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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 611 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-06-01-21-12-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9932084 No.9932084 [Reply] [Original]

What say you, /fa/

>> No.9932159

I think they're dope AF
I'm a Gaylord and I think I'm probably gonna pick up the stans, the superstars are nicer but the toecap is ugly as shit

>> No.9932171

Looks like I have another brand to boycott

>> No.9932210

i think it's a necessary evil, but it sucks cocks in hell that a part of gay acceptance is gay normalization that sells gay identity brands to gay normalfags.

it's kind of like gays in the military. there is a principle to the thing, but gays should know better to join the military, and gays should known better than to buy Officially Gay Shoes

>> No.9932211
File: 64 KB, 534x401, 1404240755000-XXX-Burger-King-Proud-Whopper-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>research shows we're missing out on sales from the entire homosexual demographic
>let's put a rainbow on our flagship product

>> No.9932218

yeah it's like holy fuck, how happy can you be that burger king is selling you a whopper? i am actively unhappy about it

feminism is now going through the same process of BUY MY (FEMINIST) ALBUM! BUY MY (FEMINIST) T-SHIRT! SUBSCRIBE TO MY (FEMINIST) TWITTER! people who imagine themselves to be counter-cultural should know better

>> No.9932232

they're doing a cool thing, but i personally wouldn't wear them unless i want to look like a little girl : ^ )

>> No.9932233

How in the actual fuck can anyone perceive feminism as countercultural?

>> No.9932394

Fucking faggots man. Why the fuck do we have to plaster rainbows everywhere? It's not making a statement. It's not changing anything. It's just stupid PR shit.

>> No.9932414

well, it is trying to sway the momentum of the culture at large.

>> No.9932417

People in marketing make me facepalm sometimes. You might as well label M&M's and Lucky Charms as gay pride products cz they're multi-coloured.

The blatant capitalism irks me somewhat.

>> No.9932433

It is the culture at large

>> No.9933306

paint splatter couldve been done on a better shoe

>> No.9933309

no it's not

the majority might agree with feminism (but i doubt this), but society still holds positions men in dominant position

>> No.9933322

maybe it's time you visit /pol/

>> No.9933342

Ask pol what they think jej

>> No.9933346

stan smiths are the ultimate meme

>> No.9934729

saying that stan smiths are a meme is now a meme so stop shitposting

>> No.9935823

Lol that's not true and you know it. Stop being a fucking narcissist and step outside for once.

>> No.9935836

This doesn't negate the fact that Stans are a total meme at this point.

Also labelling a statement which labels something a meme has become a meme in of itself. Please don't meme this statement, or I will fucking meme you you dip

>> No.9935843

I'll take a quote from Tumblr right now and ask you to truly think about it.
Educate yourself.

>> No.9935846

I literally don't give a shit.

>> No.9935864

lol are you kidding
i know you're probably unemployed and still live at home but try go out into the real world and actually take a look at the world. also do you know what narcissism is? i dont think you do.

okay, show me the quote.

>> No.9935866

It seems to work though right. I don't get society.

>> No.9936024

Don't try to act smart. Your narcissism is showing. I think this would equate to what your people call masplaining?

>> No.9936085

"Educate yourself" you brainwashed fuck.

>> No.9936127
File: 72 KB, 500x678, wga9diak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9936131

I like the stand but the superstars are too much

>> No.9936137

i don't even identify with being a feminist or anything, i'm just not a delusional /pol/ retarded faggot lol

>> No.9936162
File: 682 KB, 1786x760, 1391591944053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not a delusional
>not delusional

Whatever helps you cope lmao

>> No.9936383

Okay man have fun being the enlightened moderate we all know you can be

>> No.9937033

Yeah sure it works. I was getting at the ethics of business practices (however idealized a concept that is, w/e)