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10033674 No.10033674 [Reply] [Original]

Heya /fa/ I've noticed you're all a little shitty on the skincare. Zits are not effay. Premature aging isn't. Dry flaky skin isn't.

Time for you to clean up.

Tell me your skin issues and skincare routine (if you have one).

Remember: Any alteration to your regime will take at least 4 weeks to start taking full effect.

Ideal routine outline (product choices will vary according to your skin type)

>face mask
>eye gel
>mild skin peel
>anti aging eye cream
>moisturiser with sun protection


Do above routine and get extraction facial at a spa every 6 weeks

If you have next level acne based on hormones you get your ass to the doctors and get prescribed accutane.

Source material:

http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/index (you don't have to talk to anyone just read the wikisticky it's written by dermatologists)

>> No.10033689

what actually works:
>moisturizer with skin cell communicating ingredients
>good genes. emphasis on GOOD.

>> No.10033693

Genetics only determine how successful you will be and the level of maintenance required. Also, high street products are dogshit. You wouldn't wear h&m so why would you use Clearasil?

>> No.10033697

>skin cell communicating ingredients

I think you need to develop on that point a little. Sounds like a cosmetics advert where they bust out 'revolutionary' 'scientific' etc.

>> No.10033699

so I used to get tons of blackheads around my nose and small whiteheads on chin and nose and lots of blackheads and some whiteheads on forehead. Had greasy face skin and very dry skin. Stopped washing face with soap and all of that stopped. Now all I do is wash with cold water and dry with tower. Sometimes small flakes of dry skin but usually unnoticeable. Got a few white heads here and there but if I wash my pillow covers often enough and don't touch face my skin is flawless in terms of zits. Problem now is that I have this redness around my nostrils. How the fuck do I get rid of it?!?!?! REDNESS AROUND NOSTRILS FML MY FACE IS KILL

>> No.10033708

Did you used to squeeze your blackheads loads? I would suggest getting mild a lactic acid peel and using it on a night, it should help reduce the redness and your skin flakes and whiteheads.

You might mind your skin purges as it adjusts to the peel, should only get a few extra spots for like a week and they'll go.

Good work on sorting out your pillow situation. Make sure use a decent moisturiser that is spf 30 to avoid the wrinklies during the day.

>> No.10033712


I still have mild acne. I only drink water (3L a day minimum of 1,5L) and a cup of coffee in the morning.

Usually I scrub my face 3 times a week.

As following

>Clean face with warm water
>Apply scrub
>Clean up
>Apply some Aloe Vera

Before going to bed

>clean & cheap shirt over pillow
>Moisturiser and go to sleep.

I've been doing this for a long time now. Anything I could do to improve?

I wear foundation. Could that be the sole cause?

>> No.10033713

no more white heads due to solving pillow situation. Yes I would squeeze my blackheads loads but only on tip of nose and forehead. They no longer exist there. Just the redness issue. I use witch hazel to cleanse but I feel like the 14% natural alcohol causes the rare dryness so I might stop cleansing all together and just stick to cold water washing. right now 0 blemishes on my face. just that fucking redness goddamnit

>> No.10033716

>Premature aging isn't.
If you think that washing your skin 5 hours a day and plastering it with lotion magically stops aging you're an idiot. What affects aging is:
>harmful influences like sunlight / smoking

The rest of the skincare addiction shit is armchair science by women with too much time on their hands, just like that NoPoo stuff.

>> No.10033723

true but you're criticizing the OP by saying washing for 5 hours a day. Probably not what he fucking means dipshit. Stop taking it to the extreme. He is trying to help us plebs and moisturizing is PROVEN to slow aging of skin so fuck off with your armchair bullshit

>> No.10033724

>Also, high street products are dogshit. You wouldn't wear h&m so why would you use Clearasil?

Sure high street products might be later in getting useful skin ingredients or be missing more rare/expensive ones, or have them in a lower amount but that isn't necessarily always a bad thing.
I mean salicylic acid is often found in lower concentrations in high street brands but some people need that because they have a sensitivity to it in higher concentrations.

Skincare is such a person by person basis that sweeping claims are pointless. Saying a particular product isn't good because of x ingredient or y packaging issue is fine, but to say all high street is dogshit is retarded.

>> No.10033725

Have you tried it? Have you got any experience or are you just being salty?

>> No.10033727

If you don't say what the scrub and moisturiser is how can anyone give you an answer?

>> No.10033731

You have to be VERY picky with your foundation. Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good. Bare minerals is very gentle on your skin and I find it gives good coverage. I would also suggest taking a make up break and only wearing it when you really have to, like nights out.

>> No.10033735

dude here, & the less makeup I think you wear the more attractive you seem. naturalbeautyftw

>> No.10033737

No one cares.

>> No.10033738


But they are dogshit. Many are too harsh and perpetuate the problem rather than curing it. Also, a lot of high street moisturisers block your pores.

When you try higher end products you realise that you've been played.

>> No.10033748
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>large pores near both sides of my nose
help pls

>> No.10033749

so reaffirming to you bitches that wearing acne causing makeup isn't necessary and actually causing the opposite of the desired effect isn't constructive? god damn you must be one bitchy salty ugly hoe. have fun dying alone and sad bitch

>> No.10033752

witch hazel is very harsh. I'm going to suggest a brand to get you started (no shill, from experience of use and it actually fucking works)


Really good product line, low irritants so is great for acne sufferers, no perfume, just the good shit.

>> No.10033758

much appreciated. I'll probably try some of their moisturizer too.

>> No.10033760

Get an extraction done to get you started. DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF YOU WILL JUST MAKE SHIT WORSE.

Stretched pores rarely shrink back fully but they can be reduced.

source: I also have this problem.

>> No.10033767

Flaky, dry skin, like, really fucking dry. When I sit down for long periods of time, the small white flakes become noticeable on my black jeans. I think it has something to with my eczema. Black heads on cheeks nose. Pimples and generally unclean looking skin. What do.

>> No.10033771

From UK, BTW. I tried to get some stuff that r/skincareaddiction recommended but it costs more to ship than the product itself

>> No.10033772

yeah everyone in this thread should give them a go. I honestly can't recommend them enough for beginners.

I would also suggest you ALL go to a spa and get a full diagnostic done. They will love to help you.

>> No.10033781

I'm from the uk too.



You have combination skin as a result of a poor diet and skincare regime. Do you have any allergies?

>> No.10033783

sounds like you use too much soap

>> No.10033804

>wash face under cold water
>foam cleanser, which i wash off after 5 min (is this the right way to do it?)
>BHA and AHA exfoliator

I still get acne because of puberty, but I also get sebaceous on my nose that sometimes 'pop' like zits, and they leave scars - any advice on how to fix this?

>> No.10033809

Can tears give you skin issues?

>> No.10033816

where do i go and get them extracted?

>> No.10033827
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Sebacioud Filaments are permanent, you won't get rid of them completely.

Do reduce their appearance you can use AHA/BHA products. OCM (Oil Cleansing Method) seems to be the go-to solution (see /r/SkinCareAddiction).

>> No.10033834


>> No.10033848

Oh, ok. it must be something else then. They look like gray zits, but leave a "hole" in my skin when they pop (which they do eventually no matter what I do). any idea what they are?

>> No.10033851


Sorry about that it's just some cheap stuff from the DM in Germany

Probably isn't that good got any recommendations (price is not an issue to me)


Thanks will check that out! I am a guy if that makes any difference.

>> No.10033852

I use aczone. Any opinions?

>> No.10033862

sounds like some mean blackheads. you need to go accutane.

>> No.10033863

was it by prescription?

>> No.10033869

Yes I went to the derm and they prescribed it after I explained my combination skin type. Doesn't drynout my face, which is nice.

>> No.10033875

Why is Tazorac so horrible?

>> No.10033882

physical scrubs are ok (ones with beads etc) but chemical peels are far superior. For beginners: http://www.eucerin.co.uk/products/dermo-purifyer/active-night-care

>> No.10033885

awesome. Had a look at some of the sides and they look pretty gnarly. Had any?

>> No.10033890

i take it your face burns? Go back to your doctor and tell them it's horseshit.

>> No.10033900

Maybe minor redness when I shouldn't have applied it to a certain spot and a little itching but other than that I'm fine. It's really great that it doesn't make my skin all peely. You can also wear makeup over it. I'd recommend it to people who have problems with stronger shit like Accutane.

>> No.10033912
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>using all that shit when you could get better results using a $5 tube of retin-a cream you bought online
I'll never understand why you waste all your money on this shit while not using the only skin cream that's actually been proven to rape acne, increase skin moisture and prevent aging.

>> No.10033913

awesome. using your suncream?

>> No.10033918

OP here, sauce me.

>> No.10033933

such a /fa/ response.

>why would you invest in your greatest asset when you could spend it on clothes

>> No.10033945


Strangely couldn't find the article showing that retin-a treats acne even though the FDA approved it for that purpose

>> No.10033946

Just grass pollen as far as I'm aware. What do you reccomend?

>> No.10033954

Why would you invest in a $100 bottle of pretty smelling placebo when you could spend $5 on a product that's actually been proven to work?

>> No.10033965

Just found over 9000 articles proving how effective retin-a is

>> No.10033973


Oh my god this is hilarious

>> No.10033974

I'll do some research into better retinoid products at a reasonable price and get back to you. Shall review myself.

Always like to find mooooore.

>> No.10033976

OP here, you're a good egg for adding to the knowledge. Have you tried it?

>> No.10033979

do you find that your eczema gets worse when you react to grass pollen?

>> No.10033987


how legit is "chinese face mapping"

>> No.10033989

Yeah, expect over 9000 blemishes and a bit of flaking during the first week or two as your skin "detoxes" and then flawless skin for the rest of your life, only side effect is a slightly paler complexion but most /fa/ggots don't like tanned skin or freckles so it's not really an issue
>implying I've had literally a single pimple in the last four years

>> No.10033997

I'd like to say that it's bullshit but I don't usually drink and I also don't usually get forehead acne but after getting wasted I had nasty breakouts on my forehead for the next week.

>> No.10034000
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Go, go and fix your shit guys.


>> No.10034007

well i'm going to being working from home soon so i'll just go hermit mode. I've got naturally olive skin so that shit's hard to budge.

>> No.10034009

I use a gentle SPF 15 face lotion.

>> No.10034013

Naturally olive skin isn't usually affected much, it's more that people with tanned skin/freckles/sun damage suddenly wake up one morning and find that their skin is as pale and clear as that of a 18th century french aristocrat

>> No.10034017

Ah that's good. I like my skin tone, keeps me looking bright. Will it work on keratosis pilaris?

Might just have to sit in a bath of it...

>> No.10034020

Maybe try go higher (you don't need to go above 30 though)

>> No.10034026

i never wash my face before.. i think when i was like 18 i tried putting some things on my face but i remember it being bad. so i just leave my face be.

but i realized that its weird for me to not wash my face so i bought cetaphil since they say its good.

but i noticed after a few weeks... my face is getting bad.. i mean i never get acne.. but my face feels kinda.. bumpy?

can i just not wash my face?

>> No.10034027

Judging by the over 9000 studies in>>10033965
it might, keratosis pilaris is a condition where the levels of keratin are too high in proportion to collagen and elastin level in the skin, retin-a seems to raise collagen levels significantly, elastin levels moderately and keratin levels insignificantly, therefore it might help balance your levels and fix your skin

>> No.10034033

Topical retinoids are one of the main things a derm would prescribe for treatment of keratosis pilaris, if your keratosis pilaris hasn't responded to other treatments and your derm hasn't tried retin-a then it's time to find a new fucking derm

>> No.10034034

are the bumps itchy? You could have an allergy. you might just have sensitive skin. If your skin is ok without then just leave it. Maybe exfoliate with a wash cloth every now and then. Just make sure you keep up a good diet and drink plenty of water.

>> No.10034039

i'm praying to jebus. Ah I'm really excited now. I LOVE finding new stuff.

derm in the trash.

>> No.10034040

no not itchy at all..
yeah my skin is very sensitive.. like when i get sick, i get like measles like thing on my skin.
yeah its fine.. except sometimes, my face would get really dry.. like its flaky. cause i never had an oily face..

but that flaky face happens rarely.

so its ok to not wash my face? just with water and thats it?

what do you mean by exfoliate with wash cloth? how do i do that?

>> No.10034046

Uh, you do not need to do a fucking peel everyday. Just get a good peel once a month as part of a facial and you'll be fine. Also your sunscreen should be separate from your moisturizer

>I wear foundation. could that be the sole cause?
The cause is that you aren't using something to actually remove your makeup AND that you're using a scrub everyday. Just use a face wash (gel or foam) or perhaps an oil based makeup remover. Stop using anything with microbeads


Dermatologists have better things to do than extractions.

>> No.10034049

rub your face with the wash cloth in circles. Be sure to wash your wash cloth regularly.

You have dry/sensitive skin. Cleanse with a ph balanced cleanser, use products without perfume or lanolin. That goes for your shampoo and your shower gel and all that other shit. Make sure you are eating enough oily fish etc to help with your fatty acids which will benefit your skin.

>> No.10034052

>Cleanse with a ph balanced cleanser
i thought i should just leave my face be?

hmm so soak a cloth with water and rub my face with it? ok ill do that.

>> No.10034054

if you're going to use a cleanser, use that.

>> No.10034058

is it ok if i dont use a cleanser? i really dont wanna try another product on my face

>> No.10034061

>abrading your skin daily
Are you fucked?

>> No.10034064

don't try it on your face then. do a skin test behind your ear like you would with hair dye and leave it 48 hours.

>> No.10034089
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i'm 22 and have shit-tier sensitive skin

>cetaphil oily skin cleanser 2x a day (only product to make a slight difference in oilyness)
>cold-warm water in showers
>drink lots of water
>diet is good (low sugar and sodium)
>zinc supplementation

my skin used to be good up until a couple of years ago; i can no longer moisturize with any product because all make my oily forehead even worse. also i am getting lots of breakouts because of the oil

interestingly my hair is also somewhat oily now too

>> No.10034092

what shampoo do you use?

>> No.10034093

all the products in this thread. ffs

>> No.10034105

i've tried a few, from a dry nourishing 'natural' one, to a protein one and now using a tea-tree based one

before i had any problems i was using the dry nourishing one. can get a brand name for you but i doubt that this is the main culprit

>> No.10034106

How to get rid of ugly acne marks in a short time?
And how to shave over acne? I have now spots on my face with facial hair over acne, looks really terrible tbh, especially combined with acne marks on my cheeks.
I only wash my face with a cleanser twice a day and then I apply an anti-acne product.

>> No.10034118

the tea tree one might actually be drying you out causing an over production of oil.

>before I had any problems

what has the shampoo you used before the dry nourishing one? Try going back to that. Something has triggered it. The thing with sensitive skin is you need to stay consistent with the products you use. Pick products that work for you and stick to them. That's why you'd probably be better off seeing a derm.

>> No.10034119

No, what is wrong with you. A cleanser is way better to use than a fucking disgusting towel

>> No.10034127

yeah i trialled a few of the new ones only after sticking with the one i was using before any probs

was thinking about seeing a derm, initially thought it was hormonal but surely not lasting this long and at my age

>> No.10034129

what cleanser do you recommend? and whats the difference of that with those facial wash i see? i use cetaphil right now.but i think im gonna stop it

>> No.10034134

yeah, it's a quick investment and it will help you for the rest of your life.

>> No.10034188

Alright, I've got a doctor's appointment already, I'll ask about accutane, and I'll probably be sent to a derm. I don't have any major issues, though, so it might be difficult to convince my doctor.

>> No.10034195

the derm should help. if its nothing major you probably wont get accutane. pic of nose? morbid curiosity.

>> No.10034198

what actually works

>washing your fucking face with a fucking cloth and maybe some soap if you're feeling up to it

magic, way goodbye to yuck oil buildups in one easy step!

>> No.10034246
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I'm on the path to great skin and am just gettin into face masks, but I'm a guy and know literally nothing about good ones, good brands, etc.

Any recommendations?

>> No.10034262

I have dermatographia, so it's almost as if I'm allergic to scratches. Does anyone know of ways to kind of soothe it or make it stop happening? It's usually not a big deal but it's kind of annoying.

>> No.10034302

Not really, no. Just fucks with my eyes and nose.

>> No.10034326

a lot of people have this redness around the nose, a toner/essence with roughly 15% xylitol/ 15% glycerin removed this problem on me. Xylitol is the thing working here though.

>> No.10034345

anything that is an anti-irritant like panthenol or a baby cream with zinc oxide

>> No.10034378

Thanks, I'll try that! Most stuff online just kind of says "there's no cure". And I already take allergy meds and they don't affect it.

>> No.10034474

sadly it's not a cure but this things might be able soothe it

>> No.10034710


3 times a week (so basically every other day)

Thanks for the advice though.

>> No.10034736
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How often should I moisturize, exfoliate and cleanse my face? My skin is oily


>> No.10034896

What are some good moisturizers for the face with zero oil? my skin need it but i'm afraid to put those kinds of shit on it in fear of break outs.

>> No.10034924

What is tone, eye gel, skin peel and serum? Never heard of them. I've just used cleanser, benzoyl peroxide, followed by moisturizer...

>> No.10035192

Number 1 pro skin care tip
High intensity cardio, sweating a lot does wonders for your greasy dirty shitskin

>> No.10035223

Fuck breh same here. Face is clearing up but I have these black heads I don't even touch anymore. They're like permanent. Got a good routine, face clears up, nose is still peppered.
Just end my life already.

>> No.10035231


>> No.10037025


>> No.10037049

every morning and night

>> No.10037052

Cleanse + moisturize, everyday twice a day
Exfoliate - twice a week.

With a stellar description like "oily" it's amazing that you wanted your own personalized response to the most generic thing posted ITT

>> No.10037065

Okay, I have
>Cetaphil Face Wash
>10% BP cream
>Cerave moisturizer

Anything else I should use? I also have an exfoliating cream with the beads but I hear chemical exfoliaters are better. Which one, specifically?

Also, wat do to get rid of/prevent acne on chest, back, arms, I can't use BP all over it, too expensive.

>> No.10037085

hydroquinone aka lightening cream

otherwise just use a BB concealer

>> No.10037215

p0nd, if you're here, fucking come back

>> No.10037220

honestly i don't do shit with my face and i have never had acne or major breakouts or whatever

just the occasional small zit that i pop before it grows big. 2ez

>> No.10037238

I used to have a lot of acne and it's completely gone now, but I still have a bit of scarring and unevenness. My skin isn't sensitive like it used to be and I can go long periods without washing it without it getting greasy or getting any acne at all. What could I use to work on the remaining marks? Nothing works exceptionally and most things make my skin feel like it's coming out of balance.

>> No.10037340

Thoughts on exfoliating?

>> No.10037344

once a week

>> No.10037379

Which one would you recommend?

>> No.10037483

i use some nivea one. honeslty just try a few out> Just moisturise your face afterwards or else your gonna be dry and flaky

>> No.10037501

i don't wash my face with anything. i end up showering twice a day though because i like the hot water

should i experiment with anything or should i just leave it

i don't really get any pimples or anything. pretty good genetics but i don't have like, perfect skin.

would u guys suggest anything or should i just leave it and not accidentally fuck my shit up

>> No.10037524

yo, can we get some more product links in here? my shit is fine in general, maybe pimple like once a month on face and every couple weeks on shoulders/back, but i have blackheads on nose. i do nothing but shower daily, dont even wash my face with water besides the shower.

what would you recommend i use? i guess its fine how it is but itd be nice if it was.. more fine. The blackheads on my nose are the most annoying and only thing i really notice

>> No.10037730

If I have a 8 month beard, and I start taking care of my skin
what happens to the skin under the beard, I've been worried about the outcome if i started cleansing, face mask etc.

>> No.10037853

I find the Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Scrub works well for my combination (dry cheeks and mouth, oily nose and forehead, prone to spots) skin. It's got both glycolic and salicylic acid it.
Since using it my skin has been the clearest it's been in a long time. Just only use it at night because glycolic acid can increase sun sensitivity.

>> No.10037872

Don't forget to also stay the fuck away from the sun/tanning.
Wanna stay youthful looking? Stay out of the sun.

>> No.10038023

My routine:

>cleanse erry day
>AHA and BHA exfoliating mask twice a week
>kaolin mask irregularly
>spf 15 sunscreen as day cream
>body lotion
In the morning
>light day cream as night cream.
>dat nordic combination skin

Please rate

>> No.10038030

How about melanotan 2?

>> No.10038045

The supplement should be fine, i just know the rays damage your skin and age it permanently.

>> No.10038205
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How do I deal with blemishes left by acne?
I get very little acne these days, almost none. However, the acne I had in my teenage days has left behind some light purple stains/blemishes on my face
Is there some way to get rid of these?

left pic related

>> No.10038388

Haven't got any right now, I usually get 1-2 ever 2 months.

>> No.10038783

Kill yourself.
Also, most skincare products are worthless. My skin cleared up when I started eating like an adult.

>> No.10040069

What anti-aging eye cream do you recommend?

>> No.10041217
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Washing my face with garnier milk and putting Nivea soft cream on it every morning and evening.

>> No.10042421

I used to use that cream until I realized all the alcohol is irritating my skin. Switched to one that uses parabens for conservation, much happier with that.

>> No.10043014

finished roaccutane 1.5yrs ago
still getting 3-4 little whiteheads a day
should I be popping them?

>2x face wash with cetaphil soap
>cerave moisturiser
>clean towel over pillow every night

>> No.10043063

I've gotten pretty much everything ordered on that site from amazon
>prime next day free shipping
always based

>> No.10043068

What about letting food be thy medicine? Surely that is better than using sll hese products?

>> No.10043142
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>What about letting food be thy medicine?
Not always a good idea.

>> No.10043153

Got any foods for exfoliation?

>> No.10043157
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>> No.10043162

Yeah, French fries applied directly to the face

>> No.10043176

Would exfoliating acne marks everyday work?

>> No.10043312

I'm confused about those chemical exfoliant. I never used them and have no problem. Should I try them or keep using physical exfoliant?
Any exfoliant recommendation for combination skin btw?

>> No.10043553

adding a daily sunscreen to your routine can help prevent early aging. But yeah, you're more or less right.

>> No.10043708

I'm 22 with mild acne. Would eucerin, specifically the dermopurifyer cleanser, be a good option? Anyone have experience with that product in particular?

>> No.10044059
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This is my routine ymmv, I have sensitive fair skin pic related

Splash of cold water
Soap free cream cleanser
Vitamin C serum
Cetaphil dermacontrol moisturizer

Soap free cream cleanser
Tretinoin cream, 0.025% (this took months to get to using it nightly)
Cetaphil dermacontrol moisturizer

Exfoliate every few days with a chemical exfoliating wipe, I skip Retin A that night as it's just too harsh for me

Most important step has been water no teas coffees sodas juices alcohol, tons of water dense foods (cucumbers, apples, oranges, tomatos, lettuce, etc etc)

Clean pillow sheet every night

Periods are sometimes throwing this balance out the window ;_;

>> No.10044136

>Clean pillow sheet every night
lol why?

>> No.10044172

they take public transportation so you have to be sure youre not rollling around in the air-infested-herpes you encounter

>> No.10044193

Its a quote from hippocrates, you utter pleb.

>> No.10045042

skincare is just like losing weight, people tend to focus on details (aka products used and exercising), but food you eat and products you consume are WAY more important than you could think
cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, too much sugar, processed food, too much fat are terrible for your skin
but dermatologists will always tell you to buy this or that because muh biased studies

tldr: eat well, you will be rewarded

>> No.10045059

My face is truly a mess. I have very very uneven skin, it was getting better but got into a depressed mood lately which made me stop eating for a whole day and then just have milk and cheese. It made my acne explode. What do, brothers? my forehead is full of whiteheads, I have scars all over my cheeks (not that big but noticeable when you get close) and the other day a nodule started developing on my nose. It looks awful. Should I just go full water and apples core and apply honey and yogurth to my face? how can i make my scars look better? thx /fa/

>> No.10045062

Bedlinens get surprisingly dirty from your skin - they accumulate oils, dead skin, etc. That tends to clog pores.

>> No.10045207


apply cum on face everynight, enjoy the youthful and even skin

>> No.10045305

no dairy 4 u (One of the few diet-related things that has been shown to contribute to acne pathology to some degree)

cetaphil/cerave cleanser 4 u (This removes excess skin residues, oils, and some pathogenic bacteria - while at the same time not drying/irritating your skin)

Stridex Max Strength Pads or PC BHA 2% 4 u (Increases desquamation rate; some antibacterial effect; actually cleans the pilosebaceous ducts. Also consider various AHAs.)

+30 SPF sunscreen 4 u (With zinc/titanium for UVA + UVB. This will prevent photodamage in sensitive skin that is healing from acne damage)

derm visit 4 u (For needling/laser/peeling of the scars. Also: Nodules? You need help. Get it. Consider benzoyl peroxide, topical retinoids, both oral and topical antibiotics, or systemic isotretinoin.)

therapist 4 u (Seriously: Another life is possible. You can do it. I believe in you.)

If you need to talk, feel free to write me at sthlm.effay@gmail.com

>> No.10045367

do chemical peels get rid of dark spots where acne used to be?

>> No.10045434

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can be treated using various chemical peels. It might aggravate it, though, and milder treatments are recommended. Try stuff like hydroquinone or ascorbic acid.

Read this:

>> No.10045463

What to do for ketosis pilarin, blackheads on nose and cheeks, eczema on stomach, and whiteheads where facial hair grows?

>> No.10045857

Who /acne.org/ here?

>> No.10045871

did we really not make another /skin/ and now we have to use this shitty thread

>> No.10045899

Ayyy mang <3 thanks, I will send an email soon.

>> No.10047494
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face broke out in the last month, have been getting no sunlight and I just shaved and my chin/nose area looks absolutely fucked.

how much of this can I fix in 2 week period? I currrently cleanse twice a day, drink 3L water a day and eat healthy, and shower twice a day. I also bha exfoliant one a day to try to fix it.

I'm pretty confident that I won't break out again, right now I'm just concerned with fixing as much as I can in 2 weeks (and afterwards)..

How fucked am I? Cab I clear most of it up by then? Not completely clear but like most of it?

>> No.10047497

When did you last change your razor?

>> No.10047517

New razor. I don't how why it irritated it so much.

>> No.10047529

Do you moisturise at all? If you are doing all that washing you might be drying out your skin causing it to go into overdrive.

>> No.10047534
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your face is fucking disgusting

>> No.10047535

>BHA every day

Someone back me up on this because it might be just me, but that sounds like it could irritate your skin.

>> No.10047536

holy shit thats disgusting

>> No.10047539

if he's not built up his skin tolerance then yes. it also depends on the concentration he's using. How long have you been using the BHA for?

>> No.10047543

What in the hell did you shave with?
A blade you found in the fucking dumpster?

>> No.10047557


Like a week, and I've already seen improvement. Like a month ago my face was clear besides some leftover PIH. Its only in the last month I had a few small breakouts, and every one of them has left red marks that wouldn't fade, hence why I was using BHA.

I should've mentioned that my face doesn't look that irratated/red normally, that photo was like 10 mins after shaving which fucked with all the previous marks. The BHA hasn't irritated it, its made it a little better.

>> No.10047573

>Like a week

Ok, use it every other day instead. It sounds like it's too strong and the razor irritated your already delicate skin. Get a decent moisturiser to further protect your skin. It's also worth remembering that in the first week or so of using a chemical exfoliate you go through a 'purging' period where you see small whiteheads. Not this mess.

>> No.10047576

furthermore, lactic acid is probably more what you need as it will help get rid of red marks without being as harsh.

>> No.10047640

Ok. So just to clarify, cleansing in morning is still alright? And do I moisturize after even though I've got slightly oily skin?.

Or do I just cleanse/moisturize at night, and apply bha before moisturizer every second day?

>> No.10047662

moisturise every day after cleansing, which cleanser are you using? You should be using a gentle cleanser.

Try this: http://www.eucerin.co.uk/products/dermo-purifyer/cleanser

And this moisturiser: http://www.eucerin.co.uk/products/dermo-purifyer/adjunctive-hydrating-care

Good luck!

>> No.10047665

and yes cleansing in the morning is fine.

>> No.10048601

Just measured my cleanser's pH to around 7-8 with some pH strips. Does that mean it goes in the trash?

>> No.10048631
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>> No.10048640

I don't get acne and I don't wash my face except when I shower. and I mean we all smoke here so...aging is just gonna happen.

>> No.10048678

Sadly my skin is too fucked up for any of this to help. I'm 24 and my skin is only getting progressively worse. My face and my back are practically bubbling with pimples. I went to a bunch of skin doctors who pretty much went "Well fuck I don't know" after none of the medicine helped except for Roaccutane.. which also gave me a case of atopic dermatitis so severe that I got hospitalized.

tl;dr the lot of you should be happy your problems are so mild.

>> No.10048718
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This Oxy Powder will remove everything from your favorite burnt plastic "chicken in the dark" sauce from your favorite Mexican eat, to the synthetic cloth fibers from your bedsheets and comforter you breathe in at night, and everything else stuck to and in digestive lining.

Drink apple cider vinegar with ALL of the water you drink for a week or more. Or continuously.
I guess around two tablespoons in a two liter.
Drink from glass or steel.
After this, drink about a cup of olive oil before you go to bed and lay on your left side to let it drip...

When the PH of the body is reset with the apple cider vinegar, a condition that compromises the tenacity of gall stones and liver stones is present. They then can then be slid out and defecated mostly safely. If you are young and healthy, there should be little need to speak with your physician.

This will take a fantastic load of bull shit off of your general immune potential.

Now realize how many beautiful people did not have this and what kind of medical attention they required. Most sexily, change your ways. Ever since this gift was given to me, I honor it by not eating literal cancerous retardation. You are health ninja now. Replace the BS food with greens and healthy oil and pore size Will reduce gradually and over time as circulation increases gradually over a year afterwards (cleanse yourself to the bone)
and the human body's immunity will shift from out of a built in mode of keep the internal organs safe from poison elimination by storing it in skin and eliminating it slowly, to more correct and rapid elimination.

(Professional dishwasher hands and arms become less and less bothered by the industrial soap and sanitizer as they attack the skin, because the body actually has to deal with that kind of crap slowly... it will accumulate in the skin and stay until sweated out, massaged, or otherwise removed.)

>> No.10048795
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what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.10049060

What should I do for shaving? it irritates my skin and doesn't help the acne

>> No.10049190

For a long time I've had shit skin. Yes I was a fool back in my teens but I've set up a nice morning routine that I now follow.
I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion.
In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.10049228

what to do vs eye bags?

>> No.10049355

I have annoying red bumps that either do nothing but ruin the possibility of clear skin or slowly transform into whiteheads, what do?

>> No.10049441

>Lush face wash and moisturizer at beginning of day
>Cetaphil and cold water before bed
The problem with my skin is that I feel like it's always dry, I have no acne but sometimes I will get a zit on my nose or forehead. I want to make my skin more smooth, get rid of my pepper on my nose because I have same problem as >>10033699
Afraid I'm not doing enough but too scared to try products/methods without proper knowledge.

>> No.10049508

aloe vera or an alcohol-free aftershave

sleep more, try to regulate your water/blood flow by exercising, drinking more water and eating ginger for example. if there's no result at all after a few months, consider surgery if severe case

wash skin more often, moisturize with an oil/alcohol-free product, drink more often, eat more vegies

>> No.10049562

Has anyone tried treating their acne with probiotics or something similar? I just came across this paper http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1757-4749-3-1.pdf which says that disruptions in the gut microflora and a shitty diet can lead to acne. It says both oral and topical probiotics showed reductions in acne in the few studies done.

Personally, I'm convinced and I'm going to be supplementing soluble fiber, caprylic acid (for candida), L-glutamine (for intestinal repair), and some probiotics. I've also seen similar research on the gut-brain axis that points to a leaky gut as the culprit for anxiety and depression and since I have both of those in addition to acne I figure it couldn't hurt to try.

>> No.10049574

i can't bear to see all these people do these rituals with multiple products and only have average-poor skin to show for it. i want to hug u and give u some of my genes

>> No.10049613

The only problem I have is a horrible farmer's tan due to having to walk to college everyday under a terrible sun. For someone who used to have a pretty nice fair skin this is heartbreaking to see and I hate it. I tried using sunblock, a 60 fps one, but at the slightest sweat it would turn sticky and it would smell a lot and a couple of friends would point it out, to my embarrassment.

I want to have my arms and neck back to their natural tone, I'm currently using a sweater to go to college and avoid sunlight as much as I can, but I want something to get rid of this ugly tan as soon as possible.

>> No.10049629

I know this guy who had really bad acne in his teens. He's late 20s now but his face has a lot of blackheads and the pores on the front of his cheeks by his nose are noticeable. I'm not sure if they are blackheads or just big.. He also has a really oily face and sweats so much. What's a good face routine for him? The switching pillow cases at night never works because it ends up being drenched not long after he sleeps anyway.

>> No.10049642

Will a light face peel also help fade acne scars? Mine are starting to fade on their own.

>> No.10049797

so many questions.
so little time.

Recommended products and applications: http://pastebin.com/XeBKDSMZ
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://cdfile.cf/f/6a48b61e.txt
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN

This stuff is really interesting. I don't know about how established the relationship is between gut microflora and acne, though. Iirc there are pretty few studies on it (but I haven't looked that very hard). Another thing you might be interested in is topical probiotics for acne. Also, see phytosphingosine and linoleic acid (topical).

>> No.10051421
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As there's no /skincaregeneral/ thread to ask thought I'd post here. Uh so yeah been using this clearasil stuff I bought in Japan on my face every few days for the last five-six months but I still got no idea what it is though it does keep my skin better the normal.

Anyone know what it is / can translate? It's a tiny tube and a really thick cream

>> No.10051763

hey just wondering, is it really worth moisturising if my face is already fairly oily, and just feels worse afterwards?

And how much moisturiser do I use? Using cetaphil moiisturising lotion right after I use cetaphil gentle cleanser, and after/before cleanser my face feels/looks fine. Only when I use moisturiser it just looks shiny as all fuck, and stays this way throughout the day. It also feels like it makes the acne look worse as my whole face is shinier. Is it alright to not moisturize in the morning at least? Or am I using too much?

>> No.10051859

>I know a guy

>> No.10052299

In that case I need a new daily cleanser. Any good ones for dry, nordic skin?

>> No.10052312

In the winter, I usually get acne both on my chest and shoulders, which usually dries out from the sun in the summer, but the weather has been really shit this season. Does anyone know if a tanning bed would have the same effect?

>> No.10052394

only use a little and blot with a cotton pad/tissue paper once it's soaked in. You need to use a moisturiser as otherwise you will damage your skin over time. What is your diet like?

>> No.10052684

I don't eat anything with high-sugar, no dairy, I eat 3-5 servings of fruit/vegetables a day, drink 3L of water a day, and no junk food. Only thing is I don't get alot of iron, and calcium obviously since I've eliminated dairy.

I've just started using benzoyl peroxide just to clear everything up, and even after doing it last night the marks near my nose/on my chin have settled. How do I moisturize with benzoyl though? Use it before or after the bp?

>> No.10052744

Lips are getting dark. How to remedy?

>> No.10052769

i have giant craterous fucking nightmare pores all over my nose/cheeks :( Even when they're clear and not plugged up my skin looks like the surface of an orange. am i just completely fucked?

>> No.10052776

You don't need to do any of that to have clear skin you faggots. You just want to justify spending hundreds of dollars on women's lotions and makeup

I wash my face with baby shampoo and I have clear skin. But then again I'm not a highschool kid who rubs pizzas on my face at recess.

>> No.10052784

really cool post dude

>> No.10052811


We're not all blessed with good skin genetics bro

>> No.10052899
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This list might be of interest to you:


(many products will probably be available in other parts of the Nordic countries)

Afterwards! Otherwise the BP will simply not get to the skin as effectively.

>> No.10052924

According to the picture, makeup.
Time will help probably, but they'll never completely disappear.

>> No.10052961

>wash face with hot water
>wash face with cold water
>apply aveeno baby cream

That has been my routine for every morning and night for the past few years.
My skin isn't bad by any means, no pimples or anything of the sort, but its not silly smooth either.

Is my routine bad? Ive convinced myself that it was optimal for so long. Please let me know

>> No.10053017

Can someone please tell me how to get rid of chest/back acne, and also how to get rid of the scarring around these areas?
>is it the same as the face?

>> No.10053050

So 4.5 - 5.75 pH products are good? -4.5, 5.75+ are bad? The picture needs explaining

>> No.10053274

Whats washing with hot and then cold water really gonna do, in your head?
To me it makes no fucking sense

>> No.10053291

>he doesn't buy aloe vera plant, apply the inner gel to his face over night then wash it off in the morning
It works bros. Healthy eating helps a ton too.

>> No.10053734

The outer layers of the skin has an "acid mantle" which is generally somewhere between pH 4-6. The pH interval is not that clear-cut as it is presented in the image.

The pH of the skin appears to be important to maintain the barrier function of the skin, as well as preventing the growth of disease-causing bacteria. An too high/too low pH will simply make all kinds of skin processes work less good.

More alkaline skin pH values are seen in several kinds of dermatitis, and P. acnes (main villain in ordinary acne) grows much better at near-neutral pH than at 4-6.

From a product perspective, it's generally more common to use too alkaline products, rather than too acidic ones.

More info?




If you're interested, read this I wrote on recommended cleansers:

I hope this clears things up.

>> No.10053745

>cetaphil oily skin cleanser
tbh does this leave a residue on anybody else's skin?

>> No.10053746




just register a temporary account and you can find it out

>> No.10054457
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>I hope this clears things up.
>clears things up

>> No.10055709



>> No.10055721

pale /fa/ skin + pigmentation acne scar.

dont fucking mix.

I got a lotion with AHA in it. and Retinol-A coming in the mail.

anything else to stop this shit / end any redness.

fuck I wanna be ultra all pale white race

>> No.10055723

Some retards think that pores open and close like doors with hot and cold water respectively.
Usually they use a product between the two thinking it will optimise absorbtion. Not sure why that guy would just go hot-cold.

>> No.10055731

how to solve redness on my cheeks? everybody thinks i blush a lot but my cheeks are just always kind of red

>> No.10055854


see a doc

>> No.10057530
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has anyone used H2O2 as a bleaching agent??
is it efective?

>> No.10057541

>drink vinegar from steel

>> No.10057646

>drink a cup of olive oil

I'm from /fit/ and even I wouldn't do that.

>> No.10057720

Ever tried using a blackhead extractor? They're like 10 bucks at most drugstores. Just steam your face beforehand, don't be too rough and don't do it more than once a week

>> No.10057745

I have really huge pores, mainly on my nose, chin, cheeks and lower forehead. I clear them out once a week with an extractor, but they get clogged again really quickly and my skin looks bumpy when I try to put concealer on top. What do?

>> No.10058443
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How to remove blackheads without skin tearing up nose with strips?

>> No.10058473

first step

post feet

>> No.10058590


Was waiting for this one.

>> No.10058612

Lay it on me OP
>mostly clear facial skin
>odd occasional pimple
>nose has those blackheads

Other than that it's fine. I find most products dry my skin out like all hell.

On the other hand, I have backne like nobody's business. Shit won't go away at all.

>> No.10058652

god damn, we're exactly the same

my face is perfectly fine but my back is fucked up, on my case i assumed it's because i always lay on my back on the pc chair + getting no sun exposure whatsoever, but even after trying to fix these issues they are still there

>> No.10059092


>> No.10059292
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Enough fucking around, my journey to physical improvement starts here in a skincare thread at the age of 22

>> No.10059340

WTB Cetaphil Dermacontrol moisturizer Japanese version kawaiii :3

>> No.10059804

>saggy skin
>Dark circles under the eyes
>redness around nose
Any advice?

>> No.10059811

Alright, I have acne all over my face but most of it's small so just looks like I have shit skin, also lots of red marks from old acne.. Used to be a lot worse but I started rubbing soap on my face and most of it's cleared up but still a lot of red marks from old acne.
Also after using hand soap on my face it has become flaky and dry.

>> No.10059826

get some sunlight ... it's bad for your skin but cleans up the acne though

>> No.10059864

Looking for recommendations for someone who has been battling bad skin for a long time.

My skin is very oily around my whole face, especially on forehead and nose area. I have numerous visible blackheads on my nose as well as acne marks/blemishes on my cheeks.

My routine for the past ~3 years have been consistently using a cleanser in the morning, exfoliator scrub in the shower every other day and a benzoyl peroxide cream on face before bed nightly.

I'm looking for suggestions in eliminating or at least toning down the oiliness of my face as well as solutions for these acne blemishes.

I have briefly tried cetaphil products aimed at oil control, but they left my skin feeling extremely dry in some areas while oil remained the same in others. I also have tried using moisturizers, but they have always felt very residue heavy on my skin with the combination of my facial oils.

Thank you.

>> No.10059909

>>face mask
>>eye gel
>>mild skin peel
>>anti aging eye cream
>>moisturiser with sun protection
Every day? What about nightly routine? The same again? Any recommended products to fulfill this routine (hopefully to afford pH balances)?

Also what about lip care? Exfoliating? Best lip balms? Atm I'm using mukti, organic, not petroleum based.

>> No.10060077
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what is this and how do I get rid of it?

>> No.10060089

Whatever you do, replace benzoyl peroxide with tea tree oil as soon as you can. BP kills bacteria but leaves scars while tea tree kills bacteria and prevents scars

>> No.10060109

I don't know shit about dermatology, but if I were you I'd go see a doctor.

Does it hurt ?

>> No.10060114

Shit nigga what you doing. NEVER USE A SCRUB ON YOUR FACE. Scrubs are often made with particles that are jagged and uneven which damage the dermis. You want to wash your face with cool water, not warm. Apply a simple neutral cleanser such as cetaphil or cerave, I say these because they're affordable and pretty much everywhere along with having very little irritants and being nearly ph balanced. After this you want to apply a moisturizer, entry level stuff is cerave or cetaphil as they're non irritating and non comedogenic. If going outside you want to apply a small layer of physical sunblock spf30+ uva/uvb.

Do this for a bit and acne WILL go away. The reason you most likely have acne is because of the scrub and aloevera. Never apply aloevera to your face, it doesn't work there as it gets into the pores and clogs them and dries out the skin.'

If you're feeling a bit more "advanced" (eg youve followed basic routine for a few months and skin is clearing up) you may want to start applying exfoliants such as AHA or BHA acids (glycolic 10% and Salicylic 2%) prior to using moisturizer. Now with the salicylic acid you want to apply at night as it makes your skin photosensitive, with this you apply the solution to a cottonball or fingers and spread evenly over face for a minimum of 20 minutes, there is no need to rinse at lower concentrations (2-5%) and you apply the moisturizer over this. While this generally enough you can also use Glycolic acid in tandem but you use this is the morning as its an AHA and does nt make your skin photosensitive. With this you generally apply for 20min -1hr before you apply moisturizer, don't need to neutralize or rinse either. Apply sunblock no matter what if you're going outside.

Do this for another few months until your skin is clear, after that I suggest purchasing and using, after reading up on and studying, various sheetmasks (nice ones from japan can cost 2-5$ EACH mask but they're def worth it), clay masks etc. Goodluck.

>> No.10060123

no I've had it forever. it scabs every 6 months otherwise its just like a scar. every dermatologist I've gone to gives me treatment for the scabbing to stop. I'm looking for permanent solutions to get rid of the scar,

>> No.10060124

Read >>10060114

Also some dude said use Tea Tree oil, never use this on your face, it is FAR too harsh for the skin and will damage it, dry it out and exacerbate the issues you describe. Oiliness is generally a sign that your skin is actually too dry. I recommend you follow the instructions in the post I linked. In the shower you want to GENTLY exfoliate with a clean cloth, apply a neutral and gentle cleanser (cerave, cetaphil) GENTLY massage skin with it and then rinse with COOL water. Apply a moisturizer afterwards.

>> No.10060133

Also don't use scrubs (dries the skin), don't use things targetted at oil (dries the skin). Just use the base neutral cleansers. Don't scrub too hard (dries the skin), don't use benzoyl peroxide (it dries the skin). Read the other posts I linked you to.

The exfoliants in that one big post will clear up the blemish marks to a certain degree as they increase collagen and the turnover rate of new skin. If you have redness / irritation nothing will change that but time and using non irritating products.

>> No.10060137

Nothing really gets rid of scars easily. The best to do is save up money and go to a dermatologist to see what they can do for it permanently instead of temporarily. They may laser it, do some pretty hardcore exoliation or whatever. Scarring like that can't be fixed by OTC topical treatments..

>> No.10060147

mm thanks anyways :)

>> No.10060166

You can use some things to help a bit like vitamin c serums or aha/bha exfoliants but you'd want to ask your derm first if it's still scabbing over. Though I doubt those will do too much :(

Sorry couldn't help more man

>> No.10060208

Don't use nose strips. Those aren't blackheads at all, they seem like it but they're not.

They're called sebaceous filaments and everyone has them. You can't get rid of them but you can lessen their appearance with exfoliants such as AHAs (glycolic 10% solution) and BHAs (salicylic 2% solution) along with a good cleansing schedule I've outlined here >>10060114

The nasal strips actually damage the nose and irritate it so they become worse, also repeated use can cause broken capillaries and other longterm if not permanent superficial damage.

>> No.10060446
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Have I contracted the herps? This spot flares up from time to time, but only at that particular spot. Not sure if it's a recurring cystic acne that gets irritated or something worse.

>> No.10060624
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i do a neem leaf powder face mask twice a week, and when i wake up/before going to sleep, i rub neem paste on my face and wash it off

neem is like some magical indian leaf that's cheap as hell plus it has

>> No.10060704

I have the exact fucking thing. Its on both ends of my lips though

>> No.10061001

I never wash my face and I don;t have oily skin or acne. What can anyone recommend some products?

>> No.10061039

use cold water and a soft moisture

>> No.10061570
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here is the cheek of my face

ive used cetaphil, aztec mask, thayers toner, egyptian moisturizer and im still left with this

i try to drink as much water as i can and change up my diet like no dairy or something like that a week to see if it helps but nothing is noticeable

is surgery my only choice?
i have nothing against people who use accutane but im trying to get good skin without it.

pls help me

male here if it matters

>> No.10061578

My skin used to look like this and now it's perfect after a couple of years. Ease up on the products, that's what did it for me

>> No.10061596

ive had this before the products, sometimes ill only just use one, i was just trying to say what ive gone through in the past. thank you for the advice though.

>> No.10061644

I'm not saying the products did it but they don't exactly help. I think exercise and better diet did it for me

>> No.10062050

angular cheilitis

>> No.10062173

ugh nice skin is so hot

god i want to make out with her