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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 17 KB, 355x271, uwa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9962824 No.9962824 [Reply] [Original]

any UWA fags on here?
what you studying/what do you wear to uni?

>> No.9962882

Curtins better fgt

>> No.9962885

uwa fucking sucks

i go there

4th year finance

>> No.9962888

do u skateboard or r u the dude in scie1121

>> No.9962893

I do but why would you post this

>> No.9962897

ECU is objectively a superior university

>> No.9962898

no lol

>> No.9962909

any uni on the eastern side of australia is objectively superior

>> No.9962929

UWA rep.

>> No.9962940


>> No.9962941

never expected to see this here tbh

>> No.9962951

are any of you the faggot with black cp's i always see

>> No.9962959

ok why?

also why?

neither, I'm an engineering student and I'm interested because most people in my tutes wear loose jeans and polo shirts with thongs

objectively? citation needed

fkn ayyyy

>> No.9962978


Honors? Pretty sure everyone is now in the 3 year degree system?

Finishing up Masters of Law here.

>> No.9962986

Im going into med next year and have no idea how i should dress.. is prep just sort of assumed ? Pls help x

>> No.9962987

>black swan
>white wings

most uneffay type of swan, scrawny, ugly bird
and the logo is a mulatto version

nigger swans gtfo

>> No.9962993

whats ur atar

>> No.9963004


failed a unit 1st year so took 3 unit sems.

finish this sem then got a corporate job lined up for next year.


i do engi/commerce

engineering faculty is extremely poorly run.

everyone that does it sucks.

either they are

a) asian or indian international students who smell up lecture theatres and are shit to work with

b) wierd autists who were homeschooled

c) arrogant fuckwits who think they are better than everyone and start joining UEC and like beer pong because 'UNI IS FKN SICK EY'

architecture is probably most effay but gl finding a job

>> No.9963007

are you taking the piss out of me because you think I'm pre-fresher deciding what to wear to uni?

or are you a generally confused pre-fresher who doesn't yet realise atar ain't shit?

>> No.9963008

what's it like? should i go to uwa and do exchange or should i study overseas?

>> No.9963012


>> No.9963013
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>> No.9963019

if u hang around the physics block u will come across a dude who wears a different pair of ricks/rafs/yohjis every day

>> No.9963020

are you that one manlet fuccboi I see walking around with the timberlands?

>> No.9963021
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Is my university /fa/?

>> No.9963022

just wear your normal clothes, your peers are going to be asians, grills and a few plebs you autistic fuck.

But if you want to fit in with all the sick cunts pick up a few rugby polos. Trending hard right now

also bcom majoring in accounting here

>> No.9963024
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Also Engi/comm. Agree with a, b and c. or they're lazy fucks who think they're gonna be engineers just because they did well at maths once

Architecture students seem the most effay, or there's the asiancore asians. also the girls in business school dress like mint

>> No.9963036

Oh fuck me. All those fucking shitcunts walking around in tommy hilfiger, nautical etc. and fucking gel lites and air maxes.

>> No.9963038

>this mad at getting a sub 95 atar

>> No.9963040

I enjoy it, don't have much beef but plenty of others have contra opinions

rugby polos are sick-lad style but only if it's from your year 12 PSA team and you wear it with short shorts and last season's GLIIIs, plus your cap on backwards
bonus points for walking around in groups of 10 or more

>> No.9963047

dont forget the ralph lauren/rodd and gunn hats

>> No.9963050

10 points to whoever can identify the guy on the fixie who wears all black most days, tattoos all up his arms, I think he wears docs but maybe he has sneakers as well? i can't remember. has been sighted in wide brimmed fedora and cycling cap, known to chain up fixie outside Reid

>> No.9963052

yeah hahaha fucking spot on, all the top dogs fresh outta psa

>> No.9963053
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westralia bestralia

>> No.9963054

hmmm, okay. i see a lot of ppl who seem to dislike it but few people seem to give actual reasons, wondering whether it's just the popular opinion to have.
i'm really keen on travelling so unless i'm gonna miss out on something super spectacular might look at studying overseas tbh

>> No.9963055

If you stay at a college it could be comparable to overseas. Else it won't really deviate too much from what you have in your current life, as in you will most likely be hanging out with the same people you already know or the same type of people. Also the university can be very cliquey amongst different groups of people, so scotch faggots are unlikely to hang out with public school druggos, unless they already know them from elsewhere.

So yeah, if you are happy with your current situation go to UWA without the college, else go overseas.

>> No.9963061

no worries, that makes a good lick of sense. thanks for the insight :)

>> No.9963063
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>paying for toilet education

>> No.9963065

scotch faggots? did you go to Shenton by any chance?

up to you, I'm currently preparing to go on exchange to italy I'm an engineering/language (italian) undergrad. Exchange between here (UWA) and Universita di Bologna is pretty easy dude.
at the end of the day if you really want to travel somewhere else then that's what you should do

>> No.9963068
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Luke, fuck off.

>> No.9963070


is fb messenger broken tonight?

cutie booty btw

>> No.9963072
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Wesley_College,_Perth_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Wesley Lads? 09' here.

>> No.9963073

T-That's a man, r-right?

>> No.9963078

it's not really anything personal towards them, it's just habit at this point. But yeah, you one of them?

>> No.9963079

Wesley 08 ma man

>> No.9963083

no it's just bus stop banter. typical shenton kid calling scotch boys, scotch faggots.

>> No.9963084
File: 301 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nomo0p0Bct1qijx62o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls can have penises too, silly! :)

>> No.9963086

liam ur a fgt

>> No.9963104

exchange sounds fun too. do you earn less credits or whatever doing exchange, or is there a limit on how many times you can go? or is it just expensive? public school fag here, virtually 0 money

>> No.9963109
File: 12 KB, 161x255, HaleSchoolEmblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hale 2010, psa rep

>> No.9963117



you can do more than one exchange but max of 2 semesters at one university. Price will vary

also I wear suede chelsea boots, dark jeans and a white t shirt with a blue and grey patterned scarf most days. sometimes with black burberry jacket

>> No.9963120

do you walk around in groups of ten with your rugby polo and generic GLIIIs and AMs ?or is that a fresher PSA thing?

>> No.9963124

oh that's really helpful, thank u :)

>> No.9963133

is this the purple jew school?

>> No.9963153
File: 672 KB, 1200x797, 1426998919564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious post here (hate on me if you want, it's just an anonymous western australian image board)
>Be me
>Be fairly socially awkward
>Graduate and get accepted to UWA
>The already limited friend group I had is now diminished besides one or two other guys who also got accepted
>They don't really give a fuck about me, because they have a healthy friend group and social life
>Loneliness is exaggerated by the surrounding of Perths Rich, Tan and Beautiful hailing from peppermint grove/cott/claremont etc...
>Mood swings from the past few years suddenly get really bad
>annnnnd we have our first suicide attempt
>spent a few nights locked up in bentley hospital
>Get out by lying and saying it was the pressure of uni exams
>drop out for a year and go back to school to better my atar and maybe change my direction
>Another suicide attempt mid-year (this time failing because of a floored plan)
>Back in bentley
>Lie again, get out again
>Finish the year with a 92 atar, not great but a bit better
>Go back to UWA because I couldn't figure anything else out
>Everything going good, grades are top, mental health in check
>2nd semester rolls along and I fall into possibly the worst depression yet. Couldnt move for weeks.
>Parents angry and just avoid me
>No friends to check on me
>Nothing to live for
>Missed all classes and all exams - UWA does nothing
>Picked up some full time work and have be slaving away ever since

Really not sure what I should do guys. I'm desperate to get a bachelor degree, but I don't think I have the mental stability to complete it, let alone get a well paying job

Life is looking pretty terrible and I was hoping for some advice
Sorry about the assigned reading

>> No.9963159

still searching...
as if no one knows him

>> No.9963162

are you that one manlet?

>> No.9963164

Yeesh, dude, sorry for all of that.

>> No.9963168

na just freshers that played 1sts footy/rugby.
i roll in my fresh basics and meme projects usually

>> No.9963174

get on that zoloft m8, hype as fugg

>> No.9963175

Have you sought help? I know it feels like you're in a deep hole now but people honestly do care about you, even strangers/ random counsellors

>> No.9963180
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>> No.9963181


as this is a WA thread, does anyone know anyone about this?

>> No.9963186

get your shit together first before going to uni. seriously dude there is no rush at all

>> No.9963198


Nah man the Kikes are our eastern cousins. We are a nice Christian school.

>> No.9963209

I'm not sure if it's your thing but do a couple of your core units and a language unit (elective/broadening) you are forced to have conversations with people and hence you make friends.
Make sure you sit near people that seem similar to you in some way, age is probably important here.
then when it comes to choosing a conversation partner you can awkwardly go with them, you become friends pretty quickly as you laugh at each other's mistakes and say childish phrases in another language.
Make sure you don't spill your issues on them as this will scare them off
talk to them on facebook occasionally but not too much. about Unit related topics at first, then you might discover something else to talk about.
say hello to them around campus and talk to them for a few minutes after each class

it's easy to get down when you feel like an outsider but once you start making friends everything gets easier

I'm not saying this will solve your issues but it's worth a shot. It could also work for other units where have to interact with other people a lot, one on one is better

good luck dude. :)

>> No.9963216
File: 1.57 MB, 1936x2592, TONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going to USYD studying law and politics
>Not living at St Johns College
>Not being old money from Europe

Its like you guys aren't even trying.

>> No.9963220

anyone here from albany?

>> No.9963223
File: 293 KB, 560x560, 1431515907969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University of Sydney

If you where truly old money you would be overseas at Harvard, Yale or Oxbridge.

>> No.9963231


>> No.9963239

>grotty hairline
>ugly shawl lapels
>mismatched chairs
hairy arms
>poorly manicured fingernails
>bulging forehead
>dented shed roof
>faggot cigar

it's like you're not even trying

>> No.9963244

>posting someone elses photo from facebook

>> No.9963260

postgraduate in computer science

>black adilette sandals
>basic black joggers with white drawstring
>Ray Ban clubmaster reading glasses (black/silver)
>Black t-shirt
>black A&F hoody
>Tissot Sea-touch (silver/black)

at least this is what i wore today

>> No.9963263

>old money
haha righto mate

>> No.9963289

I study in computer science and have probably seen you around. You are probably that one manlet. But nah seriously what kind of shit are you doing in computer science? I did CITS2002 as an elective and it was pretty sick.

>> No.9963311

>If you where truly old money

>old money
>any australian context whatsoever

kek this retard

>> No.9963334

does everyone in business school dress like they've been at the gym and then they're going to meet someone they're trying to impress?

particularly the girls manage to look even more hot than normal in their gym gear

>> No.9963337

uwa alum, finance, second year out, first year in job. inb4 its maccas

browse 4chan frequently, post never, descending into the filth to give you this

4chan is bad and it is bad that you come here and embrace this culture. /fa/ especially is juvenile trash which does little to inform or improve you, its more a place to fit in with online "friends" / a social club for spergs trying to make the transition to cool kid.

getting social validation from fitting in with a group of socially maladjusted unhappy adolescents is really not so good. there is very little to learn here unless you're totally clueless, so for anyone who stays - that's why you're here, come to terms with it

i periodically check /fa/ for the fragrance general

if /fa/ or 4chan is a vice that you're not willing to give up at least dont let it influence who you are and for god's sake hide your fucking power level irl.

>> No.9963372

is this from experience?

/fa/ is one thing, the discussion of fashion trends and all that is fine, really it's not that bad, i check it about 2-3 times a week

but shit like /b/ /pol/ and /s/ conditions you differently. It makes you feel like all these fucked up people and their fucked up ideas are normal, then you begin to think it's half reasonable.
Anon is right, don't let it condition you because all jokes aside, there are so many sub-humans on here and if you become conditioned to be like them, it psychologically changes you, not in a good way

>> No.9963416

yeah, the first time i met someone who was clearly 4chan in my post-uni real world existence i was stunned. not long after i met another, there haven't been any more since then.

nothing good can come from letting your 4chan experience leak into your real world personality to the extent that someone else could pick up on it

either other people from 4chan will recognize it and unless they're validation craving memelords themselves they will not connect with you on that point of shared experience and probably think less of you


the alternative is that the people you interact with aren't from 4chan and don't recognize it, but the same applies - if they're well adjusted they will be put off by any autistic behaviour you're exhibiting regardless of its source

i dont mean to preach or be too down on 4chan as a whole, i've been here forever and figure i will be and it's done a lot for me.

just keep its significance in your life in perspective. how i manage it is 1) don't post / engage and 2) avoid toxic boards / threads as much as possible

anyway my opinion is equally insignificant so i'm out, good luck uwa guys and anyone else too

>> No.9963484

no rmit is a joke, i go there

>> No.9963645

I fucking knew it

>> No.9963677
File: 51 KB, 670x472, 1432770799665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with this shit

>> No.9964656

the blog for faggot whiny aussie teens and loser uni students

>> No.9964825

Storytime of 4chin sperglords irl please

>> No.9966466


>> No.9966480

where does curtin beat out uwa and vice versa? be honest

>> No.9966527

>nothing to live for
Live for me I care about you. Don't avoid help, be honest with docs/ shrinks

>> No.9966542

UWA mechENG fag here,
I've only been to UWA but i have friends at Curtin
from what i hear, curtin has great facilities and the actual education you receive is good, From experience i don't love the way Engi is organised at UWA, it seems a bit of a mess

>> No.9966553

Last exam of my degree tomorrow at udub.

Here's hoping i dont bomb fluid mechanics.

>> No.9966558

Why the fuck would you go to UWA? It is literally all theory and no practical work at all.

>> No.9966564


as long as you get a job out of your degree in your area of interest i don't think it matters that much tbh

>> No.9966609

shoutout to Frank Liu, such a great lecturer and tutor

>> No.9967085


rmit /fa/ meet up?

>> No.9967117

Anyone unimelb? REB was cold af today.

>> No.9967135

1. Get professional help
2. Move to the East Coast (the cool part, so Melbourne/Sydney)

>> No.9967158

UWA is consistently ranked first in job placement, and last in student perception of teaching and satisfaction. It's a terrible place to learn, but building human capital isn't the primary purpose of tertiary education. You go to UWA because it signals to employers that you are a productive individual.

All of this is bullshit, but that's the employment model in most of the real world, so you do what you can to thrive.

>> No.9967203

w2c glasses please

>> No.9967221
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They are Oliver Peoples

>> No.9967228
File: 34 KB, 669x642, motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hairline

>> No.9967230
File: 92 KB, 304x313, The_fresh_prince_of_cel-air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In west Australia born and raised
Fucking my daughter is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
and building incest dungeons underneath my pool
I took three kids out cuz they were all good
told my wife they were just children from the neighborhood.
I fucked just one of my daughters the police got scared
But they don't know the pin-code to my daughter's Cellair.
They called the partyvan and when it got near
The license plate said “AUSTRALIA” and it had dice in the mirror
"you crazy" they said, "those ideas in your head are rare,"
I said, "cool homes, it's rape time, home, to Cellair!"
She crawled out the house after 7 offspring
And she yelled to the cops "Yo, I can't speak Australian"
But I'm still pimping, I got three more lairs,
so come and party with me, in my second Cellair.

>> No.9967249


Campbelltown checking in

>> No.9967252
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>> No.9967253

that south western sydney feel

>> No.9967267
File: 92 KB, 900x600, White-Tie-and-Fez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not your fault you where born poor. It will be your fault if your children are born poor though.

>Not working your ass off and being socially-mobile

>> No.9967288

hockey pls

>> No.9967295

ey yo

>> No.9967314

hahahaha kill yourself (pls don't but your uni is shit)

>> No.9967387
File: 714 KB, 1751x1764, UOM-Pos_S_CMYK_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967507
File: 14 KB, 384x126, uwa-logo-reversed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


use the new logo cunt

bjorn lomborg is my style inspo

>> No.9967521


Melb uni meetup is happening.
Standing Room then show off our sick fits on south lawn.

>> No.9967863

>>9963153 If you have the money, go to one of the colleges, srs I think uni hall is like 12k a year, allows you to pretty much buy friends and get food + internet, well worth it srs I am at one of these colleges

>> No.9967892


Also that 80 atar cut off attracts the best, despite uwa having somewhat worse facilities, means that the graduates from UWA are generally better. This is what I've heard from my dad who is a mining engineer and often hires people.

Dat mining crash doe, legit can't find a job here in Perth area.

>> No.9968340

Agree with this. 7 meals a week if your room has a kitchen. Otherwise 14 a week. Free internet, good location 340 a week. is steep but 14 meals a week would add up to a fair bit and Internet isn't cheap. Plus save on fuel/public transport.
Also yes, friends are easy to make here, and it has a social atmosphere

>> No.9968872

Why does this even get a threqd? Uwa fashion is just asian people wearing fake stuff, some guy in all black hba stuff, typical cits stuff and a bunch of superman tshirts

>> No.9968983


I know 100% someone in one of my classes goes to /mu/

Also, can we apply for next sem classes yet? I have to go Penrith but it says I can only apply for home campus (Parramatta) classes, didnt have this problem at the beggining of this sem

>> No.9969692

Thats a lie other unis tell to seem cool.

This is true. For eng Curtin is better in all aspects except reputation and the students it attracts.

>> No.9971075

Haha, fuck no

>> No.9971525

Yeah pretty sure we can, someone in my uni fb group reminded everyone to enrol

>> No.9971534
File: 10 KB, 275x183, thingsilearnfromfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no

>> No.9972033


>> No.9972050
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