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File: 119 KB, 480x308, Jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9992288 No.9992288 [Reply] [Original]

what are some effay college student jobs? I used to be a busser when I was 17 but I just got fired the other day, lol. I was planning on either going for retail, like a JC Penney or Kohls, or trying out for a Verizon / T- Mobile sales rep job.

what is your job, /fa/ggot?

>> No.9992338

>but I just got fired the other day
how hard is it to get fired as a busser? what did you do wrong?

tbh if you get fired from a simple job like that, then you aren't qualified to do anything else

>> No.9992342


forgot to mention that i work as a writer. do copywriting for retail as my main job and also write childrens books

>> No.9992352

Maybe they found some foreigner doing that same job for less money.
A store in my city kicked out most employees and replaced them with underage students so they have to pay less. Skill is not everything.

>> No.9992364


>> No.9992367

Lol i'd bet my bank account that if any of those employees were attractive they would of most likely not have been touched.

>> No.9992380

i'd bet my bank account that you're a trash trip fag with no knowledge of fashion whatsoever

fuck off you piece of shit. /fa/ has enough trash trips as it is. don't make it worse with your ugly ass

>> No.9992393

I didn't come in for the meetings lol, I have other shit to do and they're one of those restaurants where "all the workers are a family" and shit, they felt like I wasn't a part of it enough just coming in for work. The foreigner thing could be true as well though, we just hired like 3 new people.

that's really cool. I have no idea how one would get into that, but it sounds interesting.


trips pls leave

>> No.9992398
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18/Sales Consultant

Everyday is dressing effay.

>> No.9992400

I work as a barback during the summer, make like $15 an hour. Am only 19, making more than most of my friends

>> No.9992440

>I didn't come in for the meetings lol, I have other shit to do and they're one of those restaurants where "all the workers are a family" and shit, they felt like I wasn't a part of it enough just coming in for work.
well restaurant jobs are always easy to get. i don't know why they wanted you to come in for a meeting if you're just a busser, i mean it's not that hard to clear and set a table. i used to be a busser too. hopefully the meetings were at least paid?

>that's really cool. I have no idea how one would get into that, but it sounds interesting.
well i got a B.A. in english literature. struggled afterward, applied to a bunch of different jobs. it took a while to find a decent one, but i write product descriptions for a retail catalog. a little later i wrote an illustrated picture book with the help of my best friend (she illustrated it, I wrote it). just self-published it, but we sold out of our first print run of 700 and doing a second. also just about to publish a follow-up book

i used to dream about becoming a famous novelist or intellectual, but i'm content where i am now

>> No.9992461

w2c skinnies

>> No.9992463

>well restaurant jobs are always easy to get. i don't know why they wanted you to come in for a meeting if you're just a busser, i mean it's not that hard to clear and set a table. i used to be a busser too. hopefully the meetings were at least paid?

nope, not paid meetings i would've had to drive across town to get to, with the lure of free food, that's it.

That sounds really interesting still, I mean it sounds menial but entertaining anyway. And i'm sure with a foot in the door as a writer already, even if it is kids books, you could always try out being a novelist. Fame comes to talent.

I've been told i'm a good salesperson before, I'm easygoing and can talk to people no problem, and i'm also well versed in cellphone tech. that's why I was thinking about trying for a Cell phone sales rep. i wish we could dress like this at work though, instead of that garbage polo they wear.

>> No.9992777

Hotel receptionist, I like meeting foreign people

>> No.9992784

How are you working as a barback if you're only 19? Where do you live?

>> No.9992785

I am a server, usually equates to about $30/hr with tips

also trim weed in my free time for $15/hr.
Am also a student

>> No.9992796

I'm a waiter at a fancy restaurant.

>> No.9992801

tfw when 18 and work in IT for an office in the city. Sucks being young, can't even bond with my coworkers since i'm not even old enough to go to the bars. Forced to hang out with friends from highschool. Wish I went to college :(

>> No.9992804

>In some states like Montana you can bartend when you're 18.

>> No.9992846

>tfw bachelro at a renowned multinational rubber band manufacturer
i have to wear washed up jeans and blue shirts as a unifom, totally uneffay

i used to be a waiter and it was /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9992856

>trimming weed

This is some fucking bullshit.

Where the fuck do you live? Is this cali or do you live in a rich rich rich city?

>> No.9992863

Waiting and caring to others whims is not effay. Bussing / waiting in general is peasant as fuck

>> No.9992864

>waiter in australia
>20/hr on weekdays, 27/hr on Saturdays and Sunday
>plus tips

Thankyou based Australia. The restaurants I work at are super chill, I wear a shirt (my own choice) with the sleeves rolled, jeans and sneakers

>> No.9992873
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Any job that makes you money. You are a college student so im sure you are taking something useless

>be me
>TrainConductor in canada
>80k salary
>110k after over time (i work a lot)

>> No.9992896


well, say a server works night shifts at the local mid-level steakhouse. those places are always packed. 7 hour shifts to avoid the employer having to pay benefits.

say the base wage is 9/hr. that's $63 in wage for the hours worked, coming out of the house.

average tab at that kind of restaurant is gonna be $50. 15% would be $7.50 per table, but let's say they undertip a bit on average. $7 a table.

say the server has a section of 6 tables. This is a moderate estimate, restaurants will usually assign between 4 and 10 tables to a section. 6 tables, 7 hours -- maybe the server/restaurant turns over 25 tables in that section on a good night.

at $7 per table, that's $175. plus the $63 in wages, that's $238. divided by 7 hours, that's $34 an hour.

and that's for the popular steak house in a mid-sized city. if this server is working in a metropolitan area, you start seeing 50-80 bucks and hour for servers.

also $15 an hour for trimming weed is pretty reasonable. up in the green triangle, $18 an hour is the starting wage.

>> No.9992914

>what is your job, /fa/ggot?

I manage the social media presence of one of the biggest FMCG companies in the world. AMA.

>> No.9992934

bike messenger

>> No.9992945

For college students, there's not really any other job where you can make more money. Took home 130 today at the resort I work at.

>> No.9992962

how do you get into a position like that?

>> No.9992967

warehouse. i wear all dry fit clothings cuz its summer and humid and nikes rosheruns w dr schulls because i stand all day

>> No.9992972

>what is your job, /fa/ggot?

I'm a 19 year old web developer.
God I fucking love my life.

>> No.9993057

ehh, i was in a small cafe/bar downtown, it was very nice, tips were good and had all the coffe i wanted and you get involved in the staffchic where everyone who works until 12pm goes to parties everyday, i think thats why it was pretty /fa/, theres a difference between café waiters and restaurant waiters

>> No.9993061



Even in restaurant waiting, if your crew is cool, then the whole vibe of the place is better

>> No.9993071

yeah, i used to work on sundays and it was slow as fuck, probably 50 tables the whole day, we used to buy pizza or eat the almost outdated cake and at the end of the shift we would watch a movie while drinking all the coffe we wanted, on fridays we used to drink whole cases of beeer for free

damn, i misss those days, being an office zombies isnt /fa/ unless you´re in a very high position

>> No.9993211

What do as a joint English AOC and French Lit AOC with programming skills and fluency in Spanish?

>> No.9993216

internship at one of the best menswear stores in the world

>> No.9993250


I studied a degree in advertising and took an internship that was primarily social media advertising. My first job was doing social for small business, then landed a job doing social media monitoring / analytics for the company I work for now. A little while ago I got promoted to doing their content creation, planning, community management, and a little bit of strategy. Next step in my career would be planning the digital advertising strategy as a whole, which is what I'm aiming to hit in the next year or so.

>> No.9993275

how much do you make and do you think I could get in on a top tier marketing/advertising position /company?
wondering how important major is

>> No.9993288

tfw extremely good at data entry but too anxiousscared to work in any job that requires me to leave the house or interact with people in any method apart from text based communication (emails, instant messaging)
nice full house btw

>> No.9993311

I work for FedEx as a package handler. Pays alright, hours are insane, and the work is incredibly fast paced. You're shoved in a trailer (with temperatures reaching up to 110 degrees this time of year), load for 5 hours nonstop, no breaks, no sympathy.

It keeps my ethic up for sure, and I enjoy the comradery. Additionally, it keeps my body in check.

>> No.9993317

where the hell do you guys live

every restaurant ive ever worked at, or known people that worked at, say it's 24/7 hell, never any fun, no free food, and all of their coworkers suck. that was mostly my experience too, except for i had 1 friend there and we sometimes got free food.

this sounds awesome. how do you get into something like this? just experience and knowing the right people?

>> No.9993324

I just work at a baskin robbins and a kumon tutoring center... Sucks still having 2 jobs while in college,but what am I gonna do... ;-;

>> No.9993327


I really want to be a math tutor. Little kids, college students, whatever. Sounds cool as heck and I love verbalizing concepts in general, so I feel it'd be a pretty good job for me.

For now I'm a grillmaster at my local DQ. Seeking to get cross trained in the other stations over the summer.

>> No.9993329


how's kumon?

>> No.9993331

Mass, pretty sure you can handle/sell alcohol as long as you're over 18

>> No.9993332

shoppers drug mart

>> No.9993338


depends where you live. There was a starbucks in my neighborhood that wouldn't hire me bc they were about to start selling alcohol, and apparently I needed to be 21 or older to sell alcohol. I live in TX.

>> No.9993344

I work at a grocery store and it makes me want to jump out of a moving vehicle

>> No.9993366

Supervisor at call center
part time while intern
going to be a cop lol

>> No.9993444

well, mine was half time and after school so the pay was low as fuck ($150 a week plus tips) so it was compensated

i live in tacotistan in the metro area

>> No.9993465

ive never worked in one but i feel like this is very true. that hideous bright lighting + dealing with annoying customers grocery stores bring + the hours would be too much for me

>> No.9993481

I write flash fiction (~1000 words per story) for 300-500 dollars each

fucking stellar money, but they have to be good to get bought so it can be stressful

>> No.9993539

i would fucking love to do that
...would you ive me a step by step guide anon?
i'm not trying to be rich, i just wanna make a few grans a month so i can live

>> No.9993569

i've never heard of this, i am always full of fiction ideas though. where does one go about doing this?

>> No.9993576

acquire a portfolio, send it to people who post ads for talent or submit it to journals

I'm going to grad school for creative writing though, so I have a constant influx of requests forwarded by faculty. Steady gigs are rare, most of them are contests where you compete with a thousand other writers for a 1000-2000 dollar prize pool
which would be good except entry fees are 20 dollars per story

>> No.9993584
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going on /pol/ and /fa/?
My, aren't we well rounded

>> No.9993636

oh yeah, that does sound like a pretty large risk to make, but the reward sounds nice. i need to look around online for more contests, i've entered a few before but i'm sure the more i enter the better my chances of winning one are.

>> No.9993643

except one crucial thing, most restaurants don't pay 9 fucking dollars an hour. They pay $2-$4 an hour which is why servers need tips you fucking idiot.

>> No.9994696

fuck off that diagram is false

>> No.9994739

train conductor sounds pretty /fa/

>> No.9994755

>...would you ive me a step by step guide anon?
on what? if you want to work as a copywriter, then start building a portfolio. look for craigslist jobs postings, people are always hiring freelance writers. it also helps knowing SEO since web writing requires it, and most of the jobs are on the web (and also freelance which fucking sucks).
just start building a portfolio you can show to potential employers

as for the childrens writing, i started my own company and fronted money for my first printing. shopped it around to a lot of local stores and requested that local libraries buy it. I've published two other ones with my own company. hoping to attract the attention of a major publisher. I don't make much money with that, but we have broken even and i was able to pay back the people who fronted money for it. my gf does all the illustrations, so that helps since i can't draw for shit.

>> No.9994771

I live in Montana, People here are VERY generous with tips
My family friend owns a medical marijuana business, they pay the trimmers 15/hr. Not hard to believe at all

>> No.9994775

Also make min wage as server, $8.05

>> No.9994795
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been on jobseekers for 4-5 months now
shitty qualifications and too much of a social outcast to take most jobs, and the actual jobs are all in care or retail
shame I'm not a pretty non-sperg girl who can just get a job working fucking anywhere with terrible experience, if only I had huge tits

not like I had driving lessons or a parent with any work experience to provide either, so everything is crazy
I'm not saying it's entirely the worlds fault, but I've been sold down the river

>> No.9994811

>trained photographer with a management b.a., two high profile internships in press relations and communication
>know about CMS and a bit of programming but not enough, try to apply for "content management" jobs
>every company posting a job under that title basically understands it as simple copywriting or social media management, which i'm not interested in

does anyone know a better job title for my skills?

>> No.9994817

>going to be a cop lol

you're a piece of shit :)

>> No.9994818

21, working around 32 hours a week for $13 CAD/hr as a "junior web developer" but mostly doing front-end web and UI design, simple work

>> No.9994825

>blaming everyone else for your own mistakes
Should have stuck in at school :^)
Also, what's wrong with working in retail for a first job?

>> No.9994836

me having one parent who chose to live in council houses for her entire life wasn't my decision, and my dad disappeared very early on
is that my mistake?
is it my mistake she doesn't have her own business?

the colleges here are worthless as are the unis, something I couldn't travel to if I wanted to
I'm fucking autistic and have acne man, I'm not cut out for people

>> No.9994895

where i live every web worker has to muddle through bullshit jobs, payment in stock options and start-up assholes writing lines like this:

"Does the opportunity to be a part of an emerging video media and technology company excite you? Are you comfortable in a high-growth, fast-paced start-up environment? The Wow Factor – We’d love it if you: Possess general awesomeness - Understand the programmatic advertising ecosystem, including the roles of DSPs, SSPs, Exchanges, RTB and Audience Targeting"

when will the bubble finally burst?

>> No.9994953
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Eclectic billionaire entrepreneur

>> No.9995090

being a barback is only good if you end up being a bartender. if you aren't good enough to be a bartender then itsa bloody waste of time.

>> No.9995108

Are there /fa/ posters who are employed by 4chan to keep the board interesting?
Srs question. It feels like there are some posters who are on shift rotation here

>> No.9995114

Big city in America here. Sushi chef. Work alone, paid well, eat whatever I want, lots of free booze. It's busy and a pain in the ass sometimes, but it's a pretty easy job

>> No.9995127

This so much. I work at a bar and it's painful to see barbacks who aren't interested in tending or aren't learning fast enough. Wastes everyone's time.

>> No.9995173


>> No.9995193



myn the fuck up. If you want a better life you yourself are the only one who can change that. Sure those things that happened in the past play a role but to put to blame solely on that... Get some backbone and get out of that comfort zone.

>> No.9995726


>it's like this in fucking Idaho so it must be like that everywhere, r-right?

must suck to live in a flyover wasteland

>> No.9995741

Do something with manual labor that pays well. You'll make good money, keep fit, and have something to put the fear of failure into you enough to make you study harder in school. I still fucking hate the smell of cut grass from when I busted ass mowing lawns when I was a teen.

>> No.9995922


>> No.9996382

lel, gtfo nigger

>> No.9996386

Garbage man is effay.

>> No.9996390

post more MDE stills

>> No.9996401

Who /unskilledlabor/ here?

The pay is shit ($8.50) but I'm getting a nice tan and a build.

>> No.9996457

Working in a grocery store lot?

>> No.9996461


>> No.9997200

Bartender is most /fa/ job.

>> No.9997212


Only if it is on a seedy, sticky strip club

>> No.9997251

18 and work in a Molasses factory

Very physical and $14/hr

It's pretty fucking miserable.

>> No.9997270

21 working at Macy's making $9/hr
used to work as a Janitor making $8/hr
and before that worked at Journeys making $7 something

>> No.9997271

What degree do you have?

>> No.9997289

Degree in hard work and not squandering time, I'd bet.

>> No.9997308
File: 98 KB, 300x216, lowes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Lowe's Home Improvement (hardware store) in the nursery and inside garden. We get to wear whatever we want under these light weight mesh vests so I can dress pretty /fa/. It's really chill, I get to talk about plants all day and look at the milfs that come in with their prime teen jailbait daughters looking for cacti and shit for their room cause they saw it on their instagram or tumblr. My coworkers are all stoners and I smoke in their cars on breaks or after work. During the summer now, I've been dressing palewave and nursery-core. Pays pretty nice for retail.

That's not me in the pic, it's just to show you what the vests look like

>> No.9997311


>> No.9997312


>> No.9997343

thats hella /fa/ the most effay thing (but the most risky) would be to try and make that into a livable wage or at least a larger section of your income but i get that that is pretty tough.

being a struggling writer is probably the most /fa/ profession

>> No.9997354

other places exist that arn't USA, 21 yo to drink is just ridiculous

>> No.9997363

fuck oath but with the dollar going where it is and the huge rent in anywhere liveable takes away from it

>> No.9997379

I'm a tailor apprentice, tried to make a t-shirt yesterday and now I'm thinking about quitting.

>> No.9997450

Currently interning as an assistant to a producer and his production and location managers. Also a real estate investment consultant. Kind of /fa/ I guess, really need to make money though.

>> No.9997459

nice meme, sheep

>> No.9997460

how'd you become one?

>> No.9997878

> 19 year old Web Test Consultant

Feels goodman don't it

>> No.9997996


I get $70k atm which is comfortable. Strategy starts at $100k.You can get anywhere in the arts / advertising / media with a writing degree. Your base wage will be lower at the start, but the degree is so broad that you can pretty much branch off into anything.


Yes except much less exciting and I use my mobile phone a lot more.

>> No.9998053


The whole housing situation is fucked. Our retarded government better slow housing prices soon before China owns us outright

>> No.9998075

working in the service industry is not effay

>> No.9998334

>nope, not paid meetings i would've had to drive across town to get to, with the lure of free food, that's it.
Clearly, you should have asked them to compensate fuel money, as they can't expect you on low wage to fucking do that just to hang out

>> No.9998413

I work for an Architect helping design for rich people in london. My boss is pretty /fa/ , wears Paul Smith most of the time. Office is pretty casual, standard wear is black trousers/ jeans with a shirt.
Pay is alright for a junior position. Pretty good overall

>> No.9998436

I work in finance as an asset consultant for retirees. I have to wear a suit everyday, I guess that's considered /fa/ because women love it. But i'm pretty lazy with my suits, it's boring as fuck and it's still a uniform at the end of the day.

I enjoy casual/street wear a lot more because you can get creative with it

>> No.9998490

In short, Helicopter Mechanic

>> No.9998542


>> No.9998819

You're trying way to hard

>> No.9999177

nice memay

>> No.9999788


Sucks to have tumblr shitting up our board this summer.

>> No.10000684

cinematographer, film editor
>i-i can dream ;-;

>> No.10001488


What did you do to get promoted
what are my odds here

>> No.10002504


>what did you do to get promoted

Same with any job. Work hard, prove that you are a valuable member of the team and are suitible for a higher position.

>> No.10002944

Fellow student here, bouncer on the weekends.
Unfortunately, i have to wear all black, a vest and boots. The rest is up to me.

Any ideas to look more effay?

>> No.10003466

Working at Amazon and dealing on the side. I live a big city that's hella cheap to live in (rent can be 300-500 for a two bedroom home), and most warehouses in the district I work in (10 miles outside of the city) pays about $12/hr and I currently make the cap at mine ($14/hr).
All I do is pushcarts and sometimes load lines rollers, the title is "warehouse associate" but they can put you anywhere at anytime. You almost never go outside of the routine they set you up with but if you start shot with people the. You'll likely be sent somewhere else. I really like the pay for the living cost here but entertaining is limited like fuck.