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/fa/ - Fashion

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9993412 No.9993412 [Reply] [Original]

Lets do it for the gooks /fa/

>> No.9993488

Don't lump japs in with dirty koreans

>> No.9993492

don't pollute a powerful anglo/aryan board with slimy gooks

>> No.9993515

radioactive monkey detected
go eat your three-eyed sashimi and suck off that octopus arm
fukushima did you good

>> No.9993522

People from the civilized world can barely distinguish between you.

>> No.9993530

lol, sure why not
yet everyone here can see you're a faggot

>> No.9993531

>this much retarded racism on /fa/

Where to migrate to for summer?

>> No.9993536

Are you triggered already anon?

>> No.9993537

clearly youre new if you think its a summer phenomenon

>> No.9993543
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>> No.9993545

gooks aren't /fa/ like japs
people have heard about kawakubo, yamamoto, but what about gooks
skinny zara blazer, hypebeast sneakers, girls chasing after gucci
teens getting infatuated with samsung kpop, just an inferior 80s japanese boom

even the chinks have ascot chang or that one traditional-hybrid clothing brand based in shanghai

>> No.9993546

Excuse you anon, but racism is the logical choice for the seasoned and inquiring mind. Forgive me for caring about the integrity of my superior race.

>> No.9993555

Considering a large portion of the board follows jap fashion mags, seems a bit dumb to be making threads about "gooks"

>> No.9993562

/pol/ is eternal summer and youd know that if you were here before 2011

>> No.9993580


>> No.9993601

I love that blue guy

>> No.9993603
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>> No.9993618

is that from the vice article about japanese wannabe blacks?

>> No.9993622

yea, B-Stylers

>> No.9993659

lol ironic considering japan is one of the largest overseas markets for k-pop

it's hilarious how many japanese housewives tour korea cause they are so obsessed with k-dramas. old bitches going crazy with their cameras in front of cardboard cut-outs.

ironic how much of japan has been in decline and look up to big bro, Korea ;)

korea doesn't have as many internationally renown designers, but funny how even the japanese look up to g-dragon as a style icon? have fun in the setting sun

>> No.9993743
File: 5 KB, 277x182, korea_surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly korean subhuman, please leave now

>> No.9993751 [DELETED] 


>> No.9993755

> implying theres a difference

chinks are all alike. dont pretend theres a difference between japs and koreans

>> No.9993757 [DELETED] 


>> No.9993794

OG gazelles are based as fuck tho

>> No.9993868

>powerful anglo/aryan board

i havent laughed like this in so long

>> No.9993878


do you have cancer yet?
how is the chemo?
lol @ fukushima
stop raping dolphins :(

>> No.9993972

>implying i'm not a superior caucasian

>> No.9993992

how does it feel to be cucked by black people and constantly wishing you were asian?

kamisama, damn you dessu!

>> No.9994159
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>> No.9994175

asians on this board are so pathetic
you all just compete to be the most accepted by white people

have some pride in your race ffs

>> No.9994185

Let's see some fits with little lamp shade hats, ya cultureless white washed GOOKS

>> No.9994186


>> No.9994189
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>> No.9994538

>on a Japanese image board

>> No.9994546

>Implying those who posted are actually Asians

Also admittedly its easier to let the closed minded spout their bullshit instead of engage in some pointless banter.

Why would a person negotiate with a monkey whose just gonna scream at your face?

>> No.9994584

that is honestly one of the most bullshit articles ive ever read, nor does the trend "Bstylers" exsist, even the word is bs google it Bスタイル

>> No.9994724

did they drop their new mv yet

>> No.9994776

> anglo/aryan unity


>> No.9994780

ID on those glasses?

>> No.9994924

>triggered maymay

>> No.9995209

keith ape most fa asain

>> No.9995852
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fuqq this thread where the inspo at

>> No.9995939
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>> No.9995947
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>> No.9995964
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>> No.9995993

KOHH == G-Dragon > Keith Ape

>> No.9997090
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if you build your positive aspects of yourself based on fallacy and delusion, you will fall hard the day you trip.

>> No.9997287

worst kind of asians....wait, worst kind of person

>> No.9997295

let me get some perspective from asians.
which asians are most effay? and which are least effay?

>> No.9997303

japanese the most /fa/
do you know any korean designers, chinese designers, more than japanese?

>> No.9997359

G dragon is the best no doubt

>> No.9997477

least /fa/ are filipinos by far
asian equivalent of niggers

>> No.9997605
File: 50 KB, 600x400, 1433658265790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Japanese on this board is suffering

>> No.9998820


Google world population of whites

Realize that traditionally all-white nations are the best nations to migrate to and ruin with shitty culture and genetics

Realize when whites foolishly concede power in their own nations for veiled "equality", there will no longer be cultural sanctuary for you the way there is for literally every other color

>> No.9998853
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goddamn. I'm Korean and you're making me cringe. be more insecure.

are you from a heavily white area? is that why you're turning on your fellow jap? smh.

>> No.9998869
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>> No.9998872
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>> No.9998876
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>> No.9998877
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>> No.9998891
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post inspo or please leave

>> No.9998899
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>> No.9998906
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dirty gaijin here. what magazine is this? where to find more of this?

>> No.9999802

Sucks to have tumblr shitting up our board this summer.

>> No.9999812

Men's non no
Probably the worst magazine but you gotta start somewhere
Amazon.co.jp ships stateside

>> No.9999849
File: 525 KB, 990x660, 1375265717492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10000242

What are the best jap fashion magazines?

>> No.10000428

Where to find sweatpants like the guy second from the right?

I've had some ideas for dope slack/comfycore but I've never found sweatpants that don't just look like trash.

>> No.10001063

lol typical gooks

>> No.10001179


>> No.10001201
File: 1.21 MB, 1781x2296, mens-non-no-knit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10001225

sense probably

haven in toronto, canada stocks a couple japan mags

is there a point in the white man having them tho? bc they aren't in english

like yea obviously the images are pretty and it might be nice **inspo** but idk

>> No.10001241

~*~*~endless summer ~*~*~
nevar forget

>> No.10001248

>before 2011
>implying endless summer started then

baby please

>> No.10001273


>> No.10001286


>> No.10001290
