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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 134 KB, 1129x1024, 1129px-Boston_University_Terriers.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10032421 No.10032421 [Reply] [Original]

Freshman at BU next year, scared as fuck

Where are you guys going?

>> No.10032431
File: 263 KB, 1365x1024, Arizona_State_Sun_Devils3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that U of A blows

Go Devils

>> No.10032442
File: 172 KB, 513x500, northeastern-university-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophomore at Northeastern University

>> No.10032537

Penn State

...fun stuff

>> No.10032538


What campus? Downtown is pretty fa

>> No.10032540
File: 16 KB, 316x110, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woopty woop

Class of '19.

>> No.10032544

who /tulane/ here

>> No.10032549

Also at NEU but an upcoming sophomore.
Can you and op help me with fashion in the fall?

>> No.10032559
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>> No.10032569

Hey Elliot

>> No.10032586

>didn't get into UCLA or UCSD
You're either stupid or literally a fucking retard

>> No.10032608

My friend goes there, also,
underage b& get the fuck off

>> No.10032632

What are you talking about? Most people enter college at 18

>> No.10032642


motherfuckin' GMU nigga

>> No.10032646

ID Student

>> No.10032651
File: 3 KB, 160x160, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10032660

Still too young. This board should stay in the 20's. Teens and Gen X fags, leave.

>> No.10032668
File: 19 KB, 744x241, SMUlogowWordmarkRBrgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down grandpa

>> No.10032673

that was my second choice and I opted for Tulane over it

did I make the right choice

>> No.10032688

tempe here, graduating next year


>> No.10032696

so lucky. This was my first choice and I was accepted but $$$$$$

>> No.10032697
File: 224 KB, 1365x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshman at NC State this fall

>> No.10032699

Fuck off old man.

>> No.10032705 [DELETED] 

>you will never have this shitty reading comprehension

I said 20's you prepubescent faggot.

>> No.10032707

I'm going to GMU too, shame im not /fa/ though.

>> No.10032714

>you will never have this shitty reading comprehension

I said 20's as in 20 year olds you prepubescent faggots.

>> No.10032722
File: 55 KB, 598x600, 1431084674493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for some siqq colonial fits

>> No.10032736
File: 161 KB, 225x308, UCIrvineAnteaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help, I'm an incoming freshman who missed his housing deadline

>> No.10032737

I'm 19 so you're still an old man

>> No.10032741

I got into UCSD but 1 they don't have an accounting major 2 I care about my social life, not tryna go to UC socially dead, everyone I know there has autism

>> No.10032749

Look that this faggot

>> No.10032753


>> No.10032755

I got waitlisted at UCSD and those fuckers still haven't given me a decision. Should I give up?

>> No.10032774

>wanting a job after I graduate
Joke's on me

>> No.10032837

California people, huh. UCD here, bikes and nice people, not much else.

>> No.10032953
File: 1 KB, 160x160, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwest men

>> No.10032967
File: 72 KB, 559x600, the_university_of_OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains.

Fuck Texas.

>> No.10032975

uga here.

It's so hot :(

>> No.10032987
File: 476 KB, 658x557, aztecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck uc socially dead bitch

>> No.10033041

go blue

>> No.10033266
File: 54 KB, 869x630, 3707_creighton_blue_jays-alternate-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10033320

Either b8 or really overestimate the average age of this board.

>> No.10033798

I live on LI and I would never go here. GL at your pleb school.

>> No.10033811

Who /Community College/ here?


>> No.10033857


>> No.10033873


>> No.10033880

>hur dur I'm smarter for saving monies

If you go to community college it means you weren't smart enough to get grants, scholarships, and financial aid at a nicer college.

>> No.10033895

You're all correct, I'm dumb and poor.

At least I desire to improve those aspects even though it may be too late

>> No.10033896

Community colleges aren't fa at all.

>> No.10033899

or dumbfag

>> No.10033914

Nah it's not too late. Sorry for being harsh.

>> No.10033917
File: 330 KB, 2400x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85% female 15% male, this should be interesting...

>> No.10034149
File: 13 KB, 200x200, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never enough cash for sick cops
a-at least I'll have a great job once I leave, right?

>> No.10034177

Going up north as well, I'll be a Syracuse freshman next year.

>> No.10034178

What school are you going into?

Also, don't be scared, BU isn't that bad.

>> No.10034182

You'll be able to cop whatever you want a couple years after you graduate. If you graduate...

>> No.10034226

>implying its hard to graduate

C's get degrees nigga

>> No.10034276
File: 28 KB, 944x946, The_Ohio_State_University_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to become an buckeye.......

>> No.10034284

>become an buckeye
Yep Ohio state for sure

>> No.10034289
File: 102 KB, 300x295, jackets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10034299
File: 164 KB, 550x327, Lmu_lions_textlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here go/going to loyola marymount university in LA? i would love to meet some /effay/ people there next year

>> No.10034311
File: 262 KB, 1015x1024, 1015px-Seattle_University_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoutout to my seattleu boys

>> No.10034315

Isn't listening to people in their 40s ramble about life during GE class discussions /fa/? I thought being /fa/ was all about looking down on people? It's pretty easy at a community college, if you've insulated yourself with a thick coating of delusions

>> No.10034322

muh nigga

>> No.10034325
File: 11 KB, 200x200, stony-brook-university_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the effay Asians like me.

>> No.10034327

Have fun with your useless degrees and debt, college fags. Welder here. Make 125k a year and I graduated HS three years ago.

>> No.10034337

>tfw graduated in 2013
Feels... not bad but kind of weird

My advice: balance the 40s and the 4.0s and have fun, get off 4chan while you're at school

>> No.10034339
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, 1000px-University_of_Maryland_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least /fa/ school ever

Any other terpfags here? you can come to my apartment to compare fits and drink ourselves into a coma

>> No.10034347

lol ok kid

>> No.10034375

I am a kid.. a kid that makes 125k a year, which is more than you'll ever make with your little piece of paper.

>> No.10034382

Who cares dude?

>> No.10034383

you keep telling yourself that bruhbruh

>> No.10034388

>I'm wasting four years of my life getting a degree that won't make me any money and I'm mad about it

>> No.10034395

im getting a degree in something i love and attending my dream school on a full scholarship. this is something i want to do its not all about making 125k by the time im 20. if i had to weld for a living i would deadass kill myself

>> No.10034396

I don't know what to tell you. I don't have any debt, had a ton of fun at school, I'm doing something I love and making good money while I do it. Not everyone wants to be a welder.

>> No.10034399

>I'm getting a useless liberal arts degree that will never do anything for me except put me in debt
If I knew I was in that situation I would deadass kill myself

>> No.10034402

Hey man good on you for trying to improve. Do you kind of know what you want to study?

>> No.10034404

I took my placement tests for Stony Brook the other day, can confirm the Asians are not effay.

Except for one.

>> No.10034408

im not in that situation tho. im using the money i saved up for college on anything i want and attending a university for free. i dont really expect you to understand considering youre a welder who probably failed out of highschool

>> No.10034410

I still make 125K so lick my taint college fag

>> No.10034411

>projecting this hard
welding is literally beaner work. kill ur self my man

>> No.10034412

ok man have fun getting paid on an hourly wage for the rest of your miserable life lol

>> No.10034413

>I'm mad because my degree will never get me a job over 80k

>> No.10034415

I don't think you know what projection is

>> No.10034417

I don't know how to say this, but I'd rather make less money doing something I like than making more welding. Why are you so hung up on this $125K argument? You're probably going to call me a fag or something, but there's really more to life than making money.

I don't judge you for not going to school, why do you judge me for doing it? Even if I have debt (which I don't), why does that matter to you? Do you really think no one should go to college? What are you even doing besides trolling? Why am I even replying to you? Why aren't you welding right now?

>> No.10034418
File: 16 KB, 333x151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Texas at Austin. UT Austin. Longhorns.

>> No.10034419


What's your major? I might be attending in 2016

>> No.10034422

Sorry guys I was just messing with you. See I'm an 18 year old that just graduated high school and don't have a high enough GPA to get into any decent college so I made up a lie so I could put down people that actually got into good colleges so I could feel better about myself. I mean I could still go the CC route and transfer to a state school or maybe even a mediocre private school, but what's the point?

>> No.10034424


>> No.10034428

Underage please go

>> No.10034430


>> No.10034438

what major are you and when to graduate?

>> No.10034443

Honestly that guy sounds just like my friend's brother. He makes a lot of money doing a similar job and talks shit about college but he has no friends and just buys stupid shit with his money

>> No.10034446


>> No.10034449

Oh I am that guy. The post you're replying to is actually me, the "welder". I just don't know what to do with my life man.

>> No.10034453

Just wear all those free t-shirts they give you every day. I got like 10 last year

>> No.10034463

whuddup faggots?

>> No.10034478
File: 65 KB, 650x650, 169-527319-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10034486

My bitch is going here next year

>> No.10034489

Talk to the Koreans that smoke outside of Ruggles

>> No.10034492

U Penn anyone? Will b freshman, stoked for philly

>> No.10034499


>> No.10034503

ill be sure to hit her up

>> No.10034508
File: 90 KB, 612x612, wakacapri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to community collage for two years
>transfer to State Uni for one year
>graduate from Harvard

keep in mind that I was taking 5-7 classes every semester. CC isn't that bad guys

>> No.10034532


you didn't go to harvard

>> No.10034533

Nah she crazy

>> No.10034547

dropped this place after a semester
maybe youll like it tho who knows :^)

>> No.10034560

who effay was the people there?

>> No.10034565

Ye, college park does suck

>> No.10034573


I work at the McDonalds near there

It's pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.10034580

Arts and Sciences

>isnt that bad
I thought BU was pretty good. Fuck now I'm actually nervous.

>> No.10034602
File: 167 KB, 410x324, Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 11.53.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any 'cuse fegs? Im class of 2019

>> No.10034604

You're going to college in a cool city, you have nothing to be worried about

>> No.10034619

Oops... I thought you thought it was bad because you said you were "scared as fuck".

I like it a lot and the location is very convenient. Don't worry.

>> No.10034636

Aerospace and december

>> No.10034728
File: 26 KB, 480x179, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going here this fall. Anything I should know about it? How's the party scene?

>> No.10034729
File: 269 KB, 877x1098, 877px-Oxford-University-Circlet.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my brits at

>> No.10034732

a bunch of fags go there. All the the theatre kids at my school are going lol

>> No.10034735

Civil, December 2016

>> No.10034746

Damn someone else from UC

>> No.10034763

You better know how to cook some
Rice ayy

>> No.10034772


Rice is a good school. I live in Houston as well. The party scene in Htown is pretty legit if you have a car to get around

>> No.10034783

That's good to know. Do you know about the party scene on campus?

>> No.10034834

Freshman at UC Berkeley

>> No.10034940

nice bait

>> No.10034943

God damn it.
I'm taking my placements next month. I have orientation in August.

>> No.10034963
File: 84 KB, 500x334, 10426668_10203729430150472_894031258679037358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18% acceptance rate fuckbois

>> No.10034966

Same here, wanna meet up?

>> No.10034973

What hall?

>> No.10035049
File: 107 KB, 480x480, Emory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /emory/ here?

Siqq school, lots of good places to eat, an excess of qts, /fa/ ass marble and white stone buildings, good profs, nice housing, and you're right in the center of Atlanta.

Class of '17 here

>> No.10035113

Fuck you and your LIU - pleb

>> No.10035148

Same here, bud. It's not too late, just try your best to get a 4.0 GPA those 2 years and then transfer to a good uni, I believe in you.

vine related

>> No.10035163

Nah I'm the Stony Brook pleb in this thread

>> No.10035219


>> No.10035221

Shit school

>> No.10035229
File: 35 KB, 500x500, NCS041-z_1_1024x1024..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah boi NCSU College of Textiles sophomore

>> No.10035261

"Husky Nation
My back is a big red flaming advertisement"

>> No.10035272
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 50 unis only

ww@ fam

>> No.10035274
File: 49 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I expect?

>> No.10035284

being a shit school overshadowed by >>10035272

>> No.10035286

>tfw doing a double major of medicine & music
UBC a shit

>> No.10035290
File: 41 KB, 448x443, 1427424049636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, spoilers don't work here.
Never tried that before, good to know.

>> No.10035296

lol what a fucking trainwreck

engineering is literally the only respectable major

>> No.10035299

Canada will always need good doctors, m8.

>> No.10035302

yo nag

>> No.10035307

yeah have fun inspecting fat lumps and ugly asian immigrants fucking anal cavity, being a doctor will never be as fulfilling as doing work you can be proud of

>> No.10035325

Wanted to go there but now I'm in St.Louis :/
Still happy with it though but will probably transfer next year

>> No.10035345

University college london

>> No.10035350
File: 40 KB, 574x301, gwu_logo_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10035354
File: 378 KB, 1000x1000, 1000px-CalPoly_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one posts name so you can't ctrl+f

Cal Poly ww@

>> No.10035355

>Better than Berkeley to the point that you don't even need to mention it

>getting into any good UC (basically, not Merced)

>> No.10035357
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-WashUShielding.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10035361

>implying he won't change his major at any point like 80% of college students
>implying major matters all that much

>going to school for a job to whore yourself out to the system

>> No.10035364
File: 12 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone go to UChicago? How is it there?

>> No.10035373

>inherently linked to grades

>implying it's impossible that anyone could have issues preventing them from achieving academically during childhood and adolescence including but not limited to: mental disorders, unstable family (such as abuse, moving homes, divorce, death in the family), economic problems (student works rather than doing homework), health issues

I know you're misguidedly trying to be elitist but if you're not college-age it really shows.

>> No.10035381

>salary labor that pays slightly above average
>worth anything in an argument

>> No.10035388

Lived across the street from MGSA last year, most of you dress like shit, like thrift store tier shit. The frat boys on college ave dress better than you.

>> No.10035392

When you claim to have attended Harvard, or any top 10 school, really, you sort of need to post something to substantiate it, especially if you misspell the word "college"

>> No.10035406
File: 22 KB, 400x300, yuf_gator_firstframe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humid as fuck.

>> No.10035418
File: 82 KB, 500x367, anticapitalistminion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god help us

>> No.10035428

>in the center of Atlanta

are you high

living off campus this year

>> No.10035433

whats up dog theres a couple of us

going to be a senior
now that sounds weird

>> No.10035446

the weather's been miserable. i've had to come down a few times over summer to take care of stuff/see people. don't you love living in SwampHell?

>> No.10035458

Are you trying to imply that I'm anticapitalist because I'm going to UChicago or that the student body and/or curriculum is anticapitalist?

>> No.10035474

I dun goof'd. Never thought I'd miss Naples weather till I moved here.

>> No.10035487
File: 85 KB, 960x936, itsmedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking around m80! it's a great school and i'm lookin' forward to next year

>> No.10035535

Enjoy having no free time, it will pay off in the end though.

>> No.10035550

homie going there next year.
look for prep shit, sometimes overdressed

>> No.10035557

What's up? I'm guessing you go to uga as well?

>> No.10035561

lol everyone at orientation had prep stuff on haha

>> No.10035562

might be the first cal poly post I have seen on this fucking board

>> No.10035579
File: 13 KB, 436x436, 03oberlinseal[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal pls
the 18K$ per year is alright tho

>> No.10035594

it's too fucking hot here, fuck

>> No.10035597
File: 24 KB, 227x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10035601
File: 11 KB, 576x174, calpoly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cal Poly reporting in.
I've posted Cal Poly in a similar thread before, but yeah I don't see it around here much.

>> No.10035610
File: 14 KB, 226x223, Pennsylvania_State_University-Penn_State_Wilkes-Barre_226989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard all of rhythmic slapping jokes.

>> No.10035702

JAPs as far as the eye can see

>> No.10035908
File: 371 KB, 1200x1160, utah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10035918
File: 18 KB, 397x397, umass-seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UMass Amherst class of 2017 here

>> No.10035923

University of Alabama political science major here. Anyone who thinks Bama is shit because it's in the south has clearly never been. Plus I'm in the honors college so average class size is around 10 people.

>> No.10035935
File: 80 KB, 1014x1188, LB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10035938

alabama is shit, have met couple people from there at my college who hate it and never wanna go back. never hear anything good from anyone ever about alabama

>> No.10035942

Unless you go to Auburn or Georgia you are lying buddy.

>> No.10035944

Tuscaloosa is probably a cool town but come on, overall Alabama is a shit state

>> No.10035947

huh, neato

>> No.10035948

UAH here, good school but not very effay.

>> No.10035954

I completely agree that Alabama is a shit hole. Tuscaloosa is a shit hole. But the campus is fantastic, safe, beautiful, hell they build a complete new building on campus every 70 days. Plus I'm being paid 3k per semester cause of my ACT and PSAT. I love it.

I rambled but yeah Alabama is a shit state

>> No.10035959

Yo I also go to GMU. We have an overwhelmingly un/fa/ university.

>> No.10035966

i got back from there for the college world series. The Blue Jay is a dope bar on wednesday. Blatts is sick on fridays. the campus is beautiful but fucking long, and it has nice talent woman wise.

>> No.10035967

>good profs
>implying GTech isn't better
jk, I go to Emory and have mixed feelings for it.

>> No.10035975

you in a fraternity?

>> No.10035995

just got my sat 2 scores back

720s in chem and math 2 LOL fuck me up

got a 34 on my ACT tho

a couple national orchestra awards

a 5.0 gpa

hopefully thatll be enough for some good places but im giving up on ivy league dreams except for brown or something but who wants that shit brown is for fucking hippies

>> No.10035998

Nope. I'm a goody two shoes which does not go hand in hand with frats.

>> No.10036040


there are business and academic frats
music frats
dumbass you sound like a prude not a goody two shoes

>> No.10036054

Not sure why you're so angry anon-kun

>> No.10036095

i wasn't the guy who replied to you, but you seem like a faggot.

>> No.10036116

yall grow up here or nah? A2 we out chere

>> No.10036120
File: 259 KB, 1918x572, Tufts_univ_seal_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy bahstan

>> No.10036142
File: 36 KB, 581x556, McGill University Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got you beat

>> No.10036153

reporting in

>> No.10036155

wtf all of my friends go here (going somewhere else for college) but i live right around here. /fa/ meetup?

>> No.10036164

literally considered like the lamest school in the nation

all fob Asians

im so sorry

>> No.10036165
File: 64 KB, 514x440, columbia_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /columbia/ here

class of '19

>> No.10036166

I'm back home for the summer lad, maybe when classes start up again ;^)

>> No.10036171
File: 97 KB, 1280x598, 1280px-UofT_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your school is shit, you don't have the right to talk down to anyone.

>> No.10036182
File: 141 KB, 1200x1283, queens-school-of-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people
com 19 leggo

>> No.10036212 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 500x108, ucsc-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay.

>> No.10036228

UT represent

>> No.10036235

Someone please say they go to Aston uni in birmingham UK? Please lads

>> No.10036242


What were your hs stats

>> No.10036246

35 act
3.9 gpa
nationally ranked in an EC i helped to found at my hs
1 solic rec another just ok rec
OK essays

>> No.10036255


i go to columbia ;) hipster haven baby... /fit/'s most elitist would thrive here

>> No.10036258


Damn nigga I feel good about my chances then

Why can't you share the ec?


>> No.10036259

Was your BTEC difficult m8.

>> No.10036269

it's called academic decathlon

just for reference i was deferred early decision and accepted in the regular decision pool

>> No.10036278


Really interesting

Thanks for sharing man

APs? IB?

>> No.10036296

How about BU?

>> No.10036337

ay! going in the fall. I feel like there's not a huge /fa/ scene there though

>> No.10036439
File: 32 KB, 500x380, 1741081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty state school but cheap instate tut so what ever

>> No.10036444

lol no from chicago

>> No.10036449

Comp Sci with a Comp Eng minor at Purdue

>> No.10036455

i had i think 5 APs at the time of applying, 2 4s and 3 5s, and i was taking 6 AP classes senior year

i had a couple subject tests too, 790 math ii and a 740 us history

>> No.10036494

ay i'm going into sophomore year. not the most /fa/ school but not horrible either

>> No.10036649

I just visited campus again today to pick up some stuff, it's boiling but everyone I saw downtown was gorgeous. I'm starting to wish I'd gone to summer session.

Fashionable or not, there's something appealing about a city where there are hardly any fat people.

>> No.10036655

CC '14 - enjoy these next few years bud

>> No.10036666

What's the financial aid like up there?

>> No.10036686

Unless you're Korean, they won't talk to you.

>> No.10036697

>tfw you were lazy your freshmen and sophomore years and it fucked your gpa
What are my chances with a 3.7 gpa and 6 ap tests of not getting fucked by admissions/cost of tuition at higher end school like boston u or udub?

>> No.10036710


sucks shit for bottom-feeding losers like you

>> No.10036720

>Come on lads, just be born into money like me :^)

>> No.10036738

Depends on your extracurrics and your race.

>> No.10036751

I'm jewish but I doubt that matters because I'm also white, my ec are limited to band and debate.

>> No.10036754

Couldn't have gone to a better SUNY?

>> No.10036991
File: 249 KB, 1200x800, 9JEAlxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha im a incoming freshman for uni of cincinnati who did the same,go to craigslist and look for rooms and shares hood luck nigga

>> No.10037009

I know a GWU student who owns (his Dad's) Ferrari and takes his girlfriend in it to drive circles in the Whole Foods basement. She looked so goddamn hilariously bored.

tl;dr: Beat him up for me

>> No.10037016
File: 35 KB, 1194x365, University_of_Florida_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tank tops 4 days

>> No.10037021

Fuck off

>> No.10037028

>tfw no girlfriend to drive around Whole Foods parking lot with

>> No.10037030

sounds like a typical GW student

American's the vastly better DC school and I don't go to either

>> No.10037034

u know professor karl chu?

>> No.10037035

Georgetown>all other DC schools

>> No.10037036

In what ranking? The ARWU puts McGill at 67th worldwide

>> No.10037055
File: 22 KB, 324x468, University of Chicago Logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UChicago class of 2019 here

>> No.10037067

if you like being an insufferable old money cunt sure

someone at my highschool got in solely off of Lacrosse, I think he had a 2.9 GPA

>> No.10037074

I'm pretty sure I replied to you and then a guy got mad at me for being a philosophy major

>> No.10037080
File: 97 KB, 801x1024, Duke_University_Crest.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feeling salty after getting turned down at Yale... on a scale from 1 - 10 how entitled am I, /fa/?

>> No.10037089

I got denied from Duke so fuck you/10

>> No.10037103

Pro life tip: there's a sort of run-togetherness that comes from top schools. Duke is a phenomenal place that you can get a baller education from, so don't sit around stewing about it.

To put this in perspective: the last Harvard Law guy I worked with was REALLY into My Little Pony and proceeded to strike out with drunk slutty girls at a bar that would have fucked a dead 80 year old. So yeah.

>> No.10037114

just aim right below ivy and you're in for sure, georgetown berkeley usc etc

>> No.10037122

i knew i'd see you here, cameron

>> No.10037147


U guys for real? I'm going into my sophomore year there. Didn't know there were any /fa/ggots around me

>> No.10037162

ayyyy class of 2017 here too

>> No.10037176
File: 202 KB, 300x300, brandeis-university[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anybody out there?

>> No.10037187

Accepted into their Arch and their Industrial Design, but it's too expensive even after scholarships.

>> No.10037205

Boomer Sooner

>> No.10037216

Unless you are proud to be a doctor...

>> No.10037219

i know a guy on who's on his way to brown, he got in with a 4.0(on a 4.0 scale) and a 34 act, but he's also running track for them.

>> No.10037223

Another STEM field elitist faggot. You're giving the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.10037252

Patrick Bateman
>nah saying Harvard


>> No.10037303
File: 71 KB, 1600x900, lM7cGqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send in a music supplement if you're good. It will help immensely. Not saying just to humblebrag, but nearly everyone I know, myself included, who sent in art supplements got into a top 10 school (US News).

It literally carried one of my friends into Stanford (the other places he got into were CMU and WashU, not that they're bad, but you know. Not Stanford.)

>> No.10037310

Another point: yes, it's not necessarily causal, but it really doesn't hurt.

>> No.10037349
File: 54 KB, 628x628, 9445_notre_dame_fighting_irish-alternate-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshman next year, p excited

>> No.10037368

quit making us engineering students look like complete asshats. fuck off dude, take your raging insecurity somewhere else.

>> No.10037407

Any uiuc?

>> No.10037448

Anyone Boston College here?

>> No.10037456

was my top choice

now realize how shitty the weather is and how far up their own ass the students are and didn't even bother visiting for accepted students day

>> No.10037480

GW student here, in a fraternity and doing engineering. I can answer any questions

>> No.10037499

my friend loved it, have fun

>> No.10037535

incoming freshman here. anything i should know about this school?

>> No.10037541

Go blue, yo.

I'm a sophomore studying chemical engineering. It's a cool school.

>> No.10037564

whats your year and major? and what boards do you go onto? want to be friends?

t-thanks in advance

>> No.10037568

Bmorefriend here
College Park is the definition of "okay"--student body's a mixed bag, you'll find a handful of cool/smart/interesting/etc people there who settled for something less than their ideal school for any number of reasons, and the rest are potatoes.

>> No.10037587

>people there who settled for something less than their ideal school for any number of reasons

>> No.10037591

CC '17 represent

>> No.10037595

Good goyim

>> No.10037608

i'm stuck between a few options. i get free tuition. i am currently living in a small town outside of toronto with my mom.

1. going to school for something profitable

i am not good at school honestly so i will have a very hard time with this and will have a high risk of failing

2. going to school for something art bc i am art man but having a useless degree when i graduate

i don't really want to do this now. the only reason i would do it would be to network, meet people & enjoy living in the big city

3. putting off school and learning a trade

this seems the most realistic. my friends are all tradesmen and have plenty of work. these guys aren't as developed socially and have weak normie personalities, but they are already pretty successful

the only issue i have with this option is that i will miss out on living in the city and having fun. i am very social and i feel like living in toronto is a necessary thing for me but i am very unsure and nervous about school.

>> No.10037620

no way I' m also going to oberlin

>> No.10037622

Don't go to university for an arts degree, might as well just flush money down the toilet. Just do a trade or do a high end degree if you think you can buckle down, study and get good grades. If you think thats too hard for your self just go into a trade and party on the weekends in Toronto.

>> No.10037627
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Uwaterloo_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my undergrad at Carleton, going to Waterloo next year for my Masters, scared af

>> No.10037650


uga here too. class of 2016. athens is a decently /fa/ town tbh, with the music scene and all

>> No.10037653
File: 52 KB, 632x615, Uofacrest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone UAlberta?

>> No.10037670
File: 63 KB, 325x325, UofPS_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking pinecone

university of puget sound in tacoma WA

>> No.10037672

Decently /fa/, I'm more of an atl guy tbh but to each his own. What's got you up so late? Just got back from dt....shit was packed

>> No.10037681

recent grad here

I'm so sorry. If you can stick out the first month, it gets slightly better. If you're doing premed, god help you.

>> No.10037684
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got fucked up here over a weekend 10/10

>> No.10037701


Yea. Its pretty easy to spot others honestly. The only ones not dressed in graphic print tees, frat attire, or like a gym teacher. The largest fa population here are the international students, but they dress more expensive than they do well.

>> No.10037705

it's not fucking far from it you GTech fagget

>> No.10037707


>> No.10037794
File: 212 KB, 1024x690, 6138654375_0876ede5fd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in computer engineering and I'm surrounded by weebs.

>> No.10038044

i get tuition for free. and its not my family paying.

>> No.10038087

Yeeahhh boy we SLO now, what years, where you boys at? What majors?

>> No.10038768

Sweet, you the same guy from the last uni thread who's living in North next year?

>> No.10038771

>computer engineering
what did you expect

>> No.10038941

The jewish thing is a plus.

>> No.10039178

It was uncalled for, sorry, but I hated Albany when I went.

>> No.10039258

Someone tell me I was right to pick Georgetown over a full ride + stipend at OU


>> No.10039353

all the retard kids from my high school that couldn't get into FL public schools are going there lol

>> No.10039363

nope, it's graduate school that really matters, you should go as cheap as possible for undergrad and go to the best school possible for grad

>> No.10039381


what if I wasn't gonna go to grad school unless DoD/State Department paid for it

>> No.10039386

good luck finding a decent job then without grad school

>> No.10039390
File: 129 KB, 849x916, Stevens_Institute_of_Technology_logo[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here goes to Stevens I'll eat my fucking hat

>> No.10039398

what are your first names?

>> No.10039405

Grad school only matters for certain degrees. You can get a perfectly good paying job without it. In fact, most companies will pay for you to get a grad degree if they want you to.

>> No.10039615


>> No.10039859

>>2270 SAT
>>3.6 Weighted GPA

Someone tell me why I shouldn't kill myself other than the hot girls here

>> No.10039862
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forgot pic

>> No.10040017

C-cuesta, going to into second year. Was looking into journalism but haven't really done anything with it

>> No.10040156

Advice from a sophomore:

There is no reason you shouldn't be drunk all welcome week and all syllabus week. My biggest mistake was not going out as much as I could. Other than that, most people get drunk 3x a week, but that's a minimum and bars have specials pretty much every day of the week (and people go).

If you don't make noise you will never be in trouble in the dorms. The RAs can only come in if you are loud and let them in.

Some dorms the smoke alarm goes off silently and they send an RA up to check it out.

You can also walk past the front desk at any hour hammered or high as long as you don't reek of weed, fall over, or be loud (though if you need to smuggle in a case every dorm has at least one more exit that is never staffed).

You can ship whatever you want to the dorms as long as customs doesn't seize it (yes, this includes fakes).

Skip the floor activities/dorm activities, they suck and you might as well go out with your friends.

There is no guest policy. Your buckid works on any entrance of your dorm 24/7 but only on other dorms until like 11 iirc. Friends can visit you and sleep over on your floor whenever. You can sleep in whoever's room. It really doesn't matter.

SEL is 24/7 and people sleep there during finals week. Engineers sleep in their buildings every week.

Don't lie to RAs. 8am classes ruin your life.

Let me know if you have any questions.

>> No.10040164

Ahh the trades, where you work the same job until your back gives out at 40 or work long enough to see STEM majors make your experience obsolete or unnecessary.

>> No.10040217


>> No.10040414

fucking moron

>> No.10040879


What dorm did you request? I hope you didnt choose west campus. If you did, can you help me get an RA fired? Thanks.

>> No.10040886


Also if you want a cheap fake ID. I can hook you up with a NC for $60. Or if you want a chinese made ID, I can do 2 for 80

>> No.10041172

haaaaa everyone from my highschool in Portland went there

I'd imagine it's a semi-/fa/ stoner shithole knowing the people who went there