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File: 28 KB, 578x375, antiperspirant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10034673 No.10034673 [Reply] [Original]

I am allergic to aluminium in antipersperants so I need deodorant suggestions.
I want something that wont be overpowering or make me smell like a used car salesman.
Pls help.

>> No.10034678

tom's of maine
use the archive

>> No.10034695

I used that stuff for years, especially the apricot but they changed the formula and now it makes me (and a lot of other people) itch like mad.

>> No.10034702

just wash yourself everyday and don't use any deodorant. It's shit and you will have cancer from it.

>> No.10034804
File: 31 KB, 480x360, 1336533690462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind sweating , I just dont like to stink.
Dont really want to smell like aftershave either.
Wat do?

>> No.10034827

>make me smell like a used car salesman

wtf kinda deoderant were u wearing?

>> No.10034857

>I am allergic to aluminium in antipersperants


>> No.10034860


They all seem to smell like cologne to me.

>> No.10034900

Dude I break out in an itchy rash. Thats not the same as being a pain in the ass vegan.

>> No.10034902

in the ladies deo roll section are often scents that smell very neutral and are without aluminium
often its house brands of drug stores

>> No.10034909

It doesnt smell girly?

>> No.10034933
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10034960
File: 53 KB, 448x586, arm&hammerNaturalsDeodorant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started using this because the aluminum in antiperspirants were ruining my shirt pits. No stains with this deodorant and the smell is a pleasant citrus. There's also an unscented version. It's made with "natural" ingredients so that might help with your allergies as well

>> No.10035096

Thanks anon, i will go give this a sniff today.

>> No.10035324

literally anything not labeled as "Antiperspirants." everything else is aluminum-free.

if you're looking for aluminum-free antiperspirants, that might be a little harder to come by.

also, check the catalog, there are already TWO smell threads: >>9998618 and, more relevant to you, >>10028622

>> No.10035337

This burns my armpits

>> No.10035349

I dont use this shit, just try showering every morning. My pits dont smell that way, if the heat gets tovyour pits wax that shit off, dont shave shit stings

>> No.10035353

>My pits dont smell that way

that's what you think. ask the people around trying to avoid you if they smell anything.

>> No.10035371

Can vouch for this brand

>> No.10035378
File: 142 KB, 800x800, Bulldog_Skincare_for_Men_Original_Deodorant_50ml_1394011739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using pic related for a few years now, it's great
Natural ingredients
Gentle Pine/cedar/lemony smell

>> No.10035402

I've been using one from lush with baking powder. It's smelly though. Very spicy smelling which is nice because I wear gentlemens only and it's a little stuffy smelling. They work well together.

>> No.10035618

well if you buy ~lovely rose~ it probably will
but some just really smell like normal soap reading the tag might help

>> No.10035699

All of the unscented deodorants in the womens section are also antiperperants.
I looked like some sort of perv checking every single label in the women section:(

>> No.10036677

Lime juice on your armpits will stop you from sweating. Wait until dry, then apply any deodorant over it.

Ancient Mexican secret, homeboy.

>> No.10036742

Im white though :_:

>> No.10036879


you wear the givenchy deoderant or cologne?

im wearing the deodorant as well, along with issey miyake

>> No.10036948

Have you experienced the supposed reaction when skin with lime juice is exposed to the sun? Does it stop sweat only, sweat and odor or odor only? How about baking soda combination?

>> No.10038408

thead is bump

>> No.10038442

Bionsen, aluminium free and sensitive. Not girly smelling either.

>> No.10038474

says its from the uk only.
probably full of boswollocks

>> No.10039036
File: 80 KB, 187x196, 1434829754036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I've used nothing but lemon on my pits for years and it works.

The acidity of the juice kills the odor-causing bacteria and the smell is barely noticeable, if you stick your nose right in there it'll only smell of lemons

shaving/trimming armpits will also help

don't put lemon on your pits on the same day that you shaved, if you don't know why then maybe you should try it

>> No.10039131

Gonna try this. Do you use real lemons or the bottled juice?

>> No.10039277

either works, fresh lemon yields the best results though

>> No.10039505

I've been using magnesium hydroxide aka "milk of magesia" as a deo. Best deo I've ever used.

I've always been somewhat skeptical of anti-perspirants. Not only have they never really worked (maybe because I live in a tropical country or I'm just retarded and never applied enough of it or something), but the idea of clogging something that isn't actually meant to be clogged always seemed an iffy practice for long term use.

Found that milk of magnesia, which is apparently used to treat constipation, is a great deo for combating BO.

I have no problem with sweat. Sweat is healthy. But the bacteria that eat said sweat and then excrete that BO smell? Yeah, that I can do without. Remove the bacteria that are the cause of BO and all's well.

I tried some suggestions I read online for just killing the bacteria like rubbing alcohol, but they didn't really work (and the alcohol wasn't exactly good for my sensitive underarm skin).

Found some people using this white stuff. It works. No smell, I sweat when I need to, but there's no smell at all. Allows for whatever colognes or eau de toilettes I use to actually smell through and not be mingled with and ruined by some cheapo deo brand smell.

For best results:
Wash the underarms first, obviously, should be doing this with whatever deo you use. Soap and water when you wash. Won't remove (all) the smell causing bacteria though, but helps.

Rub some of the milk right up in the armpit. If you haven't washed you'll need to use more, if you have just washed you can use less.

You should let it dry naturally, and this can be a prob for some of you that are in a hurry to dress and get out the door in the morning. If I'm in a hurry I just use a floor fan to help speed it up.

If you don't you'll get some white stains obviously - towel off excess will help, but unlike the stains from regular deo's this stuff just washes off. I wear a white shirt so it doesn't bother me if I'm in a hurry.

My pores aren't unnaturally clogged. No smell.

>> No.10039534

Oh, and when you choose some milk of magnes from a pharmacy or whatever, don't buy the sweetened or flavoured versions. You don't want some sugary sweet shit in you underarms and getting stuck to your clothes.

Buy the most plain and unadulterated one you can.
The one I buy is scented with camphor, which is a nice plus but whatever.

Using this has allowed me to, when the odd occasion has come up, to wear the same shirt more than once.

Like on a unexpected, drunken impulse weekend road trip I took with friends. None of us had changes of clothes, but my clothes weren't exactly soiled like theirs were because mine didn't smell, because I didn't smell.

This has allowed me to get away with wearing, when I've really needed to, the same shirt twice out in this tropical heat. Sure it's not ideal, but doing so whilst not having underarm bacteria has allowed me to get away with it with significantly more grace than if I were reeking like something demonic.

I don't know if magnesium allergy's are a thing, but if you find this anon's >>10039036
citrusy solution too acidic for your skin, try magnesium hydroxide.

>> No.10039902

Nasanta make an antiperspirant with magnesium as the active ingredient. I don't know why all deodorants don't use magnesium instead of aluminium. It does the same thing and it's an essential mineral that we all actually need in our bodies.


>> No.10039919

use citrus peels like orange/lemon peels. Squeeze the peel so the juice comes out. Rub the skin under armpit

>> No.10039972

I had been looking for an aluminium free deoderant that actually works and doesn't have perfume in it. I found a brand called NutriBiotic that seems to work for me (unlike those crystal rocks that hippies try to use). I like the unscented one because I hate it when people smell like walking petrochemical factories.

>> No.10039997

I should add that the NutriBiotic one isn't 'wet' and it also doesn't leave marks in clothing, which is great. I intend to try out a magnesium one too at some point.

>> No.10041504

>googles magnesium deodorant

loads of hippy alt medicine garbage

>> No.10042308

Are you Dominican?

>> No.10042534

They tested aluminium free deodorants here, the site is German though. You can use google translate or something, or google the individual products by their names.

>> No.10042563
File: 29 KB, 1000x1000, 11654104_1598139110460870_1853345949_o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10042657

So what's a good deodorant I can actually get in EU?

>> No.10042969

do they say it works?

>> No.10042991


the best!

>> No.10043056

One test that tested both antitranspirants and deodorants has a few aluminium-free deodorants with good results (2 on a scale from 1-6). They measured the sweat intensity with and without the product, so they seem to work.

I'm currently using one of these deodorants and I have to say: it doesn't work as well as antitranspirants. With antitranspirants I barely smell after 24h, with aluminium-free deodorants I get smelly after a few hours on a bad day.

>> No.10043074

do you sleep around a lot?
I have noticed that promiscuous people tend to have stronger body odor

>> No.10043111

I honestly have no clue. I found that link through google. I wear Rexona for women :)

>> No.10043149

lol wat

>> No.10043170

>I dont use this shit, just try showering every morning
I guarantee you smell like garbage 100% of the time lmao.

>> No.10043476

its true anon

>> No.10043511

>deodorant without aluminim
>make you smell like anything other than BO

>> No.10043617

Its like the old adage of dont wash your vagina with a a dirtier vagina.
Words to live by.

>> No.10043657

why would you want to wash your vagina with another vagina?

>> No.10043669
File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, aesop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using it for three months and it still hasn't gone below the yellow line despite me spraying more than most people do, so it's actually cheap as fuck to use.

>> No.10043691

It's 50mL, how can you use so little?

>> No.10043855

Not everyone is so promiscuous as you are anon.
I dont produce much odor.

>> No.10043894

One spray is enough according to most people that review it, as it's quite strong, but I usually use two or even three.

>> No.10044941

I think you can get rock crystal deodorants without aluminium

>> No.10044985

for lack of a sink

>> No.10045008

semi-related, I'm sweaty as fuck and use hardcore deoderant, but I start to get white buildup in the pits of my shirts and have to throw them away after a few months

any way to get rid of that shit?

>> No.10045063

>any way to get rid of that shit?
it's worse if you use hot water to wash them, and then even worse when you iron the shirts
bakes that shit in
you can mitigate this somewhat by making sure the deo is dry on you before putting on a shirt, but it'll still bleed into the shirt throughout the day
wear the shirt once and wash it ASAP is the only way, but just not practical unless you have someone to wash your shit the second you take it off for the day

>> No.10045068

I use salt deodorant. Works like a charm I may sweat a bit but i don't smell.

>> No.10045070
