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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 600x732, CCpIjVAWgAEoNpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9964311 No.9964311 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here who will boycott acne studios?

>> No.9964318

you should have boycotted them ages ago due to ugly clothes, uninspired designs, and using the same slave factories as zara but charging 3x more

>> No.9964332


>> No.9964408

/pol/ was right about Sweden.

I am seeing a pattern here.

>> No.9964411

>throws a shitfit at seeing a gender equality patch
stop being such a fucking manchild

>> No.9964412

I have been boycotting them on the premise that paying a lot for made in asia clothing is silly.

>> No.9964417

lmao what a loser

>> No.9964427

three dubs for a true post

>> No.9964435

Not op but definitely don't see tgis shit selling. Don't know a sibgle sjw who dresses well, and I don't see why a regular person would want to walk around with radical feminist plastered on the front of their shit

>> No.9964439

he divides world the into sjws and regular persons

>> No.9964443

>lets please our target/crowd

>its tumblr

>what do they like


thats literally how this shit got made

>> No.9964447

Agreed, op needs to grow up and stop being an insecure little shit

>> No.9964461
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>> No.9964462

>op needs to grow up and stop being an insecure little shit
then he would just end up leaving /fa/

>> No.9964469

get out of here dark blue bowlcut and dont come back until you have a mullet

>> No.9964471

I hate women too bc they always stick me in the friend zone and never give me a chance:(

>> No.9964476

or you know, you could just not buy the clothes?

>> No.9964481

How about you morons stop arguing sjw bullshit and recognize that this sweater is ridiculously tacky and that should be what you judge it on

>> No.9964495

ok someone in the /pol/ manchild circle jerk give an actual argument for why equality is such an awful and "degenerate" concept

>> No.9964507

Radical feminism and equality are quite different things you know?

>> No.9964508
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>> No.9964523

smart minion

>> No.9964531

says the shit skin with a colored bowl cut you're more tumblr than acne

>> No.9964534
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>> No.9964543

Hhahaha I love this

>> No.9964558

ITT: newfags who don't understand irony

>> No.9964564

hurr durr i was being ironic

>> No.9964578

Don't you think that's a bit weak though? That's just what everyone on this site says as they've heard it so many times that its gotten ingrained into their minds.

Give me an example of something you feel isn't right about feminism as an ideology (i.e. no quoting teenagers on tumblr as your source)

>> No.9964579

Acne has always taken things with negative connotations and made them "cool," the name, the pink bags, and this is no different. To the average person passing by, they'll look at your shirt and will continue thinking about it even after you have walked away, and that's the point, it's ironic because no one outside of tumblr thinks radical feminism or gender equality are serious issues

>> No.9964580
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>> No.9964583
File: 586 KB, 1500x1000, Acne-Fall-2015-Picks-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l m a o

>> No.9964599
File: 28 KB, 549x204, rickowenspolitics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one outside of tumblr thinks radical feminism or gender equality are serious issues

how are americans this ignorant?

here's rick disproving that statement btw

>> No.9964605

Shouldn't it make it easier to avoid certain people?

think of it like SLP, just don't associate with the kids, they're going through a weird phase

>> No.9964607

That doesn't disprove anything. It just means Ricks dad has autism, which is probably were he gets it :^)

>> No.9964609
File: 9 KB, 62x89, clinton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender equality is great, but these ARE very tumblr. Why fight for gender equality when you can just plaster it on your chest and get the same recognition between your friends and strangers that you have to broadcast how "aware" you are to?

Also, this. I think the problem with these sweaters is less about the message and more about how they are presented.

Now whether Acne is being ironic or not is a different issue.

>> No.9964620

Those would be some nice sweats without the patches

>> No.9964621

>contrarian ninja goth with senior gf
boycotted, discarded

>> No.9964623


either way, they're still shit designs, it doesn't matter what they write on them

>> No.9964634

wow this isn't /fa/ at all

i hope none of you wear this

>> No.9964639 [DELETED] 

ITT: the hivemind of unreasoned contrarianism on this board says a lot about how seriously you should take anything it says for granted; you're being pushed shitty meme clothing by the same NEET supremacists whose only contact with functioning members of society is the internet

>> No.9964648

>acne revenue 2013 (last year wasn't revealed): $112 million
>zara revenue 2013: $18.4 billion

god they really are flop LOSERS!!! using the same cheap materials and third world slaves yet can't even turn a quarter of the profit!


>> No.9964666

obviously the whole line is absolutely disgusting - just a blatant and pretty tacky commercialization of the movement really - just seeing all these edgy newfags on this board is a visible marker of the board being contaminated with the opinions of people who genuinely, unironically oppose feminism and gender equality, which is likely to deteriorate the quality of the board as a whole.

>> No.9964667

radical feminism...
its sole purpose is to place females before males. there main goal?
the eradication of men... ya funny good luck with that.

i like how the idiots buying this with their blue and green hair dont even realize that the oligarchs of the fashion industry make 50% of their designs to laugh at the said idiots who buy them.
ex. a sjw who hates white men but also thinks that all men should be steralized

>> No.9964669

Acne sells through other merchants and only has 30 retail stores worldwide. Zara has more than 2000 you fuckwit.

>> No.9964678
File: 23 KB, 500x281, 9923322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why -only- 30 exist sis

>> No.9964695

they want to remain semi-exclusive and not whore themselves out to tween plebs in shopping malls is my guess.

>> No.9964708

if you're not either a 65 year old redneck or a 13 year old boy that post is embarassing for so many reasons:
>on a fashion board thinking anyone has had blue or green hair since 2010
>thinking radical feminism means placing females before males
(cite literally any legitimate source for this at all)

all topped off by your autist conspiracy theory about the fashion industry - how do people like you actually function in society at all?

>> No.9964737

the one of the right is acshully sick

>> No.9964740
File: 38 KB, 500x300, 436347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh like h&m's "designer" collaborations and their Tend line, Zara has one too called Studio.

oh lord, being beat at their own game from every direction! time to call it quits Johansson-sama

>> No.9964797

literally retard: the person

>> No.9964798


Because flagship stores require large initial investments and then have large overhead and requiring them to be strategically placed to maximize revenue and brand awareness?

>> No.9964897

Equality is cool and all, but the genders are not equal. For one to be equal, they're either going to need free passes on certain things, or the other one is going to need to be brought down to their level.
Shit should be decided based on merit - a company shouldnt ever have to hire a women over a man to fill some sort of diversity quota.

E.g. women get a free pass as far as physically intensive jobs go. The requirements to become a marine, or a firefighter are more lax for women. An IT company hires a female over a male with better qualifications. Med schools deny qualified Asian applicants and accept underqualified black ones, etc.

>> No.9964903

Why are you being so cruel to acne

>> No.9964905


all bad posts, you should feel ashamed of yourselves

>> No.9964917

literally throwing my feces at u boy

>> No.9964926
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>> No.9965135
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>> No.9965140
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>> No.9965157


>> No.9965173

proving his point there; you can only respond with ad hominems, with spelling errors and a weak meme at that, no real argument
You make a valid point, but that is only one section of the feminist movement and these are all attempts to counter structures oppressing minorities; quotas and handicaps might not be the best way to go about solving the problem but it is unarguable that there simply isn't a problem - the statistics overwhelmingly support theories that a patriarchal society is present and unjustly hurts it's individuals

>> No.9965180

son I want tumblr to leave /fa/

>> No.9965189

>buying clothes with an ideology on them

good goys and boys

>> No.9965200


>Dress like this in the hood
>Get the fuck beaten out of you for dressing like a faggot
>"b-but tumblr said this was fashionable"

Boy oh boy

>> No.9965204

>still living in the hood
progress, nig

>> No.9965212

No, i don't live in hood.

I'm saying dressing like this would be asking for it.

>> No.9965215

Well yeah no shit. Hopefully noone that does would even consider this trash, tho

>> No.9965216

>living where this isn't mocked
regressive, brah

>> No.9965228

/pol/ cancer pls go

rad fem is retarded, but that doesn't mean you get to turn every message board into mra shitfest

>> No.9965229

I feel like in Oregon it would be painfully obvious you're wearing this ironically. Everyone here is pretty up to speed on things. Even then, you'd still look like a fucking idiot regardless. This shit isn't wearable on any level

>> No.9965248

this shit for real? yeah definitely not buying from here again

>> No.9965251

I've been boycotting them for ages because they use sweatshops and criminally overprice

>> No.9965253

I'm only gonna buy Acne from now on

>> No.9965255

those say no to drugs graphics, oh my god. it's straight from those shitty sticker meme editing apps with

>> No.9965260

kill yourself.

>> No.9965261

fuck equality.

>> No.9965264

>Help me /fa/, what black jeans do I buy? I had to burn my Ace Cash because Acne are soshul justiss spooky ghosts.

>> No.9965269


shut up you effeminate faggot

>> No.9965273

nobody wears acne in the hood

>> No.9965274

>implying the options aren't endless
>implying i won't be tweeting Acne pics of me burning their jeans for this

>> No.9965283

Anyone know any other brand/designer that does stuff like acne's?

>> No.9965286


>> No.9965290


>implying this isn't a clever ironic ruse by acne

you guys REALLY think a "real" SJW brand would wear this stuff?
I take it tongue in cheek.

>> No.9965293

it's a swedish brand, i doubt there's any irony

>> No.9965321

>defending acne
>saying shitskin

haha hahahah hahahahah hah hahahahah

>> No.9965342

>Using faggot as an insult
You're on a fashion board

>> No.9965343

Lmao @ this dumb faggot

>> No.9965353


>> No.9965400


>on a fashion board thinking that *anyone* has had blue or green hair since 2010
See: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Big_Red

>thinking radical feminism means placing females before males
See: https://twitter.com/hashtag/killallmen

Get raped

>> No.9965404
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>> No.9965409

>Gender are not equal...brought down to their level
>Shit should be based on merit
>a company...diversity quota
>your Example
Fantastic example

This anon does not lie

>> No.9965411


Faggotron detectored

>> No.9965415

i mean there are so many other reasons than this to hate acne.

>shit tier quality at high quality budget
>made in china
>shit tier zippers
>diamond supply co tier fabrics.

>> No.9965417


Radical feminism is slowly becoming the left version of McCarthyism. We are headed to a terrifying future. Radical feminism is relevant in so many things these days, especially since it keeps sticking it's disgusting, grubby fingers on anything it can find.
For instance, the Patriarch of the patriarchy is a feminist. Obama quotes the 1/5 statistic and believes that it is true.

You wouldn't ignore a tumor would you?

>> No.9965426

Yeah this isn't actually a fashion board youll probably realise that quite soon - it's just a bunch of ugly straight people jerking off over shoes rappers were paid to wear

>> No.9965430

Fucking tumblr man.

>> No.9965439
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1322531108494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly straight people
>mfw a gay 'person' think its opinion holds any value in the eyes of normal people

>> No.9965456


>> No.9965474

Why would you ever buy Acne when it's overpriced crap? Fuccbois, I swear.

>> No.9965484

The only place you see scum manifesto tier radical feminism is here in the form of 4chan boogeymen.

>> No.9965490

You don't actually believe this do you

>> No.9965497

This anon hasn't talked to a female who isn't a relative of his in years.

>> No.9965502

There's the radical "feminism" we see here and elsewhere, but those folks are just sex negative Buzzfeed junkies who don't know shit about current feminist thought or its history.

>> No.9965508

this "merit" based system will work when everyone has equal opportunity to gain such "merit"

even at entry level jobs where blacks and whites are essentially equal in "merit," the white is chosen over the black. and even when a black person has a "Better" resume, the white is often still chosen (http://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/w9873.html))

whites have had hundreds of years of education and access to higher level jobs. this means a long history of money and power, which affects every subsequent generation. the next generation gets to live more comfortably because of this long history, and does not need to work as much and can focus more on school. meanwhile, blacks and other PoCs have had like, 50 years of some access to this sort of education and job opportunities (think post 1960s). this causes most PoCs to have less money and live less comfortably, causing them to work more, which deemphasizes education, which then when a PoC who lived like this is compared to a white person with a relatively much longer history of wealth and thus education/skill-acquiring, the white looks better based off of "merit." couple this with a general atmosphere of racism in most job markets (most are owned by old white men, who probably have been much less conditioned to combat racism than a younger person, esp. PoC) and you have yourself a continuous cycle of poverty and emphasis on white males in power

affirmative action programs seek to balance this playing field, so that black families (and women) can begin a history of wealth, rather than having to work much harder to attain the same goal as a white person

>> No.9965514

if you are actually homophobic then I can tell you you definitely among the worst dressed on this board; fashion centres so much on the gay aesthetic that you cannot dress well whilst maintaining your weak ass straight fuckboy masculinity constructs.

i can almost picture how you dress even without seeing you lol
>have fun fucking your low libido bottoms :-)))

>> No.9965515

sure you can say that your white family has been poorer and faced much more hardships than some black families, but the difference is that one form of poverty is systematically enforced and the other can be seen as somewhat of an anomaly in the general scheme of things

sorry this was mostly arguing for PoCs, but the same argument can more or less be applied to women and other disadvantaged groups
for the record i think this new acne sweatshirt is fucking stupid and panders to rich white ppl who have the least idea of what social inequality is, but rather follow what's "trending" on social media

>> No.9965522

i'm not even white and this is complete bs. look at asian people, they've worked their fucking way up and richer than white people. and look at indian people too, i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that they have the highest average income in the US. and if anything, blacks have had more opportunities than them over the years.

>> No.9965534

good shit

>> No.9965539

>they actually made sweaters with these patches on

what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.9965542

Shockingly, a ~200 word post on 4chan doesn't quite cover the intricacies of 200 years of racial inequality in the US, and while more successful minorities exist (and new immigrants are generally favored over homegrown minorities), you're "stats" are bunk.

>> No.9965544

>post yfw women make more than men

>> No.9965552

i love how you can't debunk anything he's saying so you're instead saying that he can't be correct because he's on 4chan

fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.9965559
File: 63 KB, 448x385, help me im dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related's woman makes more money than he does and she doesn't even have to work

>> No.9965562


>> No.9965563

not the poster you're talking w, but you're coming off as a massive autistic manchild.
being immature enough to call someone "tumblr" lmao. are you stuck in the friendzone m8?

>> No.9965564

>generations of white people produce their own wealth
>blacks sell other blacks as slaves and war with eachother constantly
>people who worked to better themselves and society now must give up the things their parents and their parent's parents worked for because others chose not to

face it, there was a point where everyone was in huts. Everything after is Social and actual Darwinism at work

>> No.9965567

Unsurprising, given how listless most millennial males are (well, given the reports I've seen). Time will tell if this new development will offset the gains males receive by not having children. Way to pretend a subset is indicative of the total population though.

>> No.9965573

>"you're being immature"
>calls him a massive autistic manchild then refers the friendzone as an insult

>> No.9965577

Nothing was proffered, so there was nothing to debunk. Come back with data next time.

>> No.9965583

love how quickly a p well thought out argument spirals into posts like this on 4chan

>> No.9965586

Or, ya know, a few hundred years of colonialism aimed at profiting on the backs of continents.

>> No.9965589

if you hate 4chan so much then why are you here? just go back to your hugbox tumblr and cry on each others shoulders over how oppressed you are

>> No.9965593


>> No.9965597

Good God Anon, you're such a huge faggot I almost fell into your gaping anus whilst takin' a walk past the front page.

>> No.9965598

Shhhh. Those things didn't happen.

>> No.9965601

>implying blacks weren't producing their own wealth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mali_Empire#Economy))
>implying whites didnt sell other whites (and every other race!) as slaves and war with each other constantly (i dont think this needs a citation)
>implying people choose not to work as hard (i'd actually like a source from you on this one)

>> No.9965609

>talking w

was my post v problematic too? fuck off you disgusting faggot

>> No.9965610

since when did this site get overrun with faggots from tumblr?

>> No.9965614


is this post-post-irony?

>> No.9965619

>implying everyone who's not a /pol/tard is from tumblr
Back to your containment board, nigger.

>> No.9965620

bowl cut squad

>> No.9965624

That assertion is demonstrably and categorically false.



Get raped

>> No.9965626

obviously if someone brings up colonialism or imperialism they are a
>faggot from tumblr
get an education/growup

>> No.9965627

>all these people arguing for minorities are white
>meanwhile the minorities themselves don't give a shit, unless of course taught to care by a liberal white professor in some university

>> No.9965631

i'd like to ask the same question but replace "tumblr" with "/pol/"

>> No.9965633

stay in /pol inbred moron

>> No.9965635

Meme spouting journalists aren't feminists.

>> No.9965636

all the minorities themselves are happy they're taking over the west so easily

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M07WMWYVnrA watch the first three seconds of this video

>> No.9965639

I blame those cuntfaced faggot goes who makes those tumblr threads where everybody links their generic piece of shit blog which creates a bridge and crosses our world to their world.

>> No.9965646

>our world to their world
oh my god hahaha
you fucking autist

>> No.9965648
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Degenerates speaking again?

>> No.9965649

Oh, "No true feminist" then, eh? What's the distinction, do real feminists take their porridge plain?!


>> No.9965652

Did i studder, you piece of shit?

>> No.9965656

you do realize that most of those blogs are all fashion pictures, right? something this board is supposed to be about

>> No.9965662

hahahaha you are so immersed in 4chan culture that you have to cling to a "4chan world" that you want to be kept safe. you're obviously broken

>> No.9965666

that's v problematic and ableist, i'll be reporting your blog to the tumblr staff : )

what's sad is that nobody is forcing them to stay here yet the continuously come here and screech "GO BACK TO /POL/!!!!!!!" whenever somebody disagrees with them

>> No.9965667

>Did i studder, you piece of shit?
No, but you're slurring your words a bit there, Sparky.

>> No.9965673

>argument from fallacy
I can do that too nigger.

>> No.9965677

>hahahaha you are so immersed in 4chan culture that you have to cling to a "4chan world" that you want to be kept safe. you're obviously broken

Hahahaha yeah what an idiot! Who would honestly believe that after 10 years a site has its own culture, right?!? The sheer IDIOCY of some people!

>> No.9965683

What did I tell you, you storm fronting cuck?

>> No.9965689


You're the one arguing from fallacy, "nigger".

All I've done is provide evidence and discredit your fallacious, goalpost-switching arguments.

At least try to back up even just one of your points.

>> No.9965709

It would actually be pretty cool to cop one of these and wear it ironically. My friend has a hilarious MLK jr shirt.

>> No.9965712

i never said anything not being about fashion.

i said they're basically generic piece of shit blogs.

can you read, anon? was reading class hard for you?

or you know, websites could just represent the meaning in my sentence.

i'm guessing you failed english too?

>> No.9965715
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kek, found it

>> No.9965720

>being this new

oh wow, are you new to 4chan?

>> No.9965729

Uh...yeah, okay. You're an idiot. Saying an argument is discredited upon the discovery of a single fallacy is called arguing from fallacy—what you're doing. Nothing you posted is feminist, radical or otherwise, because it only bares a surface resemblance to feminism. Or are you saying you'd allow a big government goon to call themselves a libertarian without incidence? You want to try actually arguing instead of thinking your tepid knowledge of the Wikipedia fallacy page gives you any credence?

>> No.9965731

/pol/ is always right

>> No.9965739

yes, /fa/ is trashy

>> No.9965748
File: 294 KB, 1114x835, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't understand why everybody hates /pol/ when majority of their posts are like 90% true and correct.

>> No.9965754
File: 36 KB, 584x395, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.9965759

>tumblrina projecting this hard

did you actually go through the effort of making this just so you could project onto that anon?

>> No.9965762

>le basement dweller meme haha1! XDDD

So original anon!
Let me hear those fedora jokes now.

>> No.9965783


No, pal, your second argument -- the one you continued again here -- is bullshit.

Your claim was that the scum manifesto level feminism is only to be found or talked about here, in the form of a "4chan bogeyman"

I cited numerous sources that served as evidence for my counterclaim; that being that, no, it's not just on 4chan, it's spread out and the feminist narrative has been disseminated all over. And no, they can't be discredited because YOU as an individual don't agree with them being feminist, because HUGE SWATHES of feminists agree that those articles are, at heart, feminist. I really don't want to have to go through all the authors of those articles, the commenters, and the websites themselves to analyze their political standings to prove that to you.

Then you swing right around and tell me that since those articles are "meme spouting journalism", they're not really feminism, which completely misses the point that feminist ideology is being disseminated everywhere.

I literally googled "no true scot" and grabbed that link. I don't have the html memorized, dickhead. Nice character judgments.

Anyway, you're just being a dumbass on purpose. Everything you've said has been bullshit and I've called you out on it, now you've got this weak retort with this shitty metaphor about a big gov't goon calling themselves libertarian... that's a deliberately false similarity you dreamed up to make a point. The major difference is that those articles, on principle, agree with the core facets of modern feminism, and no, I do not mean the dictionary definition.

Also get raped

>> No.9965798

gee, i wonder if the 200+ years of slavery had anything to do with blacks not being as successful as new money asians

how stupid can you get?

>> No.9965835

>gender equality

I don't even know anymore. The sheer idea of the "WOMAN POWER" one seems so fucking hilarious I don't think it's very likely that this is serious. The phrasing of everything is so generic and blunt it seems like what /pol/ would put on the shirt of an "average sjw" cartoon character. Maybe the whole theme is supposed to be stabbing at political memes (actual definition) and "awareness spreading". We can only hope.

>> No.9965854

I like this
Ignore the backwoods hick same fagging this thread

>> No.9965856

>200 years of slavery

Good goyim!
The blacks did this to themselves, you fucking idiot.
Slavery in general happened basically everywhere in the early world.

Please kill yourself.

>> No.9965867

well maybe the blacks shouldn't have sold other blacks as slaves back in the day then. and if you look at Africa right now, there are more owned slaves there then there ever were at any point of time in the US. but of course
>le white man is the problem!!!

>> No.9965881

Woulda been better if it had a topless woman covering her titties with the one of those patches

>> No.9965928


If you were buying acne shit in the first place you are pretty much a findom cuck for a corporation

>> No.9965950

you are literally posting something but using oranges instead of apples here

>> No.9965969

you realize the word slave is derived from slav.

slavery was more widespread in white countries than africa.

>> No.9965978
File: 47 KB, 1350x625, Average IQ by native population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>slavery is why blacks have low IQ and can't outperform asians

>> No.9965986

go back to reddit

>> No.9966029

Fucking Australians

>> No.9966076

holy shit

>> No.9966079

it's native population m8 so it's the abbos

>> No.9966219


nice try roodypoo

>> No.9966312

kek what went wrong australia?

>> No.9966327

makes sense, don't know why you guys are surprised

even Moot said australians are the worst and most annoying posters

>> No.9966388

So, in other words, affirmative action is positive discrimination against an innocent group of individuals that exist today, in favour of another group, due to a historical "injustice" that those being discriminated against had nothing to do with. You should start looking at people as individuals, rather than as abstract "groups" based on race, colour, gender, etc.

>> No.9966400

cite the source of that map. It's fictional.

>> No.9966418

Not that guy but just google "world iq map indigenous populations"

there's multiple maps besides that one with the same statistics

don't come back here denying the facts

>> No.9966422

If it's by indigenous population, it's believable. But generally if you weren't shitposting you would make that known in the original post.

>> No.9966429

check the file name you mong

>> No.9966431

He just said he's not that guy. Please stop polltuing this site with tumblr-tier autism.

>> No.9966434


>> No.9966444

Hey idiot, this is an American board, so "one" becomes "you". I was referring to the other guy.

>> No.9966450

hey dumbass did you check the filename of the picture?

>> No.9966464

Yes, swiftly change the subject when you've been exposed as a moron. Yes I did check the file name. Perhaps it's correct in a general sense, but "native" can mean different things depending on where you come from.

>> No.9966476

that wasn't even me posting that lmfao

>getting mad on the internet

>> No.9966489

well said. People love being in mobs and all these edgy idiots on this board who feel superior in how insecure their masculinity is they need to be vocal about it

but the sweater themselves are fucking tacky and pretty shitty ngl for the reasons you mentioned + more

>> No.9966506

This is ironic as fuck.

its designer clothing, made for rich people. that fact alone says something about equality. their business practices, the models they use, none of this is parallel to feminists. and feminists will still see it as supporting their cause, when its mocking it.

Acne top troll 2015

>> No.9966513

do you think anyone would read this as sincere

like, if they changed all the patches to say PUNK and HARDCORE, do you think anyone would find that appealing?

>> No.9966526

Australians in this thread in denial

>> No.9966528

Whether they realized it or not, they're mocking social media share culture. You know how you're on facebook and people share articles no one gives two shits about just to make themselves look like a better person who is progressive? That's what this is. Parodying the lazy, keyboard activists, because, lets face it, the people who buy acne wont be protesting for equality, wont be rallying, etc. They'll just be wearing a sweater. And that's what it is, mocking the movements where people make movements viral but then never take action.

Its about as ironic as a kony 2012 t shirt.

>> No.9966776


This is a misconception. No, Asians are not doing THAT good. I'm sure you've read one of those "model minority" articles praising Asian Americans, while simultaneously shitting on black Americans (because that's how white people pit minorites against each other).

On the whole, Asian Americans are middle class centric. They rarely reach management level because again, they are held down by a bamboo ceiling that limits them to entry to mid-level positions.

>> No.9966781


Oh, how convenient it must be when everything is based around "individuals".

Isn't it so fucking peculiar that that system benefits only whites? When affirmative action comes around, sure, blacks and Latinos have access to higher quality education, but Asian Americans are given the fucking shaft and kept out while white people use affirmative action to benefit themselves.

>> No.9966835

you can't just say a word and pretend it's an argument
prove that colonialism is why a certain group is in a shitty situtation

>> No.9966852

>Wearing ACNE
>Any year

>> No.9966883

>friendzone lelele

shaming tactics:the post

>> No.9966885

>made in china

>> No.9967044

I haven't opened all your links but one of them
Is just an article about how the wage gap is closing

So feminism is working?? What's your problem here??

>> No.9967051

ur dumb

>> No.9967052

shaming shaming: the post

btw this post is shaming your shaming of his shaming because i agree w him

>> No.9967063

That's just entirely wrong

The people marching at blacklivesmatter events are almost exclusively black

Secondly, the reason you might be seeing less black people putting out educated polemic on the subject is due to the institutionally violent structures that make class mobility extremely difficult for them. (For instance, disproportionate murder, arrest and sentences per crime mean that many black people are institutionalised their whole lives [school to prison to death]).

This is why the majority of black support for black power movements comes in marches etc; black people have been largely forced into socioeconomic situations where they have not had access to higher education and many discriminated against for jobs, repeating the cycle for their children, meaning that the most support they can give is their allegiance rather than intelligent contribution to the argument.

>> No.9967073

as i white person i find this post condescends to black people lol

>> No.9967082

shoes are sick wtc?

>> No.9967130

Elistism is /fa/

Elitism is not leftist

>> No.9967137

/fa/ isn't leftist, which is strange as the majority of cool/generally normal people are.

/fa/ actually has some weird far-right politics going on for some reason I cannot understand

>> No.9967138

>majority of cool/generally normal people are

Depends what you mean by cool and understand as normal.

There is little that is "normal" about the way most people live now.

>> No.9967150

I think people here mostly dont give a fuck

als, for some reasons the only ones who really care to the point of spamming their ideas on here are the far-right oriented ones

>> No.9967164


Far Right? I don't think so.

It's more of a dislike towards the people that seek constant approval and look for attention.

>> No.9967190

Sorry I didn't phrase that properly, by normal I meant people not ignorant to problems in society/reasonably educated and well adjusted

>> No.9967205

Totally subjective

>> No.9967206 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 3186x2388, 1431723804936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting

>> No.9967209

oh great abandon thread

>> No.9967214

it's truly weird how far right /fa/ is

>> No.9967217


jk i dunno

>> No.9967231

ur just a victim blamer

>> No.9967244

>bamboo ceiling

>> No.9967264

Far right?

I agree with this poster; like many other 4chan boards, the majority of /fa/ simply leans toward logic (actual equality) and not toward special snowflakes.

>> No.9967354

Your only arguments are ad hominems and memes - what do you actually mean by "logic" and "true equality"?

Honestly I think 4chan is just being pointlessly contrarian; have you read any literature on the subject? Apart from the fact that most of you were raised by 4chan, why do so vehemently oppose feminism?

Of course there are people who are annoying and illogical in every movement, but social leftism, inclusive to feminism, is, at its ideological roots, basic human morality

>> No.9967380 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 837x959, antfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo dude drop trip and stop posting

>> No.9967382 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1280x850, 1431719559751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh he should stop posting my man agreed

>> No.9967384

>fa/ isn't leftist, which is strange as the majority of cool/generally normal people are.
Agreed, I was surprised when I started going on here to see how many conservative people are here. Maybe I live in a really liberal area of the states but I almost never have to deal with people like that
It's maddening

>> No.9967385 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 573x1252, 1430574430268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is he going to stop posting

>> No.9967388 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 860x1080, rotherham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the cucks leave??

>> No.9967394

think its because this is 4chan so there will be lots of man children who hate women and /pol storm fronters. Also half the time it seems like theyre just trolling

>> No.9967398 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1042x814, 1430121625811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

88 dubs again pigfuck? how often do you get those? you really are touched by the hand of god.

>> No.9967399

>still making serious conclusions from the IQ test

>> No.9967401 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1100x736, liberal dumb dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who king dick

>> No.9967454

You're literally the worst trip there is. Delusional, think you're on a higher moral/intellectual ground, and you don't even know shit about fashion.

Kill yourself.

>> No.9967469


Pseudo-intellectualism at its best.

>> No.9967482

/fa/ is generally apolitical. the rejection of treating everyone as a special snowflake is the closest /fa/ has to a political stance

that doesn't stop a minority of loud retards from spamming logic-free racist garbage. there are few intelligent responses against it because most intelligent people don't listen to screaming morons

>> No.9967503


okay nigger im sure /pol/ will welcome you here

>> No.9967506

Jesus, are we supposed to be impressed by all the large words you're using? There's a time and a place to debate with that kind of vernacular and this isn't it. Your argument reads like a bad university political debate.

>> No.9967512

Sorry what ahaha, im at Central St Martins fashion school you idiot, I'm sorry you got upset that your right wing rubbish doesn't actually make any sense

Post fit?

>> No.9967518 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 492x619, 1405337569383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still in school
>literal child
stop posting and drop trip

>> No.9967526

The fact that you cited the blacklivesmatter "movement" tells us everything we need to know. Please do yourself a favor and stop posting.

>> No.9967540

>actually going to fashion school
ahaha hahahah haahhahaahahah

I'm not even right wing or wrote anything in this thread apart from that, but i'll just say that one thing i've observed is that vehemently leftist ppl such as u tend to have low iq's and resort to pseudo intellectualism and buzzwords they don't understand to argue.

also drop trip

>> No.9967541


where in this post >>9967264 was there an ad hominem or a meme?

>> No.9967543

>not being a feminist
Yiu are pathetic manchildren

>> No.9967554

"Special snowflakes" obviously

You guys are pretty overly defensive of your shitty politics

>> No.9967559 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 640x895, 1430120105304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preach it hunty

>> No.9967564

I'm hoping that's a guy.

>> No.9967576
File: 29 KB, 318x340, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overtly sensitive and hyper-liberal tumblr users themselves say "special snowflake."

Pic related.

>> No.9967602

That's native population; IE aboriginals. Poor buggers were cut from the rest of the world, inbreeding does terrible things to a race of people stuck in the desert for 40K years....

>> No.9967622

>bamboo ceiling

Man the ricetriarchy is a terrible thing :{

>> No.9967626

these degenerate americans didn't even read the part where it said 'INDIGENOUS' LOL

>> No.9967632


I read shit like this and question how badly do I want to be a psychiatrist.

>> No.9967634

I've never been slightly interested in clothes I've seen on /fa/ until now

>> No.9967656


>> No.9967662

Reminder 40% off sale is on

>> No.9967770

Looks like a troll blog tbh
Also you guys shouldn't exclude tumblr so much, if you find the right blogs there's better fashion inspo there than here

>> No.9967865

Exactly this. I stopped buying Acne years ago when their prices kept going up while their quality went down.

>> No.9967875


I wonder what he said to his son being bisexual.

>> No.9967886

yeah it goes by this crazy name 'sincerity' lol the kids go crazy for it, dunno wats wrong with them tbh

>> No.9967887

who is this ejaculate magistrate?

>> No.9967889

here's a secret lil tip for you boys
we pretend to be leftist irl

>> No.9967898

Kind of feel like returning my ACNE cap now.

>> No.9967905

can I have it

>> No.9967918
File: 162 KB, 1024x896, 4MchO7M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet women still complain about discrimination when getting in college.

>> No.9967932


I stil can't get how using a fucking skirt is a statement on anything other than being a fucking idiot, gender notwithstanding

>> No.9967934

troll blog or not, that person made a "poem" about Asian Americans that got quite a number of notes. People take it seriously and it has a following.

>> No.9967935

i never would have bought acne regardless, but that shit ugly sweater doesn't help

>> No.9967943


>You should start looking at people as individuals, rather than as abstract "groups" based on race, colour, gender, etc.

Inadvertently or not, what you just said outlines how odious and condescending the far left's view on minorities really is. It's just the other side of the same racist coin.

>> No.9967949

this shit is the most uninspired crap I've ever seen.


oh fuck off

>> No.9967960

"Those men are smarter than us, and that's basically cheating; they should be lobotomized to make things even."

>> No.9967965

quality posts.

>> No.9967971

>men aren't giving us an equal chance
>just because I had worse scores doesn't mean I shouldn't go to college
>OMG college is so expensive
>it's trying to oppress us poor people
>i can't afford college, that means colleges are anti poor and anti women.

>> No.9968014

If the wage gap is closing, then there is no need for feminists to continue harping about injustices. If the wage gap has "closed" it means that men are now the victims of the "wage gap".

What does that say about radical feminism? What does that say about our society where men are treated like second class citizens?

Women are the privileged class.

>> No.9968047


This is so condescending.

You are blaming this elusive, invisible "system" for all the "injustices" done to the black community (as if there exists one, homogeneous "black community").

You're saying that black on black murder is excusable because they're poor and can't help themselves, they're institutionalized for life because the institution institutionalizes them for the sake of institutionalization, for some fucking reason.

Yes, they tend to be poorer, and yes, that does add to the problem, but how can you ignore all that fucking money, all those programs, projects, grants, near-infinite funds, and promises to fix the "black community".

From what are you saving it?
The answer is not the hand that feeds,
the hard answer is; all the money that gets sucked into the never-satiated black hole is spent to save the "black community" from itself.

>> No.9968069

Absolutely true.
They just need someone to blame all their shitty life failures on.

>> No.9968081
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HADDOCK BROOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



that's the best thing I've ever heard

>> No.9968089
File: 21 KB, 350x420, ME IRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9968099

please read some baldwin and web dubois everyone

>> No.9968149

/threading this again because this thread should have ended here.

>> No.9968202

gender equality is not the problem, but "radical" is. Every form of radicalism is bullshit.

>> No.9968771

>fashion school
Top fucking kek. Just save yourself the embarrassment by dropping trips then killing yourself

>> No.9968797

no one is even scared of you faggots! stop using a word that you dont even know how to use

>> No.9968803

i wish i was in fashion school

>> No.9969120

w2c acne-like clothes but better quality / non sweatshop?

>> No.9969130

>central st martins
>not esmod, antwerp, or bunka

lol k

>> No.9969131

me too, i also wish ppl in them were more prominent and posted more on /fa/

>> No.9969184

get the fuck out of here

>> No.9969187

>how dare you type that!!!! Fuck off!! Get out of my forum!!!!

Jesus Christ, go out more.

>> No.9969199

>Med schools deny qualified Asian applicants and accept underqualified black ones, etc.
i hate this one the most. someone who isn't qualified for a job shouldn't get it because >MUH REPARATIONS MUH DIVERSITY

>> No.9969203

suck my dick normie. i use this website to get away from all the voting bullshit. take that shit to reddit.

>> No.9969210

just wanted to show I agreed with their opinion in a quick way ;)

>> No.9969236

you didn't think the "good shit" covered that?

>> No.9969243

didn't second wave feminism warn you about corporate shilling it's not a good thing

>> No.9969250

lol goodpoint m999

>> No.9969259

2nd wave lacked an intersectional lense

>> No.9969260

-1 (downvoted)

>> No.9969263


>> No.9969268

what is the second wave of feminism about
the first wave was about equal rights and shit i get that
the third is a bunch of wacko bullshit but i've also seen it described as "correcting the second's mistakes"

>> No.9969269


>> No.9969281

Okay at acne literally getting rekt tho

>> No.9969359

i guess google it, not too clear on the diffs mesef

think second wave was 'we can do all the shit men do' and third wave is 'we are our own people, not defined by what men do'

but tbh i literally made that up

>> No.9969372

third wave is inherently all over the place because a lot of interests are disorganized and sometimes inter-conflicting. The reason 1st and partially 2nd wave worked so well is unified causes (voting, gender gaps in work, etc), but now you can champion anything as your cause and others can be for or against you, especially if it's international feminism that imposes ideas of cultural superiority.

The idea is good, but the execution is terrible. As it goes when things are hazily defined.

>> No.9969436

All your post does is try and make an excuse for laziness

>> No.9969446

it's not the first time someone has said that,
and it won't be the last,

however it is false, what you said

>> No.9969462

What you don't know: science fiction makes radical feminist nazis seem attractive. See the Alien movie franchise.

>> No.9969464

Lololol. Why can't you realize that there is a personal, individual dynamic to this. If a person has a means of succeeding or an oppurtunity to progress as an individual and chooses not to grasp it or makes a decision not to, it isn't some "system's" fault. Literally you are pinning lack of motivation and and the failure to work hard on "Muh white people"

>> No.9969495

"Third Wave feminists have broadened their goals, focusing on ideas like queer theory, and abolishing gender role expectations and stereotypes.[3] Unlike the determined position of second wave feminists about women in pornography, sex work, and prostitution,[4] third-wave feminists were rather ambiguous and divided about these themes" - wikipedia

I think third wave is good,
it seems convoluted from the outside because it is much more diverse and has many more people involved

proud of it tbh

>> No.9971261

third wave is shit go back to tumblr