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/fa/ - Fashion

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10059373 No.10059373 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or has fashion gotten boring

Why is it that hoodie and jeans are Norm

>> No.10059377
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>> No.10059387
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>> No.10059445

I agree for a different reason. when everyone is buying into some corporate subcullture with cookie cutter website guides like menswear and _____-core. the tumblr buying-into-an-identity looks lame as fuck. I just wear comfy shit nowadays or what's needed for the occasion which ironically how I looked like in the 90s

>> No.10059463

>hoodie keeps you warm, protects you from elements
>jeans are durable, socially acceptable and comfortable
>clothes are mass-produced and cheap enough to be disposable

>> No.10059835

jeans are not flexable, no pockets

cotton hoodies are a bit hot for florida

why i don't like them

>> No.10059837

can you show me a pic of what the 90s style looks to you

>> No.10059842
File: 387 KB, 1000x668, RebuildByNeedlesSS14MarchNP5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white hipsters living in the projects could only afford thrift shop clothing, somehow they land a job at their local GAP and after lasting more than two seasons the DM places them as store stylist and knowing only 2nd hand clothing push normcore, that spread out to things like palewave and japanese brands stitching together a bunch of flannels

>> No.10059847

>hoodie and jeans


>> No.10060247

its not wrong

>> No.10060256

It is though. They're only the norm for teens and other young adults. Fashion grows into so many different directions when you get past the entry level crap where everyone wants to look different but still be one of the cool kids.