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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 129 KB, 586x839, gross eating contest fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10056758 No.10056758 [Reply] [Original]

post what you've eaten today
rate other's /fa/ness

>> No.10056760


>> No.10056764

eating is literally the most un/fa/ thing you could ever do

>> No.10056766


>> No.10056770

my bf's semen
9 cups of coffee

>> No.10056771

>eggs with chives and pepper
>blood sausage
> baguette

>> No.10056774

its 4:20pm

ive eaten an oreo ice cream sandwich and a big bottle of heineken (well im drinking that now)

>> No.10056776


>> No.10056779

>cappuccino & cheese/bacon roll
>black tea
>cardamom rice with pears & beef
Late night
>cappuccino & one chicken nugget drenched with spicy sauce

>> No.10056783

2x cripsy rye-bread
chicken and rice
Arctic char and potatoes

>> No.10056784

might go and eat one of those big scotch eggs

im playing poker later just casually might get something to drink probably peroni or maybe that new 'craft' porter guinness make now which is really good

>> No.10056785

The only /fa/ answer is:

Cigarettes, coffee and dicks.

>> No.10056788

Oh yeah and I always drink milk

>> No.10056822

sounds tasty!

>> No.10056846

So far:

A clif bar
Snacking on peanuts

>> No.10056876

That strawberry yogurt parfait they have at Starbucks and an ice coffee. Don't really like Starbucks coffee, but it's they only thing I can get in the mornings.

>> No.10056903

if grill, fa
if ladyboy, fa as fuck

>> No.10056906

>100g oats with 300ml milk
>500ml orangejuice
>500ml buttermilk
>200g beef steak
>5 eggs

/fit/ fo' life.

>> No.10056909

I've not eaten anything. Only things I've so far ingested have been two rollies.

>> No.10056961

i had honey nut cheerios with watered down skim milk and a large extra strong coffee with the same milk added to cool it down to a drinkable temperature at around 5 AM. then at around 11 i had a hot pocket. pepperoni pizza flavor.

>> No.10056969

Holy fuck...

>> No.10056971

peanut butter and jelly

>> No.10056975

2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, 3 cinnamon rolls, a glass of milk and then a cup of coffee. It's only 9:23am.

How do you all survive on such a small amount of food?

(5'11 - 137lb - 8%BF)
How tiny are you guys?

>> No.10056991

Ham & mayo roll
A burger slathered in hot sauce with no salad

>> No.10056997

hmm skipped breakfast, got salmon steak with lemon and dill, tzatziki and salad shirazi for lunch .... have had 2 cups of cappuccino since then, and plan to get another one in about 5 minutes. I don't know about the rest of my day :3

>> No.10057001

250ml of coconut yogurt
small amount of granola
two bananas

gonna go out for an hour long bike ride now

i usually bike two hours per day, so thats at least 1000 extra calories i *can* eat if i want to on top of my 2000 calories that my body uses just sitting around

usually i only eat about 1000-1500 cals per day. sometimes less if i feel like it

lost 50 pounds in like 4 months. 160 now, going for 130. 6'1 male.

>> No.10057008

im 175 centimetres and weight 11 stone

>> No.10057022

>3 cups of coffee
>3 liters of water
> some pure chocolate
>Salad with Salmon

>> No.10057026

Breakfast- half a soft pretzel,and a nectarine
Dinner- pasta with sundries tomatoes and olives
Snacks-2 nectarines

Total of 747 calories. Doin pretty good

>> No.10057028

A protein bar while biking to school
I'll have another in about an hour

General Rules:
No milk
Low carb snacking
High protein in general

>> No.10057031

1. one slice of american cheese
2. Capri Sun Super V fruit beverage

>> No.10057033

2 cups of coffee
vegetable salad
glass of wine

>> No.10057038
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One scrambled egg with 2 budget wholemeal bread


Can of tuna and 2 small apples

>Late Snack
some grapes

Ate some honey roasted peanuts along the way.
>mfw these captchas

5'4 58kg

>> No.10057039

Fuck I only ate 2 packages of crackers.

>> No.10057042

2 weetabix
beef stroganoff with rice broccoli and green beans
about 8 litres of water, mans can't hack the heat

>> No.10057044


>Low carb snacking


>> No.10057046

i thought for sure /fa/ was gonna call me out. good to see my food was actually not the worst in the thread. feels goodman

>> No.10057051
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Amphetamines coffee cigarettes

>> No.10057055

I try to take in less than 2000 calories, good days less than 1500. I'm 6 1 and 160lbs with good muscle mass

>> No.10057060

Slept from 7pm yesterday until noon today, so first meal was to scrambled eggs with some nice cheese mixed in with them.

>tfw I only eat 2 meals a day because I sleep through breakfast every day I don't work

>> No.10057072


>> No.10057084

How do you survive on that?

You are pretty tiny though....

>> No.10057107

Must be manlet magic. Today was pretty relaxed though so I didnt feel to eat much. Usually I add in a chicken breast or some beef with veges when I jog or do some light lifting.

>> No.10057119

>1 banana
>1 can of Tomato Basil soup
>two pieces of sesame bread
>handful of peanuts and grapes

went running and swimming this morning so I'm still at a net deficit

>> No.10057123

lol theres something so fuckign queer about guys trying to eat as little as psossible

>> No.10057128

I had coffee in the morning,
a banana at lunch,
and some gyoza and a pint of beer for dinner when I went out.

>> No.10057154

>bowl if cornflakes, cappuccino
>3/4 pounder hamburger
>I've cream cause its fucking 35°
>chicken wings and another cappuccino

Isn't having a fast metabolism just wonderful?

>> No.10057170

2 bowls of coco pops, glass of coke, and 2 homemade chicken fajitas.

How'd I do /da/

>> No.10057176

You're a 5'4 man?

Lo siento...

>> No.10057179


>> No.10057180

-shredded carrot sandwich with a bit of sunflower oil
-a tangerine
-like 3 tbsp of mashed potatoes
-mustard for the lentils
-a piece of chocolate

1235 calories for everything and im done for today because IF.my skin will be shit tomorrow but at least i wont gain weight i guess.

>> No.10057181
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My mom just came from T.O. so my fridge is extremely unusually full.

>> No.10057182

I had a glass of Iced Tea and thats it so far

>> No.10057186
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>> No.10057197

Meanwhile I aim to eat 3,500 a day...

>> No.10057200
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A cigar butt
Half a cup of coffee
Salmon belly sashimi
Ginger candy
and pic related now

>> No.10057202


ty fam. Asian but still. Given up on getting beef huge and looking like a literal square. Trap mode's the way to cope with the frame I got.

Nah. I do know a Ben whos as short as I am though. Gym-rat sort.

>> No.10057207

2 slices of toast
small glass of OJ
2 cups of coffee

6'3 135 lbs idk ytf I do this to myself

>> No.10057219

my condolences,i imagine aiming to eat that much is harder than restricting your intake.

>> No.10057258

surprisingly i've eaten today
just a coffee and a starbucks bagel with cream cheese

maybe ill have dinner, depends how lazy I get

>> No.10057279

dumbass u dont eat coffee

>> No.10057286

I've only eaten a peach and some granola today

>> No.10057289

I had a bowl of cereal today.

Chicken didn't finish thawing by the time I wanted to throw it into the crockpot, so for dinner I'll probably just make something else.

For lunch I might just grab a smoothie or another bowl of cereal + some carrots. I'm feeling pretty tired.

>> No.10057295

bacon and turkey swiss melt wrap


>> No.10057320

Low net carb - veggies
Low carb - hard boiled egg, greek yogurt, nuts
I'll answer that according to everything i said

>>protein bar
running late, 180 calories, easy to eat on the go, 20 g of protein, fits macros well
>second protein bar later
one isn't enough, also don't want to but shitty foos on campus
>no milk
lactose ruins my skin
>low carb snacking, high protein in general
i lift and try to keep macros in check. it's easy for me to ruin my macros by eating wheat thins, cheezits, or lays, so i avoid those as snacks and go for what i wrote above (limiting the greek yogurt). I'd rather have an excess of protein than an excess of carbs

>> No.10057377
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Pork antrekot with egg and potatoes

>> No.10057384


you have no place on /fa/

>> No.10057407

A banana for breakfast. A hamburger with fries from a fast foody but kinda hippy place for lunch. Risotto with chicken for dinner. Now I'm on my third beer (Augustiner brau from Munich).

>> No.10057412
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>> No.10057416

>A waffle

>> No.10057421

entrecôte nigga
you shut your whore mouth

>> No.10057458

Wheat/Flax crackers

>> No.10057461

why do the potatoes look burned?

>> No.10057488

dunno, anyway they were fine
in menu they were called american potatoes btw lol

>> No.10057523

2 cups of coffee
6" sub from subway (chicken breast, marinara, Parmesan, spinach, & oregano) + medium tea
2 gin & tonics

>> No.10057555

>only 2pm

3cups coffee
50mg vyvanse
10mg adderall

literally how do people get hungry for breakfast
why would you eat some greasy 1000 calorie sandwich in the morning

>> No.10057560

>tfw haven't eaten breakfast or lunch in ages
i miss food

>> No.10057563
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a kinder suprise bar and 2 liters of water

>> No.10057570

2 eggs
Half an avocado
4 mini banana tortillas
White rice

>> No.10057572

this is about as effay as it gets

>> No.10057609

2 eggs, some greek yogurt, nectarine, piece of toast and glass of orange juice. Woke up kinda late so I don't think lunch is gonna happen.

>> No.10057616

coffee with milk
black coffee
prolly gonna eat lettuce and a piece of chicken for dinner.

>> No.10057621

fish oil
potassium salted veggie broth

>> No.10057633

regular coffee
2 cigarettes

>> No.10057636

probably the faest diet ever

>> No.10057639

Large Egg x2 (sprinkeld with sundried tomato garlic and cayenne pepper rub that I make.)
Multigrain Artisan Bread slice x2 (putting the egg on top)

Large salmon salad (Romaine, spinach, kale, tomatoes, red bell peppers, sunflower seeds, asian sesame dressing)

I'm probably going to go out to eat. Maybe chicken wings and beer.

>> No.10057668
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black tea

and I try to drink at least one gallon of water every day, I can hardly stomach solid foods, makes me sick

>> No.10057672

Nothing. I am fasting

>> No.10057675

i ate so much spaghetti today i think im gonna xplode.

>> No.10057678

Spaghetti with diced peppered chickenbreast, some parmesan and a fried slightly salted egg

>> No.10057687

protein bars have a fuckton of carbs

>> No.10057688

5 cups of coffee. nothing else

>> No.10057756

boursin cheese
vegan sausage
andes mints
green kombucha

>> No.10057762

Bowl of scrambled eggs
1 Piece of white toast with butter
Small glass of apple juice
Currently drinking a cup of tea

Will probably have at least 4 more cups of tea today

>> No.10057779

what's a /fa/ drug that is good for losing weight.

>> No.10057782

Any good reccs for vegan sausage?

>> No.10057784


>> No.10057806

lots of water
the gym

>> No.10057808

bottle of water and a slice of homemade cheesecake

>> No.10057831

enjoy it while it lasts!

>> No.10057849
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spinach omelette with 3 free range eggs and olive oil

hemp and flax toast slice (2) with a roma tomato in slices, grass-fed butter and kewpie mayo

large honey crisp apple


a whole box of birthday cake oreos

>> No.10057851

cinnamon poptart
teriyaki beef ramen noodles

>> No.10057856

oh yeah
going to the steakhouse for dinner

>> No.10057892

Are you being serious, you're going for 130 at 6'1? That's pretty unhealthy.

>> No.10057898

Infinitely more difficult.

NOT eating easy. You don't need to do anything. Eating a lot involves meal prep, time spent, money spent, etc.

>> No.10057924

>an egg
>a slice of toast


>> No.10058042

you do realize that with that approach you're gonna end up with a shitload of loose skin, right?

>> No.10058046

Museli with fruit from the garden (rasberries, redcurrants, tayberries)

Roast pork & apple chutney sandwich

a beer

Some paella

>> No.10058048

oatmeal and pho

>> No.10058053


I just started eating some almonds cuz I just got off work.

>> No.10058073

I made the mistake of getting a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby's. Never doing that again.

>> No.10058139

um. don't remember the brand, it was from Whole Foods, said it was made of grains and vegetables. tbh had nice spice and flavor but strange texture

>> No.10058143



>> No.10058199

Small breakfast burrito

>> No.10058241


proč se vůbec snažit, že?

>> No.10058255

coffee, tums, licorice, life cereal

>> No.10058292


>> No.10058294

Thai fragrant rice
german bologna sandwich
cup of dunkin's decaf
Friendly's s'mores ice cream
breaded chicken breast w ketchup
ginger soda

>> No.10058298

>counting water as what you've eaten
/fa/ as fuck

>> No.10058311
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>4 eggs (3 whites + 1 whole) scrambled with fresh chives and skim milk
>A piece of quinoa toast with almond butter and banana
>Morning Streches + 5 Mile run
>Followed by 25g protein shake

>Quest Bar for afternoon snack
>Lunch of homemade smoked salmon and cucumber sushi with asparagus Negimake
>Afternoon workout, 1.5 hrs of muscle training

>Protien shake post workout
>A bowl of fat free cottage cheese with fibre 1 and raspberries.

>Mango, Kale, Apples, and Pineapple blended with ice and water, eaten like ice cream with a spoon

>Tfw /fa/ thinks being skinny af makes them more fashionable, attractive, and tasteful

>> No.10058319
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>3:30 PM
I've eaten a banana, a pan dulce (Mexican bread) and a bowl of Special K

>> No.10058321

>investing this much time in a post

>> No.10058324

Breakfast- Protein Shake, Ham Sandwich, Banana, Black Coffee
Lunch- Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Green Beans, Banana, Cereal Bar
Snack- Chicken Sandwich, Bowl of plain Shreddies, Apple, Coffee
Dinner- Tuna Steak, New Potatoes, Green Beans, Protein Shake

>> No.10058339

A pack of cigarettes, 1 grilled chicken breast, a spoon of peanut butter, and 3 cups of black coffee

>> No.10058511

>protein shakes
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. You really don't need them unless you're really into lifting.

>> No.10058550



>> No.10058559

four eggs, half of an avocado, homemade salsa
1 cup oats with coconut oil & raw honey
2 cups whole milk

Lunch 1
Red delicious apple, banana, spinach salad

Lunch 2
Can of tuna, English muffin with peanut butter and honey

Who /fit/ here?

>> No.10058569

hardboiled eggs, grits, ravioli, mac & cheese
>tfw wisdom teeth removed yesterday

>> No.10058572

2 quesadillas
strawberries and bananas

>> No.10058581

3 slices bacon
alpen choc bar
cheese ham chicken slice
pork chop x 2
coca cola

>> No.10058586

>beef with salad
>one quark
>two pieces of ribs

>> No.10058763
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bacon, sausage and eggs for brunch, 2 more cups of coffee

a big cup of coffee around 3 pm

hamburger for dinner

now I'm snacking on pic related and having a cup of coffee

very unhealthy day all round, somewhat unusual for me, but it was Canada day so I went out for brunch and cooked BBQ for dinner

going to be switching to tea soon, I ordered a ton of tea online the other day based on reviews and shit. I like tea better than coffee and it's easier to make, so it just makes sense to switch, I think

might have a glass of scotch later

>> No.10058781

I hate Starbucks coffee but I can stomach their Americano

>> No.10058816

2 boiled eggs
5 pieces of pineapple

>> No.10058851
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a smores poptart
a diet redbull

>> No.10058950

6 coffees
5 packs of cigarettes
1 activated almond

>> No.10059005

5 packs!? Are you smoking for the entire day?

>> No.10059009

most effay diet

>> No.10059493

freeze it

>> No.10059501

breakfast: croissant and green tea
lunch: apple and muscle milk
dinner: nutella/peanut butter sandwhich, chips and sals
snack: sunflower seeds, black plum, clif bar

>> No.10059505
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Y'all some anorexic motherfuckers

>> No.10059511

its called bein effay

>> No.10059525

woke up at noon and got a homemade burger with chocolate-milk to wash it down, later got some popcorn, and apple and a lot of water, then I gos a huge-ass ham and cheese sanduich with chocolate-milk. not even fat tho

>> No.10059627

That doesn't sound like that much food

>> No.10059685

1 24oz Bud Light Lime
! 40oz Miller High Life

ate the same thing yesterday

>> No.10059698

Small tuna sandwich
1 sprite

>> No.10059706


>> No.10059717

Sol Cuisine

>> No.10059734
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Shoutouts Mamakas

>> No.10059740
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Shoutouts BangBang

>> No.10059757
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w2c ?

>> No.10059778

fuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuck that looks so good, describe in detail pls

>> No.10059785

Joe's O's
Cup of smartstart cereal
Ezekiel bread
dried cranberries
chicken sausage

>> No.10059810

My dick, just don't bite it.

>> No.10059815

omg not eating is like so effay like oh my god

>> No.10059838

how do you get to that level? usually c&c supress my appetite for like 3 hours and then the binges get me

pls share your based tips

>> No.10060062

4 Hard boiled eggs
800 Calories of oats
A light steak salad, no dressing

It's cutting season boys

>> No.10060303

No breakfast
Lunch: a turkey sandwich
Dinner: 4 small vegetable spring rolls and a small bowl of quinoa linguine with arrabiata sauce.
Had nothing but a ton of water and one green tea to drink today.

>> No.10060501


>> No.10060536

1 avocado
green olives
chicken breast
calorie-free iced tea with lemon

about 1500 kcal

>> No.10060636

3 eggs, 3 rashers, 3 toast, can of baked beans

2 pies (peppersteak, mince and cheese) and some leftover lasagne

minestrone with cheese muffins

microwave pudding and ice cream

>> No.10060640

man i hate you

>> No.10060659

You a american? Kinda unhealthy kinda not.

>> No.10060691

2 cups coffee, 1 cup tea, and maybe 1 L water. For breakfast I ate 2 tablespoons of wheat bran in water. But I'll have dinner soon! Baked veggies and a glass of kefir. It's hard to lose weight when you are not tall.

>> No.10060747
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I wish I was that tiny but I fucking love to eat, lift, and run to keep my brain happy.

Coffee and water but I'm about to force myself to eat banana and peanut butter
Hate breakfast but gotta get that metabolism going.
Going to Japanese restaurant with friend
Sushi, maybe
Maybe leftover slow cooked chicken rice and black bean soup, broccoli

Went down 10 dress sizes
Thanks /fa/

>> No.10060748

Chicken salad sandwich
bag of crisps
can of redbull

>> No.10060773
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keebler elf chocolate candy sandwich cookies
peanut m&m's
animal crackers


>> No.10060796

6 cups of coffee
Bowl of spinach leaves
2 eggs
2 loads of cum

>> No.10060862

1 tub Ben and Jerry's
1 multivitamin

>> No.10061131

Nothing for brekky :(

Nachos with chorizo and chicken for lunch, yummy yummy

Pasta with more chorizo for dinner, yummy

>> No.10061134


Fuck is wrong with you fucks

>> No.10061366

is he eating biscuits and gravy?

>> No.10061408
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woke up did situps went to gym then ate this.

>> No.10061717

im a fat fuck

>> No.10062273

2 cups black coffee
1 lucky strike(yes i ate it)
1/2 chocolate cupcake
1 peanut butter/honey sandwich

>> No.10062309

You're just like me!
I don't always remember to eat... I also go through phases where I eat more. Don't always sleep, either. I'm 5'4 roughly 130lb
apples are always in my diet.

>> No.10062318

Breakfast - Orange Juice and some Honey Bunches of Oats w/ almonds + milk

Dinner - Sour Patch Kids

Later - Sour Patch Kids + Coffee

>> No.10062335

2 eggs, 2 cuts of honey glazed ham, home fries with coffee, orange juice and glass of water

Morning snack-
Almond, sea salt and chocolate granola bar

Wendy's cheeseburger, medium french fries, medium Sprite

Post-workout shake

Dunno what's for dinner yet

>> No.10062353

disgusting fat fuck

>> No.10062380

Poached eggs x2 w/ toast + Coffee x2
Choripollo y Huevos + Mezcal
South Side cocktail x2
May make veggie nuggets for supper.

>> No.10062420

bet he could level you though fag

>> No.10062426

Müsli and Greek yogurt

Went out for lemon gelato with bf

Spaghetti + fresh tomato sauce


Salad of Lollo rosso, lollo bianco, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes and red wine dressing

>> No.10062428

are u a boy?

>> No.10062433

>half a litre of pure acid sugar

>> No.10062441

>breakfast banana smoothie with added protein powder.
>Late lunch/early dinner was grilled chicken with potatoes and Bearnaise sauce.
>Also had 2 protein shakes during the day/evening.

Almost no veggies at home so i might get scurvy or some shit.

>> No.10062451

>gotta get the metabolism going

look, an idiot

>> No.10062468

>dish of rice and tuna with brocolli
>a carrot
>grilled beef with rice


>> No.10062476

no, staying with my boyfriend and cooking for him

>> No.10062786

Close your eyes...
...and ignore what totally isn't an immersion blender coming to turn your cock into dog food.

>> No.10062811

Black coffee, oatmeal topped with banana slices and blueberries. An apple for lunch.

>> No.10062823

No way. I'm 2 fast and versatile cos I'm not fat.

>> No.10062831

Oatmeal with almond milk, a little bit of honey and cinnamon

Rice with vegetables

An apple and some walnuts

Boiled artichokes and fresh cheese

>> No.10062845

Baguette with crazy feta and tuna
chai latte

>> No.10062848

green tea
a small bowl of fruits with flaxseed in the morning

>> No.10062869

make sure to trim that undercut anon :)

>> No.10062998

Says the fatty

>> No.10063066

>drinking coffee

have fun with your yellow teeth lads

>> No.10063750

>not having your teeth removed and replaced with perfect unstainable ones.

>> No.10063774

>2 poptarts, PBJ sandwich, almonds & chips
>poptart and almonds
>Philly Cheese Steak & French Fries

>> No.10063803

does starving yourself work? i want to lose the fat on my gut and waist but i'm not dedicated/don't love myself enough to work hard at it

cardio has made me lose weight everywhere else

>> No.10063815

banana, raspberry, blackberry and spinach smoothie

rice krispies with unsweetened almond milk

tuna and spinach salad with green pepper, carrots, onion, 4x egg whites, apples, raisins and balsamic

an apple and reduced fat peanut butter

with 3L of water in total

>> No.10063823

eggs are cigarettes on a plate dude

>> No.10063828

2 pbj sandwiches before lifting
3 nature valley trail mix bars
1 dos toros burrito (chicken w/ guac)
gallon of milk
3 cups of coffee
bowl of rice with an egg, olive oil and avocado

>> No.10063835 [DELETED] 
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Does anyone have any experience with this brand or protein powders in general. This is one of the healthier options as far as shakes and meal replacements go. I used to drink it a while back when I was trying to gain some weight but I gave up on that

I recently bought another container to replacing meal, but I stopped drinking it again because I'm not sure if it was making me break out

Are protein shakes still useful and healthy if you don't work out?

>> No.10063836

have fun with diabetes lol

>> No.10063840
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Does anyone have any experience with this brand or protein powders in general. This is one of the healthier options as far as shakes and meal replacements go. I used to drink it a while back when I was trying to gain some weight but I gave up on that

I recently bought another container to replace meals but I stopped drinking it a second time because I'm not sure if it was making me break out

Are protein shakes healthy if you don't work out?

>> No.10063843

bad but better than all the other diets on this thread

>> No.10063847

only humane diet on this thread

>> No.10063848

sugar is in almost everything. i think 30 grams is around the daily suggested limit for added sugar, but natural sucrose is literally fine

>> No.10063853

are you a vegetarian?

>> No.10063854

sounds pretty nice

>> No.10063857


>> No.10063858

r u korean

>> No.10063866

Won't protein just become fat if you aren't working out though?

>> No.10063883

i am eating doritos... i had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 2 mins ago.

>> No.10063911

Intermittent fasting ruins your skin? I'm guessing that's whay IF means.

>> No.10063929

Grocery store quality summer rolls
4 pizza rolls, some grapes
1 Fajita

5'7, 116 pounds

>> No.10063939

did you really eat carrots with bread?
>captcha: select images of bread

>> No.10064002

>not basing lifestyle on an image board

>> No.10064174

2 Hash Browns
3 Pieces of Streaky bacon
2 Eggs
Finna have some rice for dinner

>> No.10064647


>> No.10064656

3 cups of water
1/4 banana
1/8 apple
1/2 litre of vodka

>> No.10064669


>> No.10064678
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>> No.10064691

1l hot water
100g oatmeal
2 bananas
2 apples
2 kiwifruit
couple of dates and some coconut

Cup of black rice
Beef stir fry
200ml kombucha

2 pears
1l hot water
Some dates

Gonna hav some dinner soon idk man

>> No.10064705

Today I'm gonna get some fast food because I'm hungover and I'll probably have a sandwich.

>> No.10065150

Coffee with 2oz of 1%

>> No.10065172

Coffee. Cigarettes.

>> No.10065182

Had two burgers against my better judgement, went home and threw most of them back out.

The path to losing weight is a harsh one~~

>> No.10065199
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cigarettes and cheap vodka so far

gonna go out with the rents for bison burgers when they get into town

>> No.10065201
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why is fast food so based for hangovers?

>> No.10065258

Smoothie with milk, strawberries and pineapple

>> No.10065300

So far:
Jelly sandwich
half a banana

i will have cereal+apple flavored soy milk,a ricecake and the other half of the banana in the afternoon

That would be around 700 calories for the whole day.i dont plan on leaving the house so its fine i guess.

>> No.10065321

Are you sure you dont have an intollerance to dairy or gluten? because that could be making you bloated and you think its actually fat.

And to answer your question,yes it does work but its not worth it.Eat 1000 (or less) calories per day and you will lose weight and not feel like shit.

>> No.10065858

3 tablespoons of egg whites

piece of cake

will probably skip dinner cause I had cake and I feel like a pig.

>> No.10065875
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rice 0.5 kg

>> No.10066064

ooh. A taste of (broccoli/leek) soup while cooking it this morning, froze the whole batch. Then, wine and amphetamines. Today and yesterday.

oh and tears DUH.

>> No.10066096


6'0 132lb

So far today black coffee, diet coke, and zucchini spaghetti with avocado sauce

>> No.10066107


Damn them Ana eyes

>> No.10066108

I eat once or twice a day
I'll usually tan and have some fruit at noon
Caffeine, nicotine, wine and or sake are what keeps me going
oh and weed but only sativa

>> No.10066155

a bowl of milk with cereals 200 kilocalories
ramen, 250 kilocalories
spaghetti and salad, 500 kilocalories

as you can see i ate normally while staying under the daily 1000 kilocalories

125 lbs

>> No.10066175
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>spaghetti and salad

>> No.10066371

Chocolate crossaint
Veggie burger

>> No.10066663

12 oz red bull, 1.5 gallons of water, 14 Marlboro 100s, a bag of m&ms. Might go out for dinner -- probably not. calories will have to come from drinking today most likely.

>> No.10066695


>> No.10066783

my boyfriends jizz
strawberry smoothie

>> No.10067753

methamphetamine. Orange juice. 2 or 3 of my own tears.

>> No.10068802

one croissant

fruit juice

some rice and chicken vegetable leftovers

I'm hungry but I don't want to eat anything because >effort

>> No.10069151

Cup of black coffee so far... Hope it stays like that

>> No.10069165
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>11:54 AM
>Coffee x2c
>Toast with peanut butter and honey
>Calcium/Magnesium/Vitamin D supplement
>Cup of Rooibos Tea
>Vyvanse 40mg

>> No.10069170

Two Donuts, Sourdough pretzels, a and a caffeine free Coke

>> No.10069218

4th of July, what yall eating?

>> No.10069224

Hungry skeleton. Going to a black muslim cookout. RIP losses.

>> No.10069236

Some chips, chocolate, braised beef, a hotdog, and vitamins.
Skeleton body is literally only benefit of being Asian, my height is too sad.

>> No.10069240

Holy shit this whole thread is like a competition to see who eats the most pretentious food.

I just woke up and got a butitto from moes since its lunch time.

>> No.10069245


>> No.10069262

rice with soysauce
nothing else
tomorrow I'll eat rice with soysauce again
the day after as well

>> No.10069278

>Banana and nut bar
>Croissant with brie
>White grape and peach juice

That's it so far.

>> No.10069293

>caffeine free

>> No.10069320
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thumbs up

pierogi and goulash

cucumber chow

>> No.10069394

Today: water and maybe some grapes later in the day

My food schedule is for the most part random, but i try not to stuff myself with junk. I always drink filtered water; I'm anxious about drinking it in restaurants where the process is unknown to me. no soda, very little juice; pretty much, I watch what i eat.
>6'1, currently 130lb

>> No.10069420

Some people have bad digestive reactions to caffeine. I am not the one who posted that, but unfortunately, my body does not like caffeine or alcohol.

>> No.10069680

How do you guys deal with the caffeine addiction? It sucks to wake up with that headache from being too much time without caffeine.
No plans to stop drinking though

>> No.10070117

a handful of pharmaceutical drugs
a few sips of an orange slurpee

i started taking topamax and it made me hate the taste of soda and coffee. worst headaches of my life for weeks trying to not have caffeine though

>> No.10070233

>smoked mackerel
>baked beans
>baked sweet potato
rate me fukbois

>> No.10070457

half a pint arctic zero ice cream (75 cal)
omega 3 fish oil
gatorade propel

>> No.10071114

How tall?

>> No.10071131

Mondongo soup, coffee, san pellegrino, a ceviche wrap.

>> No.10071138

For July 4th

>coffee w cream
Boyfriend had it at my bedside. That cutie.
>homemade sausage biscuit
Boyfriend made and wrapped it in wax paper, put it in my bag "just in case I get too busy at work and need to chow down quickly." Fucking cutie.
>polish hotdog smothered in green peppers and onions
>Some of mommy's giant turkey leg and fried pickles. 2salty4errrbody
>diet Mountain Dew
Bc the fair was out of everything else

I'm sick today so I couldn't taste anything but salt and regret.

>> No.10071424

half of this thread is either a fucking joke or this board is being raided
you fat pigs are fucking disgusting

>> No.10071448

banana nut bar
20 oz mountain dew
8 oz bag of swedish fish
32 oz dunkin donuts iced coffee with cream and sugar

Yes I drink water everyday too of course.


>> No.10071689

Girl, 161cm.

>> No.10071697
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>mandingo soup

captcha was soup

>> No.10072074

>Are protein shakes healthy if you don't work out?

Are you stupid mate? It's a fucking supplement it's not supposed to replace meals.
Just eat fucking regular food and work out. If you don't work out you're not going anywhere.
Working out is healthy. Food can't replace that. Goddamnit.

>> No.10072188

how do you guys stop yourself from eating shit though :/

>> No.10072227

Think of the consequences rather than the reward.

>> No.10072239


>> No.10072294

What's the better approach?

>> No.10072317

steak and eggs
half pound of black eyed pea with onions tomatoes and garlic
18 piece sashimi with brown rice
probably a 1/4 lb roast beef plus various veggies
a bite of my 2 of my friend's bacon egg and cheese
tin of mixed nuts
spinach omelette, whole wheat toast
granola with yogurt and banana and raisins

>> No.10072405

ramadan, nothing yet so far

>> No.10072442

Pear lemonade (pearmonade?)
Tomatoes, Apricots, and Cucumber
Mortadella sandwich
and a few Manti meat dumplings

>> No.10072531

Rather than think of how nice your fit will look with a skeletal frame, think of how ugly you'll become if you eat shitty good.

>> No.10072590

5 scrambled eggs
240g of mixed brown rice and quinoa
2 whole wheat toast w apple jelly

>> No.10072711

coffee at night wtf man

>> No.10072715
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Omelette, after that only fruits. Like melon or pineapple, thats what ive eaten. Still overweight

>> No.10074746

I honestly think you develop an aversion to it after cutting it out for a while. I only started eating shit in college, since it wasn't allowed at home, but after cutting it out again I find that I just don't like the taste anymore. I much prefer a bowl of fruit or a whole grain muffin or something to pastries and cookies now.

it's just a matter of getting used to eating well and finding healthy, non-fattening things that you like the taste of. if you want to wane yourself off of chips, for example, try whole grain crackers or unbuttered popcorn instead. try learning to bake and cook for yourself!

also, discipline, obviously.

>> No.10074829

It's more effay if you just eat the beans

>> No.10074846

Breakfast: half a pot of coffee

Lunch: 2 pieces of fried chicken, white rice, salad, handful of black cherries

Dinner: Banana milkshake (2 frozen bananas, 2 tbsp peanut butter, cup chocolate soy milk), egg rice

>> No.10074871

>blood sausage
fucking disgusting

god tier

>So far 5 shots espresso, almond milk with 2 tbs chia seeds, 100g macaroni with pesto, 8 glasses of water
>Later sauteed mushroom and kale on turkish bread, 7 cans of cider, some shots of vodka

Thinking of investing in a Fitbit to keep track of calories better so I don't get fat again.

>> No.10075406
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>mashed potatoes, Lima beans, Mac n cheese, buttered rice, jalepeno cornbread, tilapia, fried fish, baked chicken, strawberries, jello
>Big Mac, fries, Sprite, Oreo frappé
>Vietnamese spicy noodle beef soup with veggies

I'm sick so everyone is feeding me and loving me. I fucking love it.
>gained 3 lbs today
And it was fucking worth it
