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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 206 KB, 800x600, 1310693105381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10023097 No.10023097 [Reply] [Original]

who here is 25+?

>tfw been here since the beginning
>/fa/ was literally a popularity contest amongst trips
>the "fashion" of this board has not changed at all since 08 with the exception of the addition of rick
>still come back here once in a while even though everyone is either in high school or just finished.
>tfw too old for 4chan but have nowhere else to go

I wouldn't mind seeing what the 25+ crowd wears.

>> No.10023116

Who's this chick?

>> No.10023127

its ok man

everyone on 4chan is here for a reason :^) /fa/ is no exception

>> No.10023129

so deluded....

>> No.10023134

Im 31 :(

>> No.10023139

I'm 28.

Feels old.

>> No.10023148

At least we can pull off menswear now

>> No.10023154

You are beautiful this is you right? I'm a 19 year old girl so I can't tell you what I'll be wearing when I'm 25 but what's your style like? And I don't mean any of this in a creepy way at all! Allso do you have any pics of your full hair style? I want something simaler I think

>> No.10023157

What the fuck are you talking about? This place was mfa casual attire up until 2010-2011. from there on is where tricky ricky and raf took over

>> No.10023158

sad.. fashion is really dead.

hey op whats ur skype?

>> No.10023159

say girl, lemme see your bh

>> No.10023161
File: 430 KB, 1704x2272, 1268172722794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nobody recognizes who this is

/fa/ really is dead

>> No.10023169

Her name is Erica Schmidt. She was a tripfag here years ago (I don't remember her trip name).

>> No.10023173 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 742x742, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That effay body


>> No.10023177

My what? I don't show dirty images

>> No.10023178

>I wouldn't mind seeing what the 25+ crowd wears.
Suits, mostly. At least in my case.

>> No.10023182

Those aren't natural, are they? Looks rock hard.

>> No.10023188
File: 94 KB, 500x667, 1275443375251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just erica lmao

>> No.10023192

No who is she? Sorry I'm new to 4 chan

>> No.10023199

>Button downs galore
>A few designer pieces that I wear on days off etc

>> No.10023224

18 i wear businesses casual everyday wwith a few good pieces and growing.

>> No.10023230

I still lurk but never find anything at all. I follow tom and trips on tumblr to feel like I'm still there

SO is this a board culture thread? It sucks

>> No.10023289

Trips was/is cool.
Tom was a retarded bitch. Don't care if she grew up tbh.

/fa/ board culture was one notch above absolute shit in the early years. It's two notches above now.

>> No.10023329
File: 362 KB, 1110x1600, 1366244856147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to be proud of about being here since 2008. If you're friends with any of the old treehouse tripfags on facebook, they've all long moved on from anything but lurking occasionally on /fa/.

But you're not alone, there are plenty of mid-20s and even 30s posters on here that have been around since 2008. I would say you're incorrect about the fashion and the culture of this board not having changed since then. It's completely different, for better and worse.

The 25+ crowd that have white collar jobs just dress business casual with expensive pieces.

>> No.10023377

Pretty much sums me up
I get some good inspo from time to time which is mainly the reason why I still come to the place

>> No.10023390

25.bought a pair of pants for the first time in 3 years last week.

>> No.10023392

27 here. I have settled into quality menswear for work and mostly boots + slim jeans + fitted collared shirts + classic outerwear for casual. I also have some semi-formal/biz-casual stuff, but I don't wear it all that often. I've slowly built up to almost all really good quality shit, without too much quantity.

A few years ago I would have called it boring as all fuck, but I'm really happy with how I dress right now. I'm complemented on my clothes all the time, especially by women around my age, and it's a pretty much universally accepted style. Maybe this is just another phase, though, I don't know.

What about you OP, did you drop your fashion interest altogether, or just the /fa/ aesthetic?

>> No.10023396

26. I've been on 4chan for nearly a decade, but relatively late to /fa/, maybe 2012 or so. Mostly dress athleisure but I'm still in school so I can get away with it.

>> No.10023411

back in 2008 using greentext to communicate was synonymous with being /b/ /v/ retards
that was before it became the norm for new people because they are also meme spouting underage kids

yet o is doing so
while talking about how the board hasn't changed

kind of makes you think...

>> No.10023417

ID on those shoes? those are pretty sweet

>> No.10023434

speak for yourself bruh.

>baby face, having a beard just looks incongruous as hell
>voice isn't high, but I still sound young
>tfw I get mistaken for 17-20 all the time
>tfw I probably won't be able to pull off menswear until my hair goes grey

>> No.10023490

>says "bruh"

>> No.10023507

it's one of those words i only use on 4chan

>> No.10023558
File: 76 KB, 600x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn 25
>become more fashion conscious
>try to keep looking young
>/fa/ tells me i look 13
>at least it worked

>> No.10023567

ill be 27 next weds. I mostly wear a mix of Gitman Vintage, J crew and Thom browne, with some thrift store Haggar pants here and there.

>> No.10023572

I'm 27.
>started browsing in '09
>dressed like a skid punk/mall brands
>still dress like a skid punk, with 800 dollar boots and 500 dollar unbranded black pants

>> No.10023574

so your wearing the same exact thing except its more expensive

>> No.10023580

gotta stay true to your roots.

>> No.10023609
File: 79 KB, 500x667, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 here
>been around on and off since '08
>always been fashion conscious, mom raised me a materialist whore
>18 = find /fa/, find goth ninja
>start ordering alot from allsaints and the odd piece of rick/bbs/etc when i can
>25 now, style is way more relaxed now
>tfw closet full of rick becomes mainstream "fuccboi" style
>still wear alot of it, but more as just a nice t shirt, not the whole goth ninja get up.

pic related = me '10

>> No.10023620

haha, sweet.

>> No.10023643

if im here past 25 ill legitimately consider sudoku.

>20 years old and have been on chan since 16

>> No.10023650

kek, this is the ulter very end of a /fa/ user

>> No.10023654


you ARE me.

happy july 1st 1988

we are bros

>> No.10023669

26. Been around 4chan for forever now, /fa/ since 2011.

I feel pretty young and in my prime tbh. Thought I was gonna kill myself by now, but things are way better than they were before

>> No.10023670

>young and in my prime

get out of here old man

>> No.10023671

I started coming here at 16 and am now 21 (almost 22). I know I'm not old, but being on this board makes me feel like I've wasted all my youth and I'm gonna wake up 40 or some shit tomorrow.

>> No.10023680
File: 307 KB, 1176x882, ancient artifact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My '09 geobaskets for prove. RIP.

>> No.10023684

Post modern fit

>> No.10023690

do you think that filename is funny or edgy? do you?

>> No.10023705


i'll be 28 soon and i'm just now getting into post-hardcore.

been seriously bumping

Pierce the veil
Bring me the horizon
A day to remember

with my winamp eq on bass boost.

i don't have a car but my winamp eq is a lot like what it would be to have a modded out car.

and i might get a scene cut because everyone thinks i look like i'm 21 but i don't wanna jinx it!!!

:) <3 XD XD XD

>> No.10023715
File: 796 KB, 2448x3264, 1435105947891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powerful post

>> No.10023730

thanks... i'm surprised ptvfa bmthfa etcc isn't on this board more.

>> No.10023746
File: 257 KB, 896x1195, modern fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is like ~2 years old but its still pretty close to what I wear now, except some Sambas instead of those Geos. I don't take many fit pics because shit phone camera.

Uhmmm maybe a little funny.

>> No.10023794


>The culture of that pit of venom would have most believe that it's more a matter of how much money you are prepared to sink into your wardrobe.

>> No.10023798

26 is still relatively young.

>> No.10023799

How can you guys tell just how long you've been coming here
I can't remember when I started occasionally coming here, then all the time 3 year ago.. 5 maybe.. I have no clue internet life all kinda blurs when you think back

>> No.10023812

28 checking in. 25 should be the average age on /fa/ tbh.
If you're younger than 20 you should stick to streetwear.

>> No.10024383

these pics couldve been taken the same day

absolutely nothing has happened

>> No.10024406
File: 345 KB, 498x568, 1426023450531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these posts are always the same

>I'm an oldfag, I've been here all summer xD
>I'm 25, I'm so old!!! way too old to be on here, but not too old to attention whore even though I'm anonymous
>I know all the old trips and they were SO MUCH BETTER than the new, especially casemods, he was just the best XD only late 00's 4chan poster will remember
>I have le encyclopedic knowledge of all the trends that's been on /fa/ and I'm very cynical about them xD '08-'11 was le golden era
>why can't the stupid newfag scum appreciate that one tripfag that was on here for a couple of months in late '09??
>muh board culture
>look at this obscure picture of some meme from 5 years ago, I bet you don't know it XD good look finding it on know your meme!!




the whole notion of 'board culture' is what keeps /fa/ mostly shitty

stick to talking about fashion instead of this shit, it's pathetic

>> No.10024422

Turning 26 this year. Been here for about 8 years. Fuck.

I wear black Levi 510's and plain, collared long sleeve shirts. The boots im wearing atm are palladium.

This board still has some OK fits posted on it. It's turning into /s4s/ with clothes.

>> No.10024424

Please contain your butthurt, kid.

>> No.10024448

Turning 30 this year. This is where effay ends for me. Time to look like a grown-up.

>> No.10024450

I'm 25 myself but I don't live my life on 4chan. Anyone reminiscing about the good old days on this site are delusional and sad.

>> No.10024472

Why do you hate fun?

>> No.10024485

Being 25+ doesn't mean you just have to stick with the basics/relax it down. If you're really interested in fashion you would find lots of stuff to wear and more if you've made a comfort zone with effay friends irl to hang out with. Don't give up yet.

Of course don't go full fuccboi/streetwear or some other style that only teenagers can rock.

>> No.10024501

28 here...

>> No.10024504

27 soon

only came here to inspo and mostly laugh...

Business casual, taillored shirts, when casual jeans and clark's.
Easy,clean, works everywhere

>> No.10024505


Come on dude, old days was great. it was a time of free web...

>> No.10024510

25 y.o and I'm dressing streetwear Stussy/Supreme/Palace.

Pls kill me.

>> No.10024521

>tfw 100% dark features
>tfw the girl who ties my hair back on occasion said I have a few grey hairs
>tfw im 21

>> No.10024652

thom browne...

>> No.10024934

30.. Came back here on a whim yesterday and found my old WYWT in an inspo thread. It's been two years and people are still telling me to change my shoes.

>> No.10025239

post the picture, gramps

>> No.10025248


I think u mean seppuku, unless you really will turn to number puzzles out of frustration

>> No.10025269

>came here in 09
>started dressing like a /fa/g
>don't spend money on clothes so i still dress the same
/fa/ definitely taught me how to not dress like a retard or normie. my best friend used to ask me for advice on clothes. I have that attention to detail that you need to look good. I don't really care about or follow trends anymore.

>> No.10025326

the joke
your head

>> No.10025330
File: 342 KB, 394x394, dqkY0o1.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10026250


…got more pics, guys?

>> No.10026401

too old for 4chan

but don't have a wife and kid and i don't find Dudeperfect and IPA beer amazing

so i don't fit in with reddit

>> No.10026702

>greentexting existing in 2008
fuck off newfag

>> No.10026723

I'm 25 and I dress techwear/grown up goth basically. All black/dark grey, simple pieces with some layering, tank tops, skinny jeans, leather sneakers or Doc Martens.

>> No.10026743

I am 34.🍸

>> No.10026748


>> No.10026819

24, 2/3 of my life gone already ;_;

Posted since 2007/8, all I ever get is L O N D O N

I'll post a fit tomorrow I'm in scrubs today

>> No.10028470


>> No.10028497

I'm 30, i look like a 17 year old ..so I dress in whatever (mainly ugly), and people think I'm younger so I get away with it. I don't complain and I help people on the board when asked about opinions or help.

If I wish to update my knowledge about fashion, I don't read fa, i go other places such as style.com. 4chan is mainly an entertainment board for me, a place I find pretty pictures and a knowledge archieve of memes.

>> No.10028543


>> No.10028641

that description hit too close to home for this teen, he's trying to re-write history...

the hallmarks of teens, or those who've never matured out of that phase:
getting excited over dubs
spewing memes from a board that was deleted once because it failed to even be /b/ 2.0