.
I do not judge anyone that likes them and I would never call someone on the street out for wearing them, because they are okay shoes, but on a board specialized on fashion they don't really belong.

>> No.10061893

Well said anon

>> No.10061902

I have a fetish for twinks with gyno.

>> No.10061912
File: 104 KB, 455x672, 1417793499355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc they need very low body fat to keep their pretty face.
its about being him like 4'11"
i bet most men would prefer fucking me than you faggot.
you can't deny that his body is like a greek god's body. a tiny one but...
stand out with your personality, if you look /fa/ in public you'll be ridiculous most of the time.
here, he's slightly bigger than him tho.

>> No.10061918
File: 159 KB, 634x634, 1422656773796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always look kinda meh
I think they work pretty well within a "retro" context.

>> No.10061922

this post is just way too true in every aspect

>> No.10061924

You're so fucking delusional, models are not only thin for their faces its because clothes look better on those types of bodies. Designers know way more than you do. Fuck off back to fit, you're not gonna be fa delusional cunt

>> No.10061926


chelsea boots: literally reddit: the shoe

if you own a pair of chelsea boots then there is a 100% chance you are a redditor

>> No.10061927

you're an idiot, fuck off of a fashion board

>> No.10061939

i'm not gonna be /fa/, but most people will ask to go out to shopping with me, including women, because i have a taste and i'm not a tryhard butthurt autist.

>> No.10061943

>you can get pussy

This is /fa/, fashion not howtogetlaid.com

>> No.10061946
File: 18 KB, 496x91, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10061986


you're literally a manbaby.

you come to a place where people talk about a thing, and have been having the conversation for years. then you scream


lurk more or leave. otherwise you;re literally offering nothing to this board.

nobody cares about "getting laid" or any of the social goals you're espousing. this is not /soc/ this is not /r/relationships this is not a reality tv show about becoming a pickup artist. nothing that you're saying is topical to this board.

>> No.10061988


no. i never said to "go back there" i just said there is a 100% chance you use reddit.

there is not a more bland and safer piece of footwear than a chelsea boot. it has a shitty aesthetic and really only functions as a way too conservative shoe that won't stand out in a good or bad way.

it was the shoe made for reddit, a bunch of beta males who come together in one place for encouragement. like i said, it is safe. nobody will criticize you for wearing them, which is the most important thing on a site like reddit where upvotes and downvotes reign supreme. you won't get downvoted for wearing them, and in fact, you may find yourself getting a lot of upvotes if you do wear them on reddit. reddit likes safe things and things that aren't against the grain. the chelsea boot encapsulates this in the most noticeable way. you will fit in with other redditors and may even get invited to a meetup where you will come across other people wearing chelsea boots and you will all go horseback riding together one brisk summer's eve and ride a train of upvotes into the sunset and become reddit legends

>> No.10061991

>stand out with your personality, if you look /fa/ in public you'll be ridiculous most of the time.
I take this as a sign that my point came across, so my work here is done and I'll abandon this wreck before it sinks in deeper in your shitposts.
You literally just repeated what I said in >>10061411
You're mindset still revolves around getting pussy, tell me, is getting pussy the sole motivation behind your training?
Do you only build muscles and work on your body for hours every week just so you can fuck random chicks?
If so, I'm really sorry that it didn't work for you, because if you'd be getting as much pussy as you claim you'd feel extremely different about it, believe me, been there, done that.
It's not a fulfilling lifestyle.
But because I feel kinda sorry for you I'll repeat myself again, you don't get pussy while being fashionable and you don't get pussy by being fit, you get pussy by being confident and at least somewhat charismatic.
Now start standing out with your personality, if you flex your muscles and drink protein shakes in public you'll be ridiculous most of the time.

>> No.10062034

protip: i don't drink protein shakes, nor flex my muscles in public. i don't even drink shakes when i'm all by myself.

ok i'll put the trolling aside. seriously, if you thing buying shoes like op's pic releated is a better idea than buying a converse you are an autist.

>> No.10062037

well, it applies only if you already don't have a few converses or whatthefuckeverthatis shoes already.

>> No.10062040
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>> No.10062100

>if you thing buying shoes like op's pic releated is a better idea than buying a converse you are an autist.
Now you're basically saying it's not okay to call people autists for liking Converse, but if you like Chelsea boots you're an autist.
You don't really make much sense, do you?
And if you're interested in my opinion, I don't like Chelseas either, for a similar reason I don't like Converse, I don't find them visibly appealing and they are getting extremely popular right now, so expressing myself and standing out from the crowd becomes harder. They are not even close as widespread as Converse yet, but they seem to become a trend amongst the 20-40 year old crowd.

>> No.10062567

So if I'm not 20 and cop some Chelseas am I /fa/ or an ass

>> No.10062764

Then you're part of the masses and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you want to distance yourself from the masses, fashionwise, you might want to think twice before wearing them.
I mean if you can put them into a hreat fit than that's nice and it's not like you can't still distance yourself with other pieces of clothing but I'd say shoes are a vital part of it.

>> No.10062769

Oh enlightened master, what type of shoes do you wear to distance yourself from us lowly plebeians?

>> No.10062778

1970s First String Converse /thread