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10059929 No.10059929 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 6'1 and 210, so yeah I'm chubby, my plan is to have coffee and cigarettes all day to suppress hunger then have dinner which will be around 400-700 calories, how quickly will I see results and how do I keep the weight off?
Pic related, pretty much my body right now.

>> No.10059935

Only way to lose the calories is to just take in less than you burn, it's as simple as that. Just go to the gym.

>> No.10059942

you can do that, but as the post above says you need to exercise if you want to see results fast

>> No.10059943

Exercise free is preferable, I just want to have a decent enough body so my gut isn't sticking out in every shirt.

>> No.10059951

that's fucking dumb, you'll lose all of your muscle along with the fat and be tired/lightheaded/weak all the time. don't be another skeletor victim, it's not attractive despite what you may be mislead to believe on here.

just learn how to eat properly. if you want to go the fasting route do intermittent fasting, shit it pretty cash. just make sure you eat enough and work out.

>> No.10059958

Go to the gym, eat lots of veggie and fruit.

If you really obsessed about hunger suppression buy pure nicotine, drink lots a water and stuff..

dont think anyone needs that shit. Losing 1kg a week right now (pure fat nearly, didnt lose strength) and im feelin fine.

>> No.10059968

Well I just want to drop a bit of weight so I can take being tired and weak for a while, I don't want to become a skeletor just want a more average body, I won't take it too far.

>> No.10059969


>> No.10059974

cardio my friend, cardio, don't snack between meals, and replace all side dishes and pastas with veggies

starving yourself is bad for your body and mind

>> No.10059977

Cardio I can do at home so people don't see my gut jiggling?

>> No.10059981

jumprope, mountain climbers, dance, or go for frequent long walks

>> No.10059984

Okay, I'll start with walking to ease into it because I'm also really unfit.

>> No.10060030

but being tired and weak is completely unnecessary, and it will take longer if you don't work out because a portion of weight you lose will be muscle. if you don't go to skeletor level, you'll be skinnyfat at best, which is worse than skeletor, because regardless of how you look naked basically no clothing is flattering to a skinnyfat body.

i mean go ahead and starve yourself + do cardio if you want, but you're making this harder than it needs to be. just take half an hour to read the fit sticky and save yourself a lot of effort down the road.

>> No.10060047
File: 165 KB, 796x1600, running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading the thread

Eat 1600-1800 calories a day, eating too much less than that will make your body conserve energy
Do a basic running program (I always used pic related)
Drink water and nothing else

You'll lose a pound or two every week easy peasy

>> No.10060051

OP here, on phone, out walking to get some healthier food and shit.

>> No.10060060

should you do cardio every day, or should you take days of and rest?

>> No.10060182

OP here, is an hours walk a day good enough?

>> No.10060195

HAHAH, Are you fucking kidding me, that will require exercise.

>> No.10060197

Its a good start

>> No.10060212

Haha wow
I haven't seen this pic since 2009

>> No.10060225

Alright, I'll keep that up until I drop a bit of weight then start jogging.

>> No.10060227

coffee and cigarettes...jesus christ /fa/ really is full of teens.

Cut down on the carbs, actually cut them all out except for about 10-20 net grams (basically subtract the fiber from the carbs you eat and that number has to be <20g) increase protein and fat consumption as these help immensely with satiety (feeling of hunger). With this at around 6'1 and 210 is rought a bmr of 2200kcal~ so if you eat roughly 2000kcal a day (measure this shit because you're probably over eating...in fact measure everything you consume protein-fat-carbs-calories-fiber) and add in a simple 1hr long walk at night you'll probably lose around 2-4 pounds a week. If you go to the gym or run instead of walk you could probably lose about 20-30lbs in first month but second month would only be about 10-20.

>> No.10060232

Consistency is key with this btw. You do this every day. No days off unless you run in which case run every Mon Wed and Fri and walk on the other days.

>> No.10060248

I'll stick with it, I actually enjoyed my walk quite a lot.

>> No.10060260

Work out, cardio, coffee + cigs and as fuel get amphetamine as it burns only fat when youre starving

>> No.10060284

I don't want an amphetamine addiction.

>> No.10060302

smoke e cigs dude, all the nicotine and vapor but none of the fucking awful smell. Also you don't fuck your tastebuds and lungs and can switch up flavors easily so you don't get bored of it and it makes you feel even less hungry.

>> No.10060305

yellow teeth and nails aren't /fa/

>> No.10060316

He has a point about the amphetamines though. How "in shape" are you? Can you run a mile without significant difficulty? Is your heart healthy? Blood pressure?

If it's health you can run an ECA stack along with your high protein, high fat low carb diet that I told you to do but you wont because this is 4chan and nobody actually takes good advice.

An ECA stack would do wonders with that diet I advised. It's ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin, none of which are dangerous unless you're in dire physical health. The ephedrine increases the heat in your body which makes it burn more calories, the caffeine gives enchances the effect and the aspirin counters and potential negative effects. They're incredibly synergistic and useful on a weightloss diet as it enhances the loss pretty significantly.

>> No.10060333

I'm not in shape at all.

>> No.10060350


>pure nicotine

Are you an idiot? Pure nicotine is extremely toxic, a small drop on your skin can kill you.

>> No.10060351

Yeah I thought that as well. It's a pesticide for fuck sake.

>> No.10060374

Okay well then nix the eca stack. Stick to a high protein and high fat diet with low carbs. I know people think this is gimmicky but it's been known to help with bloodpressure, mental fogginess, weight loss, etc since the early 1900's.

It's also one of the quickest ways to lose fat, and not just weight.

>> No.10060382

Yeah I don't want to lose any muscle mass, because I'm not particularly strong as it is.

>> No.10060475


>I want to be thin but I don't want to put any effort into it

>> No.10060481

Just eat less/better and go to the gym.

The /fa/ diet is an edgy ideal held by teenagers.

>> No.10060485

This was my diet for most of June and I lost 5kg. Problem is I didn't do it to lose weight, I was just busy as fuck and couldn't bring myself to eat properly.

>> No.10060497

Do a keto diet
burn fat instead of muscles
youll feel like shit for a while but hey, cheesy eggs and bacon for breakfast

>> No.10060782

OP is a fucking dumb faggot

>> No.10060859

I'm there with you man, no idea what my weight is but I'm chubby and about 6'3 with a big build.

>> No.10060869


You fat

>> No.10060938

Lol what do you expect from a fatty... taking the lazy way out

>> No.10061116

Typical lazy fat fuck.

>> No.10061278

exercising is not only far more effective ,it will make you look more attractive in the long run. do you really think you'll be happy with being skinny once you lose all that fat? let us not mention the fact that being a fatty you're probably unhealthy as fuck. going on a crash diet is just adding fuel to fire. seriously dude, go lift some weights. might seem like pain and suffering but you'll learn to enjoy the pain after a while and you'll feel great after every workout. when you do lose all that chubbiness, you'll both look and feel amazing.

>> No.10061297

Stop eating carbs. Like entirely

>> No.10061324


>> No.10061333

went from 150 to 140, then to 145, then back to 140 in about 3 weeks, and i eat two-three meals a day and don't calculate calories. All I did differently was starve myself for 24 hours at the start, then slowly eat small meals until i was eating decent portions for every meal. Also I stopped drinking soft drinks and putting ketchup on anything greasy.

>> No.10061337

at 6'1" unless you're jacked, 210 ain't chubby, you're just fat at that point.

>> No.10061339
File: 385 KB, 475x475, tumblr_mj9q1uailq1s332cmo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, use cigarettes and stimulants to lose weight, sound real hip and edgy

Just eat less you fat fatty fucking faggot

>> No.10061342


also /thread

>> No.10061357

Well I don't look particularly fat, just got a gut and fat thighs, honestly the fact I'm 210 baffles me because I just look chubby.

>> No.10061365

trying to lose weigth without effort is for fags, be a men and work out, fatlard.

>> No.10061489

the whole "i drink 3 gallons of coffee, smoke 30cigs and take 20mg addy a day ugh i'm so effay" is a fucking farce for fuck's sake, it's just a /fa/ meme just like all the others, don't take it seriously.
it has been repeatedly proven that the majority of posts on 4chan are made by shitposters, the most part of people who will tell "i don't eat it's un/fa/, i just took an adderall this morning ughhh" are just fatlards who create themselves a new life

tip one: don't smoke on a regular basis, it will fuck up your skin and all the effort you'll put to look good will be useless afterwards
>inb4 muh models smoke: make-up
tip two: eat less
tip three: it's summer, you can allow yourself some deficiencies as long as you drink lots of water, so if you want to lose fast, fuck carbs, fat and sugar, you will adjust your diet later on when you get results
tip four: you can exercise (exercising and cardio), it is not NECESSARY, but combined with a good diet and general lifestyle, you will get some good results

source: common fucking sense

>> No.10061515

Yeah I'm starting light with the exercise and moving up from there, also lowering the amount of food I take in, not by too much, probably to about 1500 calories which hopefully isn't too much of a deficit, and I'm gonna stop drinking so much soda and replace it with water or if I really want a soda, a diet one.

>> No.10061524
File: 312 KB, 900x1275, 1431970537603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man head over to /fit/, read the sticky. Any questions you have feel free to ask.

>> No.10061549

If you eat too little, you're gonna plateau. I tried, and I lost weight for a while until I couldn't get anymore off. So I started eating more (1200-1400 cal) and now I'm losing more weight (30 pounds by eating more compared to 10 before). Cardio also helps, so does lifting, it won't bulk you up if you don't want that, and it can if you do prefer that.

>> No.10061692

You dont have to eat so few calories,at your height and weight you can eat like 1200 calories per day and lose weight very quick (and trust me,1200 calories of healthy food turns out to be a lot).