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File: 79 KB, 1024x899, 1589212483297m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15223725 No.15223725 [Reply] [Original]

>why did goth girl qts die out?

They didn't. That aesthetic is more popular than ever. Peaked in the tumblr era but is still more prevelant today than in the 90s.

Is it true goth though? Nah. Not close.

Was 90s goth really goth either? Not so much. 90s saw a huge boom in the the goth scene, especially on the east coast... But it really broke down to little more than an alternative rave scene. Mindless techno, industrial and metal took over the melodic and introspective tunes that defined goth in the 80s. The look had become very mainstream with the "Mall Goth" aesthetic being absurdley popular. Shock Jocks like Marilyn Manson led the way in distorting the public perception of what the sub culture was even about. Nihilism was quickly replaced with hedonism. Peaceful goth ideals turned into "all edge no point" which led many people to abandon the aesthetic and nu-goth social circles in favor of the traveling hippy scene in the early-mid 00s of all things.

Around the same time the Emo scene was growing in popularity among the youth. Xxanga and MySpace were at the forefront of a digital movement in relation to the scene. This genre honed back to some more traditional goth ideals, albeit with an extremely heavy focus on love stories and heartbreak. Emo aesthetic was goth inspired with mixed influence of punk, pop and red carpet rockstar.

Emo came and went and marked the end of "White Youth Culture" in the mainstream. Tumblr was blowing up and a variety of goth inspired "witchy" aesthetics spread like wildfire. The odd thing is... this time the scene was almost entirely digital and the soundtrack was based in rap and urban influence. When tumblr was purged due to their porn ban, the damage had been done. Black lipstick with stocking caps, flatbills and snapbacks. Shit tier face tattoos everywhere. Jordans replaced Docs and Danners. Depressing trap beats with emo tier lyrics about suicide and loneliness were appropriated by hip hop artists.

>> No.15223727

Thoughts /fa/?

>> No.15223766

90s goth still did have its roots in original goth from the 80s. Most of the artists and people then were influenced by 80s goth and still listened to the music from that time period.

Along came the personality with it too. The scene was not huge, you were still very much an outcast and a weirdo. It's 100% different from edgethots today which are just some brand of social justice warrior but in black clothing.

Goth in the 90s had many groups within the goth sub culture. So it was not an "alternative rave scene" as that was one part. Mainly the cyber and industrial parts of goth.

There were many other scenes, the Gothic metal genre grew then, the "beauty and the best" sound with growling/grunting males and angelic females voiced pitted together.

Emo does not compare at all. Mindless teenage attention seeking and self harm for cool status points by teens was never comparable to goth. The emo's attempted to latch onto goth by flooding sites like vampirefreaks and joining up.

Goth was also socially outcast, thinker, intelligent, outsider and that was very true in the 90s while modern edgethots are no such thing.

I've lived through all scenes.


>> No.15223767
File: 2.74 MB, 2587x4029, a comprehensive explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I drew this picture specifically to dispell all the bullshit you just said.

AS YOU CAN CLEARLY READ, the current day edgy slut is NOT a goth girl. That's why I didn't write "goth" underneath her picture.

They are not "fake goths" they're simply not goths.

Edge thoths are not a subcategory of goth they are a subcategory of hip hop kid.

here is a more detailed explanation to better help you understand how weak, indirect and tenuous the connexions between these three trends are.

>> No.15223776

>edgethots today which are just some brand of social justice warrior but in black clothing.
they typically aren't SJW they're just sluts. Some of them are, due to hanging around on twitter but it's not part of the package.

>> No.15223781

I dunno man, I have seen plenty with the usual "vibes and vegan" shit in their bio like femtards have.

They are no different than your typical average hoe though yea, they just wear black and people who think simply wearing black makes you "goth" are retarded anyway.

Like goth clubs tend to be really peaceful and everyone gets along, meaning personality and character is the main thing in goth. Meaning if you dressed a violent rap club all in black the violence would continue.

Hell that's why a lot of people found their way to goth and were attracted to it, because of the chill people and accepting nature of them and being nice and helpful to you. Some bullied fat chick in high school could find herself being accepted in goth circles.

That type of goth does not exist in 16 year old girls posing with their tongue hanging out in a black hoodie on cock tok.

>> No.15223785

Trent Reznor still got bullied out of the goth subculture because he was a mega-bitch

>> No.15223790

I still see it in some of the punk circles I mingle with. But sometimes I wonder if it's real goth or if theyre just trying to emulate people from the 80s. Same with those punks. Why are you trying so hard to look authentic? You werent even alive back then.

>> No.15223800

Yeah if you're going to be a total a-hole but it could also mean he was a bit of a poseur from the start.

For me in high school being interested in role playing games, mythology, history, fantasy etc. would make me a geeky loser to the "in" crowd of girls and jocks but to the Goth crowd, all this shit was cool and interesting. Then incorporate that into music too, throw in vampire stuff, some awesome poetry and it's all around awesome.

And that's the thing, isn't it? People think it's just about blackness and depression when it was a lot of fun.

>perky goth

>> No.15223802
File: 88 KB, 640x640, a820b7797fdc4eb98dda5d1175bf5058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goth didn't die out and women's fashion is constrained by a shitty sexist culture that renders their objectification a source of value

pic rel, she's not even 30

>> No.15223807

Try hard "goth" - now that looks like a feminist hijacking goth.

I also hate when people wear coffin jewellery and spiders and shit like that. It's too larpy.

This is the aesthetic I love


>> No.15223822


>> No.15223829

Imagine how some of you are too scared to go out in fits you want to and imagine what balls it takes to do this with everyone around


>> No.15223832

it's just that my skin is horribly flakey so I can't convincingly get a goth hairstyle or wear makeup

>> No.15223833

What is the modern day equivalent of goth then, Oh wise sage?

>> No.15223842


>> No.15223844

Most goths are older and just not so visible, lots have toned down their image and younger goths can still exist but the point is edgethots are not goth.

Most young people growing up today are growing up in a messed up environment so they aim to be youtube stars, tik tok, to be a rapper, cover their face with tattoos or just be a general attention seeking whore for girls.

That environment creates very few goths. Now if you were 15 years of age in 1994 it was a massively different world. Of course sub cultures rise and fall and especially late 90s alternative music went mainstream and you had shows like Buffy and movies like blade which added to that kind of interest.

>> No.15223910

take better care of yourself and your diet

>> No.15223944

Then stop wearing makeup and sort out the dry skin. You don't need a "goth hairstyle" either.

>> No.15223970
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>> No.15224019


Good thread. Intresting to read and thanks for the input and info

>> No.15224038

Lol 1997 but really these are the vampire goths.


>> No.15224046

I think my point here is that a lot of them grew up with things such as dark horror and feeling like an outsider which made them drawn to goth while people growing up now are just twerking on tik tok and are desperate for attention.

While the 90s factors produced a handful of goths, the factors of growing up today just produce a handful of narcissistic mentally ill people.

So if you threw an edgethot into 1997 they definitely would not fit into the goth groups.

>> No.15224201

>Mindless techno, industrial and metal
not mindless at all

>> No.15224264
File: 484 KB, 877x1067, Screenshot_20200511-151116_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Techno loving ketamine addicts have taken up the mantel for goths, they are the next generation.

Edgethots are like how others have said, just rap urban skater losers kids.

EBM and Techno has a continuous lineage of goths from the 80s and 90s, today now the berlin all black wearing art hoe inspired MDMA fried ketamine addicts are the modern version of old goths.

They act like it too

>> No.15224274
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>> No.15224278
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>> No.15224284
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>> No.15224296
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>> No.15224304
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>> No.15224306
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>> No.15224362

How do I get goth gfs like this?

>> No.15224395
File: 340 KB, 1200x1800, LA-NIGHTLIFE-THE-FACE-ANGELLA-CHOE_31 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move to berlin/new york/L.A.

sign up for art school

do interpretive dance/graphic design/photography

make some attempt at psuedo edge art

tell everyone you are addicted to LSD/Ketamine ( you might need to do some though)

lift weights be healthy, but pretend you arent

go out on the weekends to raves

meet them inbetween classs for smokes

and if you have money this all becomes 100x easier

its pretty easy when you realize all these women are just using their weird aesthetic as a crutch for personality. They are trash people though I aint gonna lie to you. You wont find them worth dating after you fuck em once, and im being sincere. Its your job to be a Man, not her therapist, which they will always try to make you into...

>> No.15224404

NIN fuckin rules u retard

>> No.15224405

that stopped being funny 15 years ago
I'm not goth, idiot, I don't wear makeup

>> No.15224415
File: 576 KB, 770x951, whamdude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight-up hated Nine Inch Nails
That was like, drama club music
That shit was for like, weak fucking dorks
straight-up like
you gotta understand like, Nine Inch Nails was not embraced at all.

Pretty Hate Machine was considered like... words I can't really use anymore. Let's say "wimpy".

I mean cause he's just whiny, his voice is just so fucking annoying and nasal. I couldn't fucking stand Pretty Hate Machine. I thought it was the corniest shit ever. I'm not lying.

Nah. Nine Inch Nails was not what you think it was. I mean yeah, Head Like a Hole got played, Down In It was a big fucking crossover hit on MTV and everything, but like, also like seeing him live... "YOU PUSSIES PROBABLY KNOW THIS ONE!!!" I mean he literally was yelling at the crowd, and he's like, the second act. Like it's daylight at lollapalooza when he's on in like spandex and shit, like what a fucking cornball.

But yeah, no, I did NOT like Nine Inch Nails.

And I mean I don't think anything he did... I don't like the Fragile, like, Downward Spiral I don't like any of this shit. I never liked this guy I mean I thought I liked the song Closer, March of the Pigs EP... I dunno I just never liked the guy I just thought he was always a bitch.

Cause Trent Reznor's always been a bitch. He's just a fucking whiny, bitchy annoying fucking dude nobody wants to be around.

>> No.15224427

you expect me to read all that shit?
already on it I drop acid weekly

>> No.15224435

Some of them were listening to WHAM! dude

>> No.15224445


I have next to zero experience listening to Nine Inch Nails but what about the song "Closer"?

I gotta say, somehow whatever the dude was doing WORKED on that song. Like it led to a very interesting fusion of genres and sounds, that heavy but electronic, but melodic, but aggressive sound.

Idk about the rest of his discog but that song at least, makes me think Reznor wasn't completely untalented. That song is great

>> No.15224447

Shouldn't the first girl be goth-punk? I think of unhyphenated goth as more the velvet and lace crowd that pretend to be stereotypical Anne Rice vampires.

>> No.15224449

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.15224514

Goth is an offshoot of punk.

the whole vampire roleplay shit happened in the late 90s up till the mid 2000s, it's not really a solid thing. You get corsetcore fat mallgoth chicks in there, you get the whole gothic black metal thing, you get a few legit goths who bought hard into the neoclassical thing you could get with sound fonts with 90s synths, and then a bunch of nerds who play VtM or normies who watched Interview with the Vampire. Oh and then also full-on cosplayers who just do cosplay.

Like of course goth always incorporated references to vampire literature among other things, and fashion-wise it had some old-timey pieces, you always had chicks wearing lace fingerless gloves, but then again so did Ginger Lynn in her Playboy Mag shoots. And you always had dudes in floppy XIX century shirts with frills but so did every new Wave band, it wasn't specifically a vampire thing it was just 80s preciousness in general. Goth bands were just as likely to lift inspiration from 1930s expressionism (and more Caligari or Metropolis than Nosferatu or Vampyr) as from gothic literature, so Ann Rice appeared in popular culture long after goth had been a thing.

Fashion-wise goth makes a lot more sense if you understand it as the spookier underground version of New Romantics.

>> No.15224523

Because the internet has turned subculture into meaningless trends.

>> No.15224556

Are you fucking kidding me? It's a floppy funk jam with a couple screams, that kind of throwback 70s shit with a dash of edginess was dime a fucking dozen in the mid-90s of course it was gonna do decent numbers, but the reason it got so huge is because all the high school kids who watched MTV thought "I WANT TO FUCK YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL" was the funniest shit, same effect as Lil Pump lyrics. And then those that stuck around and connected to it on an emotional level, did so because they were dumb MTV high school kids and that's the level of emotional maturity Trent always goes for whether he realizes it or not.

I know he isn't untalented, the point is that he's still a whiny douche and it comes through in his music, in a big way.

>> No.15224583
File: 521 KB, 984x1064, 28a3fca01f9ea3d6371e53d2cb5716f4c8c929d41e77044a815181fd24deed69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like terrible schizo scribbles, cant look at it for more than 6 seconds

>> No.15224593

whatever nerd, as long as you get the overall point

>> No.15224678

Thanks anon, I found your schizo scribbles interesting. I'd never thought of how different origins the styles/scenes stem from even tho they are often labeled the same.

>> No.15224787
File: 98 KB, 576x1024, charlottesartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music scene fizzled out after the 90s and there was nothing to keep people interested, so it just became a phase/meme. It's not like punk/metal where you can just pick up a guitar. Shit is hard learning the keyboard and learning about synthesizers. You have newer bands in the US, Germany, and Russia keeping it semi active like Lebanon Hanover, Drab Majesty, and Buerak but it's not enough.
t. 30-something year old goth

>> No.15224805

>why did goth girl qts die out?
This just all got married to black antifa punks.

>> No.15224951

that is absolute bullshit. Most metal genres take at least a little skill, like being able to play a clean solo or play very very fast or uncomfortably loud. All you need for goth is be steady and figure out the right amount of reverb and eq. You can go the extra mile but it's not about effort.

Not dissing goth rock by the way it's super great, but it's pretty fucking low effort compared to metal. And goth may have gatekeepers but it doesn't have this elitist virtuoso bullshit culture built into it. Even braindead one riff on loop for 5 min black metal requires you to learn a singing technique that might fuck up your throat if you do it wrong. All metalheads want to be fucking athletes or someshit and the music reflects it.

>> No.15224958

not in my experience, met a former goth chick now in her 50s, she just married an EBM producer

their son listens to xxxtentacion

>> No.15224963

>It's not like punk/metal where you can just pick up a guitar
>Shit is hard learning the keyboard and learning about synthesizers
i hope you're joking anon. especially with the neo wave bands you've mentioned, do you understand how much of a rehashing of decades old formulas that is, that weren't exactly hard to come up with then already, even more so now, when they are a lukewarm copy?

>> No.15225000

>Shit is hard learning the keyboard and learning about synthesizers
Like that stops anyone. RevCo's whole sound was based around them not knowing what the fuck they were doing on a Fairlight.

>> No.15225005
File: 210 KB, 1389x977, tot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool porn star, breh...

>The music scene fizzled out after the 90s
>t. 30-something year old goth

No you're not, you discredited yourself right from the start. The late 90s and into 2000 that you claim was when things fizzled out was a peak for gothic metal, power metal, folk metal, symphonic metal etc. that was populated by goths. Other things such as cyber goth came after this date. Vampirefreaks social network also reached peak number around 2005+

Hell even your mall goth stuff like Marilyn Manson peaked after this date.

Bands such as Lebanon Hanover are dark wave and while that is cool, they are trying to emulate 80s dark wave. By the peak of goth being some what mainstream dark wave was a much smaller thing. Sure the goth artists of 2000 had inspo and listened to dark wave bands of the 80s they were going in different directions and bands such as Nightwish and Within Temptation reached worldwide audiences.

This is when you get most gothic sub genres, cyber, trad, rivet, vampire, corporate and so on. That was the progression of goth in the 90s from the 80s just like goth in the 80s was the progression of of late 70s punk.

They all had the same mindsets and while different were similar.

But the style like edgethot today are completely separated from all those things and entirely different.

You see this is why I trip, because you all know I am 40 (well, 41 now) and I lived through these things and not as a child, as an actual adult.

All anons just make shit up with an appeal to authority "hurr i am goth trust me"



>> No.15225019

>do you understand how much of a rehashing of decades old formulas that is
This is the real problem with goth music. A lot of it is a rehash of a rehash.

>> No.15225037

That's totally dependant on what type. A few synths and a moody bit of singing and yeah.

Outside of that there are heaps of talented groups, especially making symphonic music with skilled keyboardists and classically trained singers.


>> No.15225041

No one cares

>> No.15225044


>> No.15225049

None of that metal- and cyber-shit is goth. Goth is a subgenre of post-punk.

>> No.15225053

Cringe, this isn't remotely goth.

>> No.15225061
File: 92 KB, 899x600, VOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are 100% wrong proving my point.

While most of the genres have "metal" somewhere in the name just as gothic metal do most of them are goths and most of the fans are goth.

If you think goth is simply 80s darkwave with huge hair you've missed the point of this thread totally.

>> No.15225063


it's not a problem, rehashing good things faithfully results in good things

this is symphonic power metal

it has nothing to do with goth rock

>> No.15225064

Hurr these people are not a genre of goth!!

THis music is uhhh.. not related.. the singers who all are heavily inspired by 80s goth are like uhh totally not goth or have any interest in goth..

Then in the next sentence

>edge thots are goth


>> No.15225068

Yes it does FFS! Most of the fans of this music are goth and the singers have an interest in the goth lifestyle.

Clubs that play all this music are full of goths, metal clubs have Metallica and that shit and it;s totally unrelated.

Symphonic power metal is a sub set of goth!

Shit, I mean while you shouldn't judge by clothing, their look is a bit of a giveaway..

>> No.15225073

>While most of the genres have "metal" somewhere in the name just as gothic metal do most of them are goths and most of the fans are goth.
other way around. Just because gothic metal has "gothic" in its name doesn't mean it's a goth genre. I've heard maybe three metal bands that actually sound inspired by the goth subculture and two of them are super obscure.
Most fans of symphoshit are either MALLgoths or wimpy metalheads.

because goth is
80s darkwave with huge hair
80s goth rock with huge hair

and that's it.

By your retarded logic, if all goths happened to enjoy Lil Wayne, that would automatically make Lil Wayne goth as fuck.

>> No.15225076

For instance Doom metal is another fusion of goth, gloom, atmosphere, lyrics and so on.

Paradise Lost are a well known late 80s goth band and their fans are goth and they sing doom metal

>> No.15225082

Symphoshit corsetcore bands don't dress goth, they either dress like metalheads or like mallgoths

>> No.15225083

No dumbass, goth had a progression, late 70s punk to the type of goth you are thinking and come mid to late 90s the inspiration and fans of that went to other forms like gothic metal. Gothic metal is goths with metal influence.

You have such a simplistic understanding.

Mall goths never listened to those bands, they listed to MM, slipknot, insane clown posse etc,.

This is how I know you are 18.

>> No.15225087

They dress for the most part like a rivethead. Some bands dress in period clothing.

>hurr goth is just a white face and hair spray

>> No.15225088

Fuuuuck I remember you, you were in a previous thread trying to convince everyone that your Evanescence corsetcore band was the epitome of goth.

>> No.15225089

Absolute bullshit. You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15225092

That's mall goth music.

Bands like this were the peak around 2000.

>hurr this isn't goth
>these people are not goth
>t. 18 year old on fa who wasn't even alive then


>> No.15225093

sad old man

dumb sad old man

>> No.15225094

Goth is white face, hair spray, billowy shirts, tight leather and pointy boots

Shut the fuck up revisionist asshole. Gothic metal started because of the whole "metal is the new classical" bullshit that guitar heroes liked to say in the 80s.

>> No.15225095

Show me goth bands from around 1999 to 2004 then.

I've been in the scene for almost 30 years.

>> No.15225098

Actually embarrassing. A bunch of 18 year olds are schooling you on shit you haven't a clue about.

>> No.15225100

>Goth is white face, hair spray, billowy shirts, tight leather and pointy boots


Teenager detected who has never been in the scene.

>> No.15225102

>I've been in the scene for almost 30 years.


>> No.15225104

Correct. these people are not goth. They might have been at some point but this is not goth music and this is not goth fashion. This is the first wave of mallgoth that started after a whole generation of teens watched The Crow.

And from the pictures of you I've seen I can tell you're one of them.

Straight up.

>> No.15225107

You mean retards who would say Nine Inch Nails isn't goth either because they didn't have white faces lol..

NIN is a goth band but they sing industrial rock. Hiurr goth must mean gothic rock or whatever with a white face.

>> No.15225109

dumb sad old man

>> No.15225110

Neither have you ever been in the scene. You're an overgrown vampirefreaks hot topic teen.

>> No.15225113
File: 10 KB, 194x259, mall goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So clueless. Pic related is the common mall goth from around 2000 onwards. You have no idea wtf you are talking about.

>> No.15225116

>NIN is a goth band but they don't dress goth and they don't play goth music
ok retard

>> No.15225119


>> No.15225122


>> No.15225123

Yeah but I'm talking about mallgoths from 1995 onwards.
People like you.

My god.



>> No.15225124

Jesus Christ dude, you really are clueless

>> No.15225128

Goth fashion incorporates THEATRICAL makeup. It's MEANT to be a costume.

All this shit starts when new romantics all decide to do like Bowie and dress up as white clowns. Then goths take it a step further and dress up as Cesare from the Cabinet of Dr Caligari

it is a costume. that's the whole fucking point.

>> No.15225131


>> No.15225133

Mall goths did not exist in 1995!! FFS. IT's a 2000+ plus term at the rise of Marilyn Manson etc.

Stop reading shit online.

Most symphonic metal fans listed to all genres of gothic music and participate in the goth scene. Do you think there is just a symphonic scene? Hahah.

As shown here, this is what the goth scene was in the late 90s

That's when it started again after the 80s original scene and then it died down in 2006 or so and has been semi-dead since.

If you think goth is some 80s white face and dark wave then you must think goth was dead since 1990 and the whole 90s scene wasn't real when the 90s scene had new influence and forms of goth like gothic metal. It's the punk to dark wave of late 70s to 80s but late 90s a resurgence of goth with progression.

>> No.15225135

It's a reflection of inner state, feelings and how you want to perceive yourself in the world. Goth has always been and always will be a mindset and only certain types of people are drawn to it. It's not a costume you take off and on.

>> No.15225137

the absolute lack of self-awareness on this guy

it's like if someone literally plucked an uber mega poser teenager from my high school circa 2003, transported it forward in time to present day, and made him believe he was actually 45 year old.

>> No.15225139

t. teenager

Tell me about late 90s goth bands, I am waiting.

>> No.15225140
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1575852464573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a reflection of inner state, feelings and how you want to perceive yourself in the world. Goth has always been and always will be a mindset and only certain types of people are drawn to it. It's not a costume you take off and on

>> No.15225145

>Tell me about late 90s goth bands, I am waiting.
what about them?

>> No.15225146

>hurr these guys are totally not goth, totally never listened to goth music, totally are not into the goth scene, the lyrics, atmosphere and character of their songs are totally not goth

Goth is like hurr something from the 80s only with a can of hairspray and pointy boots durr!


Fuck this shit is good

>> No.15225148

Name them. Name true goth bands from say 1996 to 2005. Name bands that the goth scene as a whole followed then. GO ahead.

>> No.15225149

>Mall goths did not exist in 1995!! FFS. IT's a 2000+ plus term at the rise of Marilyn Manson etc.
that etc includes Nine Inch Nails

which you fully believe are goths

and yes mallgoths existed in the mid-late 90s, the term was coined later but the phenomenon starts around 1995.

>Most symphonic metal fans listed to all genres of gothic music and participate in the goth scene. Do you think there is just a symphonic scene? Hahah.
No. I know first-hand because a ton of my friends are symphoshit fans. I've been in tons of metal forums. Symphonic metal fans are 99.9% DWEEBY METALHEAD NERDS WHO PLAY DND and have never even fucking heard of Alien Sex Fiend.

>That's when it started again after the 80s original scene and then it died down in 2006 or so and has been semi-dead since.

if there was a revival of the goth scene it was thanks to bands like Cinema Strange not thanks to symphoshit

>> No.15225154

Cinema Strange is a good example of a 90s goth band

I saw a big list of them in a book recently, checked them out, they were goth indeed but super obscure, had fuckall to do with metal, and so unremarkable I forgot all of them

>> No.15225158

it's also not goth.

>> No.15225159

NIN was early 90s. Closer was 1994. Mall goths and hot topic did not exist then. The NIN fans crossed over from the 80s.

The more you and others speak the more you fuck up and show you don't understand.

Hot topic mall goths came much later around 2000 and onwards, the same time as boy bands, Britney Spears etc. was around.


Sorry to break it to you, anon. But a lot of goths are nerds and love dnd.

And I am talking about 20 years ago now. Not your teenage friends today.

>Cinema Strange

Top kek some amerishart nobody band. Good one. 1/10.

>> No.15225162

not much because the 90's was a dire time for legit goth rock:
the frozen autumn
black tape for a blue girl
clan of xymox
screams for tina
fields of the nephilim
dead can dance

>> No.15225165

So basically you have no answer. Lol. Like pottery.

Lmao clueless. He thinks goth is just 1 singular type? of music when it has nothing to do with that. Drums, violin etc. whatever instrument isn't goth, it's the whole thing.

Even the 80's "goth" bands are not all of the same genre lol total failure.

>> No.15225167

>Sorry to break it to you, anon. But a lot of goths are nerds and love dnd.


>> No.15225173

NIN is 90s to 2010s

NIN is partially responsible for the existence of mallgoths, because they were RIVETHEADS who played INDUSTRIAL ROCK and had lyrics about BANAL RELATIONSHIP BULLSHIT

The goth scene did not fucking embrace NIN.

Teenagers and alt rock kids did. Then they mistakenly thought that NIN were goth because PHM is still somewhat rooted in 80s synthpop.

>Sorry to break it to you, anon. But a lot of goths are nerds and love dnd.
A lot of mallgoths are nerds and love DnD. Goths are typically too obsessed with fashion and music to give DnD the time of day.

And I AM talking about 20 years ago now.

>Cinema Strange
>Nobody band

Quite, unlike fucking Crematory, some third-rate metal band that maybe sixteen goths are aware of. You are not one of them, you are not goth.

>> No.15225177

>the frozen autumn

I listen to them but all you're really doing is searching for "dark wave" bands and associating dark wave solely with gothic.

And that's really not how it works because you can also cross over dark wave to synth pop which that band are also described as.

Just like here early 90s


You could claim dark wave when it's synth pop.

Dark wave is synth but darker lyrics while synth "pop" is in most cases the same thing which means genre alone is no indicator of gothic music.

Hey I sing dark wave therefore I am legit goth!

Nope. There are so much more elements at play and to say people are only "real" goths if they only listen to dark wave is totally stupid.

The most conformist thing even and anti-goth to the core.

>> No.15225178

good list
How the fuck can you actually be 40+ and express yourself like a 20-something /tv/ retard.

Holy shit

I never said that goth was just 1 music genre, just that symphoshit was not one of them.

>> No.15225181

Dead Can Dance is good but it isn't goth rock. It's folkish new age that got adopted by goths.

>> No.15225183

So much delusion, it truly is sad.

>> No.15225184

Stop shifting your argument. In the early 90s NIN was listened to be legit goths often those from the 80s which Trent himself came from.

They were not called mall goths. You can jump to past the year 2000 and then include them.

You're grasping dude.

>Goths are typically too obsessed with fashion and music to give DnD the time of day.

Such horse shit. Mall goths are mainstream poseurs. Goths love fantasy and history (little hint, you can see a lot of it in lyrics)

>american bands


They just tried to copy what they thought was goth. It's that simple. You're such a fucking POSEUR it hurts.

>> No.15225186

Switchblade Symphony

>> No.15225190

because darkwave is a goth genre

unlike symphoshit

>And that's really not how it works because you can also cross over dark wave to synth pop which that band are also described as.
>You could claim dark wave when it's synth pop.
Darkwave is usually synthpop, yes. There is no contradiction.

Just like goth rock is post-punk.

Are you gonna claim that gangsta rap is goth because goth rock is a subgenre of post-punk?

>Hey I sing dark wave therefore I am legit goth!
if you also have the appropriate fashion style then yes.
>Nope. There are so much more elements at play and to say people are only "real" goths if they only listen to dark wave is totally stupid.
yes, the fashion and the cultural background

which you don't have

>> No.15225192

friendly reminder that this isnt /mu/ so stop arguing and post goth fashion smfh

>> No.15225194

>just that symphoshit was not one of them.

It's a sub-genre of Gothic metal...which is a fusion of gothic and metal. They are all progressions and have roots and elements in goth.

Lol jesus christ. Teenage night here tonight.

>> No.15225200

All you're doing is listing dark wave (and they only have elements of that)

Goth equates to simply dark wave and dark wave fans is the most simplistic stupid shit ever. That's how you can spot someone who is making it up as they go along or read something online.

>> No.15225203

>You're such a fucking POSEUR it hurts.

Imagine uttering the word poseur over the age of 16.

>> No.15225209

Your best litmus test for how goth approved a genre is is probably what's actually played at clubs. That's goth, deathrock, some of the darker bands of new wave, darkwave and industrial/aggrotech/futurepop/synthpop. You might also get some more chill nights playing dark ambient, neo folk and the like. I've heard more straight up pop played than metal, which tends to end up at general alt nights rather than goth nights.

>> No.15225210

>because darkwave is a goth genre

No it;s not! It's new wave post punk with some gothic rock just like how gothic metal is gothic rock with metal and symphonic metal is based on that.

Hurr only dark wave is real gothic music even though it's not even gothic rock. Just wow.

>> No.15225213

>which is a fusion of gothic and metal.

how is it a fusion of goth and metal? what are the elements of goth in this music? ignore the fashion, explain how the music is a fusion.

>> No.15225214

Trent wasn't goth he was a regular new wave kid depeche mode fanboy leaning more towards rivethead
>They were not called mall goths. You can jump to past the year 2000 and then include them.
The term was coined because people had been noticing them since BEFORE 2000

>Such horse shit. Mall goths are mainstream poseurs. Goths love fantasy and history (little hint, you can see a lot of it in lyrics)
fantasy and history =/= DnD
And goth was mainstream as fuck in England circa 1981. So that doesn't mean shit. Goths were mainstream, mallgoths were mainstream, it's just that mallgoths were also dweeby DnD nerds on top of being mainstream.

>They just tried to copy what they thought was goth. It's that simple. You're such a fucking POSEUR it hurts.

>> No.15225216

>No it;s not!

Yes it is.

>> No.15225219

Aww poseur got found out.

Or how about the atmosphere of the music, the lyrics, the people making the music and their influences?

All the bands I have listed if you watch them live most of the fans will be in black and heaps will be goth.

This is 100% different than going to a metallica or ozzy show in which the people and culture is massively different.

>> No.15225222

The only gothic metal band that gets to join the goth scene club is Type O Negative, sorry.

>> No.15225229

Because of the atmosphere(dark) and lyrical compositions and themes of the songs.

I don't know what exactly you even think "goth" is. Some certain 1 and only music style in which you could just sing twerk dat ass but if it;s in the music style you say is goth, then it's goth? Even though the main 80s "goth" bands are not all identical.

Like wtf.

>> No.15225232




>gothic metal is gothic rock with metal
Only MAYBE five bands in the whole fucking world are gothic rock with metal.
Gothic metal is power metal or doom metal with sympho bullshit and victorian aesthetics.

>and symphonic metal is based on that.
pretty fucking sure symphonic metal started totally independently of goth music.

>Hurr only dark wave is real gothic music even though it's not even gothic rock. Just wow.

Remember that time I told you that I never said that there was only 1 goth genre?

>> No.15225235
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>Aww poseur got found out.

>> No.15225238

Hurr darkwave is a goth genre because I say so but gothic metal is not because I say so!!

Even though dark wave isn't even described as goth I still say it is and gothic metal is described as Goth I still say no!!

Mouth breather. If stupidity could be painful..

>> No.15225242

Which is gothic/doom which heaps of bands were in the late 90s but hurr durr in this thread only dark wave bands can be gothic lol.

>> No.15225243

>Mouth breather. If stupidity could be painful..

Every second must be sheer agony for you.

>> No.15225247

The atmosphere created by symphoshit is definitely not the same as the atmosphere created by goth rock and darkwave

goth rock and darkwave typically go for neo-noir urban decay eeriness and tongue-in-cheek spooky shit

Gothic metal goes for 100% self-serious LOOK AT ME I'M A VICTORIAN POET I CAN WRITE WITH BIG WORDS fantasy melodrama.

>> No.15225252

delusional sad old man

>> No.15225257

>hurr i need to call my gang up, lads!! SUPPORT ME LADS! I can't hold my own!

Lol. None of you even listen to dark wave anyway.

>pretty fucking sure symphonic metal started totally independently of goth music.

>The main musical influences on symphonic metal are early gothic metal

And I'm pretty fucking sure you don't know what you're talking about.

>Remember that time I told you that I never said that there was only 1 goth genre?

And you decide them to fit your own bias eh, some teen who was never around back then and listened to lil fucking peep. Right kid.

Imagine doesn't work because people know who I am and I am the neo nazi remember and in no way a pubic bearded onions boy so total failure.

>> No.15225261
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>Imagine doesn't work because people know who I am and I am the neo nazi remember and in no way a pubic bearded onions boy so total failure.

>> No.15225263

Right. Music isn't gothic lol. People are. Music is influenced and constructed by them. Symphonic comes from that and most of the bands have gothic people within them.

Such as this:


I was raised from a broken seed, I grew up to be an unwanted weed.

Morning dew on the field, where I met you.
I was frozen a year, couldn't get through.
Got a sign, not a scar, on my shoulder, I am not quite the man you take me for...

Fell in love with the weakness within me.
Tried to force me the Ring and own me.
Guess you found what you'd think would oblige me, little version of me to consume you...
I'd give my everything to you, follow you through the garden of oblivion.
If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me...

Seven lives of a man, passed before me.
Seven graves, one for every love I've had.
Only once I have broken my so called heart.
Only one made me see why they cry.

>> No.15225265

let me educate you. Here are the goth genres:

goth rock
Death rock
maybe a handful of new wave, neoclassical and industrial bands like Skinny Puppy, Dead Can Dance or Bigod 20 that border on Darkwave

That's about it. Some would add Neofolk but I wouldn't.

Not because I say so but because that's how things are.

>> No.15225268

LOL cope.

>posting your cope images because you got schooled

Go change your tampon, anon. Lol owned.

>> No.15225270
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1551560662944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was raised from a broken seed, I grew up to be an unwanted weed.

>Morning dew on the field, where I met you.
>I was frozen a year, couldn't get through.
>Got a sign, not a scar, on my shoulder, I am not quite the man you take me for...

>Fell in love with the weakness within me.
>Tried to force me the Ring and own me.
>Guess you found what you'd think would oblige me, little version of me to consume you...
>I'd give my everything to you, follow you through the garden of oblivion.
>If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me...

>Seven lives of a man, passed before me.
>Seven graves, one for every love I've had.
>Only once I have broken my so called heart.
>Only one made me see why they cry.

>> No.15225273

>gives his teenage opinion

Yeah no thanks bro. Think I am going to pass on that.

>> No.15225274

sad old man

>> No.15225275

God damn the lyrics are so awesome.

meanwhile people who post on fa listen to cardi b.. lyrical comparison..

Throw that, twerk it
Shake that, bounce that

Do it, baby, stick it, baby
Move it, baby, lick it, baby (do it)
Suck up on that click until that pussy got a hickie, baby (bounce)

Tell them pussy-ass hoes I don't want ya'll niggas
Got a penthouse up in the Mandarin (ooww)
So when you get this pussy, better handle it (catch it)
I'm a top-notch bitch, need some top-notch dick

Twerk, twerk
Twerk, twerk
Twerk, twerk

>> No.15225277

No. Most symphoshit bands have metalheads and mallgoths who have never listened to goth rock in them.

>Sonata Arctica
are you fucking serious.

That is not goth songwriting. Goth songs typically are way more sparse and abstract.

You are just like my former friend who saw me wear a trenchcoat once, heard that I was into black metal and IMMEDIATELY ordered a goofy fucking mallcore tunic with straps (that he wears with his stonewashed jeans) and proclaimed himself goth because he listens to Gloryhammer.

That fucking idiot even thought I was goth. I fucking bet you would call me goth if you saw me in the street

>> No.15225280

Lol the anorexic kid waiting all day for me to post and leaving his thinspo thread to come into every thread I am to beg for my attention

How gay are you for me? Lol seriously.

>> No.15225283


>> No.15225285




>> No.15225290

I'd take you more seriously if you unironically claimed that you're goth because you listen exclusively to E. Nomine and only watch Hellsing AMVs.

At least E. Nomine's influences can be traced back to Mysterious Art which has SOME goth cred.

but fucking Sonata Arctica

>> No.15225293

The best part is that he's like 50 years old. Isn't that hilarious?

>> No.15225294

Mallgoth isn't a term now, anon. Sorry to break it to you. It only applied when goth went mainstream and Marilyn Manson, slipknot etc. were all over.

That time is over now. You don't get masses of teens hanging out at the mall each weekend in their hot topic clothing.

>That is not goth songwriting. Goth songs typically are way more sparse and abstract.

Captain autism. Stop trying to box goth into a tiny thing in an ultra conformist way. You'd be laughed at irl.

>heard that I was into black metal

I only listen to symphonic black metal. I guess that's not black metal either lol

Hurr this isn't kvlt black metal and these guys are totally not true black metal fans durr!!


>> No.15225296

I know it's fucking surreal it's like he was put in cryosleep for the past 20 years.

>> No.15225298

I like heaps of genres. I listen to 80s "goth" but sonata are cool as fuck too.

I'm 41.

>> No.15225306
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>I'm 41.

>> No.15225307
File: 207 KB, 648x312, king of all cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That time is not over, you're still here claiming that NIN is goth and that you're goth for having played in some fourth rate symphoshit band whose highest claim to fame is having an entry on metalarchives.

>Captain autism. Stop trying to box goth into a tiny thing in an ultra conformist way. You'd be laughed at irl.
Not as much as you'd be for proudly declaring that you love those lyrics

You are the purest essence of cringe

>> No.15225309

God. The majority of people under 24 are so fucking stupid.

>> No.15225312

they might be cool but they sure as fuck aren't goth

>> No.15225315

put your trip back on, old man.

>> No.15225321

>you're still here claiming that NIN is goth

Hurr what is historical context? I am talking about then. Not 16 year old NIN fans today.

Are you serious? Those lyrics are awesome.

Tried to force me the Ring and own me.
Guess you found what you'd think would oblige me, little version of me to consume you.

Red pilled on a woman trying to get marriage from him to own half his shit and having a kid with him to keep him there. Maybe you are too young to understand.

>> No.15225320

He's cute, he reminds me of myself when I was 12 and thought I was a metalhead because I kinda liked Rammstein and Marilyn Manson.

>> No.15225327

It's not straight up goth, but it falls under the umbrella and influence.

You'll see heaps of goths who like dark wave, goth rock, goth metal, power metal and so on and the fans are all generally the same.

Metallica fans won't like any of those genres.

>> No.15225331

Hurrr this is not goth either!!

>being too stupid to appreciate the genius of this 1 man goth band


>> No.15225333

There are zero 16 year old NIN fans today.

My god are you actually communicating with us through a fucking time portal?

Is it actually 2004 in your space-time continuum or someshit?

Also those lyrics are broken english that half-assedly merge colloquialisms and purple prose like "oblige" and "consume" it's like a teen wrote this shit. I'm not lying I read this sort of shit every time I have to correct a high schooler's essay.

>> No.15225336

at least he has the look down

>> No.15225341

shit, man, you actually had me going for like a whole hour.

you got me good, congrats

>> No.15225342

Point being in 1990 NIN fans were not fucking mall goths as that arose a decade later. Like holy shit, NIN is an 80s band ffs. So the fact you call their fans mall goths shows me you are a teenage larper.

>Also those lyrics are broken english

Post some good band lyrics. I'll wait.

>> No.15225349

I’m 22, cannot believe how people still analyze trends they aren’t even actively following. the older freaks that actually do it have sex with high schoolers, and the teenyboppers actually reblogging the tumblr posts just are doing it out of a rebellious stage, not actually participating

>> No.15225352

You just don't know good shit when you see it


>> No.15225354

no it arose about 5 or 6 years later when a generation of teens who didn't know what goth was mistook NIN for gothic rock.

NIN fans from 89 to 96 were a hodge-podge of alt rock kids, rivetheads, bunch of kids who may have been into Grebo, certainly a few goths, and whomever was at lollapalooza and woodstock.

then it solidified into mallgoths when Trent became one of the new MTV darlings

>> No.15225356

is Burzum goth now too?

>> No.15225358

better fucking believe it cause that's what being a music dork is about

>> No.15225363

NIN is so cringe
Manson is super fucking cringe

>> No.15225364

haven't you heard him? Genres aren't goth, people are goth and whatever they like is goth as a result.

He says he's goth because he says so. So everything he likes is goth as a result.

>> No.15225366
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God this old faggot is so fucking cringe.

Goths died because it always attracted the most spas cringe weak emotional dudes, and the fat chicks, to it.

Literally Im only into how goth girls look when they got that whore make up on, all this other false sorrow and emotional soft men trying to pretend to be vampires is so fuckign cringe.

>> No.15225368

When I think of Goth, I think of the band “the Pastels”. There is this joke amongst goths that you aren’t a true goth if you cannot listen to pop music without a straight face.

>> No.15225372

lel this guy is so clueless for a "41" year old

>> No.15225373

also Goth time is 12:34PM or AM
those are just some 90s goth sayings

>> No.15225375

No. Mall goth came because alt. music became popular and was played on mtv and the rise of the internet so the regular kids wanted to be cool and spooky so they started listening to the bands and dressing in black which is how the mall goth thing came about.

Those circumstances did not exist in say 1991. They are completely separate things and how you conflate them tells me you are making this shit up. Being goth in 1991 was not cool. It wasn't mainstream. There was no hot topic.

Wtf are you talking about. Are you on drugs?

>> No.15225377

the triple negative is confusing my brain

>> No.15225379

This is, the song is soo fucking kewl.


Wish I was in a band like that :c

Anyone from fa wanna form one?

>> No.15225383

Only a real loser wouldn't like vampires.

>> No.15225384

there weren’t many goth hangouts in the 90s. there still really aren’t. I think cemeteries and ethnically diverse restaurants with vegetarian options are popular, but still rare
it’s like, how there weren’t many places to skate up until the early 200s. most people skated on the street and it was illegal

>> No.15225387


>> No.15225395

>Being goth in 1991 was not cool. It wasn't mainstream.
NIN on the other hand, even if it wasn't cool, was indeed mainstream and Down In It (WHICH IS A GREBO/RAP SONG BY THE WAY) got played a shitload on MTV and not just at 2AM.

You don't need fucking hot topic when MTV tells all the teenagers what's hip and what's niche

>> No.15225396
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Imagine unironically thinking the music you posted was goth.

>> No.15225398

My Bloody Valentine and CRANES were goth bands that were popular even in the Midwest in the 90s. Pixies, Sonic Youth, the Pastels, the Field Mice. that was the more widespread version of goth was the darker side of indie.
In Russia, I think the main band was Kino (Cinema) with Victor Tsoi.

>> No.15225404
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>> No.15225406

You fucked up understanding what a mall goth was though why would we listen to you? You were a decade out.


You also outed yourself as British using that term, go to bed.

NIN had their break through in the mid 90s. They were not mainstream and popular when created in 1988. More lies.

>> No.15225407

a lot of that stuff is more college rock indieshit

>> No.15225408

goth really wasn’t about summoning demons and using ouija boards and talking to dead cats, or even listen to Marilyn Manson or NIN. that was the more commercial, glam-rock side of Goth.

it was mainly emo in the early 90s. brown lipstick was more popular than black, and the cropped bob hair cut was popular among “emo” chicks.

emo was kind of a combo between punk, indie, and goth in style at first, from what I’ve heard first hand

>> No.15225411

okay, first things first, I am not here to argue nor do I identify as goth/punk/metal, but I do have my two cents to throw in

I dated this girl for like 7 years on and off who was pretty into the whole goth thing and her dad was definitely a goth in his heyday, I would say he's about Igor's age today. as far as my knowledge serves everything Igor is saying sounds pretty legitimate from what I have heard.

please don't reply to me asking for specifics and shit, I just read the whole thread so I thought I would share. like I said, I hardly have the slightest clue about this shit. I just found the thread interesting.

>> No.15225415

Yeah totally not goth, so not goth these are the creators pretty much of the gothic metal genre and hold massive influence


>> No.15225416

well, the 90s goth was around college age audience so yeah. my bloody valentine is college rock? eh. most people that could afford to go to college in the 90s were uhm, not very artistically inclined or had music knowledge

>> No.15225420

they were mainstream, even appeared on a family-friendly variety show, you had Reznor prancing around on stage in front of grannies it was ridiculous. Mainstream but not very popular up until Woodstock. Stop conflating fucking everything

>You also outed yourself as British using that term
and you outed yourself as an Italian greaseball fuckwad

go jerk off to Luca Turilli's Rhapsody

>> No.15225427

Once again, gothic metal is not part of the goth subculture

>> No.15225435

chances are your girlfriend's just a corsetcore chick

>> No.15225447

You are claiming to be about 50 years of age lol.

If you say a band was mainstream almost 30 years ago and you remember you have to be over 40 at least.

And no, you don't remember shit if you were like 5. Lol the bullshit people spew on here because they can't handle being wrong.


>> No.15225454

your gf wand her dad weren't goth then.

>> No.15225458

More strawman shit, I never claimed to have lived this shit, I just did some fucking research

mainstream isn't about popularity it's about distribution channels and target audience

And you're claiming to be 41 but you express yourself exactly like a 21 year old twitter bitch and have the tastes and beliefs of a 14 year old mallgoth incel nigger.

>> No.15225461
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Just stop posting

>> No.15225467

yeah. pessimism wasn’t really popular with all goths, keep in mind I heard this from a 90s goth/emo chick, or gen X goth. negating yourself and realism, however, way more popular.

the self deprecating humor and sarcasm still popular today is very boring in my opinion. people don’t actually talk about heavy subjects and philosophical things. that was a huge part of goth that isn’t really like that anymore which I think is sad. it’s not just a clothing style.. really, it is.
I think culturally people have morphed into defensive speech and offensive jokes, there was a spurt of intellectualism or pseudo-intellectualism as it was known at t he time, in like 2010-2015 or so, relatively short lived because of censorship. it’s sad, I miss “conspiring” with my friends

>> No.15225466

cool! that's good to know, both were corny fucks anyways

>> No.15225475

Oh right so you were not even born then and just looked shit up as I predicated which is why you made all them mistakes. Lol.

Imagine attempting to form a debate against someone who was alive and lived through the scenes to try and win some internet battle about something that had no interest to you and you were not even involved in.

Do they call that super duper low self esteem that you have to make yourself feel better in someway? Hahah pathetic man. Pathetic.

>mainstream isn't about popularity it's about distribution channels and target audience

>hurr channels use resources to just push things without making them popular

Hahah take your meds.

>And you're claiming to be 41 but you express

Aww diddums. Seethe harder lmao owned.

>> No.15225481

Goth clubs and chilling out was a shit lot of fun. Thinking all goths are depressed and dark and satanic etc. is the same kinda shit people are pulling in this thread.

>> No.15225487

You didn't live through the goth scene you idiot, you joined a corsetcore band in the 2000s which is to say at least 12 years after goth had run its course

>> No.15225495
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>> No.15225496

No it's what you are pulling with your bullshit melodramatic lyrics.

You know, fun shit you never experienced because you were all wrapped up in your tragic vampire LARP bullshit

>> No.15225497
File: 421 KB, 837x469, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally wrong.

>Gothic rock then gave rise to a broader goth subculture that included clubs, fashion and publications in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.

meaning after the 80s, mid to late 90s and early 2000 was a second wave of goth so stfu. Another clueless loser.

Pic related my face right now at all the underage kids in here.

>> No.15225501

It's not larping you dweeb, I am half vampire, I've always felt that way. I must have been alive in 1750 or something.

>> No.15225503

yeah, this one

not fucking Sonata Arctica and Burzum

what's next? Dragonforce? Sabaton? Powerwolf?

>> No.15225510

None of those reached the success of Nightwish, Within Temptation etc. and the mall goth bands.

Stop trying. It's obvious you are too young.

>> No.15225516
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I love this vampire aesthetic, cool as fuck

>> No.15225526

>None of those reached the success of Nightwish, Within Temptation etc. and the mall goth bands.

Too obvious.

>> No.15225531
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>> No.15225532
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>> No.15225535

How I feel right now with the underage kids itt.

>> No.15225538
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This was me on vampirefreaks before it closed. My main profile pic. Tell me I am not goth. I dare you.

>> No.15225550

>end of white youth culture
not quite but close yeah, although all youth culture has been decimated and made obsolete, remanufactured and fed back to people

>> No.15225564

this might be the most autistic thread ive ever read on /fa/ jesus

>> No.15225581

Brah, as high schooler in the mid 90s I definitely remember having a Hot Topic at my local mall in '95, and Marilyn Manson taking off from '95-'97. That period definitely kicked off the first wave of mallgoth.

>> No.15225631

Manson became more known at the Mechanical Animals stage, released in 1998. That's what I said. Late 90's is when mall goths started popping up.

Mall goths did not exist in 1991 which is what some of the clowns here are claiming.

>> No.15225989

give me an edge thot with a reasonable personality
it's all i want

>> No.15225991

you're cringe that i can tell you

>> No.15226238

no matter what this retarded tripfag is spewing in this thread: i didn't mean to say rehashing is inherently a bad thing in my original post, i was simply confused by anon claiming post-punk and wave was hard to play

>> No.15226287
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>spas cringe weak emotional dudes
Tell that to Jesus Christ himself.

>> No.15226389

>was not embraced at all
Fuck off, no one cares about you.

>> No.15226462

>edge thot with personality
no such thing

>> No.15226493

Let me hijack this. There was a subculture of "rivetheads", apparently. They supposedly gravitated around american "coldwave" (industrial metal? not to be confused with modern industrial metal which sounds a lot more overtly aggressive) as played by Chemlab, 16 Volt, Machines of Loving Grace, Sister Machine Gun.

Was this really a thing? What the hell did these people dress like? I almost refuse to believe they clad themselves in tons of riveted jackets because of how the front men for these bands didn't. Sascha Konietzko is one example given on the WP page - milsurp and tacky fake leather seem to be combined.

tldr How did rivetheads dress?

>> No.15226512

I normally can't stand you, Cecil. But you're absolutely right here.

>> No.15226578


>> No.15226718

edgethots make me fucking cum, thank god for emo rap bringing them around

>> No.15226766
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I started this thread yesterday expecting a few replies and return 24 hours later.... to a complete shitshow of autism! gg guys.

>41 yo boomers arguing with 18 yo Zoomies
>back and forth about what Goth really is
>Diatribes about a mediocre band who was hardly relevant at their peak

Here's the real blackpill m8t's.... Our economy is crippled. We're "social distancing". No shows, no scenes, no gatherings....Lord knows how long before things return to any semblance of normal.

Up until 2 months ago... we had the best economy the world has seen in ages. Public gatherings at will...good times for everyone who cared to have them...

PERFECT opportunity for a Glam Metal revival... Could have brought back the fun... Could have brought back the party....Could have brought back the extroverted, care-free, hedonistic white male.... but that ship sailed.

Goths have always been a bunch of whiny, infighting, competitively introverted snowflake cucks. This thread proves it.

>> No.15226784


So you already proved you are some kid who looked up some shit online.

>not to be confused with modern industrial metal which sounds a lot more overtly aggressive

So I looked up one of the bands you listed as much more aggressive...

>sister Machine Gun.

That's soft as shit.

Rivetheads listen to industrial as in STOMP STOMP! Or more usually defined as Gothic industrial.

>tldr How did rivetheads dress?

Just watch this classic song for what industrial is in the scene.


Always am buddy, always am!

I'd ask yourself who is the more logical person to listen to regarding the late 90s and the gothic scene... somebody who was an older teen and in their early 20's then or someone who was born a few years later lol..

>Goths have always been a bunch of whiny, infighting, competitively introverted snowflake cucks. This thread proves it.

It doesn't. It shows what the posters are like here and it shows you exactly what goths hate. People telling them what is and what isn't goth and airtight conformist rules. Such as you're not goth and your band and music isn't goth because you don't wear white face paint and black lipstick.

All this thread has shown is poseurs and they were hated back then as they are now.

>> No.15226802


>Genre: Goth/Industrial

Hurr durr no, it's not dark wave so it can't be goth!!

People who write this and are in the scene are wrong and me, some 18 year old on fa born in 2003 is right and I've never been to see a goth band in my life hurr durr me smarty!!

>> No.15226817

Now look at Skinny Puppy, a favorite among goths. This is 1986.


Notice how their sound is similar but less aggressive to the above video?

That's how sounds progress and that's called influenced by. Because the 90s and 2000+ singers were and are goths and listened to that music in their youth. The same applies for mid 90s genres such as gothic metal.

None of the retards in this thread understand that whatsoever.

So while 80s goth was influenced buy post punk 70s, 90s was influenced by 80s. They all fit in the same category. And yes, that includes symphonic and power acts.

>> No.15226842

I had a goth gf, she liked Joy Division and the Smiths.
I'm more into punk, thrash and groove metal, so we did share music every now and then.

>> No.15226864

Cool man, those are some of the staples of goth, The Smiths are awesome and once again, the turbo autistic people itt will claim they're not a goth band because they don't have the "dark wave" title which is not even goth itself lol.

Point being, goth people and music is not broken down to a simplistic genre title.

And lots of people who listen to that music also listen to other forms like industrial goth or goth metal.

This chick is sooo hot though, I've had a crush on her since forever.


>> No.15226884

Bonnie Tyler also filmed her famous video in that same building too. Isn't that cool!


>> No.15226893

Yeah some people have this surface touch to goths and so be it, goths are mostly gone now anyways, I haven't met anyone under 23 who's into goth stuff genuinely and not just so they get my dick

>> No.15227078

Goddamn, way to contradict yourself. You say this thread doesn't prove goths are a whiny, infighting, introverted autist retards, and then you go act like one. Not only do you misinterpret what I'm saying, but you then argue against it. Why don't you whinge against what I'm actually saying instead?

What's funny is that I was listening to combichrist before opening this thread back up. Again, not interested in how people who listen to that tend to dress right now or during the mid 2000s. I'm interested in how this supposed group used to wear. Try not to trip yourself up or get all buttflustered and lash out like some little bitch.

>> No.15227089
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Poseur detected who got called out.

> not interested in how people who listen to that tend to dress right now or during the mid 2000s. I'm interested in how this supposed group used to wear.

The wear from the late 90s to 2000+ was almost the same.

This is 80s rivethead. Again, not so much different.

>> No.15227101

God forbid some tripfag retard say I'm not part of his cool kids club. Just couldn't keep those feelings from welling up, yeah?

>> No.15227175
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You'll never be part of a group like this. I wish I could chill out with these guys.

>> No.15227564

Maybe that happened as time went on but their debut album is definitely goth

>> No.15227959

>That "I want to look edgy but my parents are Christians" looks
Bruh, talk again when you get a better example

>> No.15228068

cecil why are you a neo-nazi, please provide an explanation

i like black people and am friends with them, they are bros, while white dudes just want to diddle kids and play zelda

>> No.15228094

goths are hella sluts LOL

>> No.15228496

I go to a lot of goth clubs, it's mostly old people. I like the music and don't dress up. E boys and e girls are not and will never actually be goth

>> No.15228501

they also like it if you're androgynous and bi or pretend to be

>> No.15228570

They're either absolute sluts or completely frigid, there is no in between.

>> No.15228898

fucking lol, I remember thinking they were good when I was like twelve years old

>> No.15228926


>> No.15230067

Well factually you are wrong, more black abusive kids than whites but you listen to the anti-white mainstream media agenda and then call people nazis when they point out the anti-white bias.

It's the same with serial killers.

So now that you know this (you can research it, if you want) are you going to say blacks just want to diddle kids? Or would that make you... a nazi? You know you'd never say that because you yourself have bought into the anti-white shit.

I'm not a neo-nazi. I'm a national socialist. I used to be room mates with a black dude (he was Creole) so next question.

>I like the music and don't dress up

Which makes you more goth than some chump in white face paint and black lipstick because as some of my points have been, goth is not about makeup or dress.

You were 12 only 5 years ago and the song was released many years before that so you're bullshitting. But yeah, I am sure a few years ago you were listening to years old power metal.

When you mock things and giggle, that's just immaturity unless you provide a counter-refute. Calling people 12 by acting 12 is just pure stupidity.

>> No.15230076

asian edgethots have easy and satisfying hedonistic lives if their base faces are aesthetic like imma gram

>> No.15230095

>Kids today only know how to grow up in a messed up environment ,they aim to be youtube stars, tik tok, to be a rapper, cover their face with tattoos, watch hentai, or just be a general attention seeking whore for girls.

Literally me

>> No.15230106

Yeah that's why who we become is mainly genetic (as intelligence) but other things are environmental.

It's why it's not clear if things such as borderline personalty disorder have a genetic factor or if it's all environmental.

Still, people are not awake to that so if you are, you have an opportunity to pursue things that are actually a benefit for you (views on tok top and stranger attention is baseless) and ultimately meaningless.

>> No.15230114

this thread is goth because it's exactly how every goth forum was in the 90s, great work everyone

>> No.15230122

low key racebait thread lol

>> No.15230131

Yeah because of a lot of "elite" goths, the "better than thou" kind which is what you have seen here by people telling others what exactly can be and can't be goth really making it such a tiny elite clique and those type were always a-holes.

>gothic metal in 1996
>hahaha that's not goth
>omg you have to wear winklepicker boots and listen to dark wave to be a "true" goth

It's pathetic and they are too dumb to know that's exactly the attitude that makes them fake as hell.

Pretty much all that replied to me were like that so what does that tell you...

>> No.15230849

Can anyone in this thread recommend me darkwave shit? either new or 80s doesnt matter.
i've been listening to a lot of lebanon hanover, molchat doma, ploho and buerak but i need more sutff

>> No.15230860

Goth looks very cool

>> No.15231207

We aren't saying that you're a fake goth we're saying that you're a mallgoth and not a goth

that's all

>> No.15231209

>I've been listening to le peepeepoomer youtube band

>> No.15231223

nice thanks for the recs

>> No.15231360

Me and some friends went to a mutual friends house cause she got a hot tub. I didn't know anyone there but one of them was unironically a big tiddied goth girl. We all got in the tub naked obviously and someone dared me and the goth one to make out. It was the hottest thing ever Bros I should have gotten her number or something I hate myself. I don't think I saw her again after that

>> No.15231438

forgot into BDSM. but get mad when you beat the shit out of them

>> No.15231541

Or you're just being a revisionist with a. bunch of kids who also buy the revisionist narrative.

Although this is equally true.

What? It's true, though.

Welcome. to Cecil

holy shit we're on /fa/ not /mu/? This shit is so disorienting.

>I never claimed to have lived this shit, I just did some fucking research
>mainstream isn't about popularity it's about distribution channels and target audience
this is a good point though

>I'm not a neo-nazi. I'm a national socialist. I used to be room mates with a black dude (he was Creole)
Classic Cecil.

Man, all the hipsters had kids and the. new-hipsters all wanna be goth, huh?

>> No.15231571

Ah, you fucking loser. My dick hurts for you.

>> No.15231733

for real
goth women are whores and I imagine their insides to be of the rotting variety

>> No.15231752

anyone noticed how the overlap in behavior between these people and edgy furries is 1:1?

>> No.15232039
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>meet a bunch of self described goth girls
>none of them know who the fuck siouxsie is

>> No.15232162
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I agree, modern edge hoes have almost nothing in common with goths

>> No.15232187

There's a huge overlap between the nu-beat/rave pic you posted and goth itself. Was that intentional?

>> No.15232197

Yeah tumblr, IG and tik-tok brought in a lot of zoomers who as a generational thing starting around 2012 or so (i guess that was when you had the first now-adults who grew up with internet and smartphones throughout childhood) all of a sudden didn't really care about music and were generally super up their own assholes about not drinking, but would take any prescription drug they could get their hands on. They didn't fuck a lot either. Like people in goth clubs in industrial in 80's clubs whatever, they're nasty. They'll all hook up as a matter of course and every regular has dated every other regular. But the zoomers and babybats were always these vapid, teetotaling ostensibly bisexual panda bears in Killstar. I really don't know why they're there to this day.

>> No.15232229
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am i supposed to take this seriously when whoever first posted this calls scene kids "emo"?

>> No.15232256
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im gonna try this again since i only got shit on the 1st time for liking X band
can any of you or anyone else in this thread, recommend me some darkwave bands? either new or 80s doesn't matter to me

>> No.15233549


>> No.15233571

very good anon.
people tend to confuse these three and forget that these trends have zero in common and that these are different people completely.

>> No.15233575

update the blog