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15212902 No.15212902 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone make a big deal of dying your hair from dark black > platinum blonde. Everytime I try to find a tutorial it's always the same shit

>It's to dangerous, go to a salon (no fuck you)
>you have to wait a week before every bleaching session so it takes a month

meanwhile you have chads that do it in one afternoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cceNqNuTvY

so what happens if I bleach my hair at home in at once?

>> No.15212905

You fuck it up and the bleach turns your whole hair into brittle straw and you're bald within three days.

>> No.15212910

This didn’t happen to me so severely. It took about 20 color strippings over a period of a year before my hair felt kind of brittle like a black Pearson’s, but only it in front fringe area. It went away easily with teatree conditioner within 2 washes.

>> No.15212912

This except for the bald in three days part.

>> No.15212916

I had my hair like that for 2 years, just do it if you want I didn't have any problems but make sure you get it done professionally. I'd say you are a bit late to it since it's not as in fashion as it was and I look back and cringe but if it makes you happy go for it

>> No.15212919

I heard about the "hair damage" (would be cool if someone specified what they actually mean by that), but never about going bald. Having dry hair isn't really a problem if you're going for a hairstyle with your hair in the front.

>> No.15212924

I’ve been meaning to do this (professionally), how I help the “dryness” tho? Besides conditioner, what else can I use? Argan oil maybe?

>> No.15212926

it will take a few rounds to lighten that much and you may turn your hair into weird plastic that clumps together and then breaks off. You'll go through a couple different shades of ginger before you get blonde blonde

Also you will look super super gay. I say this as a gay man who looks back at photos of himself with bleached hair and cringes

>> No.15212931

where I live salons where you get your hair colored are only for women. I can only do this at home.

>> No.15212940

Just give them a phonecall. "yes hello, i am not a woman but I am kind of a faggot. can i have an appointment?"

>> No.15212967

They say go to a salon because they have a vested interest and don't want people to save money doping it all at home.

Here is how to do this. Peroxide usually comes in differing volumes (strengths) the higher the volume the more chance of hair and scalp damage but the stronger it is.

Usually you'll have 10, 20, 30 and 40 vol.

A 50 vol would cause stinging and a sore scalp and maybe burning. So the safe limit is 40. You can use 40 in 1 sitting and if it doesn't work out right, use it again but not usually right after to limit damage. So what is best is to use a 20 volume. You could use it one day, the next and then the next. This causes much less hair damage and really is no risk of burning your head.

And by hair damage, we mean it dries it out and it can become brittle.This is not really an issue if you have short or shortish hair. I'd only be careful if I had really long hair.

So you have your 20 volume peroxide. Now you need your bleach powder. It will usually come in white or blue powder. Blue is best and common as it evens out yellow and orange tones in your hair when you bleach it.

So mix, leave it on for about 40 minutes and up to an hour at 20 volume, very safe.

Now wash it out, and you will probably have some yellow or orange tones in your hair. Your hair may look slightly yellow all over.

This is the part when retards continue to bleach it or bleach it again and fuck up their hair.

You don't need to do that, you just need a toner. A purple toner will turn the yellow/orange into blond or the longer you leave it kinda silver and platinum. It's kinda like painting, in which you mix colors together. That's how toning works.

It might sound complex but it's really simple.


>> No.15212970

You do you then but it'll probably look a bit shit

>> No.15212974


So to recap:

>20 vol peroxide
>blue bleach powder
>leave on an hour
>if dark still repeat or do it the next day
>hair is likely to be yellow blonde
>rub in purple toner on wet hair
>toner works within a few minutes (as mixing paint would) and 20 mins or so to turn it a silver color
>after washing will reduce the silver tones to more white if you think it's too silver

That's it. Don't get a bleach kit. Buy individual pieces. The whole amount (giving you enough for 5+ bleaching sessions dependant on hair length) is likely to be around $20.

>> No.15212979

Love my hair too much to fuck it up just cause I want a different color

>> No.15212991

you are bald my friend

>> No.15213000

>hurr if a hairdresser is bald they can't cut hair

I wasn't bald born, you know? I know plenty about this subject.

>> No.15213030

wow ty

>> No.15213045

If you want to keep it really simple, just try it on a few strands of hair. You don't have to use the full bottle of peroxide nor the full packet of powder bleach, it keeps and can be used again. That way you'll get a good idea of what color your hair turns, how long to leave it in to achieve that and how the hair strands feel after.

If you don't like it, it's really simple to dye lightened hair to a dark color anyway if you want it back to normal.

>> No.15213056

And this is a summary of the peroxide..

>When mixed with bleach powder, 20 volume developer will lighten virgin hair by about 5 levels. ... Using 40 volume developer can cause hair damage and chemical burns if not used correctly. Instead, using multiple applications using lower volume peroxide will allow more controlled lightening.

>> No.15213074

shut up

>> No.15213078

Another bitter troll who exists solely on this board to lower the quality, shit post and overall be an angry little incel.

>> No.15213150


let me ram that femboy twink

>> No.15213183
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OP, just buy this and use as directed. Leave it in like ten minutes longer than it says. Do it again like three days later.

>> No.15213541

Give it a shot and post pics after. This should be good...

>> No.15213583

are you telling me men arent ALLOWED in the salon where youre from, or are you telling me you care what other people think like a total bitch

>> No.15214009

>meanwhile you have chads that do it in one afternoon
>video is of a guy that seems to have a hair bleaching and dying channel doing some friends hair.
>wahhh, why cant i dye my hair at home alone??!?
if you do it yourself. please actually watch some professional application videos to learn how to apply it correctly. theres a good chance you'll still fuck up if you do it yourself though.

>> No.15214221

no they just wouldn't take me

>> No.15214226


yeah, nah. no twink bottom boy is a chad.

>> No.15214598
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>virgin hair

Does it matter? I'm thinking about getting it normal blonde, but my hair color is a bit lighter.

>> No.15214603
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WTF? Dont even touch your hair, you vain hoe.

>> No.15214607

rice water
violet conditioner
expensive conditioner

>> No.15214641
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>The average single mother takes a year of schooling and hands on training for a cosmetology degree
>"yeah I can probably watch a 5 minute video on youtube then do it reversed in a mirror first try"
Just spend $100 and get it done right you moron. You're going to spend more than that trying to fix it when you fuck up anyways.

>> No.15214658

>The average single mother takes a year of schooling and hands on training for a cosmetology degree

lmao then I guess they're retarded

if I fuck up I'm just gonna shave my head. No problem.

>> No.15214663
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At least watch a bunch of Brad Mondo videos before you try it.

>> No.15215869

I literally did it in one day, 2 and a half bleach processes
If your hair is virgin hair and not baby thin hair it will resist

>> No.15216763

litterally done it in a couple days, give it a few days to recover, use purple shampoo, use a good conditioner.
there's always a risk cause everyone's hair's different but if it's thick and healthy you should be fine.

>> No.15216784

Bleach your hair to piss blonde and look like a psycho. I did this a while back and had a black muslim guy tell me I looked like a "natural born killer"

>> No.15217578

if you live in such a place you'll get stoned to death in the street for being a huge faggot anyway

>> No.15217703
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Lol nah most of the "rules" are excessive and if you know reasonably what you're doing it's fine.

>I'm thinking about getting it normal blonde, but my hair color is a bit lighter.

Often a normal hair dye will work in that case. If you have natural blond hair and want it a bit darker, a simple dark blond hair without bleaching will work.

Hurr go to the salon and pay all that money!!

Only retards screw up bleaching, how can you even screw it up anyway? They simply end up with bleached hair that is yellow and has some brassy tones in it. That's when they run to a salon because they don't know how a toner works and how that issue is fixed in literal minutes.

Pic related. You being an edgy teen.

>> No.15218159
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>how can you even screw it up anyway
Mixing it wrong, applying it wrong, you can end up with splotchy hair, uneven hair, or bright roots. You're very likely to use the wrong products for your hair and end up with the wrong color, then spend more money than you would have at a salon trying to get the color you want.
But nobody is looking at you anyways, so go for it dude, it doesn't really matter if you fuck your shit up and save $10.

>> No.15218693

I did my hair at home, used the wrong product initially, then ended up redoing it twice with the proper product. Had to counteract the brassiness from the dye included in the first product with ammonia-based color toner. Though the texture was degraded slightly, my hair was fine. Next time, I'll use the right product once and it'll be exactly what I need.
>Why does everyone make a big deal of dying your hair from dark black > platinum blonde
Because your hair is so dark. My hair color is between blonde and brown, so it's not very dark and doesn't have as much color. You will need to see a professional, most likely.

>> No.15219002

anyone know the average cost of getting your hair bleached at a salon to put color over it at home? So no toning and shit.

>> No.15219171


It's not some science, just throw in roughly the same powder bleach and peroxide. The worse that happens is some parts don't get bleached fully so you do it again (which is why I rec a volume 20 bleach so double plus bleaching is fine)

So your mistake was because you never learned about how to do this. Same as most people. Just spend some time understating how to bleach, toners etc. and it's easy as fuck.

>You will need to see a professional, most likely.

Nope. Dark hair just might require more than 1 bleaching. It lifts the hair a few shades so if you double it you get 8 shades or so lifted.

>So no toning and shit

They will tone it at the salon. "Toning" is the easiest part of bleaching. After you bleach and wash, if you have yellow in your hair, apply the toner to tower dry hair right after, it will get rid of the yellow in like 3-5 minutes. Leave it 20 minutes and it will go a silver tone. It's super easy. Then after that add your color dye. Another 20 minutes or so, wash and you're done.

>> No.15219236

I know how easy toning is, I bleached and toned my hair at home before. I asked about the price of bleaching alone at a salon. Are you fucked up rn?

>> No.15219277
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>The worse that happens is some parts don't get bleached fully so you do it again
I don't think that's how it works

>> No.15219530

No youre just dumb

>> No.15219555


>> No.15219659

They're not gonna deny you service for not being a woman. Don't be such a hick.

It doesn't sound like you know much about hair coloring at all and you should absolutely brush up on the basic science and technique before you go for it, even if you get it done professionally. I went from box black to silver recently by myself and it was still difficult for someone who's been doing his own hair for years. It isn't recommend for a reason.

>> No.15219666

That would barely work for brown hair, much less black. I'd only use that if it was at a color level pretty close to the desired level but powder bleach and a separate toner would still be preferable.