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9989678 No.9989678 [Reply] [Original]

who /accutane/ here?

>> No.9989691

A friend of mine tried to kill himself on accutane

>> No.9989698

just got my first blood test. Starting it tomorrow

>> No.9989702

who /naturallyclearskin/ here

>> No.9989740

I had to get 2 blood test before i could start it (the fuckers didn't check the liver related stuff on my samples, so they had to take another off me).

It's ironic because one of the secondary effects its depression.

>> No.9989756

I started on accutane about 1 month ago, only side effects ive experienced thus far is dry skin and lips (obviously)

Havent seen any major improvement in my acne at all, in fact the first 3 weeks it was worse, now im seeing a small decrease in breakouts.

I'm pretty hopeful that the next 2 months yeild significant results.

Anyone here two or three months in that can let me know what im in for? :)

>> No.9989766

I'm 2/3 months in and I don't really get any pimples or acne anymore. The only side effect I have is dry lips and not even to that great an extent.

>> No.9989770

Is it better than the first month?

So far, it hasnt really gotten any "better" for me. :/

thanks ;)

>> No.9989772

worked for me, now I have self esteem

>> No.9989780

Made me manic and had noticeable mood swings
Worth it.
Make sure you have chapstick

>> No.9989788

Hey friends just finished my cycle, first month on 40mg, 60mg the last 5 months. I will be happy to answer any questions!

>> No.9989792

How did you get prescribed for it? Dermatologist visit?

>> No.9989793

What month did you start seeing real improvement? I'm on 40mg currently

>> No.9989794

Is there any side-effects if you masturbate while using accutane?
They advised me a shitload of times to not have sex during the treatment.

>> No.9989797


>> No.9989800

lmao they just want you not to get pregnant, masturbation is fine, even safe sex is fine. just be safe.

>> No.9989801

that's because of birth defects

>> No.9989807

Just don't get anybody pregnant. Accutane causes severe birth defects so that's why they say not to have sex while using it.

>> No.9989817

I've been off of accutane for a year now, and the results were amazing. The side effect are kind of weird(depression, dryness, sensitivity, etc.) I still have dry lips, but I had a bad habit of biting skin off of my lips. Just follow your doctors directions and you'll be fine.

>> No.9989818

kill yourself

>> No.9989821

I'm actually surprised more replies aren't like that. what happened to this place? I don't even recognize it... everybody being all nice

>> No.9989827

You should get in on the snapchat fam, those are some chill bros.

love you all /fa/m

>> No.9989837

Yes, my primary physician referred me to a dermatologist. Also i was not prescribed accutane until after antibiotics failed.
Month 4 for me, also my derm advised me not to stop using especially at around the time it starts clearing up because it could easily come back if you do not finish the cycle.
Masturbation was fine for me. I am male and they really didn't say anything about sex at all.

>> No.9989840
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B-but what if i want a potato child?

>> No.9989867

then you die you ironic emoticon using fuck

>> No.9989884

smooth clear skin all through puberty
23, suddenly major breakout out of nowhere
visited a derm to get prescribed accutane, put up with dry lips for 6 months
never have to worry about acne in my life again

people with acne, just get accutane instead of these cleanser toner moisturiser shit
but being the awkward teens that they are, they default to consumerism scam over the counter bandaid, instead of visiting an actual doctor..

>> No.9989893

20 y.o gril here. I got on birth control and my body acne cleared beautifully, but I still have like minor acne outbreaks on my face. I'm so sick of this shit but I feel like I'd be stupid to take accutane if my acne is so minor. My skin is still really oily, so maybe I should just because of that? I'd literally rather kill myself than have ulcerative collitis though (which I heard is a side effect)

>> No.9989906

Is accutane covered by insurance? And how long does treatment typically last?

>> No.9989924

tfw I have acne scars :^(

>> No.9989930

I did it for 3.5 months out of the 5 month cycle i was on. after like 2 months i started getting really depressed and withdrawn, i didn't notice it for a while but loved ones did. i also got bloody noses most mornings and some bad stomach cramps/ no appetitie. stopped taking halfway through month 4, so at the month 4 blood test i hadn't even taken the pills for 2 weeks.

the bloodwork came back and my liver enzymes were high as hell, and i got sent in for more blood tests to make sure i didn't catch hepatitis. they came back negative and its a funny story now, like "lol ya got tested for the hep" but it couldve actually been terrible.

tldr accutane fucked me up, couldnt finish it. i weigh just under 130 and i was taking 60mg a day so i mightve been slightly overdosed. skin is better now but not perfect

thanks for reading my blog, be safe

>> No.9989940

also i got paranoid my libido decreased. whether or not it actually did is debatable, bc accutane also gave me hella anxiety.

>> No.9989941


>> No.9989955

Sorry to hear anon :(.. I started off on 20mg a day.. then after about two months my derm decided to put me on 40mg a day. 60mg seems pretty heavy tbh. I'm a couple of months off finishing my course.

>> No.9989964

thanks dood, its all good now. my derm said 1 mg per kg is the max dosage you can do, and at my heaviest i was 59 kg so who knows

>> No.9989974

no probs m8 :), hmm I'm skinny as fuck.. 6'3" and only 65kg and I've been ok on 40mg :^D

>> No.9990000
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I need to use it

>> No.9990017


>> No.9990024

I used it about a year ago now. Had severe acne, it is gone now. Typical dry skin/lips. Some people complain about eyes getting too. Only weird thing that I noticed with it is that for about 3 months my loser back would ache and have a dull pain when laying down. I do lift so I thought maybe I had fucked something up, stopped lifting for a month, pain still persisted. Within about a month of finishing all pain went away. One other thing, it destroyed my vision. I had glasses before but the prescription was very slight, I never wore my glasses because I really didn't need it. I noticed my vision starting to degrade but blamed it one dry eyes and eventually it became the norm. I put my glasses on and noticed they did almost nothing now so I got a prescription and my prescription increased 4x now. I can still see "fine" without my glasses though as I really don't look at much stuff at a distance and street signs are fine, just a bit squinty if I more than 50 feet away. But it is bad enough where I only play CSGO with my glasses on.

>> No.9990776

I have acne on my forehead and chin. Not outward pimples but redness and lots of little bumps. Should i accutane? It refuses to go away.

>> No.9990831

worked for me. got some scars now but hey what are you gonna do. seriously though what can i do help me /fa/

>> No.9990845

i swear your eyes get bigger each time you post yourself

also checking your digits

>> No.9990863


I was super aggressive on the stuff, I was also a teenager hockey player, but even more aggressive than usual. I didn't get depressed at all. It may have fucked my stomach a bit. It completely ruins peoples intestines sometimes.

Otherwise I am 98% acne free, I get a zit or blemish once a week. So basically if you don't get depressed, road rage or suffer intestinal damage this shit is amazing. I would've been depressed and raging living with the amount of acne I had anyway. My stomach has also gotten better as time went on.

>> No.9990874

roid rage. also i want to mention i never wash my face except in the shower every day or every other day and use a lotion after [burts bees radiance cream with royal jelly, GOAT stuff], but otherwise i just let that stuff go and never have an skin issues.

>> No.9991186

guys, i've been on accutane for 5 months and its still bad, maybe even worse than before, i sometimes took too much of it, like 2 pills instead of one when the spots were too big, should i still take it?
40 mg a day
I'm 196cm/85kg

>> No.9991581

Damn some, dont take more than the box fucking says, though I feel like at that point your doc should have upped the dosage. Or it could be like me where I actually ended accutane with a zit. But still clear skin after that

>> No.9992063

I have maybe half a months of pills left and my acne is completely gone since two months, the only side effects I had were bloody noses and dry lips. I'd recommend it everyone, but good luck to all of you out there who struggle with the side effects.

>> No.9992079

see a doc

>> No.9992094

I'm too scared of accutane, doesn't it give you permanent side effects?

>> No.9992166
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Man, I was close to using it. I have chicken skin coupled with acne, and it was honestly a self-esteem killer. I ended up growing out of it, mostly. I still have backne and scars, and took Minocycline for a while, but got little results.

It stopped being on my face, and I just stopped caring after a while.

>> No.9992188

On my third month right now. Everything's great, my skin is clear. The only thing is my skin has become very sensitive to sun light (got super tan) so I avoid the sun like its the plague now.

>> No.9992252

does it really mess with your hormones and stunt growth?

>> No.9992264

Accutane makes it worse before it makes it better. You should see it clearing up soon.

>> No.9992281
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Two time recipient, the third time was 80 mg per day which, as those of you who have taken it are familiar with, was very, very high. To those of you who are fearful of it wreaking havoc upon your hormonal or organ systems, you have very, very anal blood screening taken every month at schedule, in addition to one before and one after a cycle. Because of liability issues associated with the drug, dermatologists and nurses perform these measures very scrupulously, and if they detect even the slightest inclination that things are or may be going south, they will cull you from it immediately. To those of you fearful of taking it, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY suggest otherwise. It was the only thing that could have worked for me, and I was suicidal for a long period of time, largely to do with the horrid condition of my skin. Now two years removed my skin is scarred, but I'm working on it- that is to say, these scars were formed from my ambivalence and indecision when I should have begun taking it, but had not. Don't do what I did, fellow anons, I implore you: no one should have to go through the misery and sour looks from strangers as I did. Good luck.

>> No.9992285

indeed. nothing else worked for me (benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, minocycline, differin)

Accutane is BASED

only side effects were dryness ofc and i felt more tired & sleepy

>> No.9992313

Done with it since 2 months, clear as fuck.

>> No.9992328

The side effects sound fucking horrid for an acne medication.

>> No.9992335

there's like a 0.000001% chance of anything happening tho

>> No.9992383

That is fucking false lmao. Take your shit numbers out of here. Back pain and depression are common as fuck on accutane. Obviously as well as dry skin which has about a 100% chance of happening because it's unavoidable (hence, 100% chance). Among other things that have lower chances, but dont advertise that stupid shit and make people think these things are a fallacy.

>> No.9992423


this is me

I cannot speak on the behalf of others, however I can tell you this: I reiterate that this dosage was borderline exorbitant. Despite this, the only depression that I felt was when my acne became worse, even though that was expected and routine for to happen within the first three to five weeks. Regarding back pain, I have had mild scoliosis for far longer than I had been prescribed Accutane, and I could run medium distances and lift weights as I could have before, with little to no noticeable averse effects.

>> No.9992443

yes. my derm didnt prescribe me it because im a manlet.

>> No.9992449

Lymecycline capsules & Differin Gel master race

>> No.9992450

Bro I don't know if my back pain is from sleeping on a couch, being fucking old, being on accutane, or just all of the above. Accutane made me beautiful but that's about the only good thing about that 6 month hell. It's a large part of the reason I dropped out of school because of all the fucking blood tests and getting prescriptions I started to feel like an outcast because I missed everything and didn't feel the same.

>> No.9992454

fuck off

depression is a meme side effect. i don't understand how people are depressed once they begin treatment that will undoubtedly clear up their skin. the risk is directed at edgy teens

>> No.9992457

You must be like really fucking short then dude. Talking 5'5, 5'5 shit. And I really doubt it does shit to your growth. At most a few centimeters but even saying that makes me feel like a jackass.

>> No.9992465

Probably bro who knows. Clearly you though since you're calling things "meme" this or that. Kill yourself. I'm not even going to bother explaining what they meant by that because you're not worth it.

>> No.9992467

Doesn't it make your skin permanently brittle and increases your chances of going bald?


Just take a fucking cold shower and eat your damn broccoli.

>> No.9992473

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.9992475

I'm a medical student who did 2 courses of Accutane.

17yo, just permanent drier lips after that course. Some ankle/foot pain for about 6 months after, that went away.
23yo, lips amazingly didn't get drier, but got some musculoskeletal mid/upper back pain after my course. It's highly atypical for me to ever get any bodily pains/aches. Nobody in my family either. Still can't lift due to muscle spasms for days after a lifting session, no actual pain during the lifting sessions.

I can't directly 100% say it's becuase of the 'tane, but it's oddly coinkydink that me, and lot sof others have musculoskeletal problems assocaited with Accutane use.

>> No.9992482


I agree, nothing else worked for me. It saved my life.

>> No.9992486

>skin permanently brittle
lmfao what in the shit. No. It's for people with over-productive oil glands. The pill permanently shrinks them so they produce a more acceptable amount and don't clog pores thus resulting in acne. And genetics determine your hair, not a pill.

>> No.9992487

what the hell does this have to do with accutane or my post. using brilliant word choices - 'weak pussy'. man up and stop being depressed you autist. your skin is gonna clear up because of accutane.

>getting this upset over the word meme

cool your jets tripfag.

Both of you retards need to look through the thread. Multiple people have said the medicine saved their life. I think that's more noteworthy than a few grimdark edgelords such as yourselves who got depressed during your teen years while on medication

>> No.9992490

Once again, this. If you have a fucking ugly face, take it. Stop being pussies and making threads like this. Get some fucking health insurance and see a dermatologist. Like are we all 6 years old in here? Take some initiative

>> No.9992495

Well, from seeing a couple people who took accutane they looked like it changed their skin. It got better but it still doesn't have that plump, soft look to it.

And yeah, I heard it increases your chances of hairloss. I'm pretty sure megadosing on vitamin A isn't good for you. But since hair loss is just genetics then I guess I can drink all the mountain dew and eat chicken nuggets every day and it won't do anything to my hair, because it's just genetics passed down in a vacuum since the beginning of time.

>> No.9992500

>saved their life
and what do these two things have to do with each other? Im more or less depressed and accutane still saved my face. I don't understand why you had to make the point that they said that. Just because you think a few dilly dally's that got their prick stiff over not having acne anymore after being accutane means that's the case for anyone, doesn't mean depression still doesn't occur during the medication. Derms wouldnt tell you that otherwise. There would be literally no reason to mention suicide rates and the likes on the packaging etc.
>grimdark edgelords
whatever, ill take it.

>> No.9992505

I mean yeah the pill is fucked, but there are people whose acne doesn't go away for a long time. Those 5 years of your youth that would otherwise be spent worrying about being an ugly fuck, could be spent doing other things. In my case I'm just an ungrateful cunt so I was unhappy before and after taking it. I don't really care what happens to me at this point. I will say though accutane is like permanent makeup. It makes you look like a mannequin.

>> No.9992521

Shoulda just eaten yogurt, exercised and taken cold showers.

>> No.9992525
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who /relapse/ here?

was on tane january - june 2014, was looking flawless all summer, small little pimple in october

June 2015, back on minocycline antibiotic, 80% back to where I was before I started accutane and it's only been getting progessively worse

feels bad man

>> No.9992530

Most likely. Luckily I had family with money so whatever I wanted I got :^) so glad I got on accutane. Can't wait to kill myself in a few years.

>> No.9992534

Haven't relapsed but I'm pretty sure I will never be a happy human being again. But see at the same time I don't know if it's accutane or growing older. No definitive way to tell. But my body hurts and m very placid/ pissed off all the time so who knows.

>> No.9992803

Used it. It cleared up my face. Dries the fuck outta your lips while you use it. The end of the cycle fucked up my skin though and I ended up developing psoriasis in a few spots on my face. I got that sorted out now, but it sucked big time when it happened.

>> No.9992814

About 6 months in most cases.

>> No.9992815

TFW me too... :(

>> No.9992825

How are you dealing with the scars?

>> No.9992833
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>17yo, just permanent drier lips after that course
The word "permanent" scares the living shit out of me, what was his dose?

>> No.9992981

It was ME, not a patient. I just said I was a med student cuz I read a lot about accutane and shit like that.

I did 127mg/kg during that course, over 3.5 months. My 2nd course was 135mg/kg, over 6 months.

It negatively affected my mood too, I never tried to commit suicide but I was prly mildly depressed, cant 100% atttribute to 'tane cuz that was during "clerkship year", a year of med school notorious for making ppl depressed.

Yes Accutane isn't "permanent cure" as ppl like to think. It usually lasts 1-5yr. Just kinda gets you over the hump of your puberty and hyperactive oil glands. For some of us with genetic predisposition to be super oily (myself, EXTREME oily asian skin), we may need multiple courses. Whether it's worth the side fx and shit like that, is a personal decision for each person.

>> No.9993005

Hey everyone. 21 y/o M 6.5/8 months on accutane. My acne stopped appearning during the 1st month and its really working out well. However, blood tests shows that my liver is acting a bit funny (mild swelling) derma said there should be nothing to worry about. After I finish my cycle Im going to get another blood test and hopefully my liver should be fine.

>> No.9993025

>Mild swelling
Enjoy your cirrhosis /fa/ggot.

>> No.9993026

I'm 23 and I did it when I was 19. It took a couple of months to really start working but it did work. Now i'll only get a zit once in a while but I don't have full break outs like I did in my late teens. The only problem I had with it was the dry lips, that was annoying and my lips still get dry pretty easy to this day but not nearly as bad as when I was on it. I'm glad I did do it and I'd recommend it to someone with really bad acne.

>> No.9993031

have you had to keep taking it to stop acne or did you just take it for a few months then stop?

>> No.9993043

I think I only did it for maybe 6 months? Its hard to remember since it was so long ago but it was definitely less than a year. But once I was done with those six months I was all cleared up and didn't need it anymore and haven't done it since. Also it didn't have any negative effects on my body (aside from the really dried lips) or mental state.

>> No.9993448

I've been on 40mg accutane for 4 months now and no improvement except my nose and forehead aren't oily anymore
Still have pimples on my jaw and cheeks and blackheads on my upper back
Not only that but since starting accutane once the pimple heals it leaves a red mark on my face for a long time

Should I drop accutane and try something else (doxy?)
Or should I stay on accutane?

>> No.9993748


>It's ironic because one of the secondary effects its depression.

potential side effects*

They can't definitively prove a causal link, but they also can't disprove it. So they are forced to add the warning as a 'just in case'

>> No.9993754


Accutane tends to make things worse before making it better, it took me about 6 months to start seeing results and now ~3 years after my last dose I've had less than a dozen pimples that whole time, probably due to lazy rushed shaving.

Keep at it imo, if you're not getting side effects that you can't deal with then it's incredibly worth.

>> No.9993768

Used it for about 7 months I think it was, worked great. It was living hell from the start until 6 months in then all my acne disappeared completely lol

>> No.9993778

My faced cleared up, but I still have it *really* bad on my chest.

Anyway I can make it go away there?

>> No.9993796

What happens if I take like a week off from 20mg accutane? Will I break out really bad?

>> No.9993799

Okay thanks
Side effects are non existent except for the occasional nosebleed and super dry lips

Do you think I might need a higher dose?

>> No.9993808

I got horribly depressed while taking accutane. Even though my life was going pretty good and relatively stress free at the time, I always felt miserable.

I'd still recommend accutane if you've exhausted every other option, almost 3 years after taking it and I've never had acne again.

>> No.9993846

>i don't understand how people are depressed once they begin treatment that will undoubtedly clear up their skin.
depression is a physical condition typically caused by seratonin or dopamine imbalance. it is extremely easy to induce such an imbalance using pharmaceuticals. it is not "feeling sad"

>> No.9993859

>undoubtedly clear up their skin

Didn't work for me, accutane has a 66% success rate according to medical studies, yet everyone hypes it as the 100% cure, if i did my reaserch beforehand I wouldn't have taken it, also got me pretty bad hairloss

>> No.9993867

have about 2 months left, absolutely worth it. just get used to carrying around lip balm, and make sure to moisturize and wear sunscreen everyday. honestly once you get into a rhythm it no big deal at all. my acne is almost completely gone and has been for the last month. just be sure not to work against it, like eating really oily food products and dairy.

>> No.9993911


I have absolutely no idea, i'm not a doctor.

That said, its a powerful drug and if you are getting an effect at a lower dosage than i'm inclined to say just give it time to work. Even if it's going to take slightly longer.


>muh neutrotransmitter imbalance meme

mate nah, that's an utterly facile interpretation of a very complex theory which is itself not rigorously supported by experimental evidence.

eg: An antidepressant will increase the levels within hours, yet will show no psychological benefit for ~6 weeks.


>mice born with the gene for serotonin knocked out show no signs of depression

>> No.9994030

> dairy
tfw i drink 2 liters of milk everyday
does dairy really give you acne?
fuck u /fit/

>> No.9994251

Hardly. Acne is caused by hormones, not food. And before some retard tries to quote me with his fedora speech just fucking google it.

>> No.9994276

Dairy fucks with your hormones though

>> No.9994799

>I'm not a doctor
>But depression doesn't exist

>> No.9994803

Accutane works for the most part, it cleared up my cystic backne completely, and did a fairly good job clearing up my face; for a while. 1 year out I get facial blemishes again, but not deep like they used to be, and with good skincare and cleansing, as well as changing your pillowcase and sheets often (especially if you're NoPoo, I use conditioner only) your skin looks good. I had the dryness in lips primarily, that was hell, and the nose was dry slightly as well. I recommend Cetaphil Moisturizer and Cleanser, they work wonders. Always put Aquaphor on your lips at night, or the next day you'll be likely to wake up with chapped lips and damage that lasts all day, or until you use Aquaphor again. I never experienced any of the bullshit side effects people say, like cancer or Crohns, I'm pretty sure that's just coincidence and people are retarded and need something to blame for their problems. It is pretty bad in terms of breakouts in the beginning two months, but after that it will begin to clear up. There will be more dryness, but it will hit a peak that will depend on the type of skin you naturally have. 6 months well worth it in my opinion.

>> No.9994806

no it doesnt
stop believing everything you read on the internet, retard

>> No.9994823

me. Took it when I was 16, face has been clear ever since. Except for my skin being really, really dry for 4-5 months I didn't have any side effects.
I guess I got lucky. Although, the majority of people I find fear mongering about accutane are the same people who never took it, or took it for 2 months and quit because they couldn't handle the dry skin.

>> No.9995074

Doctor doesn't think I need accutane. I'm on tretinoin right now. What do? My skin is oily af.

>> No.9995902

Run the cycle, go back in saying it hasn't improved and you're depressed at your appearance

>> No.9996212

Don't mention depressing or they may not give it to you. I would say fuck his couch and get a second opinion. We pay him.

>> No.9996843

Will getting drunk one night a week on accutane really be that bad? I do about 15 shots on a night out

>> No.9997160

Those of you who had oily skin, does it come back? And is it as bad as before you took accutane?

I have mild acne now but my skin is greasy as fuck (especially in the summer) and I have huge pores with sebaceous filaments. It feels like I shouldn't go on accutane but I'm on Spironolactone and Birth control currently and while it got rid of my body acne and most of my facial break outs, I'm still crazy oily.

>> No.9997204

say goodbye to your liver

>> No.9997425

Dermatologist recommended I go on Acutane about 4 years ago (holy shit that sounds so long ago thinking back).
It helped my skin but it definitely wasn't flawless, just improved it.
Although I guess my skin improved slightly once I got off of it. I'm pretty jelly of all the people it clears their skin 100%.

Right now I'm using Ziana and I have to say my skin looks the best it has in probably 7-8 years. Not a lot of pimples (maybe 4 or 5) but still a red face.

Almost there.

>> No.9997435

>not gently cleansing+moisturizing every day
>prefers illuminati-approved big pharma kidney killer pills

stay sheeped

>> No.9997802

who /bacne/ here

I have it aaaallll up on my back and the rear side of my shoulders

Took minocyline for a while but it only helped with face acne

Will accutane help me?

>> No.9998546

Yeah dude, go on accutane its seriously the only thing that is somewhat guaranteed to work.

>> No.9998591

Acne guide:
Gentle cleanser + Salicylic Acid (ie. Stridex in red box) + Basic moisturiser
If not...
Accutane. Because nothing else will work and you'll hate yourself in regret for not doing something sooner.