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/fa/ - Fashion

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10614733 No.10614733 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, seeing as how new boards are being added and Hiroyuki seeming to be very active, I think it would be a great time to talk about improving the board, how to improve it, and how we could get Hiroyuki to make these changes. To start it off, wasn't there a new sticky that a couple anons created?

>> No.10614762

board improvement would result in every NEET leaving. everyone sits around and shit posts in their boxers literally all day. "is x effay" threads need to stop too. basically, in order to improve, half the board has to leave.

>> No.10614778

A less active board with quality threads would be great. The board wouldn't really die since fashion week is a thing. Then again even during fashion week there is hardly any talk of it

>> No.10614803
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>Then again even during fashion week there is hardly any talk of it

I suppose that's because nobody knows what they are talking about? Do posters even know what 'fashion' is?

>> No.10614825
File: 183 KB, 575x861, Bathrobe_girl_orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, many posters probably wouldn't know what they are talking about. But whats truly sad is that it seems like most of /fa/ doesn't even know its going on, they could at least post some runway looks of what they think is cool or nice. Its embarrassing to be honest, especially when some users like to mock other fashion forums.

>> No.10614826

1. thread generals


3. stop making threads for stupid shit

4. stop using "effay" it's gay as fuck

5. stop posting the same inspo over and over

6. ban all the basicbitch cücks

7. browse/lurk for at least two months before posting if you're new

8. film, literature, cuisine has nothing to do with fashion, stop spoon feeding idiots

>> No.10614850

>1. thread generals
>3. stop making threads for stupid shit
I don't know man, that effay fruit thread was pretty funny
>4. stop using "effay" it's gay as fuck
how else do I describe shit, effay isn't subjective, while saying something is cool definitely is
>5. stop posting the same inspo over and over
it's inspiring though
>6. ban all the basicbitch cücks
name some
>7. browse/lurk for at least two months before posting if you're new
that's every forum ever.
>8. film, literature, cuisine has nothing to do with fashion, stop spoon feeding idiots
/fa/ would be dead without the filler, it's not like it's killing the actual fashion threads, /fa/ is basically the official "cool retard" board.

>> No.10614910
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>it seems like most of /fa/ doesn't even know its going on
Why's that? A lack of interest?

To improve a board you would need to change the behaviour of the anonymous poster. Do any of you remember that picture of the roman grafitti? The solutions posted in >>10614826 don't tackle the shitposting.

>> No.10614927


all of the things you're complaining about are generic board culture problems every board has.

>> No.10614969

/gd/ is one of the better boards because of this principle. In fact at times it's a little too slow paced.

>> No.10614973

Things to get rid of:
1. is X effay?

2. can I be effay while Y?

3. why does Z cost this much?

4. making a thread for advice on single outfits

5. anything related to film, literature, cuisine, fitness, and architecture


7. anything -wave or -core

8. tripfags and namefags

>> No.10615046

>"is x effay" threads need to stop too.

Fuck you. Those have been a mainstay of /fa/ since it's inception. It shapes the whole way we post and generate creative content and inspo if done correctly.

I want GAWKER to leave!

>> No.10615062

That's all of /fa/.

If you hate it, leave. Don't expect it to change for you. Why should it? You don't even it like.

>> No.10615179

Theres no way you arent new if you think this is the way /fa/ should be. Fuck off to your original board

>> No.10615186

1. "If you hate it, leave" - this is really dumb way to approach problems. This doesn't leave any room for improvement, whatsoever.

2. "Don't expect it to change for you." - The issues in that post has been raised multiple times in multiple threads by many different people for quite some time now. They are very real concerns.

>> No.10615190

>Those have been a mainstay of /fa/ since it's inception
Just because it has always been, doesn't mean it's 'good'
>[they] generate creative content and inspo if done correctly
How many times are these threads done correctly? A quick look at the catalog and it seems to be small sum.

>That's all of /fa/.
So? All these 'things' can be a must for shitposting.

>> No.10615192

Continuing from here, how can you make an anon feel responsible for his post?

>> No.10615283 [DELETED] 

I was one of the people involved in rewriting both the /fa/ wiki as well as the board wiki, in an attempt to make the board better overall.

After a couple of weeks we came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it because:

- It was too much work for too few people (not many wanted to help, even though we asked them in multiple threads that didn't get bumped)

- The board is generally very ungrateful and any effort would not be appreciated. It didn't seem like that much people cared.

- The current board culture is heavily ingrained, and /fa/ is essentially a lost cause. Making an effort to be improve the board would be a waste of time.

As many of you may have noticed - people don't care that much for threads or others here. Interesting threads - and board-relevant - threads don't get bumped by people who have taken part of the content and been helped in them. Posters desperately wants to get rated, rather than rate and provide good feedback, in the WAYWT threads.

/fa/ is the /b/ of fashion, and posting good content on /fa/ is like pouring nectar into an ocean of piss. Good posts here are pearls before swine.

There are good threads here occasionally and informative and interesting content, but the people who actually know shit about fashion and personal style are better off posting somewhere else. That's partly why (I think) most of the knowledgeable people have left.

That's why I put together the list of other fashion forums, to make it easier for people to migrate somewhere where they are not wasting their time trying to teach, learn, and get inspired by fashion.

/fa/ is more fun if you look at it as a place for vaguely fashion-related shitposting and laughs.

A decent sticky and/or increased moderation might help make the place a bit less of a complete clusterfuck, though.

>> No.10615285

this makes me so sad
i'm actually in the industry so i'm always keeping up with runway and trade shows
at first i started coming here to laugh at people
but now i just want to actually discuss fashion with people [outside of my work]

those few good threads that were up in, what was it like october?
those had a good start but it was obvious that it was just a handful of posters so they died down quickly

>> No.10615296

I was one of the people involved in rewriting both the /fa/ wiki as well as the board sticky, in an attempt to make the board better overall.

After a couple of weeks we came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it because:

- It was too much work for too few people (not many wanted to help, even though we asked them in multiple threads that didn't get bumped)

- The board is generally very ungrateful and any effort would not be appreciated. It didn't seem like that much people cared.

- The current board culture is heavily ingrained, and /fa/ is essentially a lost cause. Making an effort to be improve the board would be a waste of time.

As many of you may have noticed - people don't care that much for threads or others here. Interesting threads - and board-relevant - threads don't get bumped by people who have taken part of the content and been helped in them. Posters desperately wants to get rated, rather than rate and provide good feedback, in the WAYWT threads.

/fa/ is the /b/ of fashion, and posting good content on /fa/ is like pouring nectar into an ocean of piss. Good posts here are pearls before swine.

There are good threads here occasionally and informative and interesting content, but the people who actually know shit about fashion and personal style are better off posting somewhere else. That's partly why (I think) most of the knowledgeable people have left.

That's why I put together the list of other fashion forums, to make it easier for people to migrate somewhere where they are not wasting their time trying to teach, learn, and get inspired by fashion.

/fa/ is more fun if you look at it as a place for vaguely fashion-related shitposting and laughs.

A decent sticky and/or increased moderation might help make the place a bit less of a complete clusterfuck, though.

>> No.10615312

Mandatory trip, or at least unique poster ids

>> No.10615330


Where'd you put together the list of the other fashion forums? Been meaning to transfer over to another website but unsure which one is best suited for me.

>> No.10615338

i like /fa/ as it is


>> No.10615343

All the keks need to leave

>> No.10615345
File: 937 KB, 989x4260, 4chan-survey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online Fashion Forum List Mk V
4chan /fa/
StyleForum (SF)
KanyeToThe (KTT)
DressedWell (DW)
Thefashionspot (tfs)
#effay @ Rizon IRC (unofficial /fa/ chat)

/r/malefashionadvice (aka MFA)
#reddit-mfa @ Freenode IRC

Small but active core/Some activity remains:
StyleZeitgeist (SZ, great archive of information)
fuk (fuk.co.uk)
care-tags (ct, /r/malefashion offshoot)

Dead or dying:
superfuture (sufu)
5thD (5th-dimension)
8ch /fa/

Note that the activity classification is pretty fluid, and that it's not an indicator of quality.

Also: see this survey.
It kind of makes sense that /fa/ is juvenile and stuff when the mean age is 19-20 something.

>> No.10615631


>> No.10615650


>> No.10615671

Y'all need to lighten up and stop being so over bearing. The board is what it is, ignore anything you don't like or leave if your autism can't handle the other autisms.

>> No.10615674 [DELETED] 


>> No.10615717


>> No.10615798

the incentive to not being a shitposter and/or attention whore is a quality board.

which to many does not outweigh the incentive of eliciting a reaction and/or receiving immediate attention.

it's the same with graffiti. what incentive/reward would make someone stop? like with shitposters, they put their gratification above the overall good and social guides/rules.

>> No.10615806

the negative attitude on this board weeds out the redditors. look what /fit/ has become post gg reddit influx. it was a positive board so a bunch of idiot teenage redditors stuck around and ruined it. you can't even browse it anymore.

keep the attitude, update the sticky. I saw that thread as well, a few people put quite a bit of work into the sticky and the thread was being bumped for a long time, but mods ignored it.

>> No.10615819

>what incentive/reward would make someone stop?

sufficient love and attention from humans irl.

>> No.10615902

Yeah except people are assholes without reason on here. Harsh criticism is fair as long as its constructive. I think /fa/ should stop hand holding and refer people to fuccboi general whenever a thread that doesnt warrant its own thread is created

>> No.10616314
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>> No.10616322

god I'm so tired of you newfag fucks showing up once a year with this "board improvement" garbage. go fuck u r and self

>> No.10616347

Thanks for the bump friend, ive been here pretty long though. Sorry I dont like swimming in shit

>> No.10616371

w2c pants

>> No.10616676

Do you have a file or a link available with everything you had made so far?

>> No.10616687

Hey I don't follow runaways closely but I'm a fabric nerd, I like weaves and dyes and embroideries and fashion history and people here don't seem to care much. I'll be your friend.

>> No.10616691

as long as you promise to name fabrics and not fibers
you've got a friend

>> No.10616701

don't worry mate, don't worry

Not related but I feel like they're a few okay-ly dressed people in waywt now, if we had less shitposter it could actually work.

>> No.10616704
File: 113 KB, 600x519, Stylesight-Introducing-Story-mfg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, what's some essential reading about weaves and dyes?

>> No.10616712

man after my first week on /fa/ somewhere around 2 years ago, I gave up on waywt
i don't believe people have the wardrobes to put anything exciting up
some of the shitposting in there is reasonable, but definitely annoying

i'd rather have waywt threads full of good basics then these people trying to pull off 5 style at once desu

>> No.10616717

Idk, I read anything I can find. I read a lot of things about historical and ethnic clothing desu. I liked fashioning fabric as a beginner. I remember trying to read something about mechanic weaving like jacquard but I'm ESL so it was painfully hard at that time.

>captcha ask to select clothes

>> No.10616723

I usually quickly scour through it and post my own, I've gotten pretty good response ad seen some ok stuff. I have to agree on the basic thing, but elegance and simplicity are hard to reach.

>> No.10616727

kill off anyone under 21 or post income
most dont have the income for sik fits

or change the board to "clothes" so you SZ fags stop obsessing over how 4chan doesnt regulate "fashion"

>> No.10616741

forgot to say, if you like indigo I suggest reading up on Japanese traditional clothing, I have an undying love for boro douchugi and futon covers stitched with sachiko.

>> No.10616972
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For the wiki?


The only thing that came out of the project was pretty much #effay on rizon.

The skincare stuff from me can be found in skincare general.

>> No.10617035
File: 1.90 MB, 1500x1127, STORY+mfg.+Whisky+Indigo+01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for some links, but thanks anyway. Looking at the to do list it seems very hard to pull this off with few people. Partly my fault.

Judging from here >>10615296 trying to improve /fa/ is useless? Leave and let it die?

I'll look into it. Perhaps I can use it in sewing course.

>> No.10617068

yes, the "is x effay" threads are too many, but I think that culture/lifestyle can be an important element in fashion, maybe we should limit the number of those threads in some way

teenagers and youth culture are also somewhat interesting for fashion, again

also this board is weird, it has (at least) two faces, one is immature, full of shitposting, the other is the (few) people deeply informed on stuff that from time to time appeare and discuss designers, fashion weeks atc.

>> No.10617618

What kind of links?

I'd say it isn't completely useless to try to improve /fa/, as long as you don't:

- Expect anyone but a small minority to contribute

- Expect anyone but a small minority to appreciate the work you put into it

- Expect the contributions to actually work

Don't expect too much of it, pretty much. It's 4chan, after all.
I'd gladly be proved wrong, though.

There are so many other places to go if you're actually interested in fashion design and/or personal style. Spending too much time here will probably only turn you away from the stuff.

>> No.10617626
File: 780 KB, 728x1213, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place is beyond saving you faggots

every time you dish out some helpful advice or say something intelligent, 5 KTT reddit cücks just joined and they're dumber than ever and will outflood you
give up

>> No.10617717

Having a WAYWT: Basic could help. Everyone has to start somewhere and the general attitude of most WAYWTs is that if your outfit is <$1000 then fuck you.

So having one WAYWT for people trying to start dressing better and get helpful advice and one for people who have started incorporating more designer into their wardrobe would be nice. It'd also help boost the perceived quality of WAYWTs since everyone complains about the basic fits in them nowadays. The only problem would be enforcing who belongs in which one.

>> No.10617775

That reddit's mfa. Half the people on this board belong there but they wont use reddit because they are immature children

>> No.10617781

Reddit isn't edgy enough for me. It's just a bunch of circlejerking sjw nerds

>> No.10617977

you are my fav trip now

>> No.10617980

>the incentive to not being a shitposter is a quality board.

i agree

I like how STHLM does skincare generals because he's knowledgeable with that

instead of focusing on things we don't like on /fa/, let's focus on things we like,

if you are knowledgeable about something make a thread to educate about it or what have you

>> No.10617981

a solution could be creating a brand new board

but still, remains the problem of differentiating from the 2 boards

>> No.10618011

Ban Rick and Raf

Enforce rules against shitposting to prevent threads that don't conform to goofnigger culture from getting sagebombed

Get rid of thinspo and other non fashion related threads

Ban people for posting is x effay/what is the most /fa/ etc

>> No.10618016

one WAYWT for newbs /advice and another for stunting,
that seems good

>> No.10618020

I think more mods are needed on this board and threads should be more concise, eg a constant hair general or shoe general as they're the most common threads and theres usually 5 or 6 at once. if you make a new post that fits in those threads it should go to the trash. I like the fuccboi general, it gives good advice and stops people spilling out. but thats my two pence worth anyhow

>> No.10618233


>> No.10618238

>Ban Rick and Raf
This must be bait. You would ban discussion of actual fashion designers on a fashion board?

If anything, goth-ninja isn't as pronounced as it once was. I see far much more /mfa/-core now than I did then.

>> No.10618279

Nah, at least unique poster ids would help single thread shitposting, especially in the waywt. A trip would make everyone be accountable for their posts, but then the circlejerks would develop

>> No.10618283

>creating a new board
No, the board's slow as it is, and this isn't reddit.

>> No.10618315


No but seriously generals would make it infinitesimally better

>> No.10618327

>Ban Rick and Raf

>> No.10618359

Both of those ideas go against the spirit of 4chan in the first place.

>making people accountable for their posts
You can't do it in a proper anonymous imageboard. But, that's what distinguishes this site in the first place, and that's what makes it good.

In terms of anonymous posting, I'll take the good (e.g. people able to be truly honest, less culture of personality) with the bad (e.g. shitposting); the good completely outweigh the bad in my opinion.

>> No.10618525

As a whole, /fa/ is still a very good board. Over the past two years, I have noticed somewhat of an influx of reddit-tier clueless posters, but not really more shitposting. I will address both topics, though.

Here's how we fix /fa/:

- Don't ban "Is this /fa/?" threads. These types of posts are part of any board on this site, and overzealous moderation of such topics can only lead to a stifled atmosphere (e.g. Reddit).

- Do ban "r8 my face," etc. threads. While one might consider them to be in the same category as the above, I think they represent a larger cancer. Those types of threads are reviled across the board as /soc/-tier (or even /b/-tier) attention-whoring, and should banned. While the above "is this /fa/" can spark discussion of fashion aesthetics viewed through the lense of non-clothing items, the "r8 my face" threads have no redeeming qualities; they do not represent anything other than attention-whoring.

- Direct individual "Should I cop this?" threads to the main "cop or not" thread (or even fuccboi general), and delete these individual threads. Those individual threads are somewhat of a problem; they litter the board with the most basic questions about the most basic items. Everyone says how /a/ is a good board because people don't spoonfeed; we can do better, too, by containing all spoonfeeding to those general. We don't need individual threads about "what to wear with black converse."


>> No.10618554

[cont. from >>10618525]

- While not enforceable, we could try to direct some board-culture elements - and this is up to us. Responses to the above individual basic threads could be "lurk more," or "check the sticky," and report/sage should be used. We want to promote a culture of knowledge and self-betterment; not a culture of spoonfeeding. Thus, we should update the sticky explaining this, and maybe as a collaborative effort update the wiki so that the sticky can remain a good resource for these basic posters to be spoonfed.

Related to this would be a response to one-liner shitposting (e.g. those shoes look like shit). People should respond "why are they shit," and if the original poster doesn't explain why, then the post can clearly just be ignored as bait/shitpost. "Talk shit post fit" is another good response to chronic shitposting. In short, we can combat this type of shitposting with our own responses.

>> No.10618569

solid, thoughtful, and i agree.

i'd add that "fuccboi general" needs a name change for two reasons. 1, it may not be clear what a fuccboi is to anyone new to the board, and those are the people who should be lurking/asking questions in said thread. 2, people with fuccboi questions won't post there because they refuse to believe they're fuccbois.

a more obvious, less harsh/insulting, more inclusive title couldn't hurt. a lot of questions go unanswered there, and then get reposted as their own threads. anything that could be done to make the fuccboi general more lively and inviting would probs have a positive cascading effect on the board.

or not.

>> No.10618576
File: 105 KB, 283x302, 1443632319855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B8, for sure. I cant fucking believe someone really think that way. You are fucking imbecile.

>> No.10618587

I feel like there's no mods on this board.

>> No.10618602

Maybe so, however, on /fa/ the bad completely outweighs the good. I dont have anything against anonimity, but it only works best when the group of knowledgeable, insightful, and helpful users outnumber those that only shitpost

>> No.10618632

We can still call it "fuccboi general," I think. It should just be well-explained in the sticky what it is, and that it is a term of endearment (of sorts).

In fact, wiki aside, that sticky really should have basic information explaining what basic ideas to post where. It should explain

- Basic questions of the "should I buy this" nature should go in the "cop or not" thread. Do not make an individual thread for this.

- Other basic questions should go in the "fuccboi general" thread. Note that everyone was a fuccboi (e.g. clueless fashion newbie) once, and that the general exists only for improvement. Do not make individual threads for these basic questions.

- Pictures of your outfit should be posted in "WAYWT (What Are You Wearing Today)." Do not make an individual thread for this. Your picture should include include your clothes as the primary focus - simply posting your face and saying "r8" is /b/-tier garbage, and is bannable.

. . . and so forth

Things like this should be in the sticky. Other boards have guidelines in their stickies; we should too.

>> No.10618646

They should interact more with the community

>on /fa/ the bad completely outweighs the good
Must that be the reason to disregard the principle 4chan is built upon? Is there no other way?

I suppose we can continue from >>10616972

These two rules from /tg/ should be included in one way or another:


>> No.10618991

slow > shit

>> No.10619111

It's not bait. Which points do you disagree with, and why?

>> No.10619127

I agree with pretty much everything

>> No.10619163

Seconding most of this.

I can share a list of stuff I made that I thought should be in the sticky if we ever make a new sticky. Posted once before:

Lurk before posting. Know the posting guidelines and basic board culture before making a thread.

/fa/ is Not Your Personal Stylist (NYPS). Don't start threads asking us to spoon-feed you clothing/haircut advice. It's your job to develop your personal style, not ours.

Asking if something is "effay" is not on-topic for /fa/.

If you've participated in a thread, or if you're interested in it, then bump it!
It's going to get archived if you don't. Bumping is your way of supporting the content you like on /fa/.

Always check in the catalog if there's an active general thread related to the thing you want to make a thread about, before making a thread. Every time you make a new thread, an older thread will be bumped off the board and get archived, so please don't shitpost.

- Quick general questions, like "what's this collar called?" --> Fuccboi General

- "Where can I buy this?" --> W2C General (Where to Cop)

- "Should I buy this?" --> Cop Or Not General

- Want to sell a piece of clothing? --> Buy/Sell/Trade General

- Hair/skin/fragrance advice --> Their individual general threads.

- If you would like to post an outfit of the day and get rated, then you do this in the WAYWT (What Are You Wearing Today).

If you can't find a general thread, then feel free to start one.
Remember that there is no need to start a WAYWT thread before the current one has hit 300 replies (don't do it just because you want to post your fit early in the new thread for attention). People can still post in the WAYWT after 300 replies, it just won't still get bumped.


>> No.10619170

Try to provide detailed and constructive criticism when rating fits in the WAYWT threads.
Posting "shit", "good", "basic", "cringe" as the only response is completely unnecessary.
The standard unfounded edgy negativity is the shittiest feedback you can provide. We have enough of that already. Please try to rate others outfits before posting your own and asking for ratings.

When a girl posts in a WAYWT thread, don't act so fucking thirsty. Guess why we only have like 10% girls here? This is is why we can't have nice things.

Try to not complain about tripfags - just filter them instead and you won't see them.
They're not going to drop their trip just because you ask them to, or if you insult them.

Frogposting and "I'm so lonely pls guys w2c gf?" goes in /r9k/.

Bear in mind that even though you may like to insult people based on ethnicity/sexuality, this is not /pol/ or /b/. Flames and racism, among other things, is not allowed here under Global Rule #3.

Threads about how to dress and look more like the other gender (FtM, MtF, et c) goes in /lgbt/. They have threads dedicated to this there.

"Post /fa/ weapons" goes in /k/. Weapons are not related to fashion and apparel just because they look good.

"Most effay album" goes in /mu/. Music is not on-topic for /fa/, regardless of how cool the album art may be.

Threads that single out and insult individual posters are generally removed. Same goes for the posting of personal information.

Try to post this guide or the Tuxbell guide whenever someone shitposts. Please help educate other posters.

Older guidelines can be found here:




Yeah. Just suggestions.

>> No.10619333

again, I think that topics non strictly related to fashion like music, art, lifestyle, interior design etc. can be part of the conversation, containing them in a few generals

(and limit the "is x effay" threads, expecially the silliest ones, though some are fun)

I agree with u on all the other points

>> No.10619340

i could improve dat booty

(w/ my dick, sexually)

>> No.10619349

unsticky the sticky, put /fa/ into the /trash/

create haircut/rate me/improve my appearance general....send /soc/ /a/ and /cgl/ there

4chan.org/fa/ redirects to reddit/r/teenmfa

>> No.10619354

These are good, and I agree with most. If anything, this seems to be the most comprehensive list of what should be in the sticky.

A few things I'd change or adjust, though. Most are in the interest of concision - something that a sticky should have. Also, in some of these suggestions, I adjust language that has the flavor of a nagging reddit mod.

Here are my suggestions of what to change:

>Asking if something is "effay" is not on-topic for /fa/.
I think this should be allowed as long as the topic does extend to fashion in a meaningful way. As >>10618525 said, those threads can spark discussion of fashion aesthetics viewed through the lens of non-clothing items. I'd say that we don't really need to completely eliminate those threads; maybe just limit them.

>- If you would like to post an outfit of the day and get rated, then you do this in the WAYWT (What Are You Wearing Today).
You should add what >>10618632 said:
>Your picture should include include your clothes as the primary focus - simply posting your face and saying "r8" is /b/-tier garbage, and is bannable.

>Posting "shit", "good", "basic", "cringe" as the only response is completely unnecessary.
The standard unfounded edgy negativity is the shittiest feedback you can provide. We have enough of that already.
I'd just cut that down to
>Try to provide more meaningful feedback than simple one-line responses. If you think someone's fit is "shit," "good," "basic," or "cringe," try to explain why you think this.
leave the
>Please try to rate others outfits before posting your own and asking for ratings.

>When a girl posts in a WAYWT thread, don't act so fucking thirsty. Guess why we only have like 10% girls here? This is is why we can't have nice things.
just cut down to
>When a girl posts in a WAYWT thread, don't act so fucking thirsty.

>Frogposting and "I'm so lonely pls guys w2c gf?" goes in /r9k/.
is a little outdated, and might be unnecessary.

>> No.10619355

i agree

>> No.10619698

I think this is the first sexual post about OP pic

>> No.10619715

you're a fag

>> No.10619789

For the most part, you're right. But, if a board gets too slow, its discussion and culture just dies.

>> No.10620186

who is this boner condoner?

>> No.10620188

Can we please ban drug threads? Of all off-topic threads, they are the most cancerous (lol) and the least /fa/.

There's nothing /fa/-related in their discussion. Only occasionally will someone bring up appetite suppression - but that doesn't warrant a whole thread for people to talk about their first-time college drug experiences.

Come on, /fa/ - we're better than this. These threads are /b/-tier nonsense.

>> No.10620327

Can we add more fat friendly and effay food threads? Also is jelqing effay?

>> No.10620332

>remove "is X /fa/" threads
>remove instagram threads
20% better
the board mostly won't change unless retards stop posting though

>> No.10620350

How about we ban usage of the term cück

>> No.10620353

you sound like a cracker

>> No.10620678

The people on this board are not interested in fashion, they are interested in being cool. It's really sad though, just go to other forum to talk about fashion, and always get your own info on stuff, and come up with an conclusion from that information for yourself. This board is just fucked..

>> No.10620706

I'd gladly contribute to the wiki. However as you have already pointed out there's a lot to do with limited resources.

I think the problems you adress go hand in hand with the characteristics of anonymity - there's no reward in helping others out (contrary to other site's where reputation and other features give a stimulus).

It's not an ideal platform for a fashion forum to be honest. It's not horrible but it lacks in the areas you're talking about.

Anyway, I'll be on the lookout if you ever decide to get the project going again. I've totally missed it and I've been here frequently for a year and a half.

>> No.10620712

Perma ban the people who make 'is x effay' threads and talk about their shitty universities. Apart from that theres nothing to be done. You cant ban people for dressing like shit, neither can you ban them for searching cheaper alternatives to HF.

However, the two things mentioned above should result in perma bans.

>> No.10620719
File: 87 KB, 372x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effay isn't subjective
>cool is

but both are adjectives.

>> No.10620739

Recs for other fashion communities?

>> No.10620750

/r/malefashion is aight

>> No.10620844


>> No.10621326


>> No.10621751

spoonfeeding needs to fucking go, and mods need to actually ban people for making w2c threads outside the w2c general.
also ban people for admitting to being redditors. mfa needs to leave.

>> No.10621829

Oh cool, someone who participated in the nee sticky should post it on there.

>> No.10622514


>> No.10622544

how can you do that in a mngolian wood craving e-meeting? are you going to send congratulation emails oor what? the only way to perfection is cold objective criticism

>> No.10622571

by not having shitty trips like you
you never know what you're talking about, and you're constantly regurgitating the same thing

>> No.10623893


>> No.10623913

ban this underage fuck

>> No.10623927

Make university threads a bannable offense, nothing fashion related to it and there's too many of them

>> No.10624159

>1. thread generals
fucking this

you don't need to make a "uniqlo general" when all you did was ask about the quality of their shirts

generals are nothing but forced circlejerks of stale content and it isn't just /fa/ that suffers from it

>> No.10624248

Idgi, that poster is insisting we use generals but you seem against it?

>> No.10624514

holy fuck this
i feel like /fa/ is one of the boards that has the hardest time staying on topic and not blogging, university threads are proof of that.

>> No.10625780

Other boards have uni threads too. Do you think they straight up belong on /soc/?

>> No.10626080

100% yes

>> No.10626092
File: 82 KB, 600x891, VNTaYDh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a revised write-up and sent it in. I referred them to this thread to read up.

You guys should do it too. The more feedback, the better.

>> No.10626106 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 1209x635, 1446176614527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant fix it without role models, the source of most of the problems stem from the fact that the majority of people who use /fa/ are western boys who lack any sort of positive masculine figure in their lives, they're psychologically disenfranchised and they dont even know how or why they came to feel so empty and aimless. these boys then look to fashion as a means of self actualization and achieving the social sustenance they crave.

thats why you have legions of 16-22 year old males with no real knowledge of fashion, or any real penchant or natural predisposition for it, they just see it as a means of acquiring social capital; they want a fast track route to 'cool'. thats what they think they want anyway, in reality this is just a manifestation of their own stilted masculine development and directionless, meaningless 21st century lives.

this is why you have such a willingness to conform to /fa/ specific trends like 'palewave', lunarcore etc. or obsession over copy paste 'effay' starter packs like acne jeans and stan smiths, they want to feel like they're a part of something genuine and they want to get laid.

if you can channel this earnestness and naive boyish yearning into something positive, rewarding and masculine(like /fit/ sort of does) then you can achieve some positive results but to do that you need role models, people who can post all the time and put an end to these vacuous banal exercises like the face rate threads.

also niggers, redditors, liberals, and limpdicked white kids who idolize niggers because again, the zog doesnt offer you a choice of many masculine white role models.

if you eliminate the coon, the kike and the liberal and give the lost white children something positive to work toward /fa/ can be productive and useful.

>> No.10626116


>> No.10626449

looks like you really read the thread, as your question was addressed

>> No.10626523

Will do, just gotta get home

>> No.10626893
File: 841 KB, 937x602, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One problem I have with this website is that posting images takes too long. For instance I'd like to post this in a palewave thread but that means Downloading the image >Posting the image >Filling in the Captcha etc

I wish this website had a user interface where I could just drop and drag pictures.

As it stands it simply takes too long to post any more than a few images at a time.

This place is restricted - outside of the general threads - to having very specific threads about specific items, because posting more than a few images at a time takes too long.

>> No.10626898

Get real ktt and reddit both have far more knowledgeable users than fa. Fa is basically mfa but for teenagers.

>> No.10627036


mfa but for teenagers is teenmfa
back to reddit faggot

>> No.10627038

cück detected

>> No.10627046
File: 130 KB, 963x342, teeeeeeeeeens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10627079

you are complaining about something not board-specific to /fa/, but something integral to 4chan

why do you even come here?

>> No.10627132

this is due to the speed/precarious nature of 4chan's threads

if you want to upload more images then you could do it on another site and post the link

>> No.10627153

holy fuck why are you even using 4chan
fuck off cross siters, biggest cancer of this site

>> No.10627171

it is annoying desu

>> No.10627198

There used to be a somewhat-frequently updated image that showed different fashion trends and what trips to filter and to not filter according to what sort of style you're going for, and it would be nice to see it make a return to our board.

Granted, that would mean we would need more trips like the old poet, /fa/ggot, tripsk, or even trunks and sieg (who could occasionally be helpful in-between their shitposting), and less of the current ones who just come here for some bizarre validation.

The board is also a lot less self-aware, which is really strange since it used to be one of the most self-aware. A lot of the defeatist humor here has been replaced by the usual smarmy crap that's been slogging up the entire site for quite some time now.

>> No.10627260

I find your post more cancerous then the one you're criticizing

I joined too late :(

>> No.10627392

>somewhat-frequently updated image

do you have an example pic?

>less of the current trips

we had plenty of shit trips back then as well.
we actually have a few helpful trips still.

>> No.10628085


>> No.10628087


>> No.10628119

There was great initial effort to update/restructure everything on the wiki a while ago, and I was more than willing to work with whoever to make it happen, but it seemed like people stopped caring a few days later.

>> No.10628129

not really.

>> No.10628139

>tfw 25
I thought I might have been on the upper end of the bell-curve, but I never thought I'd be that far up the tail.

>infinitesimally better
Do you even know what "infinitesimal" means?

>> No.10628165

>subjectivist pls go

>> No.10628166

>right-click image
>copy image URL
>attach image
>paste URL

>> No.10628172

and that makes it less bad.....how?

>> No.10629136

it's just that it's a site-wide concern, and this thread is for board-specific concerns.

>> No.10629231

Lets revive unwoven, mainly because that name is p sick

>> No.10629413

the only problem i have with this is reddit being advertised
reddit is a bad site with bad users and cross siting with them should not be encouraged

>> No.10629790

Bump, This board needs improving.

>> No.10630581

reddit is a huge site with many different communities. Many parts of it are shit (see /r/funny, or /r/getmotivated), and are populated by really boring/stupid people.

Other parts has some of the best compilations of information and experienced users found anywhere online (/r/nootropics, /r/skincareaddiction, /r/drugnerds, /r/netsec). 4chan doesn't nearly have the depth or breadth of knowledge reddit has.

it is. I think it's hard to kick-start something that has lost its momentum though. probably better off creating something new.

>> No.10630668

i think the mods took note,

they warned me for my tfw no gf /fa/ feels thread

great work guys, board is already improving drastically

legislature is always the best way to improve things

>> No.10630674

those r9k tier threads have always been removed after a while

sorry that your shit thread got removed, anon

>> No.10630675

there are often threads I like up on /fa/, that's enough for me

I don't understand why you guys are mad

I feel personally criticized

>> No.10630676

hiding this thread which brings down the quality of my user experience

>> No.10630679


>> No.10630707

>thinking fashion week isnt always shit
>being this cuccked

>> No.10630719

i wasnt trying to indicate otherwise

>> No.10632090

>p 10

>> No.10632271
File: 69 KB, 567x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10632298

nice coat
is that wool, and are those guidis?

>> No.10632300

bring back Tripskank 2015

>> No.10632301

Not to be a total downer here, but this seems pointless.
I'm trying to stay optimistic but there are just so many meme-spouting, friendless, insecure and immature 16 year olds on this board that think dressing well will make up for their lack of self-esteem and by the time they grow up a little, guess what? A new, even worse generation comes along.

I mean just look at this shit:

>> No.10632369

do what I did
report it

I think more guidelines & moderation will actually help

but yes, it's a shitshow

>> No.10632395

youre beyond saving

>> No.10632398


>> No.10632432

thats obviouslly not a coat, its a long vest, and considering the texture and draping you can see its definetly made of a protein fiber, the shoes are ricks wedges wich are pretty iconic and in no way resemble any shoe ever made by guidi, you just asked a question to seem like you know shit.

>> No.10632474

1. nope. long vests are still sleeveless. as far as I can see from that small pic, the arms are attached to the bigger piece. that garment has a sleeve. it's a coat.

2. wool is a protein fiber.


3. guidi has multiple boots that feature the same kind of leather structure in the front. that's why I asked. I don't know that much about Rick footwear because I don't really like them generally.

>you just asked a question to seem like you know shit.

there is no way for you to know that.
I think you'll do better in life if you stop assuming the worst about people.

>> No.10632497

i obviouslly know that wool is a protein fibre, i was pointing out that it was so apparent that it was dumb to ask, i also know for a fact that that is a vest, its not easy to see that from the picture so ill give you that

>> No.10632502


>> No.10632570

Can anyone try and check how many relevant threads there actually is by hiding all off topic ones?

>> No.10632610
File: 983 KB, 1024x5718, llciYLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be fucked to fill in all that, but here's the current state of /fa/

>> No.10632717
File: 29 KB, 620x932, christophe-lemaire-mens-spring-summer-2016-pfw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last Paris Fashion Week season there were great threads with reviews of the shows and collections and insights on the brands
i hope the same happens again in the next season

>> No.10633898 [DELETED] 



>> No.10633899 [DELETED] 


>> No.10633902 [DELETED] 


>> No.10633904

No, they weren't greate. A few related posts, tons of tripfags and aqtually they there gone very fast, with 50-90 post only.

>> No.10633907

board will continuously be complete garbage until its moderated

face rate, tumblr, cigarette, black hair, skincare, architecture, car, is x effay, music, yung lean, rapper, model, thick, etc. threads have to be deleted and all their posters permanently banned

this board has become a catch all for all shitty self improvement threads and thus attracts complete losers from /b/ and reddit who have no actual interest in fashion, just come here to try to get a gf and then end up posting shitty memes for 9 hours a day

3 years ago the board was almost exclusively fashion, now its almost exclusively not. its become a hangout for unfunny suburban tween losers who have no social life and come here to hang out with other autists while they type like niggers and masurbate to pics of women theyll never touch

>> No.10633909

Started spraying out all irrelevant threads in paint but gave up since there were too many.

>> No.10633939 [DELETED] 


>> No.10633941 [DELETED] 


>> No.10634157

that's a 150 post thread teaching a teenager how to smoke
how, on a fashion board, is a fashion week thread dying after 50 posts acceptable compared to that?

>> No.10634163
File: 1.31 MB, 320x351, CT-v9Z5VEAEzvxp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

change underage b& limit that only people 25 and older can post here.

meme worshipping tryhard teenage and college faggots are the cancer of this board and know objectively zero about fashion, style, aesthetics, or life

>> No.10634167

teenager spotted

>> No.10634168

comparisons aren't good for your cardiac health

focus on what you enjoy

>> No.10634172

listen, the high school crowd is bad, but at least the college crowd can be creative

>> No.10634173







>> No.10634174

pol inspired IDs that carry over thread to thread would work fantastically

>in b4 "reddit"
what's the matter, underage little baby faggots, can't handle the bants outside of your shield on anonymity? is it because you dress like shit and have no taste?

>> No.10634179


>> No.10634185

>Reddit isn't edgy enough for me

let me guess you're 18

>> No.10634200


That would literally just be tripcodes

>> No.10634217

mfa/teenmfa does need to leave. the things reddit likes (yeezy, rick, slp) are all reddit tier cůckboy trash

>> No.10634228

post fit that you like doesn't have to be of you

>> No.10634233

>can't handle the bants
>trying to be known for all caps without the judgement of an accompanying trip

you must be a teenager

/pol/ used to have post ODs (not trips) like /b/ but that followed you thread instead of on a thread only basis but everyone cried. Again, nobody can handle the bants and hated not samefagging differing opinions as b8

>> No.10634239

why, because I listed things reddits fashion boards like with the rest of the people who are bashing reddit?

>> No.10634257


because ppl are just talking shit without saying what they like, I don't believe you guys have a clear image of how you want /fa/ to be, you're just elaborate shitposters pretending to be quality posters

>> No.10634262

i know you're ugly and dress bad from how you talk

you think i want to be 'known' cause you know me

post fit

>> No.10634424


>> No.10634429

haha. Sorry you can't handle the bants. Post fit.

>> No.10634501

"Dress me I know nothing about fashion or style"
Should be discouraged.
A massive stickied image conveying that such people should not post is needed.
Otherwise you will spend eternity answering the same basic bitch questions and discussions from a neverending stream of plens who assume that this is a self help board.
"what is my face shape, what haircut should I get, how do I buy cheap clothes, how do I tie my laces"
Basic google tier shit like this should not be catered to.

>> No.10634512

post fit

iirc /fa/ was created to help newbies learn fashion basics

>> No.10634526

If that is the case then people have no right to expect conversation about runway shows and this is as good as it's going to be.

>> No.10634540

how old are you

>> No.10634684

post fit

>> No.10634720

Right, if you try that shit on /a/, /lit/, or /mu/, you'll get your thread deleted. Boards that allow spoonfeeding are almost doomed to never move from basic, lowest-common-denominator discussion.

People asking to be spoonfed should be directed to fuccboi general and the wiki (which should be updated - and I would be happy to help with what I know), and the basic thread should be deleted.

Also, the body of the sticky should contain posting guidelines - perhaps something distilled out of
There are posting guidelines already in the wiki, but they are hidden behind at least two clicks.

It really should be the first thing people see when they enter the board.

>> No.10634792

instead of 'is such n such /fa/' ppl should ask 'is this appropriate for this occasion' otherwise '/fa/' is not a specific enough criteria, ppl of many ages and countries and careers browse here

>> No.10635269


>permanently banned

when someone doesn't even understand how the internet operates and tries to give advice for improving an internet based mongolian bbq picture forum

>> No.10635301


>> No.10635302

>3 years ago the board was almost exclusively fashion,
Lol no. Fa always was shit. Pure shit.

>> No.10635342

>Right, if you try that shit on /a/, /lit/, or /mu/,
i don't know anything about /lit/, and that's definitely true for /a/, but on /mu/ there are tons and tons and tons of rec/spoonfeeding threads and they are never deleted.

>> No.10635460

how old are you

>> No.10635555


post fit

>> No.10635853

No it wasnt it was because of off topic convos about clothing on cgl

>> No.10636148

oh i didn't know that, tell me more?

>> No.10636884


lmfao xDDD i got le b&zored for this post!!!1!

ebin me-me m0dz!!

>implying i didn't just close my broswer, open up a command prompt, and change my info

takes about 3 seconds

>> No.10637955

There really just needs to be posting rules stickied on the board, and mods to enforce those rules. That would get rid of most of the spoonfeeding threads and basic questions that belong in a general. Also delete bait threads.

>> No.10638337

This sums it up quite nicely. A lot of ideas for rules have been covered in this thread; it's mostly basic stuff, e.g. keep basic questions to the appropriate generals, no face-whoring, no "personal stylist" attention-whoring threads.

Perhaps the main issue is simply that whatever mod is assigned to (or at least gravitates toward) this board isn't very active. Shitpost / blatantly off-topic / bait threads are usually deleted, but it takes some time.

>> No.10638401

in my opinion, the mods can only do so much, the /fa/ user base itself doesn't produce enough quality content to make it worthwhile to weed out the shit

>> No.10638421


> there are more 16 year olds than 21 year old's on fa

fuck what am i even doing here

>> No.10638463

I don't think people get that this BOARD WILL ALWAYS BE SHIT.

It's college aged men who are desperately seeking social status. They've spent their youth as outcasts (hence 4chan, the vanity, the bitterness) and now their keenly developed narcissism directs them to /fa/ to pass the time deliriously hoping (though they wont' admit it) that changing their outfits will get them the social recognition they feel they warrant. But while posting here they are constantly reminded of their own insecurities, of their own inferiority. Why doesn't this fashion shit (e.g. artistic, intuative) come naturally to me, the autists asks? People come here looking for uniforms, but are so insecure that once they get to recognise the uniforms they start insulting people who come after them looking for the same.

With an audience like that, this place is always going to be a shithole, there just isn't any way around it. fa combines the worst of the nerd and fashion subcultures. hope i'm making sense here.

>> No.10638570

u first bbygrl

>> No.10638596
File: 87 KB, 864x719, 13825768595920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back slater you fuckers.
Everything will be okay.

>> No.10639267

yet, that doesn't explain the influx of new, clueless users - arriving from reddit, tumblr, or nowhere - and inevitably posting on their phones.

>> No.10639280

>They've spent their youth as outcasts (hence 4chan, the vanity, the bitterness)
yeah i fuckin wish
fuck off normies

>> No.10640484


>> No.10640487

top man
I was just about to do that

>> No.10640965

ooh you got me

funny how you're the bitch though

>> No.10642022
File: 168 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10642438

more grime senpai

>> No.10642501

I.. I am just a normie, interested in fashion
I do think you understemate the amount of normies on this board