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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.54 MB, 3452x2156, DSC001601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10041375 No.10041375 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you guys going? Find your /fa/ternity

Pic Related: CCC Class of 2019

>> No.10041383
File: 347 KB, 1500x1128, Tulane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10041649
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>> No.10041655
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Class of 2015
engineering>anything else

>> No.10041656

i went to CCC too OP. Graduated last semester. I'm sorry for the next useless four years of your life.

>> No.10041666
File: 65 KB, 600x350, NYU Campus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust fund baby philosophy student, fuck greek shit

>> No.10041691
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>> No.10041696

hello ucla friends hope spring quarter went well n good luck w/ summer school :)

>> No.10041698

senior at UC Davis.

Fuck college, I'm so done with this

>> No.10041741

you went to davis
how'd you even make it to senior year without blowing your brains out

>> No.10041770

whats wrong with davis?

>> No.10041776

hey, i might be going to UCLA next year - got all the requirements and everything. how is it? there a good party scene?

>> No.10041825

Lmao probably the least /fa/ uni in this thread.
Have fun stunting on STEM majors who wear baggy sweatpants and asics every day.

>> No.10041840

is /tisch/ as pretentious as i've heard?

>> No.10041935
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>> No.10041940


>> No.10041955
File: 192 KB, 960x720, uanight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math reporting in.
Arizona's awesome except it's too fucking hot to be effay most of the year.

>> No.10041987
File: 150 KB, 708x471, arizona state university asu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get bent m8

fuck off with your shitty "bear down" shit lmao your mascot is a wildcat

>> No.10042001

I'd be salty too if they all I got at graduation was a piece of toilet paper :^)

>> No.10042017
File: 97 KB, 1280x598, 1280px-UofT_Logo.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone go to uoft?

>> No.10042020


more so

>> No.10042049

good thing you're never going to graduate ;*)

>> No.10042134

just went to freshman orientation

>> No.10042202
File: 34 KB, 779x424, northumbria logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my britbongs at

>> No.10042210
File: 34 KB, 460x179, UCSC logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Engineering master race here

>> No.10042218

inc ucsd cs major rip

>> No.10042223

and my degree will still be worth just more than yours

>> No.10042228

>tfw you get shot by drug traffickers in the slum of Tucson

>> No.10042248

! Was it fun? What major and dorm?

>> No.10042257
File: 396 KB, 1546x1132, rrrrrruuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rutgers /fa/?

>> No.10042287

econ & accounting, all the freshmen stayed at Manzanita

dude it's fucking bullshit how fast all the classes filled up lol

>> No.10042294

SFU burnaby in Vancouver BC
Possibly the worst decision I've ever made.

>> No.10042304

>not going to orientation as early as possible so you can make the best schedule


>> No.10042311

>implying i didn't go to the first orientation
>implying sb doesn't partition class sizes equally for every other orientation

more like my classmates are fast as shit

>> No.10042315

ayy im going there too

why d'you think its so bad?

>> No.10042316

There's a certain number of spots reserved for every orientation day, he probably means the spots for his orientation filled up fast

Shit I'm the same major. Are you effay? Why are we not roommates

>> No.10042319

>partitioning class sizes equally for each orientation

wow thats bullshit, I'd drop out immediately if I was you

>> No.10042323

6'1 chink, copped shit at the apolis surplus sale today

you want to get in touch?

>> No.10042341

Sure but I actually already have a roommate already so we can be friends. Are you on the app

>> No.10042386

same here, dorming at FT hopefully

Sue is in my name, and it should be obvious based on my profile in the app

>> No.10042606

University of Newcastle (AU)

>> No.10043058

Anyone SCAD here?

>> No.10043216

columbia is shit. they literally let anyone in as long as they pay the tuition. enjoy being classmates with a bunch of idiots. the vast majority of them will never even graduate. at least go to SAIC if you want to go to an art school

not very effay. full of rich kids who couldn't get into any better private school. the the worst choice, but not the best. the stifling, humid new orleans heat makes it difficult to dress well unless you want to wear boat shoes, chino shorts, and a tshirt/polo/short sleeve button up every single damn day

just a rich kids school (in it's past it was a commuter school for working class kids and adults). has some decent programs (philosophy is one of them)

>> No.10043239

ayyyyy fam
btw its not

>> No.10043443

Did you go to Tulane? I heard it cools off a bit so I can at least wear sweaters and jeans in December. I have heard bad things about people who go there though, hopefully I find my own niche idk

I have 9 pairs of shorts in preperation though.

>> No.10043455

couple of my friends go

>> No.10043548
File: 42 KB, 252x251, Emory_University_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emory represent

>> No.10043577

Is Kean Uni /fa/?

>> No.10043591

I've never found anyone else at Brunel here

>> No.10043661

No, but my brother went there on ROTC scholarship and I've been there a handful of times.

Seems like a lot of jerks, spoiled rich kids that aren't all that smart. New Orleans is a pretty cool city though, so at least you have that.

>> No.10043707
File: 19 KB, 500x462, UA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


foh, scum

>> No.10043829

Not >>10041666 but it varies by department. Acting depends on the studio, e.g. everybody I've met in experimental is a prick but the playwright people are cool. Cinema studies is tumblr babby shit, film (ayy) is really mixed and feels kind of like high school 2.0, game design people are too nerdy to be pretentious but all generally cool. I think there are other majors but I don't care.

>tfw scholarship poorboy trying to fit in with investment bankers' children

>> No.10043899

Everyone dresses badly, but they're all nice. Were you surprised that all the Asian qt's you imagined at Davis turned out to be disgusting outside of AXO?

>> No.10043935

You know any theatre designers?
Set, costumes, lighting, props, etc.

I'm a chemistry and dramatic art double major at UNC-CH and I mainly do lighting design. I always wondered what the designers were like at the big name arts schools.

I'd say UNC is pretty damn effay compared to a lot of the other schools in NC.

>> No.10043966

frig off tarhole

>> No.10044015
File: 19 KB, 314x205, BU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be shocked if any other bucknellians lurked /fa/ since I've only ever seen one person on campus wear anything resembling a /fa/ sense of style.

>> No.10044030
File: 24 KB, 565x318, l_09_Doyle_Cooper-logo_565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey neighbor

>> No.10044153

Just went to orientation for Portland State
Environmental Science fuccwitme

>> No.10044162

>class of 19
>just finished high school

lol goddamn 4chan is so fucking juvenile

>> No.10044185
File: 161 KB, 225x308, UCIrvineAnteaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to find some housing. w2c effay roommates

>> No.10044202

>tfw my weed dealer is a 65 year old hippy lady that lives in the 'burbs

>> No.10044207

bear down
what year are you?

>> No.10044219
File: 324 KB, 2100x764, ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

largest greek population in the country how fun

>> No.10044231
File: 390 KB, 676x1024, UVic_CoA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vic

>> No.10044298

All of China

>> No.10044301

cause its full of UBC rejects

>> No.10044312
File: 9 KB, 250x140, unc_asheville_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10044313
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peasant tier

SFU Bitches are so easy when I tell them I'm in ubc engineering

>> No.10044343
File: 63 KB, 640x400, UVic%20aerial[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, 1st year Compsci here, you live in Victoria or what?

>> No.10044353

uvic is a joke of a school, people only go there to party, dont expect anyone to think your degree is worth anything if you went there

>> No.10044354

Yo, I'm in Emory too
all those Han Solos
all those Dadcore
Can't deny the marble buildings looking nice though

>> No.10044357

I go to Caldwell uni in New Jersey does anyone else?

>> No.10044360

Yeah I mean I'm in Wall which is like the suite dorm so I won't have to deal with too much of the freshman dumb stuff

>> No.10044363

going next year for architectural studies

>> No.10044370

Loyola of New Orleans. Currently inbetween transferring to either NYU or Tulane.

>> No.10044397

whatever, that doesn't affect me at all though... I'm probably going to get overpaid for some local job where I press a few buttons once in a while...
plus I'm down to party

>> No.10044402

Anyone else do Politics BSC?
It's a good degree right ;_;

>> No.10044463

What are your pros and cons of Tulane?

>> No.10044571

already there or starting this year? I'm starting in sept but I took a gap year.

>> No.10044603


What's wrong with UCD?

>> No.10044714

Troy NY is a shit hole

>> No.10044728

anyone go to uni in asia? not a weeb but I'm interested in studying there

>> No.10044730

keking at all the "le master race stem" whose lives are going to parallel office space

>> No.10044770
File: 62 KB, 359x500, 51TJVHXCPGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than paralleling pic related

>> No.10044816

Ugly chinks who didnt get into UCB or UCLA go to Davis to study chemistry. Even sac state has hotter girls and is more /fa/.

>> No.10044828


Other than that, it's pretty great, especially in the humanities because all the teachers speak English.

>> No.10044843

I live in Uxbridge, its shit

>> No.10044853

suck my fat austinite dick

>> No.10044860
File: 276 KB, 750x749, University_of_texas_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10045087

agreed. everyone tries so hard for that ivy league sailboat shit. plebs.

>> No.10045108

Queen's U. Desert shoes and boat shoes as far as the eye can see. Also anything with a logo is usually considered gaudy.

>> No.10045242
File: 16 KB, 224x225, de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a very /fa/ school in terms of location, architecture, or student body. But the academics are pretty alright.

is ANYONE else here a Blue Hen???

>> No.10045252
File: 292 KB, 620x463, cooperUnion_28_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walk by your building all the time

>> No.10045263

Tisch NYU

Fuck all the other schools

>> No.10045269

>tfw had an internship at a security research lab
>One giant room with 50+ computers where people dick around and ride skateboards

My life will parallel the tech company in GTA 5

>> No.10045270

i went there. hows it feel to be paying for school pleb

>> No.10045319

are you gonna be staying on campus?

>> No.10045355
File: 3.04 MB, 1440x1384, wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a foreign affairs degree
>not being bilingual
>not trying to be an FSO
Some of you go to some really shit schools though lol

>> No.10045370

>Wanting to be an FSO
>Wanting to get shot at, blown up and payed shit for it just so you can get the chance to rub elbows in europe for one 5 month contract

Good luck with the tests. I hope you know pop culture references from countries like France all the way to Zimbabwe, and don't sperg during the oral, it's harder than the written test.

>> No.10045373
File: 327 KB, 1051x1024, Harvard_Wreath_Logo_1.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really happy about getting in but is harvard truly effay?

>> No.10045387

>tfw considered transferring to Stern but they take no outside credits
I agree.

>> No.10045395

I've never been anywhere so black, at least so road man

>> No.10045402

Well I've always wanted to do something exciting and there aren't many professional positions that offer that. Anyway, fall back if I fail the test is international business or corporate public affairs.

>> No.10045409

too well known, too nerdy, too progressive

dartmouth on the other hand is isolated, snobby, and sexist

>> No.10045410

No, but who needs to be /fa/ when you have the privilege of looking down on any non ivy leauger.

>> No.10045419

who /cnba/ here?

>> No.10045422


>> No.10045533
File: 7 KB, 180x180, wesleyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any WesHoes here?

>> No.10045545
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Penn State main didn't give me much money.

>> No.10045583

>liberal arts school

>> No.10045670
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>> No.10045696

oh yes ofc. depends on what kind of parties you want to go to i guess. are you a Transfer or Freshman?

>> No.10045718
File: 995 KB, 1014x558, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANU (aus)

>> No.10045725


>> No.10045728
File: 106 KB, 807x807, SBCC_logo_5.1(rgb).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ucsb kids are cool too

>> No.10045732

i am sorry

i hope you didn't pay extra money to come to indiana out of state

>> No.10045770

I'm from San Diego and I wanted to go to Indiana, it was a pretty cool place

>> No.10045800

I'm going to be 4th year (architecture) next year so its still free for me. What was your major?

>> No.10045882
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>> No.10045922

>I wanted to go to Indiana, it was a pretty cool place

I grew up in Indiana, and still live in the area. A bunch of kids I went to high school with either went to IU or Purdue. They both seemed like pretty shitty schools. I mean I guess they're okay, but a lot of Indiana idiots go to them. Indiana's a pretty fucking boring state. There are so many better places you could have gone.

>> No.10045954

c/o 2019 here, any tips before i show up 4 orientation?

>> No.10045975

going into jr year in eller

>> No.10045979

>paying a gorillion dollars a year for an above-average education

shit nigga just go ivy

>> No.10045989
File: 172 KB, 513x500, northeastern-university-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other boston /fa/gs here?

>> No.10046011

tfw 35 ACT but 3.0 gpa

>> No.10046028


whats up my man I'm transferring in this semester. how's the austin life?

>> No.10046031


I know about three people that do set design and construction, coincidentally they're the three biggest stoners I've ever met.

>> No.10046037

Yup, 2.9 gpa, 2100 SAT, 34 ACT

>> No.10046041

ACT score means literally nothing

and how fucking hard is it to get a decent gpa in high school? don't give me that bullshit that you're "smart" but just "don't apply yourself"

>> No.10046046


idk man i have 14 AP scores, two of which are 3s, and none below that

>> No.10046053


you probably won't see this response though

>> No.10046055

Same, ACT 34 but a 3.2 gpa

McGill fags ww@

>> No.10046070

NYU Alumni Class of 2012.

No loans, all scholarships.

Went from being shitted on by my Filipino friends for not having any heat to being the guy who actually pays for their shit without having to "ask my parents" or "wait for my next paycheck."

This has nothing to do with this thread, but if you're still in school - don't try to flaunt\ your /fa/ness if you still have to use your parents' credit cards.

Yeah, dressing nice will get you college sloots, but when you graduate - if you can't pay your rent or you're still living at home but camp for kicks and all that shit - you're a fuccboi.

And that's that.

>whimmy wham wham wazzle.

>> No.10046072
File: 326 KB, 900x571, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not anymore

>> No.10046083

>Bachelor of Arts

might as well throw it in the trash

>> No.10046089

I got a 28 on ACT, and my GPA was 2.3 I was severly depressed and thought about killing myself Sophomore and start of Junior year so I basically just slept through class all day and didn't give a shit. By then it was too late to get my GPA above 3 when I more mentally stable. If anything, GPA doesn't mean shit either. There were kids with 4.0s from taking the minimum amount of actual classes and then taking like 20 fucking home economic classes

>> No.10046099

>33 ACT and 4.0 GPA, above average ECs

I should've applied to all of the ivies, I probably could've gotten into one. I still got into a pretty selective school but maybe grad school i'll shoot even higher.

>> No.10046106
File: 134 KB, 325x325, University_of_Nevada_(at)_Reno_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Nevada bros? I'm a Junior tho.

>> No.10046108
File: 152 KB, 500x374, wack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tisch is the 4chan equivalent of a college. Full of shit people and up its ass, but at times dank.

Steinhardt is the only place you'll regularly find decent humans. Courant grad reporting.

>> No.10046113
File: 9 KB, 157x255, boogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harvard grad posting on latvian bomb making board
what went wrong?

>> No.10046118

Its Harvard retard, it doesn't matter what his degree is

>> No.10046129

lel I wipe my ass with liberal arts degrees

I'll see you next time I place an order at Starbucks

>> No.10046131
File: 966 KB, 4995x1598, officialblack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is it /fa/?

>> No.10046143

absolutely everything

>> No.10046145

>Actually bragging about going to ubc
Must've hurt getting rejected from mcgill

>> No.10046149

timber went there

it's probably one of the most /fa/ universities, but in general university is not a /fa/ experience at all

we only have these dumb threads because average age of /fa/ posters is 16-20

>> No.10046165


lol, what're you like 17?

>> No.10046230

not that guy, but are you retarded? anybody who goes to a school like harvard and graduates is pretty much guaranteed a cushy life. Even with a humanities degree you can get a job at some financial institution on wall street. Going to college is more about making connections than it is about learning "job skills." No degree really teaches you how to do a job. Doing that requires on-the-job experience. A school like Harvard gets you the kinds of connections to get very good, promising careers

or you can go to some flyover state school and get a STEM degree and wind up driving for uber in your mom's 2007 prius.

>> No.10046233

ubc is #2 engineering school in canada, i didnt even apply to uoft (only better school) because i dont have the funds to move across canada to live in shitfuckistan ontario and not get domestic student aid

mcgill is booty anyway nigger

>> No.10046382

"flyover" states made this country faggot

>> No.10046463
File: 118 KB, 518x428, sbu-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10046528


>> No.10046557

Like the school itself is cool idk

>> No.10046637

Pretty badass.

I go to St. Edward's so I can't speak for UT culture specifically, but there's plenty to do and experience here. It's hard to think of a musician that doesn't travel out to Austin at least once a year, there are plenty of art exhibits, west campus parties and dirty sixth for the university students, tons of investment coming into the city, etc. I could go on.

Really the only downside is the traffic and hearing people who aren't even from Texas and moved to Austin five years ago bitch about how much Austin has changed.

Just a disclaimer if you're going to UT: I lived on West Campus for a year for shits and gigs, and the greek presence on campus is strong. I know a lot of students try to deny it and explain that something like just 10% of UT students are in greek life, but that wouldn't be such a widely known statistic if there wasn't some sort of inferiority complex coming from non-greek students as a reaction to the influence of greek life. Also, don't let gender-specific "spirit" groups lie to you: they are fraternities and sororities rebranded. No judgment against greek life - I really don't mind it and have a good amount of friends involved in greek life - but greeks definitely rule the school at UT. Be prepared for that, /fa/ typically seems to be pretty hostile towards greek life.

>> No.10046645

hit me up,
netid is hgt7

>> No.10046655
File: 77 KB, 300x300, CSU_Stanislaus_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /mediocre/ here?

>> No.10047022


>> No.10047042

Ahahaha wait wait wait, people are still falling for the Columbia College Chicago scam??

Holy fuck, good luck buddy.

>> No.10047618

Why the "or"?

>> No.10047624

That's close to my hometown.
I'm so sorry.

>> No.10047628

Hey friendo, let's eat at the Wang center sometime.

>> No.10047633

Anybody in Minnesota?

>> No.10047752

I'm down

Long Island /fa/ spaghetti fest 2k14

>> No.10047998

I like Rutgers, but the campuses besides Livingston are ugly as shit

>> No.10049735

Columbia University

>> No.10049746

>implying Emory is effay

You're a step above Tech, though.

I go to school in Atlanta, but I'm 99% sure I'm the only one from my school that frequents this board.

Here for the summer for an internship. Everything is so expensive.

>> No.10049749

thinking about transferring to university of rhode island to do their textiles, fashion merchandising, and design.
anyone know of this school/program?

>> No.10049768

live alone and spare yourself from the normies at this school

>> No.10049959
File: 41 KB, 594x388, 25109934_BG1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people here dress well but it's mostly puck sluts and bros in roshes/athletic shorts

>> No.10050071

UW Seattle

>> No.10050189

were you the guy who wore cps to the 22/23 orientation

>> No.10050205

can I talk to you about getting in, bro?

>> No.10050258


I was asking which is better.

>> No.10050287

Autism 101

>> No.10050465


Did your orientations feel like summer camp, like mine did two years ago?

>> No.10050471

Any liverpool man?

>> No.10050494


I hope you have team Jordan's to blend in with all of the local stinky mexicans ;)

>> No.10050503

Graduated from here, currently working for a US military defense contractor building experimental weapons.

ASU is seriously the best big school. It's like a 4 year vacation where you learn from some of the most experienced people in your field, due to being so big into research.

You better be going for a good major though.

>> No.10050514

Wisconsin is probably the worst dressed states in the country.

>> No.10050521

>cannot refute the truth

dank meimeis

>> No.10050542

Lol UBC's standards are much higher than McGill.
McGill does have a much better worldwide reputation though.

>> No.10050566

I wouldn't know because I haven't been to a summer camp.
My orientation was mostly listening to presentations for both days and some activities.

>> No.10050570

ayy I'm going to westmont this coming year, is SB a fun place?

>> No.10050598

haha im a local everyone here hates tulane kids

>> No.10050603

you must have been an academic god in high school. i commend you sir

>> No.10050649


Nah. Livi is just modern and lacks any identity. Cook is definitely the best looking, especially in the fall. Second I'd say College Ave, it just has more personality .

Last i'd definitely say is Busch. Not only is the campus ugly, but the people who live their look like aspies. Once I get on a bus to bush I immediately notice the higher percentage of weird looking people.

Lel probably not. Have you've peeped the TONS of rich Asians drenched in expensive ass clothing? Like Pyrex and Designer shoes and shit

>> No.10050665

i live in the UK and want to study somewhere on the east coast for a semester or two

where is an /fa/ place to study?

>> No.10050673
File: 10 KB, 259x194, jmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10050860



>> No.10050892

SB if you're into beaches and being in a frat; Davis if you like different seasons, skinny people, biking/skating/walking, good coffee, and cheap housing.

You can have a lot of fun at SB if you're social, but it's expensive. The most anyone at Davis pays for housing is 1000 a month, and that's with your own bedroom and bathroom.

>> No.10050915

is a 31 act all right or should i just give up and go to cc

>> No.10050923

I feel like you went to my high school

>> No.10050961

So I've heard, I just went for orientation and shit I hate some of them. This is supposed to be a top 50 school and some of the people here are so fucking dumb, plus even after only 2 days the cliques started to form. There's a huge divide between the stoners and casual drinkers and the frat fags. Fuck. Wish I got in to American.

It's pretty much high school 2.0

>> No.10051028

you better have good extracurriculars if u want to go somewhere good bc my 2210 sat couldnt even get me into ucla

>> No.10051232

BU incoming freshman

>still terrified

>> No.10051234

It's okay anon, we can't all have a 3.0

>> No.10051248

yeah i got band, jazz band, cross country and volunteering hours but i feel like im fucked

>> No.10051287

Transferring next year... The whole campus is a fucking skatepark!!!

>> No.10051352

Susquehanna here

>> No.10051415

31 will get you a scholarship at most state schools and is ballpark for USC/NYU teir schools. Focus on being original in your applications/interests

>> No.10051437
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>> No.10051448

During the school year yes, going into 3rd year

That's what everyone who doesn't go here says
You'd be surprised, our academics our academics are legit (along with the parties)

Ni hao :)!

>> No.10051475

Why would you go there anon, do you enjoy getting pink whales shoved down your throat

>> No.10051817
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>> No.10051830

nah bruh. i'm in marshall college. my orientation happens in sept or some shit. was actually planning on copping a pair of cp's tho.


it's good. don't expect it to save your trash gpa and/or boring ass application. some friends of mine had like 29/30's after 3 tries and still got into ucla/berkeley.

>> No.10051836

What I thought everyone was asian and nerdy

>> No.10052099

Nyc, Boston are both cool cities and good for uni students

>> No.10052101

>not going to school outside of your hometown
>thinking you're better for going to ubc
l o l

>> No.10052116

go to wyoming or north/south dakora

>> No.10052121
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does anyone know where birthday is going to college?

pls respond

>> No.10052165

ubc is a top 50 school how mad r u?

>> No.10052172


years? Major? are you on campus for the summer?

2016/physics here and yea

>> No.10052193

I'll be a senior next year.
I can try to show you around if you want.

>> No.10053108

At night it's so peaceful. You'll see maybe 4 people on campus and you can skate around forever.

>> No.10053896

lmao, fuck no

>> No.10054145

im going to UBC this fall, how is it? Staying in dorms btw.

>> No.10054161

Transferring to Western Washington in the Fall. Is Bellingham /fa/ ?

>> No.10054168

lmao our school student body uniform is northface sperrys and pastels

>> No.10054518
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Fraternity man checking in.


>> No.10054537



UVic has the hands down most /fa/ campus on N. America

>> No.10054543


Shit butthurt UBC/SFU students say

>> No.10054563

Ski-U-Mah, bitches

>> No.10054572

I got in with a 2100 and shit essays. I guess it helps I'm in-state. Also took like or so APs, so its basically all GPA.

>> No.10054581
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Who New College of Florida here?
Biopsychology, pre-med student here!

>> No.10054641
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>> No.10054710

late but nice.
junior too. econ, but through sbs not eller

>> No.10054786
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who /SLO/ here

>> No.10054851

florida state university

i transferred here from University of Tirana just so i could have an excuse to see the US

mfw i've been arrested three times ranging from criminal mischief to burglary
mfw i've been getting all As
mfw i think i'm getting deported unless the state attorney agrees to a second diversion program
mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway
mfw i'm only here to waste time until my father's estate transfers in my name

>> No.10054944

i have almost no white friends at uci because you can't really find them without their frat bros. more often you'll find asian people into cooler shit.

white people are kind of trapped here, i've literally never seen an /fa/ white guy here because they're all in frats which makes them all into lames. they're all in frats to escape the insane amount of asian people here so i guess it's kind of understandable.

nerdy only if you're in STEM, the people in arts are fun as fuck. we have live shows inside the painting studios and in student studios too.

i'm assuming you're an incoming freshman/transfer. my advice to you is to take at least one art class, be it painting, sculpture, or photography. you'll meet some fucking great people.

>> No.10054958
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I know there's at least another one of you faggots here.

>saw a guy wearing what looked like Julius walking the dog around the campus in mid-summer sun kek

>> No.10055015
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>> No.10055030
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Starting in the fall

>> No.10055379
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hows the rain and chinese robots?

>> No.10055391
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IU has a TON of out of state kids, the highest proportion of the Big Ten I think. At IU (best fucking years of my life) I probably had only one in-state friend, the rest were from either coast and Chicago.

On another note, what matters is what you study in college, not as much where you go to school. Regretting not doing business or informatics now...

>> No.10055456

I like your country

>> No.10055477
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>> No.10055491


Transferring this semester as well, from UNT. See you there m8

>> No.10055511

hows being our shitty worse than sfu inferior?

>> No.10055576


good man! amazing views everywhere, 90% white people, and a campus that i can actually walk around without construction.

>> No.10056104
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Daily reminder that Harvard sucks
Yale too
UPenn is a state school

Columbia is cool. My friend had a Gareth Pugh scythe ring, and the only people that mired it were Columbia sloots

>> No.10056182

fuck you im jealous too bad your academics suffer because ubco is fucking trashbin

>> No.10056236

keep taking them, my 2320 SAT was from my third and final try, but holy shit my gpa was ass-- unweighted was like 3.2 with 5 APs

i was waitlisted at Stern with my laughable gpa, so try applying there

>> No.10056285

Yep, I go there and it's pretty good. I don't know anything about that major though

>> No.10056310
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Any other boiler/fa/gs here?

>> No.10056311

I'm up at umd. But if it's anything besides hockey, ski-u-mah

>> No.10056316

doing a year abroad in Leiden next year

>> No.10056357

Fellow Canberrafag

Is ANU any good? I'm thinking of doing Honours Philosophy there when I finish school.

>> No.10056359

leiden? you study law? i'm just saying that if you study something technical you should go to delft instead

>> No.10056393

the shit we study over there doesn't really matter, i'm doing west modules completely unrelated to my degree. don't even pay tuition which is nice

>> No.10056419

I loved living on college ave, the LX takes only like 5 minutes, I hated going to cook/douglass when it was raining or snowing because it takes a good 20 minutes on the bus and walking is a pain in the ass.

The non-fob asians are pretty cool though

>> No.10056492


>> No.10056617

University known for it's engineering. Has second largest greek community in the country. Wonder how that plays out...

>> No.10056626

who /manhattancollege/ here
how is it?

>> No.10056661


They fucked my fin aid last minute. Pulling up to American SIS with the ability to register for SFS classes so can't complain.

>> No.10056664


They fucked my fin aid last minute. Pulling up American SIS with early registration for SFS classes so can't complain.

>> No.10056669

Hi mate, ANU is a research based uni first and foremost, so undergrad isn't really their strong point but honours and post grad stuff would be strong. According to my friend who is pretty knowledge on academic philosophy ANU has a great faculty. Apparently they are moving towards ethics as a main field of study but you should look into that. ANU as a uni is pretty good, the campus is pleasant though sparese. For an undergrad, first year, like me its not that fun because I'm townie. If you stayed at a college the social/party aspect would be better.

>> No.10056673
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3rd year Physics

>> No.10056703

feel sorry for those studying in uk unis. Apart from being able to go to bars and clubbing, the American university culture has so much more to offer. Some of my best friends study there. :(

>> No.10056711

Glad I didn't get shot at secondary school though

Also, really quite glad I don't have to deal with all that retarded frat/sorority shit, you americans are wierd AS.

What do you think the pros of USA are?

>> No.10056727
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>> No.10057190

>we're the weird ones


>> No.10057298

That was me actually. Muir college?

>> No.10057307

Also ucsd cs major. I'll see you around homie.

>> No.10058613
File: 2.63 MB, 4000x3000, ed-and-hannah-wedding-march-4th-2011-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Brits going to RoHo? I'll be starting my 2nd year, the place is full of /fa/ foreign rich kids

>> No.10058625


McGill fag right here bruh

>fuck minerva

>> No.10058688
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go panthers, class of 2017

>> No.10058714
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>> No.10058805

Is Amherst fa?

>> No.10058867


possibly the worst university posted in this thread thus far

>> No.10058997
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Got a feeling it's not very /fa/

>> No.10059063

jesus this place looks nice

>> No.10059160

Massachusetts institute of technology? anyone?

>> No.10059187
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probably the least /fa/ university in the least /fa/ city of the entire country

>> No.10059193


i have 2 friends headed there, neither of them are /fa/

>> No.10059222

for sure. might switch out to another major tho. cs is great at ucsd but I don't think it's for me. heck i might even try to transfer to another UC what college are you part of?

>> No.10059297
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Civil Engineering major here

>> No.10059327
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>> No.10059332
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lol I know it's not /fa/

>> No.10059442

yeah I knew you were gonna be on this board

>> No.10059920


me too...

>> No.10059998

but SLC it's confy

>> No.10060145


Madison isn't part of Wisconsin it's like Austin of the North

>> No.10060172
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Starting an MA at Durham (UK), spent three years at Warwick which is not very /fa/ at all apart from a few rich Asian kids

>> No.10060209

ayyy lmao currently at summer session UCLA.

>> No.10060270

i know this is 4 days late but are you in Bloomington? spent some time with some punks there a few years ago and it's a surprisingly cool town considering the location

>> No.10060438
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patrician here

>> No.10060458

seems p basic tbh

my friend went there and he was basically dressed in full topman

>> No.10060462

Me too. Which college are you in?

>> No.10060470

Trevelyan, but I'm not staying in halls so I don't know how involved in it I'm gonna be unless the social side of stuff is really good. wbu?

>> No.10060484


Yes, I go here

>> No.10060489


>> No.10060490


Unless you are into the whole "hippy stoner" look bellingham is def not /fa/. I go to western its a fashion wasteland lol

>> No.10060498

i'm hoping to go here in september, currently debating whether to live at newcastle or stay at home

>> No.10060523

a lot of bros. go to chasers and you'll always see at least one pair of salmon shorts

>> No.10060526

Newcastle is a lot of fun to live in

>> No.10060555

Apparently Durham are pretty big on getting everyone involved, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're dragged out. I'm in Grey. Hoping the postgrad halls aren't dire.

>> No.10060557

Mixed media arts - experimental film and audioperformance
none of u are as fa as me

>> No.10060587

What about people in fashion school or people with fashion related majors...

>> No.10060632

what do you guys think of Manhattan College

>> No.10060752
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Nah, mate. I had a 4.0, 2350 SAT, and took 14 AP classes and I didn't get in.
tfw being Jewish didn't even help me

>> No.10060754

RIP income

>> No.10060781

im have pretty much secured "job" as videos artist.
I have one of biggest film festivals in my country. By the end of the year i am having solo exhibition in more less prestigious gallery

>> No.10060817

your application was probably trash then. Or you weren't "unique" enough.

>> No.10060832

Is a fifth year at high school /fa/?

>> No.10060837

no, it's sad.

>> No.10060855

Didn't flunk anything, just dunno what I'm doing yet.

>> No.10061108


>> No.10061113
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forgot pic