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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 259 KB, 2048x1365, 11046574_983686768321889_8470560121980104205_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9937043 No.9937043 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, help.
I'm a female with a slim/fit body type, I'm slightly under 4'11", and am constantly mistaken for a 13 year old.
Where the fuck can I find clothing that'll fit a gnome like me

Pic related, I'm on the left.

>> No.9937049

Can you post a pic in a full length mirror, preferably with a typical outfit you'd wear?

It would help a lot to figure out what brands and garments compliment your body type and style.

>> No.9937061

reeeeeee stop creeping on this poor little asian girl

>> No.9937114

How tall are the other two manlets?

>> No.9937122

Not dressing like a dude helps.
Post everyday fit

>> No.9937126

>taking the bait

taking the bait

you realize the picture says NEET right

smh thirsty summer teens

>> No.9937130

Thanks Reeeeee
Post your jugs plz

>> No.9937140

Ok. Then how tall are the people in pic?

>> No.9937154

wear clothes that show your pubes

>> No.9937258

Will do! ...In the morning when I wake up. Picked a bad time to post, ah well

>> No.9937952

w2c sneakers on the right (guy with a bazooka) ?
These look dope af.

>> No.9938074
File: 82 KB, 1300x892, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly under 4'11
Fucking midgets

>> No.9938707

They're 5'5" and 5'7" ish. I look taller in the pic because of excessive shoelift wearing and a good photo angle.

>> No.9938737

What are you cosplaying? Some anime Neets who are also ___? I don't get it. Weird af

>> No.9938755

>image search
>find nothing
is th-this legi-legit?

>> No.9938842

i'd fucking impregnate the shit out of you.

>> No.9938850

Thanks, I'd do it to myself too.

>> No.9938857
File: 872 KB, 908x1596, 2015-06-03 12.24.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I oftentimes end up wearing an oversized shirt of some sort/leggings since nothing fits.
Pic is an outfit I wear on occasion, when I don't feel like wearing real pants

>> No.9938861

>slim/fit body type, I'm slightly under 4'11"

I regret to inform you that the Social Safety Commission (Internet Division) has found your body type to be unhealthily underweight, and we have therefore banned your post and removed your image. Thank you.

>> No.9938867

Just go full baggy comfycore tbh.

>> No.9938869

自宅警備隊N.E.E.T. is what we're cosplaying.
Basically NEETs who are a self-proclaimed home defense/security force. It's a little bit of an obscure trend in Japan, but it's the most fun costume I've ever worn.

>> No.9938871

Totes legit, shameless cosplay page plug I don't care if you guys find me
facebook dat caaam /csdpom

>> No.9938873

Yea man you dress kind of like a boy.
But it's cute if you have a good face. If you don't good luck fam.

>> No.9938877

Can't tell you how many times I've been told to go eat a sandwich. I'm an athlete, I eat a lot per day. meh

>> No.9938882

post one of your on stage performances

>> No.9938887

Don't have any recent footage - Yenra photography has video of performances at Tekko. Still hasn't posted 'em

>> No.9938890

Do you have a snapchat?

>> No.9938892

Yes, but definitely not giving out my snapchat on 4chan.
Nice try bud

>> No.9938897

:( aww you look really cute is why :(

>> No.9938899

so do you live in japan or are you just a disgusting weeb?

>> No.9938902

if you're 4'11 wouldn't kids clothes fit you?
All those tween brands make some pretty tacky stuff, but you can probably find a decent pair of jeans and won't have to wear leggings.
I'm gonna post some baggy/comfy stuff just for inspo.

>> No.9938907

dude, seriously...

you would be very lucky to find anyone to help you here. most of us have no clue about male fashion let alone female fashion

>> No.9938908

Tried that already! Unfortunately, my measurements don't allow for me to fit into kids' clothing. They make everything assuming you're flat and undeveloped, and with a 20" waist and a 34" hip that's just not happening.
Thanks for the inspo though, and thanks for staying on topic you decent human, you

>> No.9938911

eh figured it's worth a shot

>> No.9938912

>staying on topic
>cute petite girl
hes gay
post more pics

>> No.9938916
File: 248 KB, 598x900, 1413760552345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhhh, stop :3

>> No.9938920

maybe ffa?

>> No.9938922
File: 135 KB, 675x900, 1425445921530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap ur qt af. if u get /fa/ u'll be str8-up waifu material (p close already tbh). lurk moar, watch for women's threads, acquire aesthetic, ???, profit.

pic related might work if u can find a bomber that tiny

>> No.9938925

>let alone female fashion
well the key to getting /fa/ to help you isnt to say
im a blank slate /fa/ dress me as you will, providing no more information than that.
if you ask for an opinion, or if you ask what goes with what, youll get more help.

say op said, im a bit tiny and so jeans dont fit me well, can you post some inspo without jeans, and then lurked the thread, looked at the inspo, found things she liked, then asked about it, shed get a ton of help that way.

not that im trying to make a dig at you OP. im just saying, in my experience, people who just say 'help me' without helping us help you, dont get any help at all.

>> No.9938931
File: 114 KB, 427x640, 1413345861885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit that's not really a bomber is it. thought it was closer to this. need to preview my pics more often i guess

>> No.9938932

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9938934

ayyy dats the plan
Didn't see many women's threads so decided to post.
Bombers are impossible for me, though. Sleeves too long, armholes too big, always.

>> No.9938936

b-b-but r-ree is right this time

>> No.9938939

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9938941

kill urself

>> No.9938942

ree is usually right about asking girls to post pics, ree just comes off as kind of sleazy. ree frames it like ree wants to help, but its so obvious that ree just wants to see pics.

ree, just say tits or gtfo you stupid faggot.

>> No.9938943


>> No.9938946
File: 921 KB, 497x750, 1413772004996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my best advice is to find a good tailor (or a good friend who's into that) who understands what you're going for when you try to give instructions (it can be harder than it sounds).
Either get them to tailor a piece from scratch or find items that fit your waist or shoulders. If the tailor is worth his salt he'll be able to turn almost anything into something well fitting from there... but it depends on how much needs to be done.
Waistline and shoulders. Those are the two things you can't really change without fucking up the piece.

>> No.9938951

Catalog is super helpful to check every thread then read the ones you got time for

>> No.9938953

OP here, and you're absolutely right! The original question was not stated well, so I'll just list some more directed questions.

What stores hold petite clothing that fits an all-around small frame, and not just petite clothing for little old ladies? (I'm looking at you, Macy's.)

What styles would be good for someone of my body type/size to aim for?

I have a different style every day: cute/weebish one day, then beanie, loose tank top and harem pants the next. I pretty much am a blank slate, and will wear almost any style. I like everything, and am willing to be as hipster or basic as necessary, provided it looks good on me.

>> No.9938956
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>> No.9938961
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also 4chanx (or another extension) if you don't have it already— thread watcher is a lifesaver

early yolandi inspo

>> No.9938963

I can sew pretty well myself, so I've self-tailored over the years. The issue is that the waistline and shoulders are almost always off for me, so tailoring turns into completely recreating the garment, and is hella expensive.

It has worked in some cases, though!

>> No.9938967

you look like a child playing dress up : |
I think your best bet is to learn how to sew and tailor your own clothes to fit better (at least the pants and you can maybe get away with wearing oversized tops)
I'm guessing your voice is too soft/high/childish, which won't do you any favors.

lol are you done growing? there was this girl like you that I went to school with and she got hormones in middlesfhool/high school or something to help her grow

>> No.9938976

ayy girl sit on my lap

>> No.9938981

tbh OP, i think>>9938946 and thrift stores are what you want.

you need to (if you havent already) figure out your style, how you want to dress. you need to (if you havent already) figure out how to do that, what pieces you need, what colors, etc etc etc.
then, just go to thrift stores. itll take you a long time, but youll get some really really cool clothes that you could never have gotten otherwise.

or take up sewing and make your own. thats always cool too.

i cant help you with stores, but any style will look good if you can pull it off, so being as small as you are, id try to stay away from things like bikercore or lumbersexual or anything like that.

>> No.9938982
File: 137 KB, 607x911, 1415024848147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sizes are pretty small...
Maybe not small enough, but asian sites are a good bet.


>> No.9938984

Yeah, I feel like a child playing dress up most of the time. bleh
I can sew and tailor with ease, this particular top is something that just can't be touched. Note: It's an XSmall.

And no, my voice is actually relatively low for a female. It's a little confusing for some people.

Also I'm 3 years into college - there's no hope of me growing anymore, that ship has sailed.

>> No.9938989
File: 108 KB, 726x822, 1423547195985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, asian stuff is hecka tiny in my experience

>> No.9938993

>there's no hope of me growing anymore

I know this feel.

>> No.9938996
File: 53 KB, 640x483, 1416122420189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I think a shawl would be cool.

>> No.9938998

Agreed. Bought from an asian store in the past, it's the first time I was anything bigger than an XS.

Any recommendations for sites?
I also live in NYC, so if there are any asian clothing stores that aren't ridiculously overpriced that anyone knows of, please enlighten me!
Any stores I've found so far have been super weeby and expensive.

>> No.9939001
File: 22 KB, 480x640, 1412990370924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, do this.

>> No.9939007

Is it bad that I would actually wear that

>> No.9939008

>no hope for me growing anymore
i really really wanted to hit 6'4 but im cursed to be 6'3 forever, until i get old and shrink to 6'2 -shudder

>> No.9939009
File: 339 KB, 500x281, hugs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic makes me feel (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ and want to pic related

>> No.9939010

>Any stores I've found
Like what?

>> No.9939014

Holy shit I want to pick you up and fuck you against the wall

>> No.9939022

How's that for help.

>> No.9939029

A+ advice, this'll help a lot

>> No.9939053
File: 66 KB, 160x240, tumblr_myzqxoc7UU1qcntwzo4_r1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always the "hey I found a skirt that fits me" paired with a huge sweater

>> No.9939055

This is true.

>> No.9939063
File: 88 KB, 600x900, L_g0026867668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say comfy asian fashion would be the way to go.
No idea what any websites that aren't geared toward whities are though, pls halp

>> No.9939085

I would do this. Tons of Asian fashion is designed for super small people. Should be reasonably easy shopping.

>> No.9939086
File: 145 KB, 1366x2048, dkny-016-1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never not loving boxy tops. You can also pair it with long, louche pants, too.

>> No.9939090

OP here.
Real question is, where to buy these sorts of things in my size?

>> No.9939097

holy shit would wife in a hot minute
>tfw no qt short gf

since your face is cute you can probably pull off most outfits as long as the clothes aren't too baggy, you could buy cotton clothes and put them in the wash on high temp and the dryer on reg/high temp to get a really good shrink out of them, that might work

>> No.9939099


>> No.9939105

w2c ur physique

>> No.9939112

aaaww, thanks.

I've actually done that with 80% of my cotton stuff. Bought even though it didn't fit quite the way I wanted it to, and let it shrink until wearable.

>> No.9939113


>> No.9939115
File: 1.05 MB, 1602x2136, p259129kb_001_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As per >>9939063, Asian brands will cut for a smaller/more petite frame given the average height of Asian women. Alternatively, maybe buy stuff that can be altered and build a good relationship with your tailor/seamstress. Also, check brands that offer Petite sizing outside of standard alpha sizing, too. I picked DKNY as an example specifically for that reason.

Where have you been shopping so far?

>> No.9939116

can be seen on fb cosplay fan page, posted here:

>> No.9939122

If you are into cosplay stuff, you could maybe learn to fix your clothes a bit yourself to make them fit better.

>> No.9939138

I'm all on board with buying Asian brands, but don't know of any reputable sites beside Yesstyle which tends to sell things that are a bit larger in size.

My shopping regimen consists of walking through an entire mall and trying on everything that looks good and potentially small. The things that actually fit are in Forever21, Banana Republic, and sometimes J.Crew. But F21's quality is often shit, and the other two are too business-y for me. My job doesn't require me to look professional in any way, so I'm not looking for work attire.

A lot of the stuff I currently own is made up of Vera Wang's petite line from Kohl's, Levi's for jeans, and a mix of Ann Taylor/New York and Company for everything else. There are plenty of things that I have that were just random tiny gems from the mall, but I can't remember where I've gotten a lot of them.

>> No.9939144



>> No.9939152

Can sew, the issue is that a lot of things would require reworking an entire neckline or altering shoulders, which usually leads to reworking an entire garment and just isn't something I've got time for.

>> No.9939158

Do what I do and get to be really good friends with a skilled tailor. The advice above is phenomenal, but it sounds like you still run face-first into issues with sizing, even with petite clothing. I just did a hell of a lot of Googling and Yelping and found someone worth a damn, but it took time.

But yeah, Asian brands are a good start. You're actually in something of a good position because, if you want to hit up the used market, there aren't going to be many competing bidders on eBay/etc.

>> No.9939159

I think looking in to Asian brands would be your best bet then, might still need some work but lot less than now.

>> No.9939171

Will do!
And yes, even petite clothing gives me an issue. Petite clothing is for small-framed people 5'3" and under, but seems to cater to those above 5'1", mostly. I'm in NYC, so there are definitely good tailors around me.

I've got tons of googling/research to do, but I think perhaps I'll find things I can work with.

>> No.9939182

again - uniqlo is your friend

>> No.9939185

That Uniform you have on in your pic seems to suit you fine, just wear that for the rest of your life.

Also, what the fuck is N.E.E.T.

>> No.9939189

I don't know about that, I mean I only have experience with the men's sizing but I got their shirts in S when I'm usually M in everything and they fit perfect, which is nice and all but it was still a size down for me.

>> No.9939191

I'll never take it off again.
copypasta 自宅警備隊N.E.E.T into google, and read

>> No.9939337

Are people really this new ?

>> No.9939368

please let me sniff your butt

>> No.9939381


>> No.9939402

underrated toast

>> No.9939408

none educated, employed teen

>> No.9939645

I know what NEET is I was just wondering when this SWAT armor cosplay became popular.

>> No.9939668
File: 211 KB, 1024x1536, Lina cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.9940318


post pic with a regular outfit, or an outfit that doesn't fit

>> No.9940422

Krul cosplay OP. Please.

>> No.9940748

Being short makes life harder...can't enjoy "regular" portions of food and drinks without ruining your proportions very quickly. Your legs look a bit wide for your height...you may want to lose some fat/muscle mass

>> No.9941010
File: 94 KB, 640x651, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you seem to know what you're doing a bit which is good!!

imo dressing like an adult would make a lot of difference. obviously the girl in the picture dresses badly in both pics but you can see the general idea!

and look up some makeup tutorials or something, can obviously make u look more mature

found this subreddit and it might help http://www.reddit.com/r/petitefashionadvice

>> No.9941016

They do not.

Fuck off back to /fit/ you manlet.

>> No.9941018

u daft or something
there's something pretty important you're overlooking

>> No.9941065

>tfw no /k/ friends to NEET cosplay with

>> No.9941096

cuter on the left

>> No.9941675

OP here.
I weigh 83 pounds, and have wideset hips + thigh gap. Pretty sure I don't need to be losing weight

>> No.9941679

You're always welcome to join us, if you're located in the Eastern US, that is. That goes for anyone else here!

>> No.9942447
File: 3.25 MB, 447x262, Anon's futile LoveQuest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw located in Eastern US

>> No.9942564

Yeah, then she can cosplay as an ewok.

>> No.9942581
File: 80 KB, 521x521, 1378491973532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying looking like a 13 year old is a bad thing

>> No.9943088


>> No.9943253

>mfw no London ITT


>> No.9943282

Based on your cosplay photo your lower body looks stocky. I would recommend wearing clothes that would help visually elongate your legs.

>> No.9943499

that's from ill-fitting pants - actually not stocky at all!

>> No.9943511



>> No.9943564

thirstiest thread on /fa/ right now

>> No.9943696

it's not often we get a qt female on /fa/

>> No.9943780

>educated, employed teen
>employed teen
>T E E N

>> No.9944095

this is wrong

it's not in education, employment, or training

>> No.9944634
