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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 814 KB, 1272x1920, navyfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9940689 No.9940689 [Reply] [Original]

am i the only one that wants to nuzzle their face in the smelly arm pit of this boy?

and he's got that cute but...hnnnngg...the thirst is real

>> No.9940715

w2c pants + top?

>> No.9940754

pant are american vintage, literally everyone asks him that

look up his tumblr for deets on the sweater

>> No.9940804

they should bottle his body odor and sell it as cologne

>> No.9940845
File: 512 KB, 2041x3000, 1375598275878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new/fa/g here, what are those shoes?

>> No.9940866


>> No.9940894
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1856, smellyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so your in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass

wat do /fa/?

>> No.9940971

first thing i do is give her a bath to wash the stink off

why does that guy wear so many layers? trying to hide the smell?

>> No.9941013


>> No.9941027

I don't understand this autism, someone care to explain?

>> No.9941031

why does everyone say he's smelly. I don't get this meme

>> No.9941033

does he have a cute face or something? because this is an unbelievably basic fit

>> No.9941042
File: 784 KB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not as cute as this kid's face, who i bet smells like lavender and lilac

>> No.9941198


>> No.9941321

birthday :3

>> No.9941486


>> No.9941924

i believe my friends, it's what we on 4chan call a "forced meme"

>> No.9942039

What's his tumblr?
Also, what American Vintage's kind of pants?

>> No.9942057

Need to know w2c pants.
Been looking for them way too long

>> No.9942192

He's fat

>> No.9942570


i don't think they're in stock anymore

>> No.9942587
File: 1.31 MB, 4928x3264, rope_meme_pants_meme_shoesv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be myself
>be a socially uncomfortable creep
>get rejected by a qt grill no later than yesterday
>come to le 4chinks
>see anons complimenting me
>other anons trying to force myself as a meme and laughing at me

Holly shit i am considered autistic even on an imageboard full of autists.
>My reaction when (yeah, i like le edgy suicide joke so funny guyses)

>> No.9942599

Fucking autist, no wonder no one likes you.

>> No.9942606

Step on his toes

>> No.9942629

>implying autistic desert ninjas go clubbing

>> No.9942631

don't do it bb
i bet you have a qt3.14 face :)

>> No.9942650

Never heard of that guy before but shit his looks are rly good. Very me. I mean i hope its me this is the goal look i want

>> No.9942757

T-thanks anon, you to

I won't it's just le ebin joke xddd

>> No.9943218

post face

>> No.9943221

He'll lose the weight, settle down.

>> No.9943296


>> No.9943549

has anybody ever said anything about your smell irl?
because i'm starting to feel like i can smell you through my speaker. stinky.

>> No.9943556

I never heard anyopne talking about it, but i've got a question for you. How the fuck do you get to have speakers nearby your nose ?

>> No.9943568

when did people start calling stinking? Why do people call you stinky?

This is possibly the most autistic meme on /fa/

>> No.9943587

u stink too yoooo

>> No.9943590

>when did people start calling stinking? Why do people call you stinky?
I don't even know. Seriously, the guy who strated it never answered me when i asked him.

>> No.9943597

he said he probably reeks because of all the layers
chances are he does stink, I can tell

>> No.9943602

I wanna lick his salty feet so bad

>> No.9943621

>I can tell
How ? Please explain, I'm curious

>> No.9943726

why not? you already said you have no friends. it's not like anyone's going to notice you. at least post a shirtless pic :)

>> No.9943750

it's not that the speakers are close to my nose, it's that your stench spreads like the plague

>> No.9943754

seconded :D

>> No.9943762

well you're french, and you have a problem keeping your finger nails trimmed which is a sign of poor personal hygeine, so common suggests that you probably also have body odor issues

that's probably why people think you're a creep


>> No.9943769
File: 594 KB, 1024x1365, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's fatter than he was last year when he took this pic when he was the literal defintion of ottermode

>> No.9943772

common sense*

>> No.9943785

I wanna kiss his armpits

>> No.9943818
File: 27 KB, 467x619, Francisco-3-francisco-lachowski-29698647-467-619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not ottermode, this is. You still need some muscle definition, otherwise you're just skinny.

>> No.9943825

he looks so muscular in his arms in that pic, probably got a cock so big he's gotta use both hands :P

>> No.9943839

I wish he were uncut :(

>> No.9944774

i glad he's the opposite :)

uncut dicks look like elephant trunks, or like something out the movie tremors. plus they have that smegma and gross shit under the foreskin

>> No.9944807
File: 451 KB, 3213x1944, sea lamprey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever i see a guy with an uncut dick this is the image that comes to mind

am grill btw

>> No.9944980


>> No.9945058

i just wanna come up behind him and squeeze that ass with my hand, make him mine

>> No.9945076

Nike Internationalist

>> No.9945217

Or, he could play guitar...

>> No.9946502

playing guitar is no excuse for having long nails on all of your fingers

>> No.9946760

Pls come to France and we can do so. :^)

I do. My nails still are dirtier than they should be, though.

>> No.9946772

>Pls come to France and we can do so. :^)
i'm a cute boy, is that ok with you?

>> No.9946798


>> No.9946813


post shirtless pic pls

>> No.9946888


how do you know he isn't? pics?

>> No.9946911

>he hasn't seen birthday's nudes
how new r u

>> No.9946912
File: 1.39 MB, 2857x4928, shirtlessv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that make your pee pee hard ?

>> No.9946921

Fuck, i hadn't noticed that i did not shave my armpits for too long. I'll do it this evening.

>> No.9946924

a little

don't shave your arm pits

>> No.9946950



>> No.9946964


>> No.9947143

you made a big mistake posting this man, the trolls will flood this board and /fit/ with this picture from now on...

>> No.9947175

He probably doesn't give a fuck as he seems pretty weird/fuckd up.

>> No.9947190

they already started

>> No.9947191

And what do you think your pussy looks like you stupid cunt

>> No.9947199

>mad uncut fag detected

>> No.9947200

i think he should size up on the shoes.

>> No.9947202
File: 14 KB, 316x202, enuf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly this is the worst thread i've ever seen on effay. pls go suck this guys dick on his tumblr

>> No.9947208

stinky boi :)

>> No.9947353

>says the dumb frogposter

>> No.9947948

what the fuck is this thread seriously

>> No.9947959
File: 8 KB, 250x214, how do we fix fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's his name?

>> No.9947961

He doesn't trip but is often refered to as "navyfag/the navy fag"

>> No.9947972

w2c pants?

>> No.9947974

he used to trip until we bullied him enough to get rid of it

>> No.9947999

Found them...
American Vintage Men's Cabello Lake Trousers!

>> No.9948108
File: 205 KB, 640x480, auhuh!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having part of your dick chopped off in 2015


>> No.9948438

>not keeping up with modern hygiene practices and reducing your risk of STD's

stay mad, yuropoor

>> No.9948920
File: 199 KB, 1458x1944, ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for pierre

>> No.9948959

isn't it "Birthday"? I dont understand.

>> No.9948965

>falls for the idealogical, poorly conducted studies troll

you do realize that all of your claims don't matter when you have access to running water and safe sex practices, right?

you were literally mutilated for cosmetic reasons lmao

we don't live in a world without showers anymore. you have a dried up, scarred penis because you're stuck in the past

>> No.9948983

no bday is someone else
he's way cuter

>> No.9948999

>you were literally mutilated for cosmetic reasons lmao
we are on a fashion board after all...

>> No.9949747

I'm with you man. I have no idea what's happening in this thread

>> No.9950306

you think bday is cuter? we've never seen navy fag's face, and i think he dresses better than bday