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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 626x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10022519 No.10022519 [Reply] [Original]

long beards and tight jeans!!! Who started this fucking trend? 7 out 10 white kids I see have a long beard and tight jeans!!

Make it stop /fa/

>> No.10022623

>why aren't certain people exactly like me, why do they enjoy having their own style and making their own life choices

Grow up and get the fuck over it, you god damn child.

>> No.10022686
File: 124 KB, 652x784, beardfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effete urban faggots glorifying what they perceive as the authentic masculine culture of yesteryear, inspired mainly by movies, tv shows and novelty bands that became popular, and cosplaying as the turn-of-the-century working class. Nothing wrong with playing dress-ups, except when they start to believe their own bullshit and make Facebook posts about beards being inherently masculine and making them more authentic men by extension. And you just know there are those men out there who always had beards before this trend blew up, and are now being lectured by these hipsters for not grooming it "properly" and using the right amount of Scoop Deluxe. Anyhoo, that's fashion for ya.

>> No.10022694


>> No.10022754
File: 3.73 MB, 640x360, stab_0_1415625862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really annoying because it was part of the counter culture movement and it is slowly creeping into become a cliche hipster trend.

its sort of a bold statement on the current perception on masculinity. the beard is supposed to be a quiet symbol

but not its really becoming this thing that people don't really understand. it doesn't have its symbolism anymore which is fine because any counter culture movement becoming acceptable in mainstream culture is a good thing. maybe its the company i keep but the men with beards are becoming loud and ostentatious about it.

the in OP's picture is about as mainstream hipster as you can get with a fedora-derivative, plaid shirt, possible non prescription glasses, and a large beard. that man is loud about his statements and it reduces the message.

people call me jeans tight even though they're not really. i dont see it as a criticism because the alternative are dad jeans

>> No.10022807

>hating someone because they use a trip
You people are more annoying than tripfags

>> No.10023028

more annoying than someone who believes that they warrant an identity on an anonymous board. Especially since the anonymous part is the best part of 4chan.

>> No.10023062
File: 298 KB, 500x628, idontlikething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10023917


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10023966

Does anyone have that other picture like this?

>> No.10024320

>slowly creeping into become a cliche hipster trend

it's done, it's been over since 2011

>> No.10024511

worst thing of the "beard" culture is those fat lazy fucks that grow their fucking beard, never trim it to look good and keep masturbating themselves because they BEARD IS LONG AND IS COOL BECAUSE IT'S A LONG BEARD

I have a beard and one day at a local bar one girl was hitting on me and her friend was a black metal fan (that's the way she described him), the fat ass was tapping himself in the back because his beard was bigger than mine. The guy didn't stop to notice how he lacked the genes to grow a decent beard