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/fa/ - Fashion

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10019230 No.10019230 [Reply] [Original]

Is it /fa/?

>> No.10019232


>> No.10019233

If u ryo

>> No.10019244

Asking/discussing whether smoking is /fa/ is the opposite of /fa/

>> No.10019307

Unfortunately, yes

>> No.10019313

It looks fashionable. But it's not without its health risks.

Being healthy is also /fa/.

>> No.10019315

is /fa/ because it make you feel like shit most of the time, but it has it moments when you feel like is it the fucking best of life, exactly like /fa/

>> No.10019321

can this type of response be put in the sticky for pretty much all is __ /fa/ questions? mods plz

>> No.10019386
File: 177 KB, 500x679, 1361358706672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had this thread a million times but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a newfag

Smoking looks /fa/ because of how we've been conditioned by, broadly, the media. Film especially

It just looks cool. It feels good too, if you're a novice or social smoker it gives you a head rush, and if you're a full timer then it satisfies your craving. Either way it feels good

But it makes your fingernails dirty, your clothes stink, your teeth yellow, and fucks your throat and lungs

Dying of throat cancer or emphysema is not /fa/, but the act of smoking a cigarette (or cigar if you can pull it off) is

>> No.10019667

It looks cool if you are attractive.
Fuck this thread been beaten to death you newfag

>> No.10019668

It looks good
It's rock'n'roll
Everything that comes with it other than the act of smoking is not

>> No.10019674


lots of stuff is /fa/ just be authentic about it. how hard can it be? smoking, playing a rad guitar and not giving a shit is fa
but so is rock climbing, studying hard and being a being a big pretty boy
understanding what persona you are is they way to reach your way of being fa. the rest is noise

>> No.10019697

Fucking finally.

>> No.10019920

smoking something that just outputs smoke looks cool.

killing yourself to do it isnt

>> No.10019931

>great grandpa died at 102, smoked all his life
>grandpa is 91, has been smoking since he was 12
>dad is 62 has been smoking since he was a teen
I have GOAT immortal genes so I can smoke with reckless abandon

>> No.10019967
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only if you smoke /fa/ pack designs
usually I smoke camel unfiltered tho

>> No.10019972

Smoking inhibits sexual performance and pleasure. Why would you do this to be yourself?

>> No.10019977

you still smell like shit tho

>> No.10019990

IMO it makes attractive people look better and not attractive people look worse.

>> No.10020031

If you're don draper then smoke up
If you're Chris Farley pls no

>> No.10021529

Smoking is /fa/.

Being a smoker isn't /fa/.

>> No.10021574

hella /fa/

>> No.10021586

Pretty much this. Because of the images we're used to, as long as you're not a chain smoker (which is disgusting), smoking fits the fashionable, sophisticated image.
The danger is, smoking can quickly make you un-/fa/ - it decreases lung capacity, making physical activity more difficult, which will most likely make you less active and then you'll lose your shape. It also fucks up your skin, making you look much older.

>> No.10021594


>> No.10021635

only if u smoke viceroy

>> No.10021722

i love the smell for some reason

i dont smoke tho

>> No.10023181

its really not that hard to smoke and not be addicted
ive been smoking for a few years and im not addicted, i only smoke socially or when im exceptionally stressed. a pack can last me usually a few months, most cigs being smoked several in a few days with long breaks without any.
either way a lot of smokers woulve died of insane stress without them, so dying of lung cancer when im old is preferable to killing myself in my 20s

>> No.10023211

>using one pack months at a time

why? shit would be stale after a couple weeks.

>> No.10023322

except they arent?
dried plants cant go "stale"

>> No.10023363

I can confirm this. It isn't as crisp and flavorful as it is the first few days.

>> No.10023370

smoking is fucking disgusting

it doesn't make you look cool

it makes you look and smell fucking disgusting

>> No.10023398

Smoking only relieves stress because you are addicted.

Congratulations on joining the "I am not addicted hurrr"-crowd.

>> No.10023483


I quit cold turkey without any problems a few years, but I would say smoking is a stress reliever because it's kind of a zen experience. The average person isn't conscious of their breathing, but smoking a cig forces you to be. Toss in a sense of smell, taste, touch, the visual stimulation and sound of the cherry burning, not to mention a small buzz and social interaction, and you've got quite an experience. Plus taking a 5-10 minute break from whatever you're working on is generally good for your mental health and creativity. That said, there are better ways of getting those same benefits, but a lot of people aren't going to be cognizant of that.

>> No.10023595

the buzz itself relives a lot of stress, and i experienced this especially my first time using them
when your addicted the nicotine craving is a source of stress, so it does both
i can smoke one and the feeling makes my worries melt far away

>> No.10024070

if you drink hard/smoke and do other substances i reckon its fa af

if you gonna be against smoking you better be pretty damn athletic otherwise youre wasting it imo

>> No.10024072
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If you live in somewhere shitty yes.

>> No.10024093
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>> No.10024114

>dad died at 62
>immortal genes

>> No.10024119

All of east asia should be black
They're fucking crazy for cigs

>> No.10025095

my dad isn't dead and is in great shape

>> No.10025104

Vaping, so long as you haven't got some $5 Chinese rig from eBay that'll explode in your mouth, is more /fa/.