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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 470x264, mh_logo_whas11_file_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10034537 No.10034537 [Reply] [Original]

H&M is fucking based. great design, superb prices. always fresh, understated and interesting designs. best fast fashion store ever.

and no, your prada sweatshirt won't get you a gf. we're laughing at you /fa/.

>> No.10034568
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>> No.10034576
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>> No.10034585 [DELETED] 

If you're gonna go the anti-fashion route you might as well take it all the way.

>> No.10034589
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If you're gonna go the anti-fashion route you might as well take it all the way.

>> No.10034598

>shit quality
>looks crappy
>everyone wears it

There way better brands which don't cost that much more and look good

>> No.10034634


>> No.10034644

Topman, American apparel

>> No.10034661
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keep lurking. try again another time

>> No.10034664

I never talk shit about H&M because I don't want people to stop buying from them.

It is extremely useful to me - if you buy from brands like H&M, I immediately lose any interest in even talking to you. It helps me to tell apart people who are shit, boring and ordinary from actually interesting ones.

So... just keep buying from them. At the end of the day, that's what you're worth: shit. Don't try to disguise yourself, stick to what you deserve.

>> No.10034668


>> No.10034676

I'm done with H&M after buying a T-shirt there and it having holes in it after just a month. How the fuck is that even possible?

>> No.10034681

>look I'm so fashion and better than everyone else

>> No.10034682

>Don't try to disguise yourself,

As if wrapping yourself in 1000 dollar fits isn't disguising yourself into being someone else.

The pretentiousness of /fa/ is absolutely laughable

Live and let live people.

>> No.10034686

Rip t-shirt and 3 cambodian children

>> No.10034692

Topman is a better version of hm though. Gap is also better than hm.

>> No.10034701


If you buy from fast fashion brands, you're a shit consumer. You probably read shitty books, watch shitty movies, listen to shitty music.

Anyone who is even mildly interesting and does some research on things would never buy into that kind of industry.

>> No.10034707

Thats still pretty pretentious and you are just making ridiculous assumptions based on what a person wears.

>> No.10034715


ahaha /fa/ you never disappoint

>> No.10034719

h'es actually right

people badly dressed up tend to have bad general test.

Works to opposite way

H&M isnt complete shit. From time to time they have good stuff.

>> No.10034723

Most people don't care about designer fashion. And for good reason. It's not a smart buy. The reason it's so marked up is not just because of the materials. It's because they have incredible production inefficiency since they are smaller firms. You're paying a huge markup not just because of exclusivity, but because they waste a ton of money in production. What would be nice is a middle ground where the quality is good for the price. But then that's called banana republic, jcrew, and nordstrom.

>> No.10034725

I don't give a fuck about some average Joe's idea of "pretentiousness".

If you buy from H&M you're an unconcerned, ignorant, drone consumer. You probably eat industrial food just as you wear cheap fabrics manifactured by exploited third-worlders.

It's not just about fashion. It is pretty much telling of a whole lifestyle.

>> No.10034730

>You're paying a huge markup not just because of exclusivity, but because they waste a ton of money in production.

They "waste" a ton of money in procution because they don't exploit underpayed asian workers who work in sweatshops.

I'm more than willing to pay the markup of a "high-end fashion brand" who is respectful of work conditions and workers in general. And which manifactures in Europe or the US.

>> No.10034731

>If you don't care about fashion and clothing you don't care about your life!
Yeah, Sure. If thats what you need to tell yourself.

>> No.10034734

There's a reason third worlders work there, asshat. Because being a land leasing peasant is worse than being a corperate peon. They make more money and the contries infastructure improves eventually leading to an improved overall economy. Look at china. You're so basic.

>> No.10034741

You must be so much fun at parties.
I bet everyone loves hearing what you have to say.

>> No.10034742

>They make more money and the contries infastructure improves eventually leading to an improved overall economy. Look at china. You're so basic.

lol, neoliberal bullshit. Bet you're an amerishit.

>> No.10034747


>> No.10034751

You don't have even a basic understanding of economics. If the sweatshops were worse than what they already were doing they wouldn't work there. Being a peasant working a rice field that you don't even own, completely dependent on weather is far worse. Industry brings money and infastructure. Communications, roads, electricity. Look at china. If the factories were so bad then they wouldn't have the second highest gdp with standard of living improving nationally. They eat more meat there than they ever have. The common man can afford beef. And you're sure as shit it's because of the factories. It was only 150 years ago that the US and Europe were in the same state that china is and we were "exploiting" one another.

>> No.10034765

You sure can parrot buzzwords there, champ. Articulately argued. I sure can take you seriously with your 15 year olds manifesto.

>> No.10034774
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>> No.10034791

plz dont fall into the neoliberal trap of blaming the individual for the nefarious practises of corporations. it is the businesses that have normalized the use of exploitative labor in the minds of the consumer; ur so-called 'drones' are to be pitied, not mocked

>> No.10034792

Completely stupid - you can have great taste in food, music and movies and just don't give shit about clothing.

>> No.10034799


Ok I kinda agreed with you to an extent before this post but now that comment is just so incredibly condescending I have no idea where you're coming from.

The lifestyle your explaining is pretty much impossible for 99% of people. You're telling me you don't have ANY clothes made by "exploited third world workers"??? what the fuck? Do you get your clothes hand made in Savile Row or something? INCLUDING your boxers and socks?

Also what's up with "industrial food"? There is absolutely nothing wrong with buy food from a fucking grocery store m8

You're either a delusional idealist, or insanely rich on daddys money.

but I do kinda agree with your original point

>> No.10034806

Comrade speaks the truth.

>> No.10034812

I don't think you know how basic economics work either. You both need to lay off the kool aid.

>> No.10034815

He probably also thinks gmos are bad. He believes whatever the media tells him and doesn't actually read into it himself.

>> No.10034821

nah son
the designs are okay but theyre also basic af
everybody is shopping at h&m and thats why everybody looks the same
low quality
also bangladesh kids work

>> No.10034828

u mad cause h&m is actual fast fashion shit for tasteless plebs

>> No.10034832

>buy pair of H&M pants
>pull them on by the belt loops
>belt loops tear off

never again

>> No.10034837

Double digit iq confirmed.

>> No.10034840

there's plenty of room to improve the worker conditions in places like bangladesh (@ least to the point people arent burning to death, gradually poisoning themselves, dying of exhaustion etc) without removing their global competitive edge

>> No.10034842

greta & luis,kilian kerner

>> No.10034843
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>arguing clothes manufacturing ethics on a China made computer

>comparing fast fashion to what they derive their designs from

this autism

>> No.10034853

just bc you dont buy at H&M it doesnt mean you spend 10903589 dollar on an outfit
like do you plebs only know h&m as an affordable shop for clothes?

>> No.10034858

Do you smoke? The only time I ever got a hole in one of my clothes was when the wind blew my cigarette's ash on it.

I sure hope you dress like these alternative ethno hippies because everything else would be hypocritical. Capitalism has no conscience, if a company can safe money and maximize profits, they will.

I fail to see how $400 sewn by gypsies & gooks high fashion shit is ethically any better than $40 stuff sewn by shitskins.

>> No.10034863
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All of you who think h&m is appropriate to wear are fucking plebs with no money. Jesus christ, help yourselves please fa. Stop buying all these tasteless shit you ignorant pleb fucks. Go find yourself a job with actual $$$.

>> No.10034865

They asked for brands that are slightly better than h&m, why do you not think these brands are a little more of an upgrade than h&m?

>> No.10034869

>>arguing clothes manufacturing ethics on a China made computer

Self-assembled with components manifactured in Germany. Sorry, Amerifat.

>> No.10034870

look somebodys butthurt

speaks quite much for an ignorant person, some people are just too afraid of the reality

>> No.10034873

Hahaha he's gonna cry!

>> No.10034874
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>> No.10034882

And I'm sure they will. China has put tons of laws into place similar to osha. But india has quite a way to go. What you may not know is that corperations don't have everything in house, as one company. They get bids from manufacturers and are only associated with them by order and contract. They don't actually own the factory the goods are produced. So it's not actually the retailer who created these work environments. But thanks more to lawyers trying to grub money than flag throwers like you most large companies are setting standards for even these external manufacturers. India is pretty disgusting overall still. They have a lot more to worry about than just factories. I'd like to see improvement on their road system first. The death rates on their roads are out of control. But as all deceloping contries their standard of living and workers safety will improve as the country gets wealthier.

>> No.10034889

I don't wear hm. I just don't preach sophomoric idealism or find basic punctuation to be a chore.

>> No.10034906

ironic ur posting this

true tho

>> No.10034905

Shit, bye lads

>> No.10034919

You sound like what a cunt would say if it could talk.

>> No.10034925

>autism intensifies

>> No.10034928

I don't think women are capible of being as bombastic as I am. You are aware they can speak, right?

>> No.10034938

Is S.Oliver ok?

>> No.10034950
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Damn, you must be that mad to double post. Its alright man. You and every other poor pleb fag in this thread can go fuck themselves because you will forever remain tasteless. Str8 to the point > bombastic nerd words. Kill yourself fgt

>> No.10034955

Made out of rare earths from China. Capitalism, bitch.

>> No.10034967

I don't use autism as a buzzword. Only when it's actually applicable as an insult. I don't see how I would come off as upset. My rhetoric has been nothing but condecending. You're the one using emotional diction and personal attack. You sure can parrot though.

>> No.10034977


Whoa, HotHeddy!

>> No.10034984

>calling anonymous posters poor on a website where the majority of people are either underage kids living at their parents or social outcasts peeing in bottles
People like you are the lowest quality posters on this board.

>> No.10035053
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I agree.

>> No.10035058

Projecting much

>> No.10035179

You do realize that there are tumblr threads, yes?

That should be telling.

>> No.10035189

how you see h&m customers is how people in the fashion world see slp customers

>> No.10035196

You do realize that there are actually some good fashion blogs on tumblr? Lots of them post editorials, hating on tumblr as a whole is really immature. It's like thinking all of 4chan is b, not all tumblr is sjw shit - plenty of good fashion content there

>> No.10035212

Tumblr is for high school girls.

>> No.10035215

4chan is for fat pedophiles nerds
Generalizing an entire website is petty, immature and makes you come off as ignorant

>> No.10035236

But that's pretty true. This board is just for the effeminate of the spergs. I don't follow blogs in general.

>> No.10035243

Yeah my picture of the average 4chan poster was a hyperbole, but the rest still stands. I'm sick of seeing these
>lmao your just poor lololol xDDD
comments when someone ran out of arguments. This childish shit ruins any discussion on this board.

>> No.10035246

>STILL falling for the "h&m clothes fall apart right after you buy them" meme

>> No.10035251

where do you often buy from, out of interest?
>inb4 rack, rif usually

>> No.10035255

le pc masterrace aspies aren't /fa/

>> No.10035288


>implying theres a better place to buy plain t's

People opposing this are people who bought $100 plain white tshirts and now are trying to shame everybody else to feel good about themselves. Its the same mentality as fat acceptance, instead of acknowledging your mistakes you blame everybody else, pathetic

>> No.10035292


I completely agree with you. Everyone who mainly wears H&M I've met in my life has profen to be a boring person, with opinions and interests I don't care about. Simply people I don't need in my life, because either I don't share much with them or they're actually idiots.

And NO, you don't have to wear 500$ designer clothes only anymore, I don't even do that. And you can even own a bit H&M stuff, but the people I'm talking about are those fucking idiots, who wear H&M zip hoodies and a t-shirts with stupid prints on it every single day.

Meanwhile I don't like everyone who wears his personal style too. Because this is not actually about fashion. All those H&M consumers simply are plebs, and thats why I hate them.

>> No.10035304


H&m has some stuff that's fine for the price, especially basic stuff. You don't always want to be wearing very expensive clothing, especially on hot days, you don't want sweat and sun cream fucking up your shit. Unless your a millionaire, it's not cost effective to fuck up nice clothes.

>> No.10035308

The plain tee shirts there have bad seams that bacon after one wash. They're also too short. The larges. And I'm only 6'2". Their jackets and sweaters all look bad and fit bad. Their pants fit horribly. To be fair most pants don't fit me because unlike most men I actually have an ass.

>> No.10035312

if hanes 3pack tees are diapers, h&m tees are pull ups

uniqlo has the cheapest acceptable plain tees. plus even in that price range you can still get much nicer plain tees if you're smart with sales

>> No.10035315

Oh shit

I'm out

>> No.10035330

maybe ur just fat

>> No.10035352

Actually I'm just muscular. I have a 42 chest and a 32 waist. It's hard to find things big enough for my shoulders and small enough for my waist. I have to tailor my blazers and button ups because slims are still cut like a box, just narrower.

>> No.10035358

And slims often have tiny little sleeves with armholes the size of assholes.

>> No.10035531

They have really good shorts, really good quality shirts (if youre buying from LOGG) but the jeans i just cant trust. The one pair of pale skinnies i have from them ripped the first day i wore them. Do not trust their denim.

>> No.10035547

weak bait or a tech illiterate retard.
No, most of the components in your PC are not made in Germany

>> No.10035581

I bought 2 long tees from HM and they twisted after the first wash so nah

shorts are pretty nice tho

>> No.10035598

Mods need to ban the H&M shills. They don't know shit about fashion, and it is obvious they are newfags. Who the fuck likes Prada around here? You could have been creative and said Tricky Ricky or Raf Semens, and it would have been less obvious.

And their designs are so "great" because they rip off the original work of actual good fashion designers. They don't create anything of their own.

>> No.10036498


>> No.10036505

It is a good store, but their shoes are pretty shit, I wouldn't buy

>> No.10036519
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>> No.10036543


>> No.10037419


>Implying people would want to be around you with attitude anyway

>> No.10037441

well first off AA is much more expensive and has a different style and Topman is just as, if not more shitty than H&M

>> No.10037475


lmao im pretty sure a lot of the peeps you're arguing with doesn't even wear H&M

What is up with this board lately? Either it's one guy, or multiple people, there have been some really unfounded smug comments 100% assuming the lives of complete strangers

just because we don't hate on H&M and the people who shop there doesn't mean we approve of it either, shitbrain. It just means we have more perspective on life and why such stores exist.

>> No.10037566

i wouldnt say they pants are bad and fit bad. i own two pairs for like a year or so and they are still in quite good condition and fit quite nicely. moreover some hm clothes (like aforementioned pants) are great for learning how to sew and design or rather redisign clothes, simply for diy shit.

>> No.10037580


>Buy slim fit sweatpants from H&M
>Wear next day
>By end of the day they are baggy sweatpants

never again

>> No.10037586
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they have pretty good basics and some dece outerwear every once in a while

anyone who exclusively wears one brand or hates people who own a certain brand are equally autistic

>> No.10037594

>What is up with this board lately? Either it's one guy, or multiple people, there have been some really unfounded smug comments 100% assuming the lives of complete strangers

But that sounds like all of 4chan, not just this board.

And /fa/ has always been smug.

>> No.10037615

why do their 'jean's smell like burnt rubber? what Chinese material are they importing?

>> No.10038464

>be 5'0" grill with hourglass figure
>H&M clothes are literally the only ones that can fit me
Haters can get fucked.

>> No.10038468

nobody cares about you and your fucking shitty clothes

>> No.10038752
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I genuinely like H&M.
They have a couple of good things that show up every season or once in a while and that's good enough for me.

>> No.10038945

>be working at walmart
>decide to cut throught the womens section
>something catches my eye
>it's a pair of jeans with strips of pleather running down the side
>felt visibly ill.

>> No.10038950
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>> No.10038956

>buy better quality clothes
>take to dry cleaners
>have it tailored
Not that hard to figure out

>> No.10039207
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>he wears a large size shirt

>> No.10039411

1 out of 100 look ok from there
I use H&M clothing weekly like a pair of ripped jeans or a white/B&W shirt

>> No.10039421

When you mean 'hourglass' you mean fat.
Fuck off

>> No.10039428

Don't pretend like you actually have any social interaction Anon

>> No.10039432

shit from H&M is made to last only like 10 wash cycles, it's a waste

>> No.10039444

This thread is golden, so much autism.
Thank you OP

>> No.10041400
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>> No.10041578

H&M has nice pricing. Design is usually just plain T-shirts and sweaters, which is what's nice about it. They carry very minimal stuff, and they aren't made of fabric too cheap. I buy plain T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, raglans, and cotton shirts. It's pretty good when it's the only store that isn't skater shit.

>> No.10041586

They have nice everything but shoes and pants.

>> No.10041590


>Now That's What I Call Edge Vol. Fuccboi

>> No.10041604


why can't I be both living with my parents AND peeing into bottles?

>> No.10041639
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, lololol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell ME where I can and cannot pee! The world is my urinal and nothing you can do will stop me

>> No.10041685

personally i like it for basic pieces. super cheap n simple.

>> No.10041689

the arguments are being misconstrued, I think. obviously any graphic tee is going to be trash, regardless of price, because graphic tees can be assumed to be awful as 99% of them are.
I could afford a few designer pieces, but frankly, I elect not to buy them over h&m for multiple reasons. not only would it be a misuse of my money, but the fact is that the average person isn't going to spend $300 on a designer tee when it is going to be subject to the dangers of daily use. I'd much rather spend $20 on a shirt that fits decently, than a shirt that fits perfectly for $300, when I could easily spill coffee on either one of them. That doesn't mean I have good or bad taste, and I have been complimented and critiqued in waywts in the past. Rather it means that I have to prioritize my money and consider risk, as well.

>> No.10041767

So when I buy one jacket there all of a sudden I'm a salad eating homosexual?

>> No.10041775

Do you realize, you're gay.

>> No.10042398

You must be the biggest stuck up faggot that ever lived. To stop talking to someone because they buy from a store you don't agree with is fucking pathetic.

>> No.10042424

H&M tees are long ass dress-like tees made of trashbags sewn toghether

>> No.10042442

a lot of 4chan doesn't know how to use social media

tumblr is the ultimate platform

they are just ignorant

happy to hear you've figured it out though because it is a fantastic resource

>> No.10042510

their shirts are ugly as fuck you fucking cunt. The collar and cuffs screams I am a small dicked manlet and like getting fucked in the ass by a nigger, so it is perfect for OP. Huh... Aids, you know what if drinking gallons of man juice is your thing go straight ahead. H&M is good for basic stuff that is so basic that you think it is enough when it is enough and it is alwats enough. Like their classic gray cardigans, v-neck t-shirts and chinos. That is the only things I buy from them, because I don't want to look like I eat cum for morning, dinner and evening.

>> No.10042753


>> No.10042830


both of you should be ashamed for being this shallow. first time here and last time, this board is worse than all the other ones. its just a bunch of pretentious idiots with a hint of fruityness.