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9938543 No.9938543 [Reply] [Original]

Advertising Standards Authority’s ruling criticises YSL’s use of female model with ‘very thin’ legs and ‘visible rib cage’, calling fashion advert ‘irresponsible’

An advert by the fashion company Yves Saint Laurent has been banned by the UK’s advertising watchdog for using a model who appeared to be unhealthily underweight.

Upholding a complaint that the model looked too thin, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) censured the advert, which appeared in Elle magazine, as irresponsible.

In its ruling, published on Wednesday, it said: “The ASA considered that the model’s pose and the particular lighting effect in the ad drew particular focus to the model’s chest, where her rib cage was visible and appeared prominent, and to her legs, where her thighs and knees appeared a similar width, and which looked very thin, particularly in light of her positioning and the contrast between the narrowness of her legs and her platform shoes.

“We therefore considered that the model appeared unhealthily underweight in the image and concluded that the ad was irresponsible.

>> No.9938568

Fuck the Advertising Standards Authority. This isn't the first time they've gotten their hands where it doesn't belong. I've seen fucking chubby girls with visible ribcages - it isn't a proxy for weight.

Shit like this worries me because it's gonna become expected in the US. It is not the government's job to protect you from "irresponsible" ads.

>> No.9938569

SJW approved + SJW tax paid stamp required on all ad campaigns

the inspiring quotes of america is up in arms over unpaid taxes and lack of quotes on recent campaigns

>> No.9938578

Just another way the government is controlling us.

>liberals will defend this

>> No.9938580

>Shit like this worries me because it's gonna become expected in the US. It is not the government's job to protect you from "irresponsible" ads.

yeah, well that is what you get when you have the masses manipulated into voting Hilary Clinton in the white house in a few years

>> No.9938589

she doesn't even look thaaaat skinny. She's obviously skinny, but doesn't look any more skinny than plenty of models

>> No.9938593

fuck this shit. Didn't france & finland impose a rule like their models need to meet certain bmi requirement? I hate this shit

>> No.9938612

I would no longer like to see overweight people on television because it promotes an unhealthy image and I don't want my children to see that.

>> No.9938617
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She even has tits.

It's mostly angle and lighting.

>> No.9938630

said a woman between her bites interviewed at a low income suburban mcdonalds

>> No.9938639

Technically isn't a fashion shoot "art" even if it's for advertisement?

>implying there are fat people who are into and would buy YSL anyways

>> No.9938652

man this shit is getting out of hand, the fatties are taking over

>> No.9938705
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Hedi and his skinny obsession. He's a talentless sick fuck

>> No.9938724

fuck fat people seriously

>> No.9938725

>skinny shaming
where is the social justice?

>> No.9938784

A few weeks ago I saw a magazine cover boasting about the existence of some ridiculously plus-sized "supermodel". Didn't read the article, but she looked like a fucking sphere. And of course, she didn't do any justice to what she was wearing. I couldn't even tell if it would have looked decent on a skinnier model because her size made it look so hideous--and made her look so hideous--that I could barely look at it. This is what is being pushed, while a model who is perfectly fine and healthy like in the OP is decreed too skinny and banned. Fucking France even made it rule of law that you can't be a model under a certain BMI. People would be grabbing torches and pitchforks if a law was passed prohibiting people from holding a certain job if they were too fat, yet this shit is greeted with glee.

>> No.9938791


Fuck all the anorexia enablers in this thread, I don't want a dead bish on ma ads!

>> No.9938794

You can be skinny and healthy !
You can be skinny and unhealthy !
You can be chubby (NOT FAT FUCK) and healthy !
You can be chubby and unhealthy !

so, Advertising Standards Authority fuck off and die

>> No.9938804

Fuck off fattie

>> No.9938810

completely agree

>> No.9938819

You can thank the liberals for pussifying our world.

>> No.9939351
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I'm skinny as fuck, 1,82 meters tall and weigh 60kg. Nice projecting tho.

The thing in that picture is below the health limit.

>> No.9939357

I agree this is likely to happen in the US due to the average weight of most americans. However, the UK is usually a little bit more hasty and irrational about stuff like this, so don't expect it for a little whole.

>> No.9939369

you mean the bitch that retired from secretary of state because she couldn't handle the stress and needed a break

you mean the bitch who told the media, nah nothings happening over there, while people relying on her were dying in benghazi with no hope for anyone coming to help them

there is a 0% chance she becomes president

>> No.9939407

>below the health limit
what does that even mean

legitimate retardation or bait? who will ever know

>> No.9939410

Go to a doctor you imbecile, are you baiting me? A doctor will tell you that if you weigh less than X it's unhealthy.

>> No.9939414

Underweight is a term describing a person whose body weight is considered too low to be healthy. The definition usually refers to people with a body mass index (BMI) of under 18.5[1] or a weight 15% to 20% below that normal for their age and height group.[2]

Here you go Mr Skeletal.

>> No.9939431

lmao you're not even below the health limit
<18bmi or gtfo fatass

>> No.9939443


BMI is an inconsistent and often inaccurate gauge of this 'healthiness' thing you guys are on about, whatever that means btw

also who's given you the height and weight measurements of gal in pic? can you tell me her BMI?

>> No.9939449
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master race reporting

>> No.9939467


and that's the picture?
That's fucking nothing

dont get my wrong saint laurent is pretty bad when it comes to their models looking healthy

but this picture is nothing
I find her attractive and not unhealthy

>> No.9939505


>> No.9940797

I think BMI is only inaccurate for "fit" people who actively try to develop muscle mass. For average people with average muscle mass it should be a good starting point.

>> No.9940806

You missed the point entirely, what a surprise.

>> No.9940831

tess fucking munster

the makeup caked voracious pig

>> No.9941687
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>Plus size: Fashion brand Simple Be has launched a competition to find a new catwalk model to reflect the shape of real women.

>> No.9941702

im still upset at the article i read a few months ago saying they are going to "remaster" ariel from the little mermaid, and other disney females, to make her fatter and more "natural" looking so young girls will have healthier body imagesl. i still cant let that go.

>> No.9941709

have u guys seen the men's F/W lookbook

those hungry skeletons look like the type of people who post in anorexia threads on /fa/

>> No.9941715

>anorexia threads on /fa/

we haven't had one of those in like 3 years

>> No.9941720

i recall seeing one about a month ago

>> No.9941723

that feel when perfect body type for YSL but not perfect wallet size

hungry skeleton mode is suffering

>> No.9942522

If Yurop can ban models under 18 BMI, why can't they ban models over 30 BMI? Ads with Tess are "irresponsible."

>> No.9942531

like 3 years

>> No.9942566

because theres a narrative and agenda at work here m'lad

>> No.9942573

That doesn't even make sense. If you were trying to be "realistic," Ariel should be a swimmer, basically female ottermode. Pocahontas and Mulan would be fit, and the rest would probably be skinny to average. None would be chubby, except maybe Snow White, given that she's described as a plump-faced 14 year old, but it's probably just puberty fat for her.

>> No.9943795


Because fatties rule the world.

>> No.9943831


i wonder how the models feel in cases like this. I think i'd feel a bit insulted tbt

>> No.9943869
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don't worry m8 the 2015 cinderella literally was on a liquid diet to fit this bitch on.

>> No.9943882

"real women"

>> No.9943897

>She said: ‘Women battle with body confidence on a daily basis and isn’t made easier with the constant barrage of images we see portraying the ‘perfect body’.

Does she not realize men battle with body confidence issues also?

>> No.9943931

>People would be grabbing torches and pitchforks if a law was passed prohibiting people from holding a certain job if they were too fat, yet this shit is greeted with glee.

This is why it rustles me so much

>> No.9944071

She looks healthy here but the ad wasn't banned because the model didn't weigh enough herself but because it projected skinny as beautiful. I am against governmental induction though. If chubby can be seen as beautiful why can't skinny? Just because it's unhealthy or is it that society is fat?

>> No.9944076

that's subjectional

>> No.9944086

>speaking english
pick one