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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.16 MB, 874x1693, Various_scalpels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10015356 No.10015356 [Reply] [Original]

What have you had done/what do you plan on getting done, /fa/?

>> No.10015404

Haven't had anything done, but I plan on getting my balls widened.

>> No.10015408

Had laser removal on a few more noticeable freckles on my face.
It was okay.

>> No.10015450


>> No.10015472
File: 54 KB, 354x367, 1433461862375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastic surgery is the fedora of medicine

>> No.10015497
File: 1.18 MB, 300x188, 1425880892674s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plastic surgery

>> No.10015503

Going to get bunch of ugly ass moles removed from my body.

>> No.10015686

Want to get stretch marks on my thighs lasered off. Lemon juice is bullish.

>> No.10015710

Lightning tattoos are awesome though. I never understood the beef some people have with stretch marks.

>> No.10015966
File: 111 KB, 931x932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height lenghtening

>Tfw 5'11

>Tfw my parents were too much of anti hormonal treatment hippies
>"But what if he haz le autism"
>2015 still browsing 4chan
>Destined to have autism
>Now I'm a manlet with autism instead of a tall pretty boi

>> No.10016005

Rhinoplasty & Gyno surgery. Both occuring this year. :)

>> No.10016009

Can't get to heaven if you alter your body, bro

>> No.10016049

Narrowing my feet
>tfw feet so wide that have to get widest size and still have to size up most times

>> No.10016078


>blaming parental decisions

I had a bodylift, which consists in removing the damaged skin after a weightloss three weeks ago now. Got a huge ass scar but never felt that good

>> No.10016113

Is that a thing? Insecure manlet with lots of money here.

>> No.10017270

This, 2 on my neck bother me, bunch more much less unsightly