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File: 22 KB, 630x420, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10029792 No.10029792 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard this man punched one of his models?

>Literally promoting the fact that he did it

>> No.10029807
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>> No.10029812
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>> No.10029825

If you heard that, then you probably know why.

>> No.10029836


>> No.10029861

>"It’s a crazy, rogue, f***ing model that I punched when he came back out,” Owens told WWD. “Please say that I punched him.”

Why is he promoting the fact that he punched the model? I understand that he was furious about the model's message but he is basically admitting to assaulting the model.

>> No.10029866

pay denbts

>> No.10029874


>> No.10029876


>dick holes

Is there a bigger hack than Rick Owens?

>> No.10029886

Honestly, I can totally understand his anger.
This was his show, he showed his work, but this faggot model had to not only take the whole attention of the crowd away from Ricks work with his own little agenda (?), no, he disrupted the whole flow of the show with it.
The outfits are meant to be seen in a specific way and a specific order, the show as a whole was ruined.
I would have punched that cunt too.

>> No.10029911

I agree mang
I'd try not to punch the shit, but I completely get why Dicky did

>> No.10029918
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they look like friends
i think this was orchestrated

>> No.10029924

>He’s been my male muse for the past 12 years or something and I think he just felt comfortable enough to do something in a show and I’m furious," Owens said.

>> No.10029926
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>> No.10029937

>Is there a bigger hack than Rick Owens?

No. He is pathetic, only surpassed by his even more pathetic fanboys.

>> No.10029941


>> No.10029964
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>rick owens will never bully you

>> No.10030043

the entire point of the show was to "protest male aggression" and then this model did something super aggressive. not to mention that this will be the focal point of the show for a lot of people instead of the clothes. rick needed to emphasize that it wasn't at all an intended part of the show

there is no bigger indicator of 4chan plebs than blind hate of rick
>implying designers can be "memes"
please explain to me who i should be a fan of because apparently it's all about ~patrician taste~ and not personal preference

>> No.10030069

Cheap PR stunt, and cunts like >>10030043
will just lick it up like the cunts they are

>> No.10030098

>is friends with Rick
>wears a fedora and a shitty Oakley shirt

Glad he got punched

>> No.10030141

why is rick so qt

>> No.10030146

dude its all about our legacy and isabel benanato xDD so obscureee I hear its 100% cotton

>> No.10030158

how come every rick model has a really high hairline + look generally sick/unhealthy?

if these models posted on /fa/ without you guys recognizing them, they would be shit on

>> No.10030169

oh yeah, a business that grew from $40 million to $120 million in 4 years DEFINITELY needs cheap PR stunts to sell sneakers

this logic is so fedorable it's depressing

>> No.10030174

>people express their personal preference
>they don't prefer rick owens

Fuck this board

>> No.10030178

Holy SHIT, did you honestly just say that


Please kill yourself.

>> No.10030188

well, black fat women modelling > penis showing through clothing

these pr stunts have definitely helped.

>> No.10030189
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>WWD reported that the house also requested that "all media omit or blur this image in the press."

Lmao ain't gonna happen jew owens.

>> No.10030190

>expressing personal preference

"He is pathetic, only surpassed by his even more pathetic fanboys."

"Is there a bigger hack than Rick Owens?"

i don't even like talking about Rick all the time, especially when there are so many other great designers to talk about, but there's so much shitposting that it fucks up a chance for real conversation

it's not a rick issue so much as a /fa/ autist issue

>> No.10030191


>> No.10030206

He said they didn't need a "cheap PR" stunt dumbass, he never said or implied that they don't continue marketing.

>> No.10030207

You're right, it is a /fa/ autist issue--autists like you can't deal with any criticism towards rick without fanboying out and defending his name (very poorly) from every dissenting voice.

>> No.10030219

>telling people to kill a politician will increase sales of $1200 sneakers
this is what Rick haters actually believe

can you guys not tell the difference between interesting/controversial show ideas and random models freaking out? especially after Rick repeatedly said it wasn't his idea

>> No.10030222

Rick's "muse" is an uggo normie... meme_frog_with_gun.jpg

>> No.10030241

>calling rick pathetic
i don't think you know how criticism works

what brands do rick haters like? or do you base your taste just off what you don't like

>> No.10030261


Nah Hedi will hold that title till the end of time

>> No.10030298

uniqlo & apc

>> No.10030305

Any publicity is good publicity, if you think otherwise you're retarded, this will keep his market interested. Every show will have something occur that will be reported on and will be 'controversial' even though this wasn't ricks idea.

>> No.10030328

i'm pretty sure everyone that buys Rick was already interested beforehand, seeing as he's one of the biggest names in fashion right now; this'll get picked up by news outlets but do you seriously think anyone reading about this on Facebook Trending is gonna buy rick because of it?

lmao i hope you're joking
i could understand hating rick if you were into like haider ackermann and/or craig green or something, but two of the most basicbitch brands in existence?

>> No.10030403
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any ideas as to why he actually did it?

>> No.10030414

The current chancellor of germany angela merkel

>> No.10030432

maybe something about Germany controlling the EU or something about austerity? that's literally all i know about european politics

what are some common reasons that people don't like Merkel

>> No.10030433

I think he has secret crush on Merkel and wanted to ask her out ona date but was too shy to do it directly but really I'm not entirely sure

>> No.10030469


>protest sign on raw edge boiled cotton with distressed detailing

rick gonna rick


>> No.10030518

>believing all of these replies are coming from the same person
>not realizing the obvious sarcasm
>can't even quote the correct post

Holy fuck just leave

>> No.10030537

>works in fashion industry
>clothing is made out of fabric
>lots of fabric laying around
>edgy model wants to send an edgy message
>grabs a small scrap of fabric from the literal piles of it everywhere
>quickly jots down stupid message
>shoves it into pants
>starts walking
>pulls it out
You probably also think 9/11 was an inside job

>> No.10032088

I can't tell, is he complementing or criticizing Merkel? The >not is confusing me

>> No.10032204

is this a borat reference? or zoolander?

think this dude got to piss in Dick Ovens mouth that night?

>> No.10032248

I think it is a reference to the current Tsipras vs Merkel Greek debt deal talks that fall through every single day.
Although the "Not" makes it difficult to understand whose side he is on

>> No.10032389
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Angela Merkel is p decent tbh

>> No.10032437


They probably fucked.

>> No.10032471
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he looks like that one guy from the walking dead

>> No.10032510

and according to people who have involvement in the show, he didnt actually punch the model, was just furious

>> No.10032524

wow, getting punched by little manlet rick ownes, im sure that mustve done some serious damage. i hope the model is ok. that rick looks pretty ripped and beastly. pretty sure anyones little 6 yr old child can hit harder than faggy rick owens

>> No.10032531

did you see who got punched tho

a 6 y/o child might be enough to end that mans life, let alone senor ricardo saturnino owens

>> No.10032542

They're must be laughing right now about this while drinking and snorting cocaine in a hotel room in paris

>> No.10032561

>rick will never do a fat line off your boipuss before making you pay off your latest sick kop

>> No.10032588

you realize the guy got dropped from his agency and is probably blacklisted from the industry?

and why would rick protest merkel? he's not german

>> No.10032591

what agency was he at even?
>implying he wont be redeemed in a few seasons

>> No.10032623

>Gödel—who found Jera, like all her models, on the street—added that she could only ever book Diarc for Rick Owens.

>“He was always late, never on time, I always knew he was crazy. Rick was the only one who would book him. Rick was supportive of him, even if he was always late. There is no way I ever expected him to do anything so stupid. I am surprised and angry. It was so disrespectful to Rick, and the team who worked on the clothes and show. I was shocked and Rick was furious.”


>> No.10032624

nvm, its tomorrow is another day. which is a german agency that does a lot of ro and saint laurent.

>> No.10032726

ISIS member

>> No.10032821

Guy had it coming. I'm with Rick on this one. This anon put it well >>10029886

>> No.10032830

Didn't know thom yorke modeled for rick

>> No.10032843

Rick has some decently thick arms and the model looks like he has a foot on the grave already.

If you gonna hate do it right.

>> No.10032928
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>> No.10032940

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10033014
File: 167 KB, 1366x2048, _RIC0803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only did he punch his bitch and also had the best fit of the whole show

>> No.10033055

he's so vascular

>> No.10033074

hes probably all pumped up because he just finished pumping loads from his indian cock into a meagre twink backstage

>> No.10033082

why won't Rick embrace gray hair? he would be a silver fox

>> No.10033098
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>> No.10033114

That drug addled face. What an awful industry to get in to...

>> No.10033135
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I take it he wrote 'not' so that people couldn't flat out accuse him of wanting Merkel dead, but he indeed does.

>> No.10033162

>the entire point of the show was to "protest male aggression"
>punches model

great show of protest

>> No.10033177

did you get lost on your way to reddit?

>> No.10033182

yeah dude those guy's eyes are fucked

>> No.10033205


>And though Mr. Owens said that he and the model had “great warmth for each other,” Jera’s English is spotty and Mr. Owens’s German nonexistent. So even after more than a decade, Mr. Owens said, “our conversations have been pretty vague.”

>But he did recall an odd moment from Jera’s fitting earlier this week. According to Mr. Owens, the model produced three cards and asked him to choose between them: “Kill Angela Merkel,” “Kill Angela Merkel — Not” and “Kill the Last Unicorn.”

>“I thought it was just a little game, a wordplay thing he was doing for the moment,” Mr. Owens said. He chose “Kill the Last Unicorn”; his wife, Michele Lamy, chose none of them, saying, “I don’t like any killing at all.”

>“I guess he figured I endorsed it from that,” Mr. Owens said. “I didn’t know it was going to come back to haunt me.”

>> No.10033235

>“It’s about the idea of male aggression – whenever I think about men’s collections I always think about the idea of aggression because it’s just part of a man’s DNA and it’s something that I struggle with and I think other men do too,” he explained. “Like, when does ambition and efficiency spill over into aggression? And this model just gave into his aggression, and his balance was off. He became imbalanced. His aggression took over.”
well it makes sense within the context of his own thinking. he got angry, anger spilled into aggression and he lost control. i don't think there's any point explaining this to somebody who has never thrown a punch before though. nytimes summed it up well actually.
>In fact, Mr. Owens added, he had intended the show to be a comment on determination and the danger of such determination tipping into aggression, specifically male aggression. Jera’s gesture, and the designer’s response, ironically dovetailed with just that.

that's ridiculous, but i guess we still won't actually know the model's motives unless he speaks on it himself

>> No.10033257
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>> No.10033268
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Just check out those doug funnie shoes. I respect this man very much, both for wearing those shoes, and punching his bitch. I can only hope to be like him some day.

>> No.10033307


>> No.10033312


why do all male models look like they have fucking lukemia

>> No.10033319

cause you're looking at a rick show
>I imagine my male model as this translucent jellyfish of a man who is totally unfuckable—what does that mean? I haven’t figured it out.
there's a lot of healthy/fit models in the industry though

>> No.10033332

>get called out for being a fuckin autist
>shitty hourly reused comeback about reddit.
You must be pretty new here.

>> No.10033344



>> No.10033523

>working out is modern couture
>hire this guy

>> No.10034495

>le "only thing thing I care about in politics in le immigrants hate" meme

>> No.10035675

that wasn't me nigga. I been here since tom was here and trunks was basedprophet so you can fuck right the hell off back to leddit.